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71 "failed" Incubation Trying To Get Chesa, Been Trying Since U17 Launch


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I'm seriously starting to wonder if something is wrong with their random number generator at this point, we could potentially have another Asheron's Call situation where some players have seeds which are much better than others. It seems more and more likely as I play the game and interact with other players. I have friends who are the "lucky" ones and those who can't ever seem to get anything. .

^ya, i had that feeling ever since before QT + rage combo.

And it seems, 2+ bad seeds = even worst seed. And that their good seeds (like u can tell) could affect you...


on-topic: 10+ Eggs, no Chesa.

At least 10 to 30+ runs in E prime per Egg.


Edited by low1991
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The whole kubrow implimentation> aquisitin/breeding/rng/maintainence cost/removal of randomiser was a big let down for me. DE probably think it's a great success due to the plat sink they became for whales due to the poor implimentation into the game.


It's probably weighted RNG against the chesa. yeah DE are usually good (kubrows aside) ... but bastards for droptables.

Edited by Ghogiel
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This Chesa crap is killing me. It's taking 10+ runs to even get an egg and i've had at least 12 kubrows go into the consignment chute looking for one. It's my own fault. I have two perfectly good, multi forma kubrows to use, but here I am being a completionist and MR ho. I'm about fed up, though.

It wouldn't be so bad except the process still takes too long, even with an upgraded incubator and I hate (I mean hatehatehate) that all other kubrows have to be in stasis to cook a new one. These two things are big reasons more people don't even bother with kubrows, imo.

Edited by (PS4)PeetSquared
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its now 35 days since the release of Chesa Kubrow. i have had an incubation nearly every day since their release with the incubator upgrade. that's a lot of incubation's, and a REALLY badly "drop" table. 

its reaching Bo Prime Handle levels of RNG and im not sure if i can go through that again (that took me over 100 runs before i got mine).


i refuse to believe im getting totally screwed over and the tables are 20% for each race.


that results in ~0.12% chance of not getting a chesa kubrow (if im not messing up my math (0.80^30 = 0.001237940039285380274899124224)i chose 30 due to inefficency between claming and finding kubrow eggs)

with 10% chance to get chesa type: 4.24% chance of not getting chesa on 30 incubations



getting hit by both the Egg RNG and the race RNG is a bit much


Is there anyone out there in the same situation?



EDIT3: Still no chesa kubrow as of 16.09.15



Sorry to hear that.  I went through about 9 or 10 before getting one, which seems pretty decent.  There really ought to be some sort of behind-the-scenes shuffling of RNG for more tries than a dozen at anything, and it ought not to be possible to get something immediately. Ideally, a range between maybe 4 and a dozen would be about right in terms of subjective feel.

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I think, I've been working on Chesa for around 3-4 weeks now.


When Chesa just came out, the Egg drop was ridiculous for me. Over 40 runs with no Egg. So I stopped trying.

But now I've been going for almost a month. At least got some Bulky and Lotus Kubrows.

Edited by KingTaro
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Eh, the odds could be 90% and you can still hit a 30 lose streak cuz RNG is RNG. Unlike some other games that use pseudo RNG, all you can do here is pray to RNGesus.


My last dozen of kubrows were all sunika's, fun times.


Eh, your numbers are a little extreme here. At a 90% chance of getting the item... even a losing streak of 6 has a 0.002% chance probability. That is tiny. Even with the 8 million registered Tenno from the 2014 infographic, a losing streak of 6 with a 90% chance of drop will only happen to 160 tenno.


Though, your assertion is correct, RNG is RNG and some users will have bad luck.

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Eh, your numbers are a little extreme here. At a 90% chance of getting the item... even a losing streak of 6 has a 0.002% chance probability. That is tiny. Even with the 8 million registered Tenno from the 2014 infographic, a losing streak of 6 with a 90% chance of drop will only happen to 160 tenno.


Though, your assertion is correct, RNG is RNG and some users will have bad luck.



Obviously 90% was rather high, but if you consider the fact that most things have far less % odds then it's not hard to imagine just how many Tenno can come out being terrible unlucky.


I've had my own bad luck in having to use 42 void keys for one particular helmet, which were all 40 min survivals with 2 shots at the item I needed. That and not getting the Storm Bringer Mod for a very long time(aka I had mastered all the games weapons(at that time) before I even got It), even though I'v had at least a dozen or 2 since. Not to mention the Self destruct mod that I've only gotten a month ago despite my now near 1K hours spend in WF.

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4 sahasa, 3 raksa and 1 sunika since I've been trying for chesa. Wouldn't mind so much if any were a lotus, but no such luck.


Interesting though that since my very first Kubrow which was a huras, I have never had another huras and I must be up to 20 now. I could therefore cry the same for huras if thats what I was after.


Another brewing at the moment so waiting in anticipation, but more likely a sink for another 25k credits.


Edit - and it was a raksa, but it was lotus lol

Edited by (PS4)I_OwnYourSoul
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