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January 30Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Welcome to another week of Community Hot Topics! Our last Community Hot Topics received a massive number of views/responses, so I just want to reiterate that these topics are 100% community driven and do not necessarily reflect the development process. However, these topics and responses can influence design decisions, so your opinions are extremely important. Hope you enjoy the topics for this week, and I’ll do my best to keep up with all of your responses. 


Raid Expectations

In case you missed the news, Devstream 45 revealed important details on some upcoming 8-player content (aka: raids). The source threads for this hot topic delve into a few player ideas and expectations. Niryco’s thread does a great job compiling many variables to consider. If you could narrow down the quintessential aspects of a raid to 1 or 2 things, what would they be? What truly makes a raid, in your opinion? I’ve included a simplified poll to get some basic opinions on this topic. 


Source threads:



Telegraphed Attacks

For those who are unaware, a “telegraph” is a cue from an enemy that lets players know an attack is coming. HibikiGanaha’s source thread simply states that “[Nullifers] are completely broken without one.” Do you think Nullifiers should telegraph their attacks? Warframe enemies typically do not telegraph attacks, so do you think telegraphs are a good idea? This topic is also important for bosses (and potentially raids). Do you think boss attacks should be telegraphed?


Source thread:




RFaul has a popular thread on void rewards and wonders why the wealth isn’t spread throughout more mission types. Do you think rewards should be diffused? If yes, where would you like to see certain rewards go? If no, why not? Answer in the poll to give your opinion and post your comments below!


Source thread:



Overtake Tactical Alert

The Overtake Tactical Alert has been the source of many hot topics, most of which said the challenge is great! 


PC players, what is your opinion of the Overtake tactical alert? Was it too hard, too easy, or just right? How did it compare to previous Tactical Alerts? Same, better, or worse? 


Console players, are you looking forward to the Overtake tactical alert? Does it seem more interesting/exciting than previous tactical alerts? 


Source threads:




Two of the source threads for this topic request new bows, while the third discusses the power of bows compared to sniper rifles. How do you think bows compare to other weapon types? Do you use bows often? How do bows compare to sniper rifles (which, arguable, share a similar niche)?  What changes, if any, would make you want to use bows more? Is there a specific style of bow you’d like to see (a corpus bow, perhaps)? 


Source threads:


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I find it somewhat interesting that reactions to the Nekros changes aren't on here, but I suppose there's already a dev workshop about that...


Raid Expectations

They should definitely require some finesse and coordination between party members. If this is Warframe's version of end-game, it should involve a test of ability rather than just focus on how well-modded your loadout is from the mods you were lucky enough to find or buy.

Note that I do not mean repeating the tired mechanic of "focus on this tiny spot on the boss' armor, then wait out his invincibility and repeat", nor "every enemy should be able to oneshot me if I don't perform the macarena while engaging".


Telegraphed Attacks

To be fair, the more dangerous enemies do have a telegraph. Mutalist Moas (though it isn't nearly long enough in my opinion), Ancients, Grineer heavies, Drahk Masters (which is... actually perfectly telegraphed)...

Personally, I don't see the issue of Nullifiers being that their sniper rifles are powerful, just that their defenses are too strong (especially when they're also Arctic Eximi) and restrict you to certain weapons, making it difficult to retaliate. Either you get inside their bubble and expose yourself at point-blank, or you stay at range and open yourself to attack while you focus them down. Lotus help you if you're using, say, Nova and Opticor, or Loki and Paris Prime, or... really any non-tank who's not using an automatic or high fire-rate rifle.


It's unnecessary to have both. Perhaps the shield's size can be reduced by shooting into it, but it shouldn't completely block bullets if it already blocks abilities.

Failing that, have some reward for taking the time to pop the bubble, like an explosive effect that harms both the Nullifier and anyone within range of its initial field based on the damage the shield blocked.


Void Rewards

Let's not beat around the bush - we all know the average player's main issue with the Void is dilution. The rewards we want to see gone the most are the ones we see the most of while hunting for that final part; keys, credit caches, Fusion Cores, resources, Forma - common Prime parts stopped being a real issue with the addition of Ducats. 

You can seriously go 40 minutes in T4 Survival and not see any Prime parts at all. That's when you know dilution has gone too far.


On the subject of Ducats, I think a lot of players were dismayed to find that they couldn't purchase any Void parts from the Void Trader, just unique gear. Even just being able to buy specific keys for extra attempts at the mission you've been grinding without any luck would've been one-up. There's not really any fallback in case you don't get the item you need, other than prayer and a two hour grind for Take 2.


