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Why are Supporter Pack skins being resold for Platinum?


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On 2024-03-01 at 10:31 AM, PR1D3 said:

Oh S#&$ for reals??!! I can now get the Deimos stuff now!!?! Oh man, the weapons are in a separate pack too! That's perfect for me! Crap, work needs to end soon so i can go buy them XD. I for one welcome them finally coming back. Hell, the Zariman pack has been up for more than a year now, and never went away. I was always miffed that the Deimos stuff was MIA for as long as they were.

What's the weapon only pack called? I can't find it.

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1 minute ago, PollexMessier said:

What's the weapon only pack called? I can't find it.

It's not a weapon-only pack, but if you load up the collection you can buy each item individually rather than needing to get the entire pack.

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4 minutes ago, Dragoon said:

It's not a weapon-only pack, but if you load up the collection you can buy each item individually rather than needing to get the entire pack.

Well the person I quoted said there was a weapon pack so that's what I was reacting to. But I figured as much.
I was hoping the weapons would have their own pack since the armor does. They should.

It doesn't help that nothing in the pack actually says it's part of any pack when you look at them individually like bundled items usually do. If they were setup in the market properly I wouldn't have bothered asking.

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On 2024-03-01 at 12:50 PM, Binket_ said:

On the topic of recent "FOMO" pack, did you know once upon a time that Deluxe Skins used to FOMO and Time-Gated in a similar manner as well?

Things like Excalibur Proto would've been lost forever if you just... didn't buy it some many years ago.
"Weren't around for it? Tough luck, better invent time travel dummy!" sounds incredibly pretentious... because it is.
Yet, that's what they WOULD have asked had someone on their team not step in and put a stop to that.
If this kept up however, popular skins like both of Titania's skins would've been impossible for many, many, MANY players.

... but lemme ask people-- who is really complaining with that choice of years ago?
Nobody? Clearly there was someone complaining. People don't change over time, merely the subjects and topics.

Let me ask you a better question: Why do they matter?
Seriously, they're gone. Probably for a long time and don't plan on returning. Stubborn in their petty grudges that their money betrayed them.
Yet by making these skins available 24/7 for the longest time, it's most likely not only attracted more players-- but has made DE better profit from it over time.

If you don't take into account these sort of things, you get situations like the Heirloom Pack.
Greedy, hollow and fraudulent. Enticing those who are easily tempted by the corrupting force that is a money's tricks.
know it's coming back, that's not up for debate-- history backs me up here TWICE now at least.
... it'll be super funny to say "I told you so!" since I've gotten two slaps on the hand over that.
People who want others to suffer are often those with power. Those in power often hate people who are right. People who speak up to make a difference often want people to be happy. See the pattern?


I'm not saying DE is making a bad move here by making them purchasable again. That is a GOOD thing.
... but I'm not gonna praise them for finally fixing an obviously predatory practice. That's just having a decent sense of morality.
I WILL however say that if they continue doing a good job, I'll shift my expectations of them more in their favor.
But I don't see that happening any time soon, given their antics.

Ok, here's where we get a little too far on one side and I don't think that's right. In DE's case, the players' voices speak VERY LOUDLY. If the vast majority wanted something to return (truly vast, not just 15 out of the top 30 forum posters), then it's a strong chance DE would step in and make that change, especially if it makes sense...regardless of financial gain or loss. We've all seen this happen. So I don't think we should be trying to call out DE for moves that we, the players, usually call for. 

Regarding the wording on packs, I, personally, have always associated the "limited-time" with the packs themselves , and not all of the items, unless they specifically discuss the items. The Heirloom packs had crystal clear wording that they are not coming back but the support packs have items that don't mention any wording about any individual items never coming back. The combination that makes the package, however, may not return but the individual items may be bundled up in another package in the future.

Package time versus individual items time are very different, just like buying a video games system bundle. 

