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If You Could Betray The Lotus, Would You?


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If I could leave the Lotus, I would go to the one place that always intrigued me. If the void could make Vor so powerful, what else could it do? No tenno has been exposed to the void for a very prolonged amount of time to discover what true secrets exist within, and I'd be interested to see what I would discover.


Ignoring delusions of ironic hyperbole, NO. I would NOT.

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I'd switch over to the Corpus for their robotics. It would enhance my frame and then allow me to assassinate all the MR0 players who wasted their time joining my void runs with level 8 Mk-1 Bratons and then cried when I wouldn't save them for going hero on me.

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I just want to open my own little club on the outskirts of a rail somewhere. A place for tenno to blow off steam and fight Kubrows for friendly wager. Yeah I said it... A Tenno gambling den! two kubrow enter, one kubrow leaves, and currency changes hands.

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I'm on my own side. Whatever benefits my character at the time is what I will choose. My allegiance is with the highest bidder. I liked the Gradivus Event because of that. The ideologies of all of the factions mean nothing to my character. I think its more fun that way to fight for myself rather then blindly following what im "supposed" to believe and do from a source I know nothing about.

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I would only if it would mean that we could totally obliterate a threat. Maybe if I could make an assanisation group (*cough*Akame ga kill Reference*cough*) that goes directly for bosses or the cloning board or even the corpus board in general instead of just maintaining the status quo and helping that no force gains an upper hand or more strength.

Then yes.

Otherwise Im loyal like a guardian would be.

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The problem is: we really don't know enough about the factions to join them, and by factions, I mean Grineer, the corpus are a company, not rulers. Plus from what little we can see of there leaders they don't care about there soldiers, they are morally bankrupt, and the Infestation of course are non sentient (as far as we know anyway)


but the Greineer are a different story. Remember the Grustrag Three's lore, General Ruk wanted to destroy them for killing his men but was over ruled by Hek, in fact killing General Ruk is a stupid move, we should be aiming to prune the Hek's from the Grineer while keeping the Ruks so that we can pull the Grineer out of lawful evil upto neutral, give the moderates more voice by killing the rest. Secondly look at the new minibosses, Sprag and Ven'kra tel, these two do care for each other as evidenced by Sprag asking her sister to wake up when the Teno kill her first. The Greineer ARE human they have emotions and clones or not they are people. Further the Greineers goal of unifying the Sol System reminds me a lot of the formation of Germany, I say Germany because the Grineer are trying to unify the system the same way Bismark said Germany would be made, "Blood and Iron", this goal is not inherently bad and how moral they are, and if I would really join them would depend on the question: How do they treat there citizens? how does this compare to the Corpus? and how does this compare to areas out of there control?


we don't know these things so we can't make informed judgments, and until the lore of the Greineer is better explained I will always stay with the Lotus. . .

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