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November 7Th: Community Hot Topics!


November 7th Community Hot Topics  

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i had postponed my two cents and come back on later date.

read a lot of post here ...


my first thoughts was why people see the shotguns as a week weapons... mostly falloff is hated. while i can understand that fall of at 30 meters can be painful at the same time i fell that spreed is not big enough to completely remove the falloff to compensate.

shotguns have to be shotguns not a "sniper rifle". they need to good at close <- mid range, average on mid range, and abysmally awful on long range.

falloff was an idea to make it happen. but now ... i don't know what is right... thinking about brakk make me think that we are only plotting how to buff it.

as for additional shotgun weapons... do we really need a lot more ? a few is enough.


energy weapons with their own ammo supply ? i remember demolition man movie with the scene at museum (charging weapon...) xD


rhino... my my masterpiece... i will kill anyone who want to mess with him...

but seriously ... buffs and nerfs are serious business and more confusing than we think; and delicate too. 

as for now my main use of iron skin is to prevent debufs or knockbacks. nothing more nothing less. as on higher lvl (40+) even with mods its failing after few hits. the shields somewhat are more resistant.

as for charge ... its a kind of ripoff of exal slash dash. i think of a little change. at start of his ability - he gains momentum and sped(start at normal running speed, end with standard charge speed - changed by mods power). while running he will be able to knock back any enemy in his path and stampede them if posible. ability ends after few second (Duration). we could have limited maneuvering (range).


rhino as a nod for a rhino and rhinoceros beetle, the frame is good as he is now.

Edited by Cracken
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For Rhino, I'd like to see him get a buff to his armor so he can health tank, possibly have armor rating affect Iron Skin, and have Roar simultaneously buff team damage output and cause Rhino to pull aggro.

In other words, I would like Rhino to be a legit tank, pulling damage away from squishier frames.

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Community hot topic, you just massively nerfed 3 frames,

there are 25 posts complaining about it in under 4 hours

strawpolls with almost 90% asking for the patch to be reverted


Did you even consider how much of a nerf this was for normal game-play on these frames?

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Do you like the idea of being able to give custom nicknames to your gear?

No opinion, I honestly would like it but its unnecessary.


In your opinion, how do shotguns compare to other weapon types overall?

Weaker, mostly primaries as the Brakk shows that shotguns are a force to be reckoned with.


Would you like to see more shotguns added to the Warframe arsenal?

Yes, only to the primaries and we have enough secondaries already.


In your opinion, should energy weapons have unique ammo pools that do not rely on pickups? (read the hot topic below for more information)

Yes, constant ammo regeneration would be cool and fits this style of weapons.


In your opinion, which Rhino abilities need a revision the most? (can choose more than one)

None... Whether you change him or not all of his abilities as of now are useful(rhino charge I use for an instant speed boost when in danger).


Who are your favorite Warframes? (can choose more than one)

Volt, Banshee and Nekros. I am a 'Tactical Support' ninja so tanking, healing and crowd control are not my thing in this game. Usually a healer in WoW, LoL and FF14 though.


Should the fog from the Halloween Alert be used in normal infested missions? (check the topic below for a video if you missed the alert)

No, alert only missions or quests.



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I do like the idea of giving gear custom names, but to make everyone happy maybe it should follow a format like:




Or maybe if its within the realm of possibility then when you hover over the name of a weapon it would reveal the actual name of it, think that would be really neat. Especially for kubrows, showing their breed.


Shotguns are lackluster. The only one Id even consider using is Boar Prime and I really dont ever use it.


If you make shotguns more viable then by all means, yes please. Otherwise, no thank you.


No energy weapons shouldnt have a special ammo pool. I would assume that all weapons use energy to fire projectiles because no casings are released after firing just an empty clip. Just some weapons fire pure energy whereas some use the energy to launch projectiles. Thats my assumption based upon the firing animations anyways.


