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Warframe Ability Changes


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Greetings Tenno,

We’ve got an Update coming ‘just around the corner’ on PC that includes balance changes to several Warframes. We have talked about this for a while on our Streams, and this post will give a look at what kind of changes are coming.
Here are the details at what what changes dev has in mind for each Trinity, Banshee, Nyx, Volt, Hydroid, and later Ash, and as always keep in mind that the following list is still subject to change.


-Blessing: Damage immunity is now based on the percentage of health healed (ie: healing 90% health will grant 90% immunity). This should make the use of Blessing more reactive, greatly benefiting players that pay attention and monitor party health to maximize its effectiveness.
5/14/2014 information update:

- Blessing:  On cast, Blessing restores all shields and health. Damage reduction for the duration of the skill is now based on the greatest percentage of health healed (i.e: if you have a squad with members whose health you healed 30%, 40% and 90%, all party members will receive Damage reduction at the greatest percent, 90% in this case). 


- Reduced the time it takes for Trinity's Blessing animation to play.

Trinity by design was never meant to have such an aggressive means of invincibility, and this fix should bring Blessing’s use back in line with our original intent. Spamming it at full health will now have no benefit.

-Energy Vampire: Will now pulse one last burst from the victim when it dies, releasing any remaining energy; this should make the power useful even when the enemy is killed prematurely.


-Silence: Is now a radial ranged effect that moves with you. As enemies enter the radius/area, they experience a ‘sonic disturbance’ which they react to. This disturbance deafens the targets and affects their awareness.

-Sound Quake: Players can now control when to deactivate Sound Quake, with the option to toggle it on or off. Sound Quake will consume energy per second while active.


-Absorb: Players can now toggle Absorb on or off.

Both toggling changes to Nyx and Banshee will give players more freedom instead of being locked in place while the rest of your team runs around. It should also add a nice element of resource management to both Warframes, rather than being stuck in place at the cost of X energy.


Shield: increased size of Volt’s Shield for better team usage.


Undertow: will now be toggleable.

Ash - (coming around a few more corners, likely to follow the rest of the above changes at a later week):

-Shuriken: Added forced bleed proc to attacks, no change to base damage. This should help buff the damage to Shuriken without making its direct damage over-the-top.

-Teleport: Enemies are now open to finishers when teleported to, giving it more aggressive utility in order to make Teleport more appealing for use in combat.

-Blade Storm: Now produces clones of Ash, enabling him to kill more targets quickly. Ash will also re-attack targets if they survive the initial attack. Added forced bleed procs to Blade Storm strikes.

The change to Blade Storm should also shorten the amount of time a player is stuck in Blade Storm dramatically, without a reduction in damage or looking cool.

Next Steps:

Firstly, if you don’t see ‘your frame’ on this list, by no means does it mean we aren’t going to take a look at it. There have been general tweaks and passes occurring for frames over the past few months, and we’ll continue adjusting as the game grows and changes. However, please note that we did mention Nova explicitly and changes are in the works that will be covered in a follow up post shortly.

Secondly, please feel free to discuss these changes within this thread, but stay constructive. Comments and remarks that don’t contribute in a meaningful way will be hidden so surrounding discussions remain on-point.

And Lastly, have fun. These changes will be arriving this week on PC, and within the next major Update on PS4. We’ll be able to address any immediate issues within a hotfixes, and longer term feedback over time as these changes are tried out and adapted to.

Thanks, Tenno!

P.S This thread will be updated with necessary info as it comes in from the desks of dev!

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-Sound Quake: Players can now control when to deactivate Sound Quake, with the option to toggle it on or off.  Sound Quake will consume energy per second while active.




-Absorb: Players can now toggle Absorb on or off.


Both toggling changes to Nyx and Banshee will give players more freedom instead of being locked in place while the rest of your team runs around.  It should also add a nice element of resource management to both Warframes, rather than being stuck in place at the cost of X energy.



Undertow: will now be toggleable.

Would be interesting to see this carry over to other frames too... maybe shock, World on Fire, etc.


Toggle-able skills would be VERY cool... But at the same time it might render warframe ability duration mods obsolete for certain skills.


Imagine invisibility on Loki as a toggle-able skill.... *drool*


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Toggle Invisibility Loki ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Edited by Letter13
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RIP Trinity.


Terrible balancing is terrible: 


-EV trin with max blindrage + intesify + fleeting + banshee soundquake => infinite cc. 


