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Dante nerf resource and forma refund


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Suffice it to say that I won't give any new Warframe from today onwards, I don't believe DE will bring us a good Warframe anymore, his means of weakening Warframe are simply disgusting, I don't have any expectations for any new Warframe anymore, if you dare, DE, you can weaken all the Warframes you have now.

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10 hours ago, exeras said:

Doesn't this also have some legal repercussions in some cases? I'm not an expert and probably wrong, but that's wild. I didn't think about the players who bought it with plat, definetely makes me think twice about investing my money 


Dante was fine the way it is, unlocking it required you to be ahead of a lot of content, such a big nerf was frankly uncalled for, it was a perfect introductory frame into endurance missions, I was starting to enjoy the game like I did before too 

I'm not sure if canada's false advertisment laws would apply, so probably not much legal recourse that could be had for those that bought the pack with fiat currency. Not that statistically significant amount of people will try.


9 hours ago, MagPrime said:

DE has clearly stated that the LoS issues weren't part of the intended design & they are actively working on it.

I'll believe they've been actively working on it when it gets fixed for whipclaw, pillage, fire blast, etc etc etc. Otherwise it's just damage control
Also there was and so far is not a single word about fixing the negative effects of overguard on frames that do want to take damage, chroma being an obvious example.

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16 minutes ago, MouthfulOJoules said:

I'll believe they've been actively working on it when it gets fixed for whipclaw, pillage, fire blast, etc etc etc. Otherwise it's just damage control
Also there was and so far is not a single word about fixing the negative effects of overguard on frames that do want to take damage, chroma being an obvious example.

Oh no, I'm not jumping into the mess that is LoS for the rest of the game.  I'm only referring to specifically Dante in that comment, nothing else.

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1 hour ago, Shodian87 said:

As soon as they get the line of sight fixed he'll be just fine. 

He was "just fine" the way he was! This entire debacle was unnecessary and nothing but a complete kneejerk reaction to data that they pulled out of their asses! 

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1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

I've played Dante before & after the change; you're exaggerating the situation

I watched a streamer literally call him unplayable several times! while I dont think he is unplable I agree that the nerfs were kneejerk.

the "trinity of nerf" was, does it automate gameplay, is it disruptive to squad play or is it dominant, I dont think it automates, disruptive because its a dps frame or because overguard? there are other overguard frames and dominant... well people are going to be playing the shiny new warframe right?

Edited by _Anise_
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LMAO. You people are really predictable. It was only a matter of time before the deluge of "YoU DInDnT ReSpurK Muh InVESments" post/comments came down. It's hilarious to constantly see you people make the same mistake over and over again, with no introspection, no changes in behavior, nothing. How many times must you all run face first into the wall of "It's Too Good To Be True" before you learn? If you cry hard enough maybe they'll give it the same concern like your cries to add the feature of breaking down Tauforges. Which totally have nothing to do with how loads of you went balls to the wall abusing the Secondary Crit Buff of the Orange Shards and ended up having buyer's remorse post patch.

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5 hours ago, Shodian87 said:

Just amazes me how some people view this as the end of the world. Lol

The sun will still rise tomorrow. Everyone needs to chill 

Calling out devs for S#&$, boycotting, and making a giant fuss works. Writing constructive feedback evidently doesn't. No one asked for anything but overgaurd to be adjusted, this nerf is out of left field and should be bashed as hard as it is.

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7 часов назад, exeras сказал:

Will there be a type of refund of resources and forma to compensate the Dante nerf? I feel like there should be, as I would have not invested the time and resources if I knew Dante would end up being the way it is now. I feel like it's a slap in the wrist to undo all of the work allocated towards building Dante, especially with formas taking a day to build, it leaves behind a bittersweet feeling 😶  

I completely agree, now it seems that after the release of new warframes, it is better not to touch them at all, otherwise they will immediately be broken and all efforts and resources will be wasted

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While I do have some degree of buyer's remorse (plat + 12-ish forma because I screwed up the build), he's still pretty well off.  He can still unload slash procs through LoS, he still has some overguard, and he still has at least some capacity to nuke things down.  That being said. it does remind me of when Styanax came out and he got nerfed within a week of release.  The only difference was that Styanax was free, so there wasn't anywhere near as much of an issue about it compared to Dante.