Heh, Rhino Charge. Im cerainly no founder but Ive been playing for a good little while and I think I could probably count the times Ive used Rhino Charge on my hands. Course I dont play with him exclusively but Ive used him quite a bit. Personally I think there are other frames that need more attention than Rhino....especially now.


TBH, I think nearly all the frames are great. Each has their own uses. But the ones I seem to keep coming back to are (in no specific order):

Nova, Trinity (maybe not anymore), Volt, Rhino, Loki and Valkyr


The fog added a neat ambiance. Might be cool to add it to SOME "outdoor" infested missions. But definitely not all.

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I skimmed the thread but I feel pretty confident in saying that the most important post in this thread was post #2, in which it was said that Shotguns need Falloff removed as shot Spread should be the factor that prevents them from being very useful at range.


So like... you know.  Give it a try.  See if just that change sorts everything out.  Ditch Falloff.

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Nicknames for gear.


No opinion, I know TF2 has that, personally don't care for it. However, if the community wants it, have no problem with it.





When  it comes to mechanics there is a decent variety of shotguns, but I rarely use them because there are better weapons, and I dislike the falloff you have on them. I know you don't want people using them as snipers, but frankly, I don't care about what you think their inteded usage should be, we have tons of mods to make any weapon into anything, let us have our fun.


As for new shotguns, some projectile based stuff would be nice, all but one (Drakgoon) are hitscan, no idea what the hell Phage is supposed to be. I'd also like for Strun to have a model redesign, it's aesthetics don't fit anywhere.



Energy weapons and their ammo pools


I think the current ammo system is kinda bad across the board. But focusing on energy weapons, I like the idea, would be a nice change.



Rhino - is fine



Fav frame - Excal, the mix of nerfs and buffs he got, has left me with mixed (though mostly positive) feelings.



Fog on infested missions



I remember the infested missions way back in closed beta, when they were pitch black, while the darkness had problems, it also gave their missions a completley different feel, almost horror-like. The decision to turn on the lights without attempts to make the darkness better was dissapointing.


However, in the Halloween mission the fog was tied to DoF and some other intensive graphical effects which my outdated piece of [REDACTED] PC can barely run, I went from 60fps to 30 (scarier than the mission itself). I would love for the fog to be reimplemented but without ties to graphical effects so people with lower end machines don't have problems.

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might be interesting to apply nicknames to gear (hopefully this applies to frames too) 


shot guns and their mods need a buff, the shot gun mods don't seem to have as much power behind them as the likes of pistol and primary mods


new shot guns are welcome if they get buffed


I think some energy weapons like supra should have regenerating ammo, but not all


ew rhino, going to skip on this one as I have a personal hatred for the guy


my fav frames are ember prime frost prime hydroid nekros and my absolute favorite being oberon, pretty much my go to frame for everything


fog in infested, yes, yes please on all infested missions

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I'm just going to state for the record that if we get to name sentinels, my Helios will be known as "Black & Decker Pecker Wrecker."  If that's too long, then "La Machine," "Cuisinart," or "Suck On This."

My Bo will be named "GREETINGS FROM THE LAND OF BEATINGS," or perhaps just "WHACK."


Thank you for your time and attention.

Edited by Wrightwind
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Shotguns need Falloff removed.


They are already penalized at range by Spread.


The only viable Shotguns are, ironically, not Shotguns but Pistols.


Akbronco, Brakk and Detron all vastly outpeform regular Shotguns in the role, and this is partly because they don't have Falloff but also because Shotguns have all their vital statistics spread out on too many mods - whereas the "Pistolshotguns" only need Hornet Strike and then can add 7 bonus mods, the "real Shotguns" require up to three mod slots (Point Blank, Blaze and Vicious Spread) to simply get their base damage up which leaves only 5 mod slots for bonus mods.


As for Rhino, I suggest this change to his Augment:


Ironclad Augment:

Rhino Charge restores 3%* of Iron Skin per enemy hit.


*up to change, I just pulled 3% out of my butt.

