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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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I don't know if it's a bug or something, but I was under the impression Slash Dash was supposed to attack all enemies in range in one press rather than us having to spam it at 25 energy for one enemy being hit.


It targets enemies that fall within a cone in front.

The power now is more close combat because since it targets a specific enemy it means you need to be close so the enemy could be picked.

Still, the targeting is clunky and doesnt work properly.

The power also seems to not continue if you hit an enemy that doesnt die when slashed.


The power is a mess right now.

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New Excal made my week!  If you do nothing to him for a long time, other than fix the bugs already identified, it still makes my week. He is once again my favorite frame to play when doing anything that doesn't require a specialized job.  The net effect of being tanky enough that you can make an occasional mistake at mid-levels without insta-death, and trading super jump for exalted blade, made the entire game more enjoyable, both because of Excal's place in the lore, and because he was a regular play choice even without the improvements.


That said, I didn't use slash dash much before, and I don't use it much now.  The new mechanic doesn't seem to work reliably for me yet. Since I wasn't relying on it before, it doesn't ruin my day.  But if you want input on what could be better, there it is.

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Can we get clarification as to why the waves from his 4th ability aren't doing as much damage as his blade is? Other than that I really like how Excalibur turned out.


Also the new Slash Dash seems inconsistent with what it targets. Sometimes it tracks another enemy sometimes it doesn't.



Because what then would be the point in using it as a sword? It's just a gun that shoots cool waves at that point.


It's a sword first and foremost, attacks with the blade should do more damage than the waves. 



It is a bug for sure as quote by Rebecca, the energy waves should be affected by all melee mods



The design intent is:

Slash Dash damage scales off of all melee mods.

Exalted Blade damage scales off of all melee mods.

Exalted Blade waves scale off of all melee mods.

Will look to see what's up - if anyone can post details (Damage #'s vs enemies) it'll help troubleshoot! Also include relevant loadout details (i.e my Radiant Finish Augment skews damage numbers, etc).



Edited by Dragazer
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Getting behind is more of a tactical advantage also Corrupted Bombard Rockets have op targetting and can easily hit you behind corners. Also let me ask you this: Where do you think you can roll and use cover (as explosions give 0 fucks about cover) in a tight corridor or when you have 4 rockets comming at you ?


you wasted energy when RB blinds everything within LoS. for dodging missles run back then run forward going in right or left. the missile will turn but veer off since it is unable to do a full 180. as for in a tight corridor run back to the entrance you came in at then move to the far end of a wall. the missiles will 9/10 hit a wall before they touch you with AOE. once you learn the blast range for missiles youll know how to dodge better.

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Excal's EB energy waves need to help with melee multiplier - such a thing would help to do greater damage with the blade itself

(Side note - combo time should be 5-7 seconds rather then 3 to help with the obscene multiplier numbers we need to get to, to get high damage out put)

The waves themselves should also be effected by life strike - again, another way to increase excal's survival as he is closing in on a foe

Just my two cents,


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I am just verifying this, but is Excalibur suppose to have a passive. According to the Wiki he has a 10% damage and attack speed increase on Long swords, Dual swords, and Katanas.

I was looking up the reddit for warframe and someone had stated that it only works for Long sword weapons currently and not Dual Swords and Katanas like it's supposed to.


Here is the link if interested in the passive:http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/3a9bbq/excaliburs_new_passive_bonus_bonus_damage_with/

Edited by Darkmoone1
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A place to house all our constructive Excalibur thoughts.

Please ensure you put your thoughts into words in a constructive way with as many specifics and details where appropriate.

Thanks, Tenno!


Exalted Blade state is not properly inheriting melee weapon mods.


I'm not sure if it's a bug or intended, but... Exalted Blade's energy wave can't damage Nullifier Crewman's Energy Field. Yes, I encountered this issue in regular mission first. Then only I proceed to try it in Simulacrum, just to confirm it.


Here's the video:


If it's intended, then I'd like to give a feedback. It's simply tedious to switch on/off the ability just to shoot Nullifier Crewman's Energy Field, everytime when there's a Nullifier Crewman spawns in. For example, Frost's Freeze and Ember's Fireball are able to damage Nullifier Crewman's Energy Field. Why not Exalted Blade's energy wave?

Edited by Vayne_Solidor
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Exalted blade scaling is horrible. Aside from mods affecting it can the base weapon damage type change with the weapon damage type of the melee weapon.


Either use the same ratios use the damage type of the highest base damage so we have options and more melee weapons can be used.

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the old #1 hit more enemies easily 

While true, the old one post damage 2.0 didn't do nearly enough damage to justify how many enemies you can land with it. Even then the old Slash Dash was very stiff compared to this one so I'll this this one over the old slash dash.

