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I can't do MR 28



Where to start,

so Im not a veteran warframe player, and I only returned because I wanted to lvl up my account to 30. No other reason, it was just a personal goal of mine.

BUT, the Mastery Rank test 28 beat me. I have made myself a small break from the game because of that S#&$ty test and now after I have returned I am struggling very much with it.

I am thinking about just not bothering with it all together and drop the game. Not because I didn't try to pass the test, but because I failed after trying everything.

I did the invisible frame tactic, I did the excalibur tactic, I tried doing it normally, but I lost anyway.

The main reason is time limit, not enough enemies and the parry mechanic that prevents you from throwing the canister, so the canister disappears.

I read a lot about how DE have that policy where they program something and just leave it and never return to it again. But I never thought they were this ignorant.

Funniest thing is, test 28 is not the only bs test that I encountered. There were many, many Mr tests that were just trash and unfun, whilst not proving or testing anything.

I even know a friend that dropped the game because he got stuck on a test.

Worst part, when you fail, you have to wait 24 h. I wised up and tried practicing the S#&$ out of every test, but in MR 28 I cant even complete the practice runs.

So with that out of the way, this is my last chance. Im asking You for help.

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18 answers to this question

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Just did the test to see. Didn't know what it was and just used my Inaros.

  • I had a Kuva Nukor and just Radiation proc'd a few enemies. By the time my Operator got the canister and came back, the melee enemies had all grouped themselves.
  • Next run I brought Vauban. Placed his Vortex and waited as enemies were grouped by it and then got the canister as it spawned.

Most high range grouping abilities should be good. They'll just group in an instant instead of over time.

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Same as KitMeHarder, I just tried it, took vauban with preparation, 60%efficiency and maxed range. Drop a vortex among some enemies, then take the canister and throw at the ball of enemies. Use an AoE / multitarget weapon, like atomos, tenet envoy, glaive - I had kuva  bramma and run out of ammo pretty fast, my secondary was atomos which save me.


With that setup I did it in 5 canister, one of which I wasted by not getting to it in time.

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37 minutes ago, MrNatix said:

There were many, many Mr tests that were just trash and unfun, whilst not proving or testing anything.

That's one reason I stopped gunning for MR (iirc I'm 24?). So many of them are situations crafted for the MR test and have no bearing on the rest of the game, and you don't need MR after 16 or 18 anyway.

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4 minutes ago, TheSixOfDiamonds said:

That's one reason I stopped gunning for MR (iirc I'm 24?). So many of them are situations crafted for the MR test and have no bearing on the rest of the game, and you don't need MR after 16 or 18 anyway.

I wouldn't say that's entirely true,

The extra standing cap could be really useful. Void trace cap also increased.

Loadout slots if you fancy a slot per frame

There is loads of stuff also behind MR30,

Relay blessings, Formaed frames in ESO, umbra forma, riven caps, loadout slot boost


But you can still get by just fine without those features as they aren't that impactful to the rest of the game.



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I did the MR28 test recently, and similarly to the two useful responses, I recommend using a frame with a grouping ability.

Personally used a high range Zephyr since the Tornados can keep enemies in one place for a long time and makes it so any non AoE weapon is viable, and Airburst helps group them up even when they are immune. Also, Tailwind helps you zoom through the level which is nice since it's quite large and open, just, melee down wherever you want to land and ic ca bz.

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Besides the stealth one around MR7 (just do it with Wisp) they are all very easy. Just YT them and you should be able to do it. If you need something that you don’t have, it’s a good excuse to play the game and come back to the test. I really don’t think the intention of DE is to stop you progressing when you reach that level. I’m pretty sure they make them easy on purpose.

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Nidus with rage or hunter adrenaline? Just do a high range high efficiency build, you should be able to get any energy you need with a few hits (as no shields)

Group enemies with Larva, dump canister at them and blow em up with anything like the kuva nukor or tenet cycron (Cycron has unlimited ammo FWIW, so you don't need to worry about ammo pickups)

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10 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

Just did the test to see. Didn't know what it was and just used my Inaros.

