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Coming Soon: Devstream #31!


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Trinity is a black sheep right now with no real niche to fill. She is isupposed to be healing support based, but other frames offer some form of health restoring like Necros and Oberon and other strong abilities for combat. Trinity has well of life, and blessing for healing. Well of life feels and weak. Where energy vampire, everyone seems to pack an energy siphon (me Included) and necros can produce energy orbs with desacrate. For combat link is useful for offseting low armor and health values and is strong as is. Blessing feels out of place, the animation and effect does not seem right, it looks very rushed and not very intresting, I see an opportunity to improve it. Blessing could be a channeling were you can take no other actions and create a safe area that fades after a few seconds to heal the team over the duration in place of instant healing would be alot more intresing.  trinity would need to be near and ready to make effective use of healing and protection. Writing this I tried to keep ballance in mind while keeping her bigest ability to have a real impact in the team, and in turn having skill to use it, positioning is critical for you can't move and if your team is not near, they will not recive the protection. Thank you for taking the time to read the whole post  - Litterlight


The reasons of this "black sheep" were for those people who hit themselves with selfdamage weapons while they were using blessing or link to damage enemies...super troll gameplay. All people recieved the punish for this. Say thanks to them. Is not DE fail.

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-give some other animation for maxetes without stances?

-could delete the last animation of axe "almost falling"??

-Nekro: Need Over-buffed Soul Punch ability
-Nyx: Fix the Psychic Bolts trayectory (you already did with Phorid).
-Oberon: Make Smite seeks enemies after the first hit, like Nyx´s Psychic Bolts or Nova´s Null Star do.
-Saryn: Make molt erase element effects.
-Ash bladestorm change something with duration mods?

-training room with fake enemies (spawning room), to try new weapons before buy or craft them? will become real? any concepts?

-the new warframe for upd 14, element, concept?

-Score for parkour room in dojos? (the giant window near the entrance is sad)

-what happens with the idea of weapons vault or resources in dojos for clan members? will go on or dismissed?

-about the light trials on warframes when channeling...any way to see them how they looks while you are changing the energy color in the UI?

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What exactly will be the dynamic of the Vor's Prize mission that will give us our own Starship? Are you making another farm/grind event or can you tell us about a new Story delivery method?


What will be the U14 Warframe?


(Bonus question: Can you give us new info about what IS a Warframe? Something we don't already know?)

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1) Any updates on the focus system.


2) Any update on sniper buffs


3) though on this idea, and how it could help out with the new player experience -  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/240779-epic-idea-hologram-lotus-in-the-players-ship/


4) please allow us to block annoying trolls and childish players.

Edited by (PS4)towerhill-BPT
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Sniper buff when? It was mentioned several livestreams ago but never acted upon. And don't you dare say the Crit mechanic tweak was the Sniper buff, because as it stands, Sniper Rifles are still highly inconsistent. My Vectis has a 62% to do very high crit damage, and a 38% chance to do unimpressive normal damage. This is not okay, considering bows can gain over one hundred percent crit chance and even do red crits.


Also, Lanka buff/rework when? It's currently a mockery of a sniper rifle pretending to be a bow, with less crit chance, less crit damage, reload, and longer charge time. Also comes with ZERO polarities, compared to Dread's VV and ParisP's -V.

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My questions:


1) Are you going to continue to build the grind-wall higher and higher?  


There are players that will eat through all the content you create as quickly as possible no matter how hard(grind-y or un-fun) you make it.  It is better not to cater to these players as they tend to move on from games rather quickly.  This leaves rest (the majority) of the other players with a worse product that is less fun to play, which then drives those players away as well.  


It is far, far better to add interesting content that everyone can enjoy, rather than build these obstacles to fun that no one enjoys (not even the ones that burned through it in a day).


For example:  Why, after doing so much work on Vey Hek have you made actually fighting him such a chore that after a player gets the blueprints he or she needs/wants from him there is little to no chance they will ever bother going back to fight him ever again?  Why, after finding him and fighting him & NOT getting the blueprint I need do I then have to go and farm Prosecutors (with Delta beacons horrendously insulting drop rates) to try again for a slim chance to get the blueprint I need?  Again, this is not fun.  [Oh and the whole concept of Prosecutors & their resistances in general?  Not fun.  Gearing up for Prosecutor beacon farming is tedious and annoying.  As is the farming itself.]


2) Will you PLEASE re-consider the Tier IV keys ONLY dropping in Interception missions?  


I do not enjoy this mission type - and I am not alone.  As things stand now I have no delusions of EVER playing a Tier IV mission.  I mainly duo this game with my girlfriend and we do not join PUGs.  We play this game as a way to spend time together & have fun.  Neither one of us likes Interceptions and with key drops as they stand we will never have the chance to play any of the Tier IV missions, and that is kind of sad. 

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Are we ever going to address the problem with mods being too powerful (some guns gaining up to +7000% DPS from mods alone)?