Overtake TA

I'm probably in the minority, but I particularly enjoyed Overtake. Up until this point, most Tactical Alerts have been "pick your most Conclave-efficient loadout (worth noting that a PvP measurement is not a good way to measure PvE effectiveness) and monotonously run the node to completion on Public". This one encouraged players to think outside the box with strategies and coordinate their efforts.

... Of course, my view may be somewhat tainted by the fact that I completed it in 2 runs.

Edited by Archwizard
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Looking foreward for raid that have puzzles and multiple bossfights with unique mechanics.

Overtake was too easy for me.

I want to get a warning before I get 1-shot by a ballista or a nullifier in T4.

The Void should not be the only source for prime parts. The place is already filled in them.

One or two new bows would be nice. Also a sniper rifle.

Edited by Jeloxale
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Holy crappppppppp.



We need a better impact one, for sure. Cernos just doesn't cut it. I used bows since I first started to play but recently I've been using the Opticor. The same charge mechanic fits but I still love bows to death. If anything, please take a look at how they damage null shields. Other than that I love them to death.



(Although I have plenty of bow concepts if you guys wanna look at em! Even an Archwing bow with homing arrows. c:)


Link for whomever; https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/331838-clustrum-20-archwing-bow-and-arrow/

Edited by blazingcobalt
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I find it somewhat interesting that reactions to the Nekros changes aren't on here, but I suppose there's already a dev workshop about that...

I'll make a note to check out Nekros threads for the next CHT, especially since we've covered him in a past CHT before these changes were announced (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/316176-september-26th-community-hot-topics/)

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There are a lot of topics that should have made it to the hot topics that didn't imo. Plus I haven't heard/seen many threads on bows. Might add topics in my post later that I felt should have been in the hot topics.


EDIT: Since I'm not very fast at hunting threads I will just post about the topics I know a lot about.


Alternate fire/Zoom:








Prisma Gorgon:


There are about 20+ threads on this not going to hunt them down.


Weapon Buffs (Namely Supra and a few others):



https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/355299-buff-supra/ (old thread but still very popular)




These are ones that stick out a lot to me and usually have a lot of feeback/opinions. What I don't get about some of these topics is that they either have no upvotes or there is only one thread about it (enemies telegraphing attacks) while there are many other threads on things that people have been wanting changed/ broken for a long time.


By the way, fix the aklatos having 12 damage compared to the lato having 18, thank you.

Edited by Cranial_Enigma
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I am so pumped for the Raids just because it gives us veterans a mountain to scale. Not in the RNG variety, not just mindless farming but of challenging gameplay that can be a fun romp. Unlike other Raids from other games or MMOs, Warframe's RNG procedurally generated flair could be brought to the forefront. Meaning every Raid run could become different experiences with a large range of possible configurations of tilesets, enemy type, enemy placement and boss variants.

Edited by yuio678
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About the "tyrrany if bows"


 The thread is more about buffing snipers than touching bows imo.



And yess add moar :)


Overtake alert:


Didn't take part: didn't have a throwing weap at the time ,will the stance be available in the future r is it gone forever? because throwing weaps have 2 stances, 1 is almost unobtainable and the other is now unobtainable.



8 player raids


Make them require coodrination please . Not top tier gear. Decent gear sure but right now top tier means  Primeframe/BoltorPrime/ the rest doesn't matter.


A diverse team with a diverse arsenal and good coordination should be rewarded instead of the usual  farm rushers who don't even care about teamwork.

  + the raid boss should telegraph attacks since they are probably gonna be uber powerful.

Edited by Deidaku
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What do you expect from a Warframe raid boss? (can select more than one)

I would like to see the environment to being more important in a Bossfight than brute force. Like "two players need to parcour to a hard to reach place to simultaneously activate two consoles to expose the boss" or "shoot unstable stalagmites/stalagtites (not sure which one, the kind that goes to the ground) so they hit the boss".

PC players, in your opinion, the Overtake Tactical Alert was…

I liked that you restricted our Arsenal to thrown melees instead of a conclave restriction. However, using Nullifiers as the prominent enemy was stupid, since thrown melees are not effective against them. I think glaive & co should pass through Nullifier shields, and the Alert could've showcased this change to players who don't read patchnotes.


Instead, we had people using Nyx, spamming Snow Globes, using Turbulence or similar abilities to bypass what could've been an interesting alert.


In your opinion, how do bows compare to other weapon types overall?

I'd say roughly equal. They can dish out extreme amounts of damage but their efficiency against groups is limited. I would like to see Thunderbold reworked though, say, into and alternate firemode (it would have it's own slot then), or giving it 100% (because stuff like this needs to be RELIABLE).

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I find it somewhat interesting that reactions to the Nekros changes aren't on here, but I suppose there's already a dev workshop about that...