You forgot the Phage, though it is only technically a shotgun.

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Removing Fall-off from shotguns is the only way to make them viable. They already have spread, Fall-off is overkill. We want more shotties, but please make them viable first.^^'


Shotgun mods are also to blame, shotguns require 3 damage mods (not counting multishot) whereas other weapon types only use and need 2. This is also a big issue. They should pack a lot more punch and stopping power than other categories at close range too. I mean they're shotguns. Not hair dryers.^^'

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1. Custom names: Yes, but only visible to owner. Otherwise would create lots of confusion.

Then whats the point of having custom names on your weapons? I want to show off my creativity when naming a weapon based on its design, I want people to see that my amprex is named "Tesla Coil" or my fragor is named "Mjolnir".

On topic:

I guess energy ammo pool would be cool, but I really suggest DE first implements 'energy scavenger' aura and/or an 'energy ammo mutation' mod. Amprex/Glaxion eats a LOT of ammo, not having any of the mentioned mods is going to severely hurt people who use it.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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Then whats the point of having custom names on your weapons? I want to show off my creativity when naming a weapon based on its design, I want people to see that my amprex is named "Tesla Coil" or my fragor is named "Mjolnir".

Well nothing personal but I don't want to see your creativity. I'd rather know what weapon you're using rather than what nickname you gave it.

Not to mention people would come up with insults, racist stuff and whatnot (and it's obviously easy to bypass the filter).


Or, for an ultimate compromise, at least allow me to opt out from seeing that stuff. But at this point I ask myself, is it really worth all the development time? There sure are more important things to work on.

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Regarding custom names for weapons:  as long as the weapon still shows up with the original name when we hit the esc key.  Otherwise, everyone's going to name their Latos "Brakk."


Shotguns:  I agree that the falloff damage should be eliminated, although the mechanic should be kept in for certain weapons (not just shotguns).  The spread should be enough to make it so that people won't use them for long-range combat.  Also, I think it would go a long way towards making them more visceral if you added some sort of effect that caused enemies to be knocked down or thrown backward if they're hit with all of the pellets.  As far as the damage goes, they really should do more than rifles up close, less from a distance.  As it stands, they rarely do more damage even up close, so that should be looked at.  Status chance should probably be the same (on average) as rifles.


Regarding energy weapons:  I think the current ammunition setup is fine, but releasing a few weapons with regenerating ammo would be interesting for some variety--maybe you could say they were being charged by kinetic energy, perhaps charging them based on how far a warframe has traveled.  Beyond that, I think it would be a pain to set the right rate for regeneration, and I'd rather be limited by my ability to find ammo than a set amount of time.


For Rhino:  Iron Skin is probably a bit too strong.  It's one thing that it keeps you from getting knocked down in so many situations, but it also grants such huge amounts of health?  When I first played Rhino after starting with Mag and Nekros, I started to understand why so many people said that this game was too easy.  That aside, the reason Rhino is brought up a lot is because a lot of people use him.  Because he's good.  Maybe it would be better for you guys to focus on the warframes that people don't play--Saryn, Hydroid, and especially Ember. 


So far as the fog is concerned, I wouldn't mind seeing it on the occasional alert mission or on a couple of levels of Eris, but having the fog all of the time would be frustrating, especially to new players.


Thanks for the great game, thanks for listening, and keep it up!

Edited by fadeinlight
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nicknames sound fun. 


Shotguns need love. PS4/XBONE players need a chance to obtain strun wraith. 


Please leave energy weapons ammo pool alone. It is fine as-is.


I like some of the interesting ideas mentioned about Rhino skin as overall AI damage increased and seems to tear through his iron skin now quicker than it used to. Could use a buff. I know some players would call that OP but it would be useful to make it viable for late game scenarios. Buff that or leave him alone. 


Please make ember viable again and bring overheat back. You never see her anymore in the void. Sad.


Keep fog limited to certain maps/events please. 



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