-EV needs a serious nerf... instead of a buff... getting 200+ energy every 4 sec is ridicilous.

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Awesome ash rework De



But one thing DERebecca !


But  what about psychic bolts ? D: That was the skill that needed the most change !  Well it needs to be improved somehow, it's kind of worthless. Why does it remain untouched?


Psychic bolts , aren't worth  the mod slot. they just deal pitful damage and miss  A LOT.  You can't really aim with them , they just scatter like leaves in the wind. ANd then only a few manage to hit your targets....For really poor damage ,


it's a waste of energy , Please DE Either make it stronger or replace it  by somethign else

Edited by Deidaku
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I don't know what to think of Ash's clones.

Edit: Time to review some of these changes. The main point is about Bladestorm control of execution. Some points on other abilities too.

Shuriken - The good thing is that bleed proc bypasses shields and armor. This will help against drones and shield drones swarming each other. Not bad DE not bad. 

Source: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0/Slash_Damage
Notable Forum post: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/223284-slash-is-op/

More on shuriken: 

In addition to this I think it should deliver a non-impact and zero-damage stagger. Similar to the one that stuns during a Melee combo or smoke screen. A small flinch, if you will.

Shurikens are an ideal tool to preoccupy the enemy with a reaction while closing the distance. I guess this depends on the damage buff from the bleed proc however. Obviously outright killing an enemy is better than making them flinch.

Teleport: While the finisher opportunity is a nice change, I still feel some things have not been looked at..like non-aiming and stagger effectiveness.

More on teleport: 

Aiming/Non aiming: Satisfy all worlds with a triple function ability.
-Tapping 3 on a target teleports directly to target (current).
-Tapping 3 on the environment will teleport you to that location (limit range if necessary)
-Holding 3 while not targeting an enemy, will teleport you to the nearest enemy. (limit range if necessary)

Stagger effectiveness: If an enemy is running directly away from you even the teleport stagger will not slow their pace. By the time you land (without natural talent) the target can keep a 'non-melee' distance away from you. Hopefully the Finisher stagger is marginally longer than the current stagger.

Bladestorm: I'm genuinely delighted to hear that DE are trying to retain the cool factor of Ash's bladestorm. Still we need control. 

Look at this diagram:


This diagram shows what happens with simply 2 shadow copies. Though the same can be implied with more copies. You just lose 'control' faster.

Retain copies for speed but instead of radial cast from target. Make the ability a countdown period in which we can manually bladestorm.
Within bladestorm period you can only use melee and other abilities too:

- Pressing E on enemies in range of melee will melee like normal except using a shadow copy and your own melee weapon. Counts towards multihit counter. Ash player is still active.

- Pressing E on enemies out of range will instantly teleport to them and do the wristblade execution.
Shadow copies follow suit and attack enemies within range of that targeted enemy. Return to original location immediately. (do not automatically continue with another target)

Some 'exotic' ideas concerning bladestorm:

- Holding E will charge up your melee weapon, releasing will strike and release a wave of smoke energy that will blind enemies in a line. (optional)

-At the end of the period, shadow copies around you will throw a smoke bomb and stagger nearby enemies before disappearing. 

- Bladestorm period is 60 seconds, during which all other abilities cost less energy or even zero energy.

Edited by NetSlayer
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Another question, will the toggled power's be subject to power efficiency? Are the toggled abilities a straight 1/1 energy conversion / sec or will there be a higher "start up" cost and then a lower sustained cost?


 If the abilities are no longer affected by power duration mods, then what is stopping us from pumping ourselves up on power efficiency/Fleeting expertise with no negative repercussion.

Edited by RespectTheInternet
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Wait, what does "90% immunity" mean? Blessing will give X% damage reduction based on health? 


Also, isn't that going to punish players for having all their health, if a Trin perform a clutch heal for one teammate that is almost dead? For example, if I heal Nekros for 99% his health, he will have a 99% damage reduction for the duration, but if I can't cast it again while it's active on Nekros (for however long it lasts), I won't be able to heal Oberon when he get harmed thoroughly. Or was that planned for? 

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can Ash have short range "no target" teleport + long range target teleport forced finisher




could you guys remoove homing on Shuriken it make it real lame

Edited by Tsoe
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good changes overall. looking forward for Ash's teleport



can Ash have short range "no target" teleport + long range target teleport forced finisher




could you guys remoove homing on Shuriken it make it real lame



i also second this

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