I'm surprised (well, not really now that I think about it) that Nullifiers, Rakta Ballistica, and Syndicate syandanas aren't on there, along with rep farming. But then again, I guess DE would want to avoid the absolutely controversial topics...

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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I ticked almost all the boss boxes :D

But i dont get why people dont want raid bosses to be hard and require 'Top Tier' gear to defeat.Oh they also dont want restrictions.

I want a hard boss that makes me thing along with my GEARED friends.

I dont want mastery rank 2's leeching for raid rewards.

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The Overtake alert was an interesting idea but very oddly executed. I mean seriously... throwing melee against Nullifiers and Arctic Eximus??? Can't kill them with range and you can't get close to them without getting killed. It added challenge, sure, but not really in a fun way. It was very much directed at defensive frames; Frost, Limbo, Nyx, Booben... all others were just cannon fodder.

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Just make sure there are objectives for raids that actually have impact on other players' progression. Taking down generators to disable turrets and let the other group just hack into the main doors as opposed to being forced to find the sneaky route while being shot at constantly if they got detected.


Or controlling the door lockouts for the other group. Or even just the ability to attract attention to allow them sneaky passage. 


It's all in how far you're willing to go with integrating it and introducing obstacles that can't be solved with just bigger guns. Mind you, bypassing obstacles with powers is not always a bad thing.


I'd expect the boss fight to be at LEAST "one team to distract the monstruous boss, other to man the guns" kinda thing.

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PC players, in your opinion, the Overtake Tactical Alert was…


Other: The alert itself with it's combination of high spawns semi high level enemies and nullifiers was challenging. The combination of Nullifers with Ice shields (multiples spawned thereof and overlapping) was like running face first into a spike covered wall. Painful and It didn't feel challenging so much as cheap.


Either this combination of eximus power and base unit should not be permissible or it should be extremely rare since it is such a powerful combination. We cannot get in close because of all of the other enemies hiding inside the bubble and the removal of our powers. We cannot deal with them quickly from range due to the snowglobe protecting the bubble nor can we pick off the other lesser enemies hiding inside before first destroying the snowglobe. It renders us pretty useless and all we can do is hammer at the globe from as far away as possible either hiding behind cover or powers like frots' snowglobe/volt's shield/mesa's shatter shield and hope the globe and bubble go down before we are overwhelmed.

This was especially frustrating for the alert since melee when thrown does not go through the globes -_- and it is so much slower than weapons we usually assign to deal with nullifiers.


Would you like to see more bows added to the Warframe arsenal?


I would love to see more bows added, but in order for me to play with them I would really like to see an option put in the game to change charge attacks from hold left click to charge to press left click to charge press left click to release (for weapons that don't hold a charge they would automatically fire when full same as now) You could press left click again before the weapon was fully charged for a quick shot (same as releasing the charge prior to completion now). I ask for this because the current charge hold button configuration is exceptionally painful to me when used more than a few times in missions, due to muscle issues. Please, Please consider adding this alternate charge mechanic, as charge weapons are pretty much unplayable to me right now and I would really like to use bows :( ; Especially if you add more.

Edited by Drasiel
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MOAR BOWS. But buff sniper riffles. 0 crit... 10× the dmg.

No. Crit mechanic forces players to aim headshots, which is more hard and interesting and good for sniper rifles.

But yeah, a little more bows, but they are extremely powerful with their punch through and body flight. Kinda OP compared to sniper rifles.

Woah, my topic about raid rank restrictions was mentioned. As I said, I don't really want to have Mastery Rank restrictions. What's about releasing some kind of Test of Strength. An improved Mastery Rank test, which is available after defeating Lech Kril or/and Ambulas? (bosses of "latest" planets) Or even series of them.

If player beats them all - he'll gain access to Raid missions.

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One of the people who chose "Other" about the difficulty of overtake.


I cheesed it with frost. Some energy restores, shield restores, and an efficiency build let me build a tunnel of snowglobe, solo. I'm not going to say it was to easy, as I imagine that doing it the way it was intended would be nearly impossible (if you did have something like that in mind when you designed the alert).

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Should some void rewards be moved to different mission types outside the void?

Put some older prime parts in excavation, with similar mechanics to archwing interception, every X extractors a prime part


Edit: this can be tied to lore

Edited by GordoFreeman
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About what I'm hoping to see in raids.


A good matchmaking system.

Last thing I want is browsing through recruitment chat or having to invite my friends when they are not really up for warframe.


What I would like to see is roles assigned to different warframe. This may take a bit of effort on DE's side, but not much, I think.