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1 hour ago, PollexMessier said:

Well the person I quoted said there was a weapon pack so that's what I was reacting to. But I figured as much.
I was hoping the weapons would have their own pack since the armor does. They should.

It doesn't help that nothing in the pack actually says it's part of any pack when you look at them individually like bundled items usually do. If they were setup in the market properly I wouldn't have bothered asking.

Yeah that was my bad. I was sneaking looks at work and saw the cropped pics on Reddit. The Deimos Tribute pack has the stuff from the most expensive pack a while back. And yeah I wish they actually did have a separate weapons pack, but hey it’s better than not having them at all.

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4 hours ago, Ghastly-Ghoul said:

There's probably a good reason why all the Prime Resurgence stuff is in a slow rotation rather than all of it being available at any time. You don't know when items will be available next so I'm sure people tend to buy things without having a strong desire to use them. There are people who think the satisfaction gained from collecting and leveling everything is their primary reason for playing the game and the limited time availability of Prime Resurgence feeds into this desire to have everything and "complete" their account. Time plays into nearly everything this game has to offer and yes, I think the timed exclusivity of items drives most of these sales.

But isn't that more of a FOMO thing than an exclusivity thing? There's "buy this thing because you never know when you'll get another chance" and then there's "buy this thing because you'll be the only one that has it and everyone will envy you". Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by exclusivity; to me it's the latter.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Dragoon said:

I'm honestly disappointed to see YOU making this topic after the disaster that was the marketing of the Heirloom Collection, and so many of your other pro-player/consumer posts. What this means is that despite all claims to the contrary, and many Founders themselves stating they wish their items were available for every player as well, you would be that one Founder that would say they would sue if their 'eternal fomo' items were brought back. Doesn't that kinda feel off after how player-forward you've been all this time?

My overarching message is why they used language to fleece players with the wording, but are adamant that they can't remedy past solutions because it would be "disrespectful". I am not saying "you can't have my items, they said exclusive", it's "how come when we talk about Founders (and later Heirlooms), we want to "respect" the FOMO marketing (which is disrespectful to players to begin with), but here it doesn't matter?"

If DE gets brownie points for exploiting ambiguous wording, why can't we just have transparent marketing and re-sell past bundles? Again, I think too many people are assuming I am upset that I "lost money" or "lost my exclusives". What bothers me is that I felt fleeced by their marketing, because even though I knew deep down that they could re-release these at the time of sale, I assumed that the usage of urgency and words such as exclusive put them under the umbrella of other situations.  I like to have the exclusives of Warframe, however annoying they are. This made me feel compelled to purchase the items offered, because they could have easily ended up as the next TennoCon cosmetic, Rank 5 Equilibrium, Arcane Helmet, or other handful of niche examples of exclusive items in this game that you need to be around for to have.

My thread is merely to bring attention to DE using this language in a disingenuous manner when their intentions are the opposite. They are still selling the Angels of the Zariman package with this language despite these items not being exclusive at all, not even to the bundle. The whole "exclusive for a limited time" is just lying on the store page.

I really apologize to all the people thinking I am a hypocrite purely because I both despise the marketing and ask to respect their commitment in their language. If they aren't committed to something being an exclusive, rid that from your marketing page. Don't single out items with asterisks or use these terms or phrases with the intent to rug-pull people who are compelled to make a purchase due to those terms. I do not like exclusives in games. However, don't try and sell things in that way with the intention of exploiting a player to make a purchase they may otherwise not because they aren't sure if it returns at all, even though there are intentions to release them later. It's dishonest, and not what Warframe's foundation is built off.

Edited by Voltage
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49 minutes ago, Voltage said:

My overarching message is why they used language to fleece players with the wording, but are adamant that they can't remedy past solutions because it would be "disrespectful". I am not saying "you can't have my items, they said exclusive", it's "how come when we talk about Founders (and later Heirlooms), we want to "respect" the FOMO marketing (which is disrespectful to players to begin with), but here it doesn't matter?"

