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Tempo Royale Will Be Temporarily Removed From Pvp In 16.5


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I should start playing PvP...

I'm gonna wait until the severe host-client lag issues are addressed. I've been killed by melee from people 10 metres away so often it's not fun to play. My hitscan weapons lag only when I aim at other players so I always miss, and I can never perform maneuvers properly like in PvE.


I liked the old PvP better simply because it worked, I could care less about balance right now.

Edited by FLSH_BNG
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So removing a fast attacking heavy stance is on your list... But Kogake isn't at all?

Kogake isnt a problem at all. Knockdown is the thing that people hate. Kogake is what delivers this. Kokgake knockdown is one of the few viable ways to catch/gain the upper hand on people that copter around right now.

I'm gonna wait until the severe host-client lag issues are addressed. I've been killed by melee from people 10 metres away so often it's not fun to play. My hitscan weapons lag only when I aim at other players so I always miss, and I can never perform maneuvers properly like in PvE.

Yeah i get this alot too - maybe host connection fluctuating AFTER matchmaking or something. You can go into your options and change the minimum ping for your matchmaking by the way. I think default was 300ms and i dropped mine to match with 100ms minimum. Still get terribad games where its obvious who is host.

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Kogake isnt a problem at all. Knockdown is the thing that people hate. Kogake is what delivers this. Kokgake knockdown is one of the few viable ways to catch/gain the upper hand on people that copter around right now.


Ah so the fact it hits to an incredible speed for too many damages even on the quick attack isn't a problem... ok.

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Here's my opinion so far:


first of all, thanks for the hard work! I enjoy pvp more than i thought i will.



Second, this is my opinion based on in-game PVP experience so far.


Kogage: should do less damage or the mobility (chasing capability) should be toned down a little, also... the hitscan feels broken. this should prevent the unfamous spam.

strun (mk1-strun/strun wraith): hits way too hard, one-two hits and you're down... maybe the spread should be more wide? 

Boar(prime):  can use a buff in damage, a real minor buff, six - seven bullets feels like too much for a shotgun.

Tonkor, the grenades should be MORE visible, so the "step one of this and die" moments don't happen so often, the damage is ok.

Khomak: it feels like a nerfed boar... in damage and spread.

Paris(mk1-paris/paris prime): this weapon is perfectly balanced, the charged bullet to the head feels so good :P( this is the one-shot kills that I can respect as a player, since the aiming needs to be great)

Lex(prime): I'm not sure about this one, a minor nerf in accuracy?

Latron(wraith-prime): nice one, balanced.

Gorgon(vandal/wraith/prisma): this one is screaming for a buff... not sure what to buff here, though.



Excalibur: 1: I usually don't vote for a one-hit kill ability... but... it feels so rewarding, and you usually need to shoot the target to take it down. 2: meh. 3: meh. 4: ok since nerf.

Mag: 1: too much range. 2: nerf range. 3: nerf time! (a lot) and buff bullet attraction (a little) 4: pretty ok.

Volt: 1: if you add a 0,5 second stun to this one, and nerf the damage, it would actually be useful. 2: nice. 3: this one's good :). 4: balanced since nerf.

Rhino: 1: feels like a excalibur's first, but nerfed. 2: balanced. 3: buff the time at least 2 seconds more. 4: can you add a stun at the begining? this one is the worst ultimate on pvp.

Chroma: 1: + damage, please. 2: nice!. 3: +time, please. 4: useless, needs the nyx ult treatment (the augment mod).

Frost: 1: lovely, but nerf the auto-aim a little. 2: buff the range to make it more viable, there's no room for this one, since the first ability follows. 3: nice one. 4: this one's great :P

Nyx: 1: ok, maybe 2 seconds less on durability. 2: this one's balanced. 3: lovely against meele users. 4: good with the augment. 



welp, this is my opinion of what i like/what i don't... I know my english is broken, but yeah, you understand, that's the point, hopefully someone would apreciate my work :P thanks for reading! :D


PS: happy mother's day :D

Edited by Lokime
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Since this topic addresses the upcoming game modes somewhat, I'd like to insert my 2 cents: I think aura collection (as seen in the last devstream) doesn't change the game flow much... until sniper weapons are implemented. You get the idea.