  • I had a Kuva Nukor and just Radiation proc'd a few enemies. By the time my Operator got the canister and came back, the melee enemies had all grouped themselves.
  • Next run I brought Vauban. Placed his Vortex and waited as enemies were grouped by it and then got the canister as it spawned.

Most high range grouping abilities should be good. They'll just group in an instant instead of over time.

Pretty much this. The goal is to get enemies grouped together so you can hit a large chunk of them with the canister. I vaguely recall grouping abilities not working on them tho. I was specifically using Agro-draw abilities like Decoy or Mallet to get them to cluster together. Maybe something changed at some point.

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10 hours ago, MrNatix said:

Where to start,

so Im not a veteran warframe player, and I only returned because I wanted to lvl up my account to 30. No other reason, it was just a personal goal of mine.

BUT, the Mastery Rank test 28 beat me. I have made myself a small break from the game because of that S#&$ty test and now after I have returned I am struggling very much with it.

I am thinking about just not bothering with it all together and drop the game. Not because I didn't try to pass the test, but because I failed after trying everything.

I did the invisible frame tactic, I did the excalibur tactic, I tried doing it normally, but I lost anyway.

The main reason is time limit, not enough enemies and the parry mechanic that prevents you from throwing the canister, so the canister disappears.

I read a lot about how DE have that policy where they program something and just leave it and never return to it again. But I never thought they were this ignorant.

Funniest thing is, test 28 is not the only bs test that I encountered. There were many, many Mr tests that were just trash and unfun, whilst not proving or testing anything.

I even know a friend that dropped the game because he got stuck on a test.

Worst part, when you fail, you have to wait 24 h. I wised up and tried practicing the S#&$ out of every test, but in MR 28 I cant even complete the practice runs.

So with that out of the way, this is my last chance. Im asking You for help.

Use nidus no problem max range and strength.

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I manage to do this with Nezha and Pull subsume. Had good melee and Tenet Cycron (primer)to mitigate the lack of primary ammo. Use Void Sling to get the cannister (the one on the floating platform might a bit difficult)

Edited by BroDutt
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Vauban ever time - max range.

You drop the vortex behind you as you run towards the canister. By the time you've picked it up and turned around, there's a huge pile of enemies waiting to be covered. Then run to the next one. I foudn the problem wasn't the time but the number of canisters - you really have to have the groups to make use of the limited number of throws you get.


And this test is directly equivalent ot game play. Deimos missions for example have this exact mechanic.

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On 2023-11-03 at 3:14 PM, MrNatix said:

Where to start,

so Im not a veteran warframe player, and I only returned because I wanted to lvl up my account to 30. No other reason, it was just a personal goal of mine.

BUT, the Mastery Rank test 28 beat me. I have made myself a small break from the game because of that S#&$ty test and now after I have returned I am struggling very much with it.

I am thinking about just not bothering with it all together and drop the game. Not because I didn't try to pass the test, but because I failed after trying everything.

I did the invisible frame tactic, I did the excalibur tactic, I tried doing it normally, but I lost anyway.

The main reason is time limit, not enough enemies and the parry mechanic that prevents you from throwing the canister, so the canister disappears.

I read a lot about how DE have that policy where they program something and just leave it and never return to it again. But I never thought they were this ignorant.

Funniest thing is, test 28 is not the only bs test that I encountered. There were many, many Mr tests that were just trash and unfun, whilst not proving or testing anything.

I even know a friend that dropped the game because he got stuck on a test.

Worst part, when you fail, you have to wait 24 h. I wised up and tried practicing the S#&$ out of every test, but in MR 28 I cant even complete the practice runs.

So with that out of the way, this is my last chance. Im asking You for help.

so how i did the test was with my wukong.
let enemies gather up abit
go operator dash as i have magus lockdown so kept them in place.
throw canister an summon wukong clone

but best thing you gonna want to do is have a way to gather an hold the enemies so you can manage to make each canister worth while

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On 2023-11-03 at 4:14 PM, MrNatix said:

Where to start,

so Im not a veteran warframe player, and I only returned because I wanted to lvl up my account to 30. No other reason, it was just a personal goal of mine.

BUT, the Mastery Rank test 28 beat me. I have made myself a small break from the game because of that S#&$ty test and now after I have returned I am struggling very much with it.

