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Hotfix 14.6.1


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Thanks for the update. I was thinking, if you won't be giving us more than 3 Preset's for weapons & warframes, can we at least have ability to quick switch presets the same way we access menus by hovering over the item in the arsenal? It would be nice being able to quickly switch presets without having to go to Upgrade menu every time.

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hey redtext.....i kinda want to know what the Human Lotuspede is.....just saying :3


and thanks for the Hotfix^^

Lotuspede is a reference to a Forum post about EULA(user agreements). someone was complaining about the change to Excal and a response was " you signed the EULA they can do whatever they want." and a further comment referenced the South Park episode on the same subject.

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Just have to ask this: WHY was there a punishment for laptop users regarding hosting? Why was it necessary to add a massive 150ms ping time just because a user happens to be on a laptop? That is EXCESSIVE. That should not even be a THING. There are some laptops that can rival a desktop in terms of performance, and now they get terrible hosting due to this nerf. DE, STOP @(*()$ NERFING THINGS!

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ok so i think this is a error? but on the ther weapons when changing the enrgy they go a nice bright color and seem more like energy, and ingame the ether weapons are super white drowing out the color? less on the ether reaper though


they also seem to reset ingame and sometimes in the ship

Edited by -Ignis_Fatuus-
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I can understand the LoS, logic wise, but at the time just it doesn't make sense. 


Mirage's most powerful move also has the ability to blind, has no LoS, & can do great damage. Even Oberon can blind people now. Why are you nerfing literally his only useful skill? 


Even if you give Mirage's disco ball LoS, it doesn't matter because it flies around the room! 




Why DE, why? 


If you are going to nerf one thing (the only skill worth a jack) then please rework his entire moveset to ensure survivability & balance. 


edit: typo

Edited by Rexlars
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Are you guys going to fix the fact that Rank Up tests auto fail and then put you on a 24 hour cooldown? This is the 5th damn time I've taken a rank up test only for it to take me back to the nav screen and ask me to wait 24 hours to retake it. Rank 5 did it 4 times, Rank 6 did it again just now. Oh and on the Rank 6 test, the last set of targets don't show up. This is seriously game breaking garbage here DE, it's getting a bit rediculous. 

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This kinda refers to the 14.6.0 update, but since that's locked...


I appreciate the +150 ping applied to laptops when matchmaking in order to select the best host, but I think this is not a good way to impliment such a change.


I have a laptop. It's a quad core i7 where all 4 cores overclock to 3.4GHz. It has a GTX675mx gpu and I can run warframe with all settings maxed except dynamic reflections at a steady 60fps. I only have 8Gb RAM, but am running 2 SSDs (total 700Gb) for fast loading times. In short, my laptop whups many of the desktops of people I play with.


However, my home internet is s..l..o..w. I usually have really low ping for the people I play with, but my upload speed is ridiculously low. I think that instead of relying on a simple ping test to select the host, a better connection diagnostic would be preferred including upload bandwidth and ping. A simple system test is also a good idea to separate the minnows from the sharks, but simply saying "laptops are bad hosts" is ignoring the range of pre-made and custom gaming laptops that are available. When people are still gaming on glorified word-processor desktops.

Edited by FractalMind
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ever since this update and 14.6.0 update (yes i play on a laptop as its superior to my desktop *havent touched that in 9 months*) I've had more *stupid* host migrations mid-game than I've had since i started playing before this update. It lost me out on a hate BP from stalker as I had a host migration right before i picked it up.

Edited by xcynderx
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Ensure that the firewall premits UDP ports 4950 and 4955. This issue again, I think this is the same we had a month of few ago whereby matchmaking with other people and communication between other people is impossible. The crappiest thing about all of this is though that the stance special alert is today and because of this reappearing bug, I can not get those stances nor can my friend that really would need those stances.

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Yeah, it's called Radial Blind not Radial Flash



Face it, The skill cost 50 energy on a 150 energy-at-lvl-30 frame (not a caster).