Edited by Darkmoone1
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This may have been suggested already, but you know how Glaive mods have no effect on EB? The Glaive mods should affect the waves.


- Rebound causes the waves to ricochet off surfaces.

- Whirlwind increases the flight speed of waves.

- Not sure what Quick Return and Power Throw would do. Maybe let Quick Return substitute as Rebound for EB, and let Power Throw increase wave size?

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I noticed 2 bugs so far:

+ After you shut off his ult after a very long time (I was using it for 40 mins in a survival match), he won't revert to his weapons and just keep the sword stance without the swords. Pressing the F button doesn't do anything.

+ I don't know this is a bug or it is intended but if you slash dash a runaway enemy, Excal will chase him and miss the killing blow. I tried this on a single enemy and ended up following him through the entire map until he stopped so I could finally land a blow on him. 

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Holy Emperor, Slash Dash is broken!


What I understood from testing - SD checks if there enemies in a cone after every 'dash'. So even if many foes were caught in initial power use, after Excal changes direction to hit someone, we can end up with no enemies in a cone and just stop, while there still enemies right behind us.


I spent a whole night in Photoshop to present this detailed diagram.


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Holy Emperor, Slash Dash is broken!
What I understood from testing - SD checks if there enemies in a cone after every 'dash'. So even if many foes were caught in initial power use, after Excal changes direction to hit someone, we can end up with no enemies in a cone and just stop, while there still enemies right behind us.
I spent a whole night in Photoshop to present this detailed diagram.



That's  a whole night of photoshop?


Anyway, yeah, the new power has crap targeting because of the cone used. But apparently the power works better with EB on?

That's the excuse some people are giving for the power itself being horrible alone. Which doesnt really make sense since you have to wait until you get your 4th to actually use your 1st.

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Anyone else feel like the only point of Exalted Blade is to try to exploit its scaling to get OP damage?  The stance itself doesn't feel very fun to me and the energy waves are perfunctory damage-wise, as well as annoying.  My biggest gripe is that EB's slide attack is clunky to use.  Putting the mini Radial Blind on the slam attack (possibly performed in midair while descending) would have made much more sense, incorporating that mechanic without interrupting the flow of combat.  The combos also feel perfunctory and quite impractical to do in actual combat.  Against lower level enemies they serve no purpose because they die so easily and against higher level enemies you will get slaughtered doing such slow, rigid maneuvers.  

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I did a t4 survival yesterday 40 mins only using his 4th and it's nearly dam impossible to use that only for his survivability it was only the life strike that kept me alive. Radial blind was used at times especially when it came near the 30-35 mark or bombards

Auto parry

doesn't block knockdowns -stupid really since your going into melee

Doesn't reflect bombard rockets so they still hurt badly

Bombard rockets and anti moas still procs you and set you on fire or knock you down

Only works from the front- understandable

Radial blind slide:

Range is to small to use as a deffensive skill you bassicly need to be next to the target

Air slashes to useless for damage I don't think it's using the melee mods for some reason.

Normal attack it's damage is still to low it falls off way to quick it was only the blind from the slide that have it the power it needed for damage


Air slash more damage or some kinda of side effect as slash procs/ mods like rebound should give it air slashes that give it rebound

Blind needs a bigger range not massive just a bit more

Normal attack needs more damage

Auto parry should block knockdowns and procs and either reflect bombard rockets or lower the damage

Life strike needs to stay in the ability without the cost like it is or he needs a survivability like damage reduction or make radial javelin into a new skill

Edited by tris1
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Anyone else feel like the only point of Exalted Blade is to try to exploit its scaling to get OP damage?  The stance itself doesn't feel very fun to me and the energy waves are perfunctory damage-wise, as well as annoying.  My biggest gripe is that EB's slide attack is clunky to use.  Putting the mini Radial Blind on the slam attack (possibly performed in midair while descending) would have made much more sense, incorporating that mechanic without interrupting the flow of combat.  The combos also feel perfunctory and quite impractical to do in actual combat.  Against lower level enemies they serve no purpose because they die so easily and against higher level enemies you will get slaughtered doing such slow, rigid maneuvers.  


I agree, the Radial Blind on slash attack is epilepsy-inducing, would work better as a slam attack. Could be a bit more powerful then as well (range, duration), since it would take longer to perform. Or incorporate it into combos, they don't serve much purpose anyway, so you could make a short one (E, backwards +E) to use it when you actually want it.  

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Regardless of pretty much any other thing about Slash Dash, I really hope one particular behavior is not a bug: If you attempt to swing a melee weapon while in Slash Dash, you will immediately halt your Slash Dash, and have your melee weapon equipped and ready for use. It was startling the first few times I ran into it, but I've come to really enjoy it - it adds a wonderful element of fluidity that I don't really feel is present in any other frame.

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