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Kiste - Ceres Bug?


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For your other problem, are you sure there isn't a corrupted ancient nearby? That lets nearby enemies take 90% less damage.

Was playing with Faulcun again while this was happening, and while that may be the case, it does seem like this has only started happening recently. Have really only run into this scenario in the last 2 weeks maybe, and only then in a few games.


Could empty a whole clip from my Vaykor Marelok into a bombard and take down maybe an eighth of its health, then I'd reload and kill it in one shot.


As for the enemies doing more damage, it did recur in the few keys that we ran that night, t3 and t4 survivals not making much of a difference. When we got to that 30-35 point, as Faulcun stated, just started getting one-shotted all the time. Like, even by the lancers...not cool.

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Two months later and still no fix.

Would love if DE at least told us that they're still working on it or something.

I'm just not used to this complete silence from their side, to be honest.


Anyway, today, I did another test that clearly shows the missile flying from the bugged bombards and demonstrating a lvl 38 non-Eximus Bombard occasionally one-shotting an Iron Skin coated Rhino with full shield and HP.



Suggest you watch it on fullscreen so you can clearly see the Iron Skin, Shield and HP numbers.

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"Just from watching the video i can safely say it's the bombards damage that is way to high. I have no clue as to why ppl keep mentioning bubles, shields, ballistas, warframes and even the areas."


I am glad someone took their time and effort to actually display the bombard and only the bombard, altough i still believe someone will come here and say that it's likely the ballistas.

Other players also stated that it was certainly not the bombards that 1 hit kill the pod because there were no bombards nearby, but considering some of these ppl don't even know what's around them, from ballistas to bombards rockets, i am pretty sure they don't know what they are talking about.


Said it before and i'll say it again, it's the bombards damage.

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Two months later and still no fix.

Would love if DE at least told us that they're still working on it or something.

I'm just not used to this complete silence from their side, to be honest.


Anyway, today, I did another test that clearly shows the missile flying from the bugged bombards and demonstrating a lvl 38 non-Eximus Bombard occasionally one-shotting an Iron Skin coated Rhino with full shield and HP.



Suggest you watch it on fullscreen so you can clearly see the Iron Skin, Shield and HP numbers.


Did you notice what happened after the very first rocket hit and killed you? The second rocket behind it changed its path and shot off into the sky. Whats interesting about this is the bug goes away while that same bombard stays alive.

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Two months later and still no fix.

Would love if DE at least told us that they're still working on it or something.

I'm just not used to this complete silence from their side, to be honest.


Anyway, today, I did another test that clearly shows the missile flying from the bugged bombards and demonstrating a lvl 38 non-Eximus Bombard occasionally one-shotting an Iron Skin coated Rhino with full shield and HP.



Suggest you watch it on fullscreen so you can clearly see the Iron Skin, Shield and HP numbers.


Do you have the full mission video footage still? Wondering if there's something we can see that occurred earlier that could be a clue.

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Do you have the full mission video footage still? Wondering if there's something we can see that occurred earlier that could be a clue.


Here are all the videos in this thread excluding the one KingTaro posted.


Grulos (page 1, post #5):

MechaGent (page 4, post #63):

rainmaker170 (page 4, post #76):

rainmaker170 (page 4, post #80): 

AuroraSonicBoom (page 5 , post #84):
AuroraSonicBoom (page 5 , post #87):
Edited by Amazerath
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Wondering if there's something we can see that occurred earlier that could be a clue.

Currently on mobile but I have seen reports the Simulcor and Vortex type ragdolls seem to massively increase damage at an infinite range. There's a video of tests inside the simulacrum that result in all enemies and the player getting nuked with hundreds of thousands of damage, even when the player is standing in the health orbs. I'll post a link to it as soon as I get on my computer.


Edit: That was quick! Here's the post.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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Do you have the full mission video footage still? Wondering if there's something we can see that occurred earlier that could be a clue.

It's not a bombard. At least not from what Ive seen. The defense objective can be COMPLETELY in the clear and it will suddenly fail. It also occur for players suddenly dying. There are no explosions or knockdown.


