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September 11Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Required Mods

The proposed Multishot change has seemingly sparked more concurrent Hot Topics than any previous idea. The source threads for this topic offer a host of potential ideas, suggestions, concerns, and opinions. Whether you’re for or against the change, we all just want Warframe to be the best game it can be, so please, keep an open mind when participating in this discussion. With that said, how would you change some of the required mods, if at all? As many people have pointed out, Serration and its ilk are also required mods, so should they get changed as well? Do you agree with rebalancing weapons to remove the need to equip specific mods all the time? Or, are mods currently in a good place and should not be touched? Are there other specific mods that you think are “required”? How would you change them to make their use more dynamic? Check out the many source threads and post your ideas in the Megathread or in this thread! 


Source threads:



Mod Slots

The Exilus slot relates somewhat to our first hot topic because it also affects build diversity. The Exilus slot was often suggested after abilities were initially baked into Warframes. It opens up a new slot for a specific subset of mods (not unlike the Aura slot). What is your opinion on dedicated slots like the Exilus and Aura slots? Would you like to see more dedicated slots or are the two enough? Post your opinions in this thread!


Source threads:



”Brawler” warframe

There isn’t a whole lot to discuss about this hot topic because the “brawler” warframe is still largely a mystery. But, what is your first impression of him? Do you like his aesthetic? Is there anything you would change? What kind of powers do you hope he has? If you could design a passive for him, what would it be? What kind of lore do you think this Warframe will have?


Source threads:




Update 17.2.6 (coming soon to consoles) tweaked survival mission in the following ways:

-Tweaked the code so that it is more aggressive at spawning enemies near the players.

-Continued to tune personal life support drop rates.

-Tweaked enemy-specifications for Tower Survival missions.


*Please note that before this round of spawning changes 20 minutes of T3 Survival averaged 54 kills/minute. After this round of spawning changes 20 minutes of T3 Survival averaged 68 kills/minute.

What is your opinion on the survival changes? Are there other changes you would make to Survival missions? What about other endless mission types? Do you think endless missions should scale more quickly with quicker rewards, or do you enjoy playing endless missions for a long period of time? Would you like to see other objectives combined into endless mission types? The source threads touch on some of these ideas, so reply in this thread or the source threads below!


Source threads:


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Yes, essential mods and weapons should be rebalance, not just super-nerfed. Things should be able to hold up in long endless missions.  Buff older weapons to bring them inline with the weapons that people use in endless missions. If you want to nerf weapons then also deal with enemy scaling.  They don't need like 80k health plus 90% damage reduction from armor.


I like the concept of the Exilus slot, but the non-plat costs are unfair. At least make the BP reusable.  I don't mind the other costs, but the photography mini-game is not fun, and it breaks the flow of the combat, making the combat (which is actually fun) less fun.  Alternatively, give that faction it's own syndicate missions based on spy missions, capture missions, hijack missions and so on.


Also, the Exilus slot should be energy cost free. 


Aura slot       - (positive) -    gives energy


Exilus slot     - (neutral) -     neither gives nor takes energy


Regular slot  - (negative) -  takes energy


My initial impression of the Brawler frame is that it just looks goofy, and I am not a fan of melee in Warframe anyway.


"Difficulty" already scales quickly enough.  However rewards in endless missions should be better the longer you go in them. Going 70 minutes in T3S should not reward multiple forma per C rotation. Going 10 waves on Sechura should pay slightly more credits than doing 2 seperate runs of 5 waves each.  However, you need to fix enemy armor scaling before you try to make them scale more quickly.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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If you guys rework and/or remove all the pure damage mods/required mods and rework the enemy scaling then I'll gladly crown this "the year of quality" as far as I'm concerned.


Edit: As for the other topics:


Exilus: I'm okay with it, building requirements are a bit steep but, eh, I can live with it.


Brawler: Like with every new warframe, I'm hyped for him and as long as he's not gimmicky as **** (looking at you Limbo) I'll have fun playing as him. (As for his lore I expect it to go something like this:



No opinion on the last one.

Edited by (PS4)SteampunkJester
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When it comes to endless missions and scaling, the fact scaling is broken makes it difficult - but in the meantime until that gets reworked, there's an idea I like. In Survival, killing light enemies adds 0.5 seconds onto the timer, normal enemies for 1 second and heavy enemies for 2 seconds. This means players with better gear are going to rapidly increase the difficulty of their game to a point where they don't kill as much, and thus it stays at that point of difficulty for a longer period of time.

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I feel like the issue isn't JUST with the "Required" mods. It is how damage abilities scale. If this removal of damage mods were to go into effect I'd like the update to be complimented with some huge changes to how armor and enemy scaling works.


Quoting what I wrote on reddit:


I wouldn't mind them putting Infested Ancients back to how they originally were with maybe a stronger heal but not that insane armour boosting.

Reduce all the armour boosting stuff all around. Either make the enemies scale slower... Buff some of the "useless corrupted mods" fix the bs enemies (parasitic energy stealing ****) either reduce it or make the radius lower and visible. Reduce the radius for a good chunk of eximus actually and also slighten weaken the armour of the life leech. Then I'd be happy.

You could delete multishot from the game and I'd be happy as long as they nuked the enemies to accomodate for this. Hek if this happened a few frames would get love again for the indirect buff.


If you did that. You could make multishot shoot bubbles at the enemy and I wouldn't even care.