It's called RADIAL BLIND. as in "using his tenno mojo to make enemies go blind".

The flash we perceive is not related to the blindness the enemies are affected with.

Simply, it's the leftover energy that was used to send those "glowing particles" flying at enemies and sticking to them... much like a smoke firework WILL ignite and sparkle to do its work.

But if you can't see anything, it's because of the smoke,  (or here, tenno magic mojo or whatever is happening that WE humans of the forums CANNOT comprehend, since it's so highly advanced science that we can only call it magic...), not the initial flame.


If devs want to prevent a very long Radial Blind being "OP", and have it "useful" but not "hey, I can afk near the pod and press 2 every 30s", then they'd be wise to have it work in a less than perfect way, like Zephyr's turbulences (skill 3).


Zephyr's "3" doesn't block shots like a snowglobe would, it simply redirect most of them... i'd say about 95% on the shots are pushed away, it's not perfect, but clearly powerful, yet, not too long for the energy cost...


How to make RB "less than perfect" ? having some enemies randomly not affected ? nah, this would just prompt for another spam of it...

Here is my take : Radial blind has a duration, on casting, phase 1 starts.

Phase 1 : All targets are totally blinded for like, 5 seconds minimum, then that duration may rise based on skill duration (narrow minded, continuity etc) as about 1/2 of the total duration for normal enemies, and 1/3 for an elite/eximus/boss/etc. after that, phase 2 starts (not at the same time on normal and elites, thus promoting the targetting of elites 1st since they'll become dangerous again quite fast)


Phase 2 : affected enemies regain their vision progressively, either by "range" at which they can see, and react accordingly or "conical vision widening over time".

This means seeing a teeno in range; if trying to trigger an alarm, the affected enemy must have the control panel in range too, else he can't see where to go to find that panel;

if they see one of theirs getting butchered, in their range, they might react and run toward him, hoping to get the culprit (the tenno) in their line of sight and start meleeing him/her, as their vision is too blurry yet to allow the use of a ranged weapon (you know, "safety first", etc).

Also, Elites can call the normal surrounding mobs upon them, the mobs will just run to them by sound (meaning they don't move intelligently using stairs and ramps, they "run toward the elite's voice") since they obey orders. This means the blind may be used to temprary slowdown units and regroup them onto an nearby elite, as grouping enemies allow for a lot of opportunities in warframe... a vauban vortex to keep them busy, a mag's bullet attractor so the mobs unvolontarily focus their own elite, some penta/ogris/etc made efficient on grouped enemies in spite of the low ammo count, or simply a nice tight pack to use a Radial javelin on (IF it was actually reworked to something useable).


Furthermore, the affected enemies cannot perceive distinctly something that is staying immobile, or moving in "shadows" (the same you can't see a damn thing, even if it is moving, if it's in the shadows and you just got in from a bright sunny day outside.... you need a few seconds of accomodation to see... here's the same, except your eyes have been mojoed by excalibur's Radial Blind, Much more powerful.) This is technically possible since Mirage "Eclipse" give her damage or damage reduction based on the lighting condition. same code applies, on all tenno present in the game with excalibur... not moving or in shadow = not seen...

This means the 1st seconds, when the enemies are "stunned" by the pain and don't move (phase 1), players would try to take out as many as possible, or get to safety if it was used as an emergency thing, probably focus the elites or position themselves for the phase 2.

While in phase 2, you are still somehow able to move unnoticed, but must take care of the rapidly growing range of sight the units are getting back.

This phase 2 lasts for the other half of the duration on normal units, but again, 1/3 on elites.


Then the phase 3, during which the enemies that survived the Radial Blind CANNOT be RB'ed again unless used correctly.

That phase would actually start from the moment you cast the RB, and be TWICE the total duration. It means you can try to spam the skill, affect new enemies, with it, but some enemies may not get tricked twice in a while. The more you add on duration, the longer you'd have to wait for the trick to work again.