Ultimately, I think DE needs to take a good, long, hard look at both overguard and the state of nuke frames and especially testing those things in group settings with other frames that may gain both advantages and disadvantages of being with them in group gameplay.

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Sounds completely reasonable 

Which is exactly why we’re not getting this…

To put it into perspective… we asked for the same thing when they nerfed the topaz shards

You can guess how well that went 

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13 hours ago, EternaldrkMako said:

id also say we should have figured that was gonna be hit with the nerf bat given he kinda took over missions ... when people started gating no dante in recruitment chat because how annoying they were being  its understandable

Your post summed up Dante hands down. 

As a guy who plays MMORPGs, Dante is very much a "Rotation" character.

Once you learn/master a spellcast rotation he (and his squad) were just untouchable. 

Even with the Line of Sight bug making his Tragedy ability unreliable to the point of being useless he is still frighteningly powerful and amazing as a support. 

My buddy has already mastered Dante's spellcast rotation and trivialized Elite Deep Archimedia for us last night and this was obviously Post Nerf. 

Before the nerf he and I duo'd SP Circuit from 0 to 10 and laughed the entire way. Afterwards he was like: "Well it was fun for this week. They are SO gonna nerf this. No way they leave this S#&$." 

The real issue is...

The Community has a: "DPS is all that matters" mentality. So the idea that DE may have considered Dante to be a primary support, secondary DPS is just straight up unacceptable to them.

Now, in The Community's defense...

Releasing Dante that overpowered ultimately established him as a DPS in the court of public opinion.

As they say...

"First Impressions are everlasting."

And the community got to taste Dante as an instant win room Nuke with supportive skills. Now DE has (in the court of public opinion) inverted the roles.

The nerfs to cc and other support functions also have not helped DE in any meaningful way.

So whiplash is to be expected. 

That said. The overreaction this time is insane and way way way too dramatic. 

You'd think DE crawled in people's windows, looked them in the eye, then shot their dog. 

We all knew the nerf was coming. He was essentially a walking map wipe with far too much tanking ability. 

Much like with Harrow, I suspect once DE fine tunes him, the complaints will be begging for DE to invert him again, making him more dps focused. 


I think DE should have just delayed Deep Archimedia until after Dante's new Warframe smell wore off and his gameplay had turned him into the new Limbo. (IE: Wait for the community to beg for a nerf)

But what can you do? *Shrugs*

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7 minutes ago, Aerikx said:

My buddy has already mastered Dante's spellcast rotation

That requires just reading his abilities and checking how long they last. You have only two abilities to worry about.

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hace 20 minutos, xXTheShaXx dijo:

Gauss nerf?

He can kill several rooms at once without LoS. He clearly NEEDS a nerf.

Just like Revenant and his team immortality.

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First of all, the people saying "you should have known a nerf was coming" are being straight up disrespectful. Yes, of course we could tell his overguard was OP. Heck, it still is. We knew there was going to be a nerf, but we thought it wouldn't be this bad. We thought it would just be overguard getting toned down.
But literally the opposite happened.

But regardless of his support capabilities, he had a really nice flow when it came to damage output. It's just the magic caster a lot of us have wanted for a long time now. So when we lost that and now he's just a boring support caster that *can* technically do damage with some practically-unusable abilities that only look good on paper, of course we're going to miss the DPS caster that once was.
We can make him immortal other ways. Shieldgates and adaptation or heck, just get a friend to roll Styanax with his augment.
But now he feels like someone who just sits on the back lines and overguards allies, and nobody wants to play that, no matter how hard you try to label it as "OP" it doesn't make it fun.