Edited by Lilliannette
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the biggest problem with mandatory mods are their fundamentals - you can change mods themselves to be less appealing - but since the fundamentals remained the same, those mods still will be mandatory regardless.


even created a topic some hours ago:


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For the Exilus slot, my only real issue is that I cannot put a frame augment in there. While it is understandable since the design was to not have mods in there that affect abilities, it just seems kinda strange. That said, I love it.

As for the Brawler frame, he looks pretty interesting. If nothing more, I am rather curious to see his full model and how he actually plays. As has been stated by others, the frame's sunken head (or at least somewhat sunken) is pretty neat, and I think I like his aesthetic overall. Only time will tell, though, as we have yet to see the completed version. His actual theme of a "brawler" doesn't particularly excite me, but I am sure he will be fun. I'm looking forward to his release.

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1. You start with actual rebalance of enemies we fight and establish some consistent and not-procedurally generated difficulty system and then rebalance weapons in accordance to defined difficulty tiers.


Do not nerf everything first with a promise to tweak everything else and every other issue than ensues eventually.


4. Just make the RNG bearable for players, this isn't even grind, just gambling. Throw in a few hours of your life and the game might gracefully just give you what you want to keep you going.


Excessive amount of grind with visible progress is better than RNG with no progress whatsoever.

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4x other :D

In your opinion, should “required” mods be reworked (with appropriate rebalancing)?
As mentioned by other players the damage system and scaling of enemies isn't in such a good place.
If weapons had clearer "tiers" with a bunch of viable sidegrades (other weapons that are on par but in another category - sniper, semi, full auto - special etc. It would make it easier to see what you might like. You could even have some weapon-type specific mods.
But again, balance the guns, but make them alot flatter, not as wide spread in their range. Lato vs. Marelok should never have happened.

Also get rid of or nerf all of the pure damage mods (serration, hornet strike etc) and switch the elemental/physical damage mods to percentage mods switching the damage type of a weapon insted of adding to it.

Ie: the gun will do the same damage but as it gets elemental damage the bonus with that elemental type will make the gun more powerful (or less).

This will affect gameplay on a core level, enemies can focus more on AI when the increase of damage isn't so insane. It might not be as fast as it used to be, but that is another issue, movement staying the same will open up for other tactics.
Overall, what is your opinion of the Exilus mod slot?

I like the additional slot, I would however have liked optional or generic skills for warframes, those modcards we had with our skills in special slots, and then a whole new set of skills to our old frames. Like I'm guessing the idea was from the start?

Anyway, the extra slot is nice when it's there, kind of a hassle getting it though.


What is your initial impression of the “Brawler” warframe?
The head or no head, which ever it is looks odd to say the least. But it could look like S#&$ and then when you put great skills on it and see how it plays still end up being the frame I would love the most.
I will not judge it until I've tried it. Hoping for something fun.
In your opinion, should endless mission difficulty scale more quickly with quicker rewards?

Give us something to do!

Yes we're supposed to go get air and that is great and all, but 5 min intervals are long and boring. It gets old really fast and you want something to do.
Something that involves actual skill and being active - how you play should matter. I posted an idea about having Simaris tip us about special enemies that would provide information about the cashes the "tenno operative" was after. That could be one thing. Letting us go after something to lessen the time between intervals. There could be puzzles, codes, secondary objectives, targets, hazards, mini bosses.

Perhaps after a long while has passed a ship would reach a space station or outpost to switch the scenery a bit?
Or another faction could pop up and attack a vessel that seemed to be in distress?


Extra: Ow yeah, please remove the % of air in survival and let us activate the supply towers whenever. Why do we lose air if we press too soon? Does the vessel get overpreassurized and start to leak air? GG were dead anyway.
Make is seconds and just add what ever it translates too with no cap. The air supply towers shouldn't drop any differently anyway.

Edited by Lactamid
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regarding endless scaling, they should have a level cap, at 150 or so, and the stat increase the mobs get should be toned down a little bit, right now at lvl 85, bombards and gunners in void don`t even bother with my shots, making powers/melee the only way to go with

Edited by Bizzaro21
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Required Mods

Mandatory mods and direct stat upgrade mods should all be removed, or rework, so they are as worth as all the other mods.

That said the problem doesn't end with only damage mods, all the stuff like more magazine, faster reload, fire rate, also become problematic as they have no downsides, but directly increase the stats.

The issue of this broken mod system goes deep, so far we have a skill tree not a mod system, with free choices and diverse builds.

Furthermore I really HOPE, DE realizes this mod system issue isn't limited to weapons, frames also suffer from the mandatory mods problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Exilus Slot

One single exilus slot, is not solving anything, nor it created any kind of diversity or free choice.

The issue is the same as the mandatory mod problem stated above, this slot tries to give space to other non-used mods, or not mandatory mods, but it fails at hitting that purpose.

All the mandatory mods are still occupying the 8 slots, it isn't 1 slot that justifies the existence of 50+ mods that ppl never use.

Exilus slots are a band-aid! A really bad one, the goal should be for all slots to have utility, not only 1.

And now that they do exist, they only increase other problems, like:

too much forma in a frame -> the problem of more grind for forma

too much forma on a frame -> and it becomes incompatible with conclave mods




”Brawler” warframe

Sounds good, as long as it isn't yet another frame with buffs and debuff abilities.

Those kind of powers aren't fun, nor challenging, and even worse, unoriginal, and the latest frames all had these kind of abilities, its getting old.

Edited by 7grims
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4x other :D

than be a good tenno and explain what you have in mind



 DE realizes this mod system issue isnt limited to weapons, frames also suffer from the mandatory mods problem.

there