Also, I've experienced this bug about 20 times within the last 2 months, roughly. There were no similarities regarding group setups overall. All different weapons, frames etc.

Edited by Zareek
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Do you have the full mission video footage still? Wondering if there's something we can see that occurred earlier that could be a clue.

Did you notice is only occurrs at the hosts of the matchmaking?


It's like the hosts their Armor points are bugging out at the start of a match till they bleed out and are revive.

I don't know what you checked, not my bussiness anyways.


But maybe it's worth to ask for EE.log or either look in the source at the matchmaking for that planet sector if you know what I mean.

Seems like matchmaking in Kiste doesn't like to detect armor points at all.

If it isn't the source, it might be caused by a mod?

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I'm streaming a contrived test right now on twitch.tv/de_badhorse -- Kiste forced to lvl 38 bombards only. Infinite energy cheat, auto-iron-skin script -- so far no repro. If I can catch it in the act I can figure it out but I suspect that there's some nuance that we're missing.

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I'm streaming a contrived test right now on twitch.tv/de_badhorse -- Kiste forced to lvl 38 bombards only. Infinite energy cheat, auto-iron-skin script -- so far no repro. If I can catch it in the act I can figure it out but I suspect that there's some nuance that we're missing.

Thanks for checking it out though, Kiste was my favorite map.

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It's not a bombard. At least not from what Ive seen. The defense objective can be COMPLETELY in the clear and it will suddenly fail. It also occur for players suddenly dying. There are no explosions or knockdown.


That was my initial reaction as well. But I watched all the videos in here and they provided enough evidence to make me reconsider. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that the Bombards are the only thing that's bugged.

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That was my initial reaction as well. But I watched all the videos in here and they provided enough evidence to make me reconsider. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that the Bombards are the only thing that's bugged.

When it happened to me, no bombards were present. It happens to team mates as well, without any explosion or knockdown. So I think it's a bug that can happen to any enemy, being able to kill in 1 hit. 

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When it happened to me, no bombards were present. It happens to team mates as well, without any explosion or knockdown. So I think it's a bug that can happen to any enemy, being able to kill in 1 hit. 


I have only had this happen once on Ceres, and I have NO idea what did it. Just suddenly dead. Frost with max health, max armor, max shields in Snow Globe, then boom down!


NOT fun.


I CAN say, I don't think it was a Scorpion or Bombard. No drag or explosion that I saw.

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I CAN say, I don't think it was a Scorpion or Bombard. No drag or explosion that I saw.

Its certainly not a Scropion, they dont try to pull anywhere near frequently enough to trigger the bug and theyre certainly not invisible when getting killed while trying to get into melee.


But as ive said previously, instances of sudden massive damage that ive been able to observe have had damage tick rates consistent with the Bombards rate of fire.


The only thing i dont know is precisely whats causing it.

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I've got a repro and am working on a fix. It's related to shooting down rockets so if you can avoid that for now it'll be less of a problem.


You know how many times I have seen actual seeking-problem-and-then-fix-in-process replies from a dev in a game that is NOT Warframe?




And people wonder why I keep coming back to Warframe. I wonder.


Proper music for my feelings about DE- (Most of the time lol)



Maybe I am a DE fanboy. I find I don't CARE.

Edited by Kalenath
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I've got a repro and am working on a fix. It's related to shooting down rockets so if you can avoid that for now it'll be less of a problem.

...you can shoot down rockets?


Well that'll fix most of my issues with corrupted bombards.

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I've got a repro and am working on a fix. It's related to shooting down rockets so if you can avoid that for now it'll be less of a problem.


Aside from the fact we dont know what happened before the recording in post 129, but from what we can see, rockets were either hitting him, or the railing in front of him. If the rocket impacts on terrain, does it treat it as if its been shot down?

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This is awesome we started talking about this bug 6-7h ago and now you already found out what caused it!


Yes, it is very nice. But please let's not forget about the rest of the folks here who have been looking into this for weeks. They went from "getting instantly killed randomly" to "bombard missiles accumulating damage upon being shot down" by trying different things and posting their findings. This is the kind of effort that helps DE fixing things faster and in my opinion it deserves just as much credit and attention.

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