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Ember: Surviving Canadian Winters


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Changes are great but Ember cannot kill anyone, who have armor - she don't have enough dps for killing pack of mobs fast.


So, i think she must get World on Fire buff - faster or multiple explosion (or both).


Another variant - rework her skills for status dmg (fire DoT) that will bypass armor, but not for raw fire dmg.

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Changes are great but Ember cannot kill anyone, who have armor - she don't have enough dps for killing pack of mobs fast.


So, i think she must get World on Fire buff - faster or multiple explosion (or both).


Her damage is fine , you are doing something wrong.

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Her damage is fine , you are doing something wrong.

Abilities in general can't kill armored targets at higher levels because their HP increases exponentially instead of linearly.  If you don't use a damage type that partially ignores armor (these still fall off pretty soon, though) your damage relative to their EHP will plummet fast.  That's a problem with armor scaling, not abilties (and certainly not Ember, who comes as close as you can get except for the Miasma bug.)

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Abilities in general can't kill armored targets at higher levels because their HP increases exponentially instead of linearly.  If you don't use a damage type that partially ignores armor (these still fall off pretty soon, though) your damage relative to their EHP will plummet fast.  That's a problem with armor scaling, not abilties (and certainly not Ember, who comes as close as you can get except for the Miasma bug.)

You right. Mb warframes skills must ignore some part of armor, or must inflict DoT, that will bypass it's armor at all.

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How about, instead of increasing the maximum uptime of World on Fire, Duration reduces the wait time between explosions?

i'd prefer if every Ability had useful effects on each stat type.


and if Duration would no longer increase the Duration of World on Fire, and you could use it until you run out of Energy, increasing Duration to make Explosions happen more often..... idunno, maybe?


though as i mentioned earlier in the thread (and have from time to time for a lonnnng time), making the 3 Explosions per Second more useful would make great strides alone.


as well as making Fire Effects (which Ember uses a lot of, even somewhat relies on them) less unreliable, with Enemies just ignoring them at times, which heavily devalues anything but Accelerant as even minor CC.

(*cough* Enemies on Fire, flailing their arms, sliding towards you without moving their legs, still shooting at you, Et Cetera)


With all other toggle energy drain ability's efficiency effects it and not duration. Can you explain how duration will effect this World on Fire as a toggle power?

it would be like Prism, still limited by Duration, but can be canceled to save Energy.

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So, Ember. Ember is one of our oldest Warframes and her abilities and stats are often a 'hot' discussion item. Her model, powers, stats have received changes in the past, and we find ourselves back again taking a look at what we can tweak.


Here are some coming changes to Ember that you'll be able to try out soon, we're hoping to have these shipped in a week or two on PC:


Statistic Changes:

-          Base Stamina increased to 150.

-          Base armour increased to 100 (125 for Ember Prime)

-          Movement Speed increase.


Ability Changes:

-          Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it -will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).

-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).

-          World on Fire has had its casting time reduced.


As usual... this is all subject to change, this is just a quick look at what the plans are.


world on fire has the same problem bladestorm had, it needs to deal damage to more enemies at the same time.


my last test with fire blast showed it's still wonky as hell, half the time enemies do run through and take damage, half the time they stand outside the ring and wait - meaning half the time the fire fright augment is completely useless. would be nice if that could be made consistant in one direction or the other. that said, i don't quite get how an outward growing wall of fire fits current fire blast, it just seems random as can be. (no ideas? the augment suggestion thread had plenty.) oh well, guess we will see...

Edited by SlyBoots
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Good luck with Arson Gunner 60+ lvl. I know that Ember can punch for > 10k, but mob with 90% reduction from armor and ~3-5k hp easily endures all your 10k++ dmg. 


For players who only uses Warframe Abilities then yeah it's a problem. I Use my Primary,Secondary,Melee > Buffed with Accelerant > on a Panicked Target  because of either Fireball or Fireblast > Which is Buffed by Accelerant for the kills.

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No one is ranting about how strong Bladestorm of Ash is (around 8k damage unmodded in a 25m aoe) so why not make WoF become quite similar. I don't suggest that it should be a targettable ability but instead make the affected units stunned for abit, do finisher damage as well as a heat DoT afterwards. Taking into consideration that Ember can easily boost the damage of her "fire" skills with Accelerant, it won't affect WoF's initial finisher damage but still affects the heat DoT.

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I have all Warframes and I played Ember Prime the most because it felt a bit special since I started the game and purchased Ember Prime Access shortly after. I still think it was an awesome choice since I got the sexy Misa Prime Syandana. I forma'd Ember Prime 5 times not because I needed to but I wanted to. I wanted the 5 stars on her and that's the only warframe that I forma'd more than 3 times. But she fell off in late game and wasn't really relevent in many missions.

I love you DE for recognizing Ember's problems and making a change 8D


Especially the armor... 15 is wayyy too low even for a caster frame since she doesn't have survivability like Trinity or Zephyr or Nyx or Volt, all of which shares armor stat of 15. It makes her almost impossible to play on high level missions.

125 for Ember Prime would be so good!

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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This is very good, but World on Fire is still a mechanically crippled skill. The 3 target limit and the lack of any AOE makes it extremely impractical when you're getting mobbed.


I suppose the new Fire Blast is provided in the hope that it will give Ember actual AOE damage and crowd control, but I seriously doubt it will do any meaningful damage.

Edited by Ion_Sig
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This is a step in the right direction, but it will not help her that much ...


Her 'World on Fire' still does very little dmg, it needs to be increased at least to 600 dmg with 1 explosion.

'Accelerant' is a nice ability, but it depends too much on the weapons you use ... If it would increase the dmg of combined elements with fire components (mabye not that strong like pure fire-dmg), it would be much more usefull.

And also her 'Fire Blast' has very high energy costs (75 energy), this could be changed too.



In general Ember has the problem that you need to build everything with her. You need duration, strength, range and efficiency ... That is too much!

Edited by Feyangol
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