Elites/etc would be very wary of it, let's say for example's sake that your blind last 24s.If you use RB at T = 0s, then the Elite would be "blindstunned" for 8s, then getting their vision back for 8 seconds, then 8+24 seconds of "nope, won't get fooled again" (they WOULD stop doing what they are doing, but would have the reflex to cover their eyes or whatever)

Normal enemies would have 12s of blindstun, followed by 12s of getting their vision back, then another 24s of "not getting tricked twice". IF they see you (considering Excalibur should be channeling for a split second, surrounded by a bright aura, it would be seen by normal units even if they can't see well, as long as there is Line of Sight... You could actually trick them twice, only if you hid behind something PRIOR to reusing the Radial blind.)

Elites wouldn't get fooled because they react on the sound excal make when he start casting his skill (they're better/smarter !) and they'd direct their men to cover their eyes too (for those that are in range of the elite).

More opportunities, and actually giving an interest to banshee's silence, if the enemies are in her range, then even elites cannot hear Excalibur's casting sound... that's some synergy for you (the actual word, not the greedy alliance).


With such a rework, it allows for more players interactions, who justify the strong effect that can be obtained from the skill if used correctly with knowledgeable allies, yet, doesn't go overpowered for a rank 0-2 newcomer that think spamming it will be the panacea...

Still work thru walls, not a perfect thing. Enemies you don't kill may start grouping, you may not be able to take on the groups if you oversized the range of RB, and if you got a very long duration, it means you may not reuse it to take on that group.


Also, Super jump is one of the best ability, but very lacking "powerwise" a 100% power excal barely jump over a crate and a half;

Either boost the initial height, or add a special action on that key, so that a light tap make the default superjump (power-strength wise) and holding onto it consume more energy but boost the jump as well. Knowing when to prepare your superjump and when to start jumping at the wall/letting go might require some skill, but it's already the only thing that differentiate the "RB spammers excas" from the "I do T4 daily with no RJ, no RB, excas".

another tweak could be to add more diversity of use for that skill :

-Jumping and kicking an enemy ? A light tap of the skill just before impact halts you, but send a tremendous knockback kick on the target... (that napalm is getting too close for comfort ? show you have some guts, go full spartan on him and show him what is madness !)

-Sliding on the ground and want a little more speed ? A light tap of the skill will propel you in the direction you're looking, if looking at the ground or under a 30° angle, you keep sliding, if you look above 30° or press and hold a loaded superjump, you take off as usual... (or just use the camera angle to decide, and allow to charge slide boosts...) - Remember that excal has a subpar skillset currently, and subpar stats too... base armor, base shield, base HP, base energy (that is, the lowest...) and not even an aura polarity, on top of that, the base speed too... show him some love instead of nerfing him.


-edit: typo... probably some left...-

Edited by Fanzschnabs
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i agree there are a few things wrong with the prism direction change. its a cast time skill having it release on first point makes no sense it was correct the original way they had it *cast time - release in direction of pointer at the end of cast*. now if they meant to change it so she isnt throwing it from an awkward position they kind of succeeded but at the cost of not being able to throw it in the direction you chose and sometimes when she throws it it goes in a weird direction and no matter how i test it in different directions i come to the conclusion it does not go where I intend it to go and that in itself means its not an upgrade to the skill for me and anyone who shares the same feeling.

I second this. Prism worked fine before, it is more awkward now. It used to be "ok, a huge number of enemies, I need Prism. cast... fine tune the direction of the cast then release at the end of the cast animation." Now it's "ok, I need prism... cast, check what's going on in the extremely fast-paced battles of Warframe, prism goes the wrong way"


This needs to be reverted. Prism needs to go in the direction required at the end of the cast animation instead of at the start of the cast animation. The pace of Warframe is too fast for a directional ability like Prism to have a 2 second delay. 2 seconds is a long time in this game.

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