If DE gets brownie points for exploiting ambiguous wording, why can't we just have transparent marketing and re-sell past bundles? Again, I think too many people are assuming I am upset that I "lost money" or "lost my exclusives". What bothers me is that I felt fleeced by their marketing, because even though I knew deep down that they could re-release these at the time of sale, I assumed that the usage of urgency and words such as exclusive put them under the umbrella of other situations.  I like to have the exclusives of Warframe, however annoying they are. This made me feel compelled to purchase the items offered, because they could have easily ended up as the next TennoCon cosmetic, Rank 5 Equilibrium, Arcane Helmet, or other handful of niche examples of exclusive items in this game that you need to be around for to have.

My thread is merely to bring attention to DE using this language in a disingenuous manner when their intentions are the opposite. They are still selling the Angels of the Zariman package with this language despite these items not being exclusive at all, not even to the bundle. The whole "exclusive for a limited time" is just lying on the store page.

I really apologize to all the people thinking I am a hypocrite purely because I both despise the marketing and ask to respect their commitment in their language. If they aren't committed to something being an exclusive, rid that from your marketing page. Don't single out items with asterisks or use these terms or phrases with the intent to rug-pull people who are compelled to make a purchase due to those terms. I do not like exclusives in games. However, don't try and sell things in that way with the intention of exploiting a player to make a purchase they may otherwise not because they aren't sure if it returns at all, even though there are intentions to release them later. It's dishonest, and not what Warframe's foundation is built off.

Unfortunately, that's marketing these days. It's all sleight of hand. We, as a consumer, should be vigilant of their tactics and not fall for it. I sympathize that you fell to their tactics, going forward, don't just believe what marketing says outright, no matter how "honest" they make them to be even in the fine print. 

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12 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

Unfortunately, that's marketing these days. It's all sleight of hand. We, as a consumer, should be vigilant of their tactics and not fall for it. I sympathize that you fell to their tactics, going forward, don't just believe what marketing says outright, no matter how "honest" they make them to be even in the fine print. 

It's not that I believed them, it's more that I know they're inconsistent. I knew the wording implied the allowance to release them later, but how do you know? You really don't, so if you're like me where exclusives are nice to have (especially some of the nicer cosmetics like the Ambassador Skin, color pickers, etc.), you're going to be buying a bundle that you know is designed to possibly burn you later. Until said item rereleases, you don't really have grounds for the correct feedback about their words being disingenuous or fleecing (you can only go off implications).

I just want this situation to be a "landmark case" in the way this is handled going forward. It's becoming quite sad how far DE has fallen from their once great stance towards their players with the way things are marketed. Like you said, it's sleight of hand, but we're seeing more and more of it as time goes on. This sleight of hand becoming a trend for DE is the overall problem that should be addressed.

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6 minutes ago, Voltage said:

It's not that I believed them, it's more that I know they're inconsistent. I knew the wording implied the allowance to release them later, but how do you know? You really don't, so if you're like me where exclusives are nice to have (especially some of the nicer cosmetics like the Ambassador Skin, color pickers, etc.), you're going to be buying a bundle that you know is designed to possibly burn you later. Until said item rereleases, you don't really have grounds for the correct feedback about their words being disingenuous or fleecing (you can only go off implications).

It’s like Prime Access. All of this (to me personally) sounds like Prime Access. You buy in game items that can return at a later date, but you don’t know when it would return. 
It’s just a marketing strat, taking advantage of the id (the “I want it now!” part of your brain). 
You chose to get it knowing it can return… and it did. They never said it couldn’t return. 

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28 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I knew the wording implied the allowance to release them later, but how do you know?

Because it said it was exclusive for a limited time. To me that's pretty straightforward. 

29 minutes ago, Voltage said:

you're going to be buying a bundle that you know is designed to possibly burn you later

That seems like a consumer problem, do I want to play with the shinies now or do I wait. It's all cosmetic so there's really no reason to pick it up as soon as it came out. I didn't but the Namer support at the time cause I didnt have it in my budget. I made the choice I didn't need it right away. 