I am thinking about just not bothering with it all together and drop the game. Not because I didn't try to pass the test, but because I failed after trying everything.

I did the invisible frame tactic, I did the excalibur tactic, I tried doing it normally, but I lost anyway.

The main reason is time limit, not enough enemies and the parry mechanic that prevents you from throwing the canister, so the canister disappears.

I read a lot about how DE have that policy where they program something and just leave it and never return to it again. But I never thought they were this ignorant.

Funniest thing is, test 28 is not the only bs test that I encountered. There were many, many Mr tests that were just trash and unfun, whilst not proving or testing anything.

I even know a friend that dropped the game because he got stuck on a test.

Worst part, when you fail, you have to wait 24 h. I wised up and tried practicing the S#&$ out of every test, but in MR 28 I cant even complete the practice runs.

So with that out of the way, this is my last chance. Im asking You for help.

There's no reason to drop a whole game, just because you can't complete a meaningless MR test ( the game is unlocked at this point ). 

Using the wiki, you can cheese the MR 28 now https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank#Rank_28_

Just go and have fun within warframe, and come back to the MR tests when you're bored - or don't. Unless you're hell-bent in gifting player bonuses at MR30, or a completionist.

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On 2023-11-03 at 8:14 PM, MrNatix said:

Where to start,

so Im not a veteran warframe player, and I only returned because I wanted to lvl up my account to 30. No other reason, it was just a personal goal of mine.

BUT, the Mastery Rank test 28 beat me. I have made myself a small break from the game because of that S#&$ty test and now after I have returned I am struggling very much with it.

I am thinking about just not bothering with it all together and drop the game. Not because I didn't try to pass the test, but because I failed after trying everything.

I did the invisible frame tactic, I did the excalibur tactic, I tried doing it normally, but I lost anyway.

The main reason is time limit, not enough enemies and the parry mechanic that prevents you from throwing the canister, so the canister disappears.

I read a lot about how DE have that policy where they program something and just leave it and never return to it again. But I never thought they were this ignorant.

Funniest thing is, test 28 is not the only bs test that I encountered. There were many, many Mr tests that were just trash and unfun, whilst not proving or testing anything.

I even know a friend that dropped the game because he got stuck on a test.

Worst part, when you fail, you have to wait 24 h. I wised up and tried practicing the S#&$ out of every test, but in MR 28 I cant even complete the practice runs.

So with that out of the way, this is my last chance. Im asking You for help.

Okay, I have just this moment done this, and this is how I did it. I will say, that I failed every practice run, but I was close each time and decided to just go for it and passed first live go.

What I used:
Nidus Prime with 15% Duration, 219% strength, 160% efficiency, 175% range, 190 energy. 
Steel Charge. Motus Signal
Intensify. Transient Fortitude. Primed Sure Footed. Vitality.
Fleeting Expertise. Augur Reach. Stretch. Augur Secrets.

This is to grab the enemies from as far as possible and hold them for a short period. It allows you to spam it. 
Kuva Bramma. The mods probably aren't that essential
Cryo Rounds. Malignant Force. Infected Clip. Vigilante Armaments
Galvanised Chamber. Heavy Caliber. Critical Delay. Serration.

Arrow Mutation (anything can go here as they don't drop ammo)

Ammo restore - because the Bramma only has 5 arrows.
Energy restore - because you only have 190 energy. 

Skip the cutscene and drop an energy pad. 
Run to the to the first canister and drop an ammo restore. 
Throw a Larva
Throw another one. 
Throw a third one.
Throw the canister
Bramma those suckers. 
Move to the right, throwing down Larva to keep them grouped. 
Jump to the platform and drop an energy restore. 
Grab the canister.
Throw a couple more Larva and toss the canister
Bramma those suckers.
Repeat for the left, centre bottom, centre top.
Ignore the top platform, and run back to the start, dropping Larva on the way. Use an ammo restore, and an energy restore. 
Pick up the canister, lob it and Bramma those suckers. 

By constantly dropping Larva, you are keeping them constantly grouped together. 

Hope this helps. This is the way I did it just now. There are more than likely other, better ways of doing it, but this worked for me.

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