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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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PR? and what ever it is I agree, this is silly, just telling us this, no wonder why players are leaving.

Well considering Warframe is growing... And they are building hype... And that we know it's not coming this week... Meaning that there is at least a week before it comes out and plenty of time for a teaser...

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Jee...Mesa had an art appearing Limbo had a teaser and this Frame is just mentioned?De you are gonna need to fix your PR in the future if that is how you are going to show new content.


Haha don't forget Mirage was first seen on the Breeding Ground mods. How's that for an anticlimactic introduction.

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Thanks for providing your insight! When I heard that energy color was going to determine the elemental effect of the frame, the reaction from the colorblind members of the community was the first thing that came to mind for me and I certainly hope that this time around it was in the forefront of consideration for DE as well. Back then, the reaction from DE Pablo was to initially insist that everything was okay and color blind friendly because he had run the designs through a "colorblind simulator" and found it, himself, to be easily distinguishable, and it took a lot of fighting back from members of the community to convince them otherwise in order to see a better option brought in. I hope they learned from this experience, for the sake of my fellow tenno who deserve just as well to enjoy the new frame when it arrives!


Your general support is appreciated. Lord knows I'd have had an easier time in art lessons if more people were like yourself.


As it stands, I'm admittedly curious whether or not anyone in DE actually is colourblind themselves. I mean, if there were colourblind staff, it could potentially really help them with future UI implementations. Considering a lot of the mitigations/considerations that have come about are from the 'we're working with something we don't really understand' sort of position, I'm suspecting it may not be the case. Granted, they'd likely be really unamused that their job amounts to a paid rendition of 'how's this look to you?' which all colourblind folk experience pretty much constantly when the topic is raised, but then again I'd admittedly be more than happy to do it myself because a) Paid job and b) directly useful feedback.


I don't mean to insinuate any discrimination. Rather, it's simply the honest conclusion I've come to after years of being quizzed about everything colour related. Without a colour blind person to bounce the whole 'how's this for you' off of, people make a lot of assumptions. People with good intentions but ignorant of the 'reality' of something can end up complicating matters for the people they're trying to be considerate of.


I support DE's ability to work and play with an interesting mechanic in as much as 'that's different', but unless they've expanded to have a 'colour blindness accessibility' team in the UI team, we're probably going to be running into some 'You meant well but...this, this and this isn't helping, here, try this' situations.


In the end, it still remains that of the infinite range of possible things, colour as a directly important thing is...sadly beyond my ken to truly enjoy. Sure, I see colour, but I mix up Yellow and Green. I mix up Blue and Purple. I mix up Green and Brown. The world that I experience is fundamentally different to those of the 'normal' colour vision world I can only...intellectually understand. Empiricism being what it is, I cannot even conceive what the world looks like for you 'normal' people. I've only seen through my eyes, no one else's.


Catch is, the way I see the world is that many more times exotic due to its rarity.


Will this frame be awesome? Potentially. I just...with the information I have to hand, along with my experience, I can't be 'excited'.


I will however note that there's a slight unintentional (I hope) irony that the new Frame being Male correlates nicely with how colour blindness exhibits more in the male population. Yes, women can and are colourblind too, but much less common. Granted, this is just one of those 'see it because part of said group' things maybe.


Apologies for the long response, hope it was at least informative/interesting.

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Well considering Warframe is growing... And they are building hype... And that we know it's not coming this week... Meaning that there is at least a week before it comes out and plenty of time for a teaser...


hummm, good point, but what if I told you this?


If I told you, that it was coming this week, then It didn't come this week, but then I told you it is, but  then it does come this week, but it turns out to be a fake, yet they said it was this week, yet no one believed them and then it comes next week, but we already kown next week is today, so if next week is today then whats the other week?

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I....I don't like this idea.

They removed stat hemets because they didnt want cosmetics to limit gameplay...and now we have to change our colors?



I would guess that it will work around the BASIC colors all Tenno have access to from the start of the game.


Enhanced colors like the ones we've gotten for 1 cred or the ones you buy are going to be used as the SAME power as the basic ones you can choose. Not a completely independent power. Keeping within warframe's design with plat. 


For the record...


If this were closer to 4/1/2015


I would think DE might be considering a Troll of not only the playerbase but DC by doing 'Lantern' frames...xD

Edited by Hyperion5182
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I would guess that it will work around the BASIC colors all Tenno have access to from the start of the game.


Enhanced colors like the ones we've gotten for 1 cred or the ones you buy are going to be used as the SAME power as the basic ones you can choose. Not a completely independent power. Keeping within warframe's design with plat. 


For the record...


If this were closer to 4/1/2015


I would think DE might be considering a Troll of not only the playerbase but DC by doing 'Lantern' frames...xD

i'm not sure that's what omni was trying get at with his comment. it's not about having buy more cosmetics but that your cosmetics at all will now once more effect your gameplay even after de made a stance against that very logic so long ago. sure all the options are available with the starter colors but that doesn't make the gameplay any less cosmetic reliant. 

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Lol... did a mod really remove that Dreadnaught pic now?



Devstream on friday....

Wonder if we will finally see a picture of our rainbow warframe.

children roam here bro. 


and i really hope so, i'm going to hurt somebody if i don't get a screenie of this frame or its release soon. i must know if it is worth caring about. 

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I'm not sure I like it either. It sounds cool, but once you get over the cool gimmick it really will just kill color variety. Which is no fun.


I'd still rather have Typhus, at least he is less cheesy than some of the newer frames.

And I'm going to assume that the new frame is going to look dumb as well.

(Looking at you, limbo.)

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I'm not sure I like it either. It sounds cool, but once you get over the cool gimmick it really will just kill color variety. Which is no fun.


I'd still rather have Typhus, at least he is less cheesy than some of the newer frames.

And I'm going to assume that the new frame is going to look dumb as well.

(Looking at you, limbo.)


abilities based on color doesn't really give me a good idea of what he'll look like... so I think it's a bit early to judge..

everyone thought Heath Ledger would be terrible as joker, but he was the best thing that ever happened to the Chris Nolan trilogy.

everyone thinks the new frame will be Sh**, or at the very least disappointing... but maybe he'll turn out amazing

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Well considering Warframe is growing...


I've said it before and I'll say it again - player population growth is not an indicator of increased player retention. There may be lots of new players joining the game, but that does not have any bearing on how long the average player actually sticks around, which is in a very clear state of decline as of late. 

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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Ewwww, Avatar 


It is Sai from Naruto not Avatar....

Thats AvatarAvatar_Aang.png


I once came up with the thinking of an Eximus frame


But why we are not thinking about Energy Plasma? It could change the elemental dmg based on the color.


And before anyone crys again it is a light frame it is confirmed that it is not a light frame.

And for all the people who wanna have a Dragon it would not fit into warframe. Better watch that we get a Dragon Ash skin or something.

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