Also, obligatory whining because I just learned how to Gram efficiently. :(

Edited by DrewHorrigan
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What is with the many issues that still haven't been adressed:


Akmagnus is worse than Aklato in EVERY way (good that you buffed the single version -__-)


Nyx's 1 and 3 are useless because everyone still LOOKS the same (people have eyes and dont just shoot teammates)

Excaliburs slash dash onehits Nyxv (I guess rhino charge too)

Nyx has the lowest life and shield for gods sake mag has 200 shield -_-


Since volts jolt doesnt have an animation it is abused to up ttk significantly


Fang prime is significantly worse than fang


Lex prime is now twice as strong as lex


Dmg is not displayed correctly in the arsenal

Especially explosive weapons are out of whack (3 dmg angstrum)


Kunai are extremely lackluster if the arsenal dmg is right? (travel time + lower firerate for smg level dmg)

Edited by Cool3303
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Primary/Secondary Weapons

 - Recoil, fire rate, mag capacity, fall off distance, projectile speed, spin up/down speed will not change. Parity of how a weapon performs will be kept the same between PvE and PvP.

 - Damage can and will change. As stated during Devstream #49, the initial dps/ttk of the available weapons was homogeneous and we've been adjusting them up/down since in an attempt to give each weapon unique strengths/weaknesses to fit play style preferences and combat situations. With plenty of mistakes along the way (Lex, Cestras, oops!).


Warframes and their abilities

 - Rank 0 health, shield, armour, movement speed, stamina and ability energy cost values will not change.

 - Abilities, we have some flexibility. If all that's needed is a damage adjustment, great. Others require a total rework while keeping the spirit of the ability intact.

1) too many weapons have a ridicle fire rate/damage ratio, and if numbers won't be changed around that attribute, PVP is gonna be a 'Stabilizer pray-and-spray-fest shooter'.

Thats so for Semi-Automatic like Latrons, Sybarises, Automatic rifles like Bratons and Somas and Shotguns like Struns. I also suggest to work on the headshot/bodyshot multipliers for automatic weapons, as it's easier to land multiple headshots with these weapons.

2) Damaging abilities spam is still an issue. Without a cooldown the only thing that can be done is totally reducing the damage just to have them being utility skills. Elseway the game is going to be farm energy and spam skills.

Till these changes won't be around, PVP won't be nothing special.


Also if

- Recoil, fire rate, mag capacity, fall off distance, projectile speed, spin up/down speed will not change. Parity of how a weapon performs will be kept the same between PvE and PvP.

Stabilizer and similar mods should be removed from PVP.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Mag: 1: too much range. 2: nerf range. 3: nerf time! (a lot) and buff bullet attraction (a little) 4: pretty ok.


Pull leaves mag more vulnerable (because of the animation length and the time it takes to deal damage) compared to other #1's.  It also requires some aim on fast moving targets whereas other #1's are autolock (shock, freeze) or have a very wide aoe (slash dash, rhino charge,spectral scream). The range and stun are the only thing keeping it remotely viable. 


As for shield polarize, it definitely needs a range nerf. 


Bullet attraction on the other hand, needs a complete rework for it not to completely break ctf.


Crush is complete and utter garbage.  Using it is like rasing your hand and asking the other team to kill you.



Since this topic addresses the upcoming game modes somewhat, I'd like to insert my 2 cents: I think aura collection (as seen in the last devstream) doesn't change the game flow much... until sniper weapons are implemented. You get the idea.


Also, obligatory whining because I just learned how to Gram efficiently. :(

If it's like any other killed confirmed mode it will encourage slow play and as much spawn camping as possible.  That's just the nature of DM/TDM which is further exacerbated by kill confirmed.  COD thought they could fix TDM with that too, but the reality is that kill confirmed just discourages risk taking even more since you can be doubly punished by having kills denied.  I really wish DE had decided to introduce other game modes before doing TDM.  It's going to kill the player base in all other game modes. 

Edited by Aggh
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This is about pvp, but...


how about letting us use tempo roayle on scythes ???

They are slow as heavy weapons, but the lack the high damage numbers heavy melee have and also cant use tempo roayle.

Scythes are simply at disadvantage for no good reason.

Edited by 7grims
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