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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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You kinda tripped up by saying "important to keep it grounded in the original concept" What original concept? Do you know how many cultures dragons have appeared in? Taking many forms  and features? 


On top of that dragon's are not real. How they are created is solely based on the creator and its culture-based cues. Nothing is set in stone. 

Chroma. It is in the name. If you don't think of chromatic dragons, then you clearly had no fun in life (/s).


As to the argument that a more recognizable dragon is boring... by whose standards? I keep seeing this as one of the main points against using the d&d design. Honestly, i feel that would have been amazing! You have no idea how much time I spend in class thinking about ways dragons/humanoid dragons can be used in fun ways in rpg campaigns and storytelling. I would have found it fun, and i doubt I am the only one. So saying it is bad because it is "boring" is a weak argument since it is subjective. No saying, it is not a legitimate thing for some people, just that it is not exactly a proper argument.

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I'll admit that's the only pose Chroma looks legitimately good in. However that pose is akin to using lighting and a certain angle to make one look thinner in selfies when it comes to real life humans.


What the hell you talking about? xD that's how Chroma LOOKS. What do you mean that's the "only pose" he looks good in? The correction would be the "only pose" everyone is up in arms about is the one he "looks legitimately bad in" Look you can even see his WINGS. YOU SEE THAT GUYS!?


And there have been numerous posts pointing out that they see no wings lol. 

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Yet there is plenty enough opposition to the creature which is good enough :)

And then we have plenty enough supporters who thinks it looks good.

And then we also have the fact that the forum community does not represent the entire community. If anything, we are the smallest of the community.

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The colour dependant abilities kinda restrict what abilities we can use because the starter colour palette does not have main shades such as white or black, so does this mean if we don't buy specific colour palettes then we are stuck with the same abilities.

You have 18 colors, and they expressed in tennolive that it was shading... we were only even given 3 shades that matter(bluish, whitish, and redish). All of those are readily available in the default color selection.

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What the hell you talking about? xD that's how Chroma LOOKS. What do you mean that's the "only pose" he looks good in? The correction would be the "only pose" everyone is up in arms about is the one he "looks legitimately bad in" Look you can even see his WINGS. YOU SEE THAT GUYS!?


And there have been numerous posts pointing out that they see no wings lol. 


I'd hardly even class those stubs as wings

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His snout is almost as thin as Chromas.

Yup, their horn placement is not especially different either, and while Chroma looks chunky in some of the images in others they maintain a somewhat sleek look.


Alternatively, we have plenty of other examples which leave me wondering just how hard one's really searching if they can't find any similar Dragons.

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Yet there is plenty enough opposition to the creature which is good enough :)

No, it really isn't. You said that everyone thinks Chroma is ugly yet not everyone thinks such.

Just because Chroma doesn't fit your personal idea of what a dragon is doesn't mean it's not a dragon. It's a cultural depiction of a dragon to the Tenno culture within the Warframe universe.

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What the hell you talking about? xD that's how Chroma LOOKS. What do you mean that's the "only pose" he looks good in? The correction would be the "only pose" everyone is up in arms about is the one he "looks legitimately bad in" Look you can even see his WINGS. YOU SEE THAT GUYS!?

And there have been numerous posts pointing out that they see no wings lol.

No that pose IS slimming, and it makes his narrow snout look like it has teeth and isn't so narrow. I watched the stream live. I saw his &#! in motion. He's a piggy of a seahorse.

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Me saying that many people don't appreciate art is me talking about the notion that many people have that if it doesn't give a knee-jerk reaction to either satisfy them or make them feel anything then it's crap. When more often than not work that thoughtful and has work/time into it is honestly deserving of much more. 


It's not bout liking/disliking it its the desire for destroying it or getting rid of it simply because they don't instantly desire it or think its mind-blowing-ly cool. 


And that goes for a lot of things in the game. If your first reaction is to trash something because it wasn't what you thought it would be or it isn't how you like it is the depreciation of art. I'm talking about this on a much deeper level than just "You can't say their opinion doesn't matter because you don't agree with it" No move past that and look deeper at what I'm talking about. 


While there are people who call for his "utter destruction", there are also a decent amount of people supporting him and championing his design, dont forget about these supporters, because saying that "many people will x, everyone will y" is excluding the supporters of his design, there are people on both sides, and people both sides can have valid points, but can also go too far.


Completely excluding one or the other by saying they cannot appreciate the design or "many people hate him" does not allow us to achieve any meaningful conclusion


Personally, I like his design as far as he's been shown, i find it intriguing, but lets not polarize the discussion and consider that absolutely everyone only supports one side or the other


And then you'll have people complaining about how the frame obviously looks like a dragon, just like they complained with Mesa and Limbo.

You see? There's no win-win scenario here.