Few example:

Healer: Trinity, Oberon

Tank: Rhino, Valkyr

Damage: Volt, Saryn

Support: Vauban, Frost


Based on this, players would be assigned to public raids which are missing said roles.

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On the telegraph thing:

A "ninja" game should come with some usefull dodge mechanics. Being able to dodge something you need some kind of hint that something is coming. So, only implement telegraph attacks if we are actually able to dodge or counter what is going to hit us. Also only strong/special attacks should have a telegraph or warning mechanism.


On the bow thing:

Bows are pretty strong because they can deal a huge amount of damage in a single hit and therefor in very short time, but this shouldn't be changed because it makes them special. What should be changed however is the performance of snipers. Snipers should under certain conditions outperform bows by a good amount. Still want to see an increased headshot multiplier for snipers and intial punch thorugh (hell bows have their knockback damage addition wich makes them pretty strong so snipers should have a punch through all the time). On the "more bows" topic, yes add more bows, but only, ONLY if they feature a different mechanic as the existing ones. Make them unique in how they work but in a way that unique also means usefull. And plz no further bow addition wich just fuels power creep. We could actually use some stronger snipers instead a.k.a. rebalance the existing ones finally instead of adding new bows, thank you. Make this a year of quality not of "new content" nobody needs.

Edited by Scr4mp
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Raids:  I like the idea of puzzles, I also like the idea of multiple bosses, as well as one "big boss" at the end.  I also think the raids should have exclusive rewards (otherwise players probably won't play them much).  

Raid Bosses: While I do think bosses should require team coordination to beat, I also think everything in this game, including raids, should be soloable.  Even if two versions of every Raid boss has to be made (one solo version and one MP version), even if the odds are stacked horrendously against you, it needs to be soloable.  Also, the bosses should have phases, without a doubt.  Specific gear and time limits are bad ideas though.

Telegraphing attacks:  yes, some enemies should telegraph their attacks.  Any enemy with a sniper type weapon (Grineer ballistas, Corpus sniper crewmen, nullifiers) certainly should, as these weapons become extremely powerful in higher levels.  Here are two really good methods people have suggested.

No real opinion on the void drops, or the tactical alert.

Bows: Out of the five bows we have, Two are incredibly good (Dread and Paris Prime), two aren't too great (Cernos and Mk.1 Paris), and one is reasonable (Paris).  I have nothing against more bows being added, but something will have to be done to make them unique.

Edited by xXRampantXx
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In regards to bows, I almost never use them because in the state that Warframe presently is they are actually impractical for any mission other than maybe exterminate missions that don't require you to make the most amount of kills in the least amount of time. Missions that require a high body count so as to fully contribute to a team, such as defense, interception, and survival are a impractical venue to use a bow. Now mind you this has no bearing on the power of the bow itself just the amount of kills it can make compared to automatic weapons etc. Another problem with bows compared to sniper rifles is the range, no bow is anywhere near as accurate as a sniper rifle at long range. These are pretty much my reasons for never using a bow.

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On bows:


I see bows as ideally fitting a special niche as hybrid stealth sniping primary: trading some damage and the crit convenience of hitscan headshots for some fringe versatile functionality, such as the ability to take out a whole line of mobs with a well lined up fully charged shot, or the ability do a modest portion of splash damage via the thunderbolt mod (which was the oringinal alternate fire mechanic in Warframe). Style points aside, that is the reason one might opt for a bow instead of a good sniper rifle with a Hush mod thrown.



The problem is that with the explosion being completely randomized, it interferes with its function as a stealth weapon (in principle if not always in practice -- for the longest time, the explosion was completely silent, which struck me as ridiculous).



What I would like to see:


An ability to to control the ''explosion'' thunderbolt effect, or at the very least, make sure you get a 0% chance for when you are being stealthy. 



Here is an idea off the top of my head (EDIT: aw, who am I kidding) after months of careful deliberation:


Introduce a mod that (when fully maxed) grants a +70% chance of explosion on a completely uncharged arrow (making the arrow effectively a lobbed mortar with 100% explosion chance when paired with Thundershot) that culminates with a -30% chance of explosion at full charge.


 This way, bow users could have great control over the function of their bows, allowing them to reliably snipe with high damage single-enemy shots without alerting the whole map while they are sneaking around and have the luxury of time to allow for that long charge, but also, when stealth fails, alarms go off and the infantry fills in, allow bow users to spam-lob spread damage, a.o.e. bombs. 




As to the question of wither more bows:


I would like to see more bows, but please make them truly unique. I strongly second blazingcobalts notion of having a homing archwing bow.  Also, I would love to see a bow-version of the Castanas. Basically a bow that launches remoted detonated (yet still stealthy because electricity) a.o.e. Castanarrows. 






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