EDIT: Added link to relevant thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/234311-the-elephant-in-the-room-mods/ 


Could we tone the level scaling down in Survival a little so that 40minutes is not so ridiculous (ramp up AFTER 40min, not BEFORE it so that it isn't so ridiculous to try to have 2 chances at Rotation C)? Or maybe make it so that it goes 5min: A, 10min: B and 15min: C instead, instead of AABC?


Could you please tell us the % chances of each item on the loot table (because we KNOW they are NOT equal)?


EDIT: And/or any responses to this thread:




Since it has 190 upvotes?

Edited by Xylia
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Q1- when will we see Sniper Rifles getting buffed?


Q2- when will basic Weapon Status mods (Aptitude ect.) be buffed?


Q3- since most weapons have (1.2), (1.0), (0.8) speed, will melee speed be re-balanced?


Q4- With the Kubrows being introduced, will we be seeing some specialty skins for them in the future?(Zanuka/Hyena/Charger)


Q5- when will we be seeing more Double boss matches?(Regor&Ruk on Earth, Raptor&Ambulas on Eris)


Q6- when will we see more Dojo rooms and more interactive Decorations?



Edited by AndiNaga
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Lel rebecca why delete my postarino ? :(

I had Letter13 delete it because while funny, I personally didn't like the photo all that much. It was a rather inappropriate photo for this type of place. It's perfectly fine as a photo of her personal life, I have no problem with that but here?...Just no.

Edited by BecomeLikeWater
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Will you add better incentives to scanning? Any improvements made to scanning will have little impact until many people actually have a reason to use this function. Informative rewards are accessible via the wiki, so the only effective bonuses would be in-game specific.

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It's probably because I'm not the best shot (probably not even good) when it comes to bosses, but is there some weird glitch with the Hek and bosses?  I recently faced Vor in the Void and I couldn't do or see any damage (even point-blank, scoping) unless I shot him in his weakspot from the back.

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We have the immortal skins for almost every warframe, but could we expect more skins to come that change the warframes actual body? similar to the proto armor skin for Excalibur. Effectively, could additional skins have similar effects to the arcane helmets or just be purely for ascetics?

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WOO! Another devstream!! It's always nice hearing from the dev team about warframe and what we can expect, though, I do hate (sorta) how you guys tease us so much with the new contents....I want my cuddly space doggy to ride shotgun in my stealth ship now!!!

Anyways, onto the questions:


1) Would we ever get the option of changing out parts for weapons? Say for example, would I be able to switch my dakra's blade with a serrated/mono-filament dakra blade and therefore change the damage type that my dakra would be able to deal? 


2) In regards to sniper update, would there be a new event to utilize the new buffs for the weapon type? What can we expect to see in the sniper update? Innate punch-through? Insanely high damage? Higher critical chance? Or some other utilities that we don't even know yet?

3) With U14, can we expect to see more social interaction (and I don't mean gestures) between the tennos themselves and the different factions of the world? (Example being able to send mail or credits to certain groups to allow "safe passages"?)


4) Is it possible to have multiple kubros? I would love to have a herd of the space doggies roaming around in my ship! 


5) Would lotus be able to play more of a role in the tenno's social hierarchy? I know she's already our operator (essentially) but would the lotus be able to send specific tenno onto specific missions for special rewards? 


Bonus question: Now that we have space doggy....can we have space kittens? :D?

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1) Will there be some 'quality of life' updates to the trading/recruitment chat channels such as being able to click a name in the chat dialog and start a convo?
2) Will we get a visual icon to show that we are marked (something similar to the Void Key icon on the HUD)?
Any word on:
3) Multiple rewards for defense missions?
4) Adding 'leftover' experience from level 30 items into a 'pool' for later use?
5) Mission end screen/UI/stats rework?
6) Trinity's skirt rework?

Is this game still considered to be ''in beta''?

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Has there been any progress on the generic warframe ability mods. I was thinking that If you want to make mastery rank a little more important, have mastery locked ability mods. This would allow people to play longer in higher lvl content and distinguish players.


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Lately certain bosses like Vay hek and laphantis can only be fought outside the usual "star map" locations. Why were they were placed behind this form of no sense (and somewhat annoying) "farming"? 


Star map progressing, are there plans to make it more engaging and fun? If so, what? Right now, we tenno feel that there is no purpose to progress on it, as it holds little to no reason to do so.
The drones were an nice touch, but it is still boring to do so.

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I am a Warframe player who runs into errors (mostly after recent patches) which causes my game client to crash, sometimes making the game or specific mission types unplayable. I would like to ask:


1) How has the process for finding/fixing/preventing these issues improved/evolved over the life of the game thus far?

2) What can we as players do to help the devs find the cause and solve these crashes?

3) Can you show a graph (not necessarily showing numbers) showing the history/frequency of crashes over the life of the game.

4) Will error codes be introduced into the game code to help the players determine if the problem is correctable on the player's end (changing settings, etc) or if it is a game client bug which only the devs can fix?


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