The issue isn't that he got nerfed, it's what they nerfed and how they did it that has people up in arms over it.

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16 hours ago, MightyMike87 said:

It’s the people who got ripped off by spending their actual money to purchase him I feel most sorry for. They were shown a product that wasn’t an accurate portrayal of what they were actually paying for. False advertising and then some. Then there’s those who fused numerous Archon shards to make other shards purely for him. A now the bile and resource cost to remove them as they’re worthless on him. 

I bought the Dante pack after waiting and seeing several of Warframe’s sponsored content creator videos so I could make an informed decision. I then bought the Tennocon back and 1k plat because I was having so much fun with him. I used a lot of that plat and my forma on him a few on his Noctua.

Now I feel like my time and money are wasted and a joke to Reb and DE. I’m angry and I hate feeling this way over a game that I love but these decisions are the final nail in the coffin for me and my support for DE. 

So I have a question for Reb and the devs: How should players like me feel when do things like this? 

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17 hours ago, exeras said:

Will there be a type of refund of resources and forma to compensate the Dante nerf? I feel like there should be, as I would have not invested the time and resources if I knew Dante would end up being the way it is now. I feel like it's a slap in the wrist to undo all of the work allocated towards building Dante, especially with formas taking a day to build, it leaves behind a bittersweet feeling 😶  

Yeah, i'd like that 50 plat for rushing, 2 formas and bile cost as well. I'd rather it goes to hole in the wall after 3 days.

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1 hour ago, Rovaeden said:

but, again, Saryn is fine?

Saryn doesn't tank like Dante can.

As long as Saryn stays on top of her rotation she can stay safe but if a Saryn gets sloppy she drops like a rock.

Had a Saryn in SP Circuit who got cocky and got dropped by a Thrax.

Dante laughs(laughed) at any Thrax dumb enough to attack him. 

The difference is that Saryn's rotation is stricter and has more variables than Dante's just watch my Cooldowns and refresh rotation.

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17 hours ago, shadeeye said:

There aren't legal ramifications lol, this game has done this many times and nothing has ever made precedent.  If you had actually played awhile you'd be used to this.  Also Dante was bound to be nerfed, I straight up don't believe you if you say you didn't think so.  He could do literally anything easily, even moreso than frames that were specialized at specific mission types.  It wouldnt be healthy for the game to have him just be the defacto choice for every mode barring like, spy.  Also saying he was an "introductory" frame for endurance and claiming hes fine being ridiculous because it takes a bit of content to get him are fairly conflicting points.  Anyways if you still want to play him and are sad you cant blindly bleed the whole tile dry while watching netflix anymore try a wordwarden build, they actually buffed points of that.

Dante was *BOUND* to be nerfed hehe

2 minutes ago, Aerikx said:

Saryn doesn't tank like Dante can.

As long as Saryn stays on top of her rotation she can stay safe but if a Saryn gets sloppy she drops like a rock.

Had a Saryn in SP Circuit who got cocky and got dropped by a Thrax.

Dante laughs(laughed) at any Thrax dumb enough to attack him. 

The difference is that Saryn's rotation is stricter and has more variables than Dante's just watch my Cooldowns and refresh rotation.

Nah just run catalyzing shields if u want to tank on her. Molt then gives u shield gate, clone, purge, and speed boost.

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16 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Oh no, I'm not jumping into the mess that is LoS for the rest of the game.  I'm only referring to specifically Dante in that comment, nothing else.

Understandable and I hope i didn't come across as hostile towards you. I was simply voicing my frustration at the apparent lack of attempts to fix core issues, opting for simpler, quicker, dirtier bandaids that get revisited after only a long period... if they're lucky.
That being said I saw mention that other LOS troubles may be getting fixed as well, but again, the proof is in the pudding. Hope it turns out well, but expect a rocky road ahead.

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