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Selling something for cash then selling it for platinum later is quite the naughty. Such tactics should not be tolerated from any developer.

Avoiding this type of situation is probably why DE started selling Prime Accessories separate from Prime Access. Probably to get more money too cuz people like me would never buy Prime Access. I'll buy some cosmetics though. Any time. What was it? Mesa, when they started the Prime Accessories FOMO? Until the Aya system at least.

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17 hours ago, Voltage said:

This sleight of hand becoming a trend for DE is the overall problem that should be addressed.

If I'm going to be honest here Volt

We can rant/rave or cry as long as we want to, but this is only gonna fall on deaf ears, you know for a fact that DE is reading this while sipping a cup of tea and laughing and let's say we do get some form of "justice" here, what then?

What do we get out of this, a pat on the back?

I know I am quite vocal about stuff like this, as you can porb tell from the Herliom Pack, but at the end of the day, I just gave up, cuz we're just cockroaches compared to DE and their business, so why try to fight, cuz even if we do fight back, White knights are going to attack back and people are still gonna buy it anyway.


So ask youself this, is this topic really worth spending your life or time on, when you know deep down, it won't do anything. I'm not defending them, not by a long shot, what they are doing here is scummy and downright horrible, but I know that we're just text on a screen.

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3 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

We can rant/rave or cry as long as we want to, but this is only gonna fall on deaf ears, you know for a fact that DE is reading this while sipping a cup of tea and laughing and let's say we do get some form of "justice" here, what then?

Judging from how this is in general and not feedback… they probably have no clue this post exists. 
Unless of course Megan is lurking in the shadows just laughing about all of these posts (that seems like something Megan would do). 

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3 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

So ask youself this, is this topic really worth spending your life or time on, when you know deep down, it won't do anything. I'm not defending them, not by a long shot, what they are doing here is scummy and downright horrible, but I know that we're just text on a screen.

Have you actually read the info they provided? Because saying that it is scummy is very disingenuous since it really comes down to simple reading and understanding of words. It is not next level english, it is a simple combination of words that results in meaning one thing instead of another, nothing more, nothing less. It can suck for some due to a language barrier, but shouldnt be an issue for any native or person with more extended english understanding.

However many americans and brits still cant seperate "could of" and "could have" in written language.

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4 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

If I'm going to be honest here Volt

We can rant/rave or cry as long as we want to, but this is only gonna fall on deaf ears, you know for a fact that DE is reading this while sipping a cup of tea and laughing and let's say we do get some form of "justice" here, what then?

What do we get out of this, a pat on the back?

I know I am quite vocal about stuff like this, as you can porb tell from the Herliom Pack, but at the end of the day, I just gave up, cuz we're just cockroaches compared to DE and their business, so why try to fight, cuz even if we do fight back, White knights are going to attack back and people are still gonna buy it anyway.


So ask youself this, is this topic really worth spending your life or time on, when you know deep down, it won't do anything. I'm not defending them, not by a long shot, what they are doing here is scummy and downright horrible, but I know that we're just text on a screen.

Sad but true. DE just isn't that friendly neighborhood developer anymore and haven't been for a while.

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1 hour ago, Aruquae said:

Judging from how this is in general and not feedback… they probably have no clue this post exists. 
Unless of course Megan is lurking in the shadows just laughing about all of these posts (that seems like something Megan would do). 

Even if it was in Feedback, it'll still fall on deaf ears, cuz "Money"



14 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

However many americans and brits still cant seperate "could of" and "could have" in written language.

I'm lazy and I can't be Arsed to correct my spelling or grammar shut up xD


But yes, you do have a good point 

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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2 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Even if it was in Feedback, it'll still fall on deaf ears, cuz "Money"



Sad but true 


15 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

However many americans and brits still cant seperate "could of" and "could have" in written language.

Don’t expose my secrets 

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