This is likely because our community has now grown large enough that any decision made by the devs will cause some sort of large scale dissatisfaction, theres not pleasing everyone, after all, and thats not always a bad thing

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long story short, i can't agree with it.

i also don't like it.

i also think it's a bad idea.

with that out of the way.

the Gaming Industry has found the power of Cosmetics. realizing that a surprising number of Players like customizing the looks of their Characters. it's why games like EVE and many other MMO's feature extremely complex, detailed Character creation systems. even going as far as on the fly body sculpting.

in an Industry that knows that Cosmetics is a universally extremely powerful driving force - tying Gameplay to Cosmetics seems like a step(s) backward(s).

i'm far from someone that plays dress up with their Characters. my extent goes as far as choosing looks that i like, and using that. no changes get made.

but even so, i already recognize the grumbles i have about having Cosmetics (Energy Color) tied to Gameplay (Abilities).

i can hardly imagine what someone that actually wobbles at the knees of Character customization must think when they're told that the color of their Character will determine their Playstyle and effectiveness in the game.

not to mention that we don't even atleast have a decent number of Loadouts for our Equipment to even slightly mitigate this issue. 3 Loadouts for our Equipment? it's as scoffing sounding now as it was originally.

we even unlock more than a dozen Equipment presets, more than fit on the damn screen! but Loadouts for the actual Equipment, never.

so, why choose Cosmetics? beats me.

what i do know, is that we have Abilities to work with. some of them, such as Tornado, already have Damage Type changes implemented into them, without affecting Cosmetics.

right this second, i do not have any fully brainstormed avenues to escape from tying Cosmetics to Stats - but this should be considered important.

the Players that will be affected by tying Cosmetics to Stats, would be the ones that care the most about Cosmetics in the first place. as far as i'm concerned this is like Warframe shooting itself in both feet.

we know that Players that find Cosmetics important... consider Cosmetics important. Players that have no qualms about Cosmetics won't care at all. they're going to be choosing whatever is statistically the best anyways.

so the Players that do find Cosmetics important - should not be getting punished for appreciating that side of the game.

i mean, comeon. remember, the most successful large scale Multiplayer game that exists currently and has recently - League of Legends - is huge on Cosmetics. Cosmetics is one of the sole driving forces of it's Monetization system.

it didn't become one of if not the most lucrative Multiplayer game in the entire Gaming Industry by tying Cosmetics to Stats. the fact that they haven't, and still, the business model consistently increases month after month, like a freight train, constantly making significant jumps over and over - really should hit home how important this is.

even the 'close' contenders to LoL - are all doing the same thing.

Dota 2 is a huge Cosmetic game.

TF2 is a huge Cosmetic game.

i may not like MOBA's at all, but i recognize that LoL has recognized how powerful Cosmetics are - and how fair they are to Players. everybody wins with Cosmetics. as long as they aren't tied to stats.

all of that neatly wraps up back into that the Gaming Industry already knows that tying Cosmetics to Stats is inadvisable. i can only recommend the same.

Edited by taiiat
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The non vocal majority don't even matter. They are the voiceless and have to depend on the voices to represent them.


Although it seems the oppositions far outweighs the supports. Even in chat especially the livestream one, though many were spamming, it was overwhelming opposition.


Though the devs don't give a damn either way. People are gonna have to learn to like it.

Edited by Jinryusai
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OK guys, lets please stop. This thread is just "I think horseman looks good" versus "horseman is fugly (let's be honest, he is lol)"



We're not going to get anywhere with this, let's just hope that he comes with better looking helmets. And let's hope for all of the free players out there that they can spawn in alerts form the get go.

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I wonder what Chroma's abilities will be, though. One has got to be Dragon Breath of some sort, the other was implied on the livestream to be a "lucky charm" kind of power that helps allies. Perhaps he'll have flight? Or the cool but somewhat cliché ability to turn into an actual dragon? Invulnerability? And how will the whole "Your energy color affects the elemental type" affect the said powers? 

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You're using a strawman here, just thought you should be aware of that.

You're ignoring the fact that the Tenno have a culture and that, with any culture, will have a differing depiction of what is what. Vehicles are actually a neat example to use. There are plenty of different automobile companies yet their products look quite different from other another company's.


What culture? Every car shares certain similarities. You guys can debate what makes a dragon a dragon all you want, the fact is that a much more concrete comparison exists in the anteater. Chroma looks like an anteater. Long thin snout, fat body, thick tail (more beaver like than anteater like). All he's missing is the tongue. 

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The non vocal majority don't even matter. They are the voiceless and have to depend on the voices to represent them.


Although it seems the oppositions far outweighs the supports. Even in chat especially the livestream one, though many were spamming, it was overwhelming opposition.


Though the devs don't give a damn either way. People are gonna have to learn to like it.

Everyone's voice matters. However, in terms of Chroma's design, it will stay as is or see very little change.

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Everyone's voice matters. However, in terms of Chroma's design, it will stay as is or see very little change.

The voiceless can't won't speak for themselves so they don't.


Although statistics do matter...

Edited by Jinryusai
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What culture? Every car shares certain similarities. You guys can debate what makes a dragon a dragon all you want, the fact is that a much more concrete comparison exists in the anteater. Chroma looks like an anteater. Long thin snout, fat body, thick tail (more beaver like than anteater like). All he's missing is the tongue. 

Again, I refer to Smaug's artwork. Alternatively, since people are going on about the hoopla of "It doesn't look like a real Dragon", I eagerly await DE changing the design to something more like this, or these. Maybe if really lucky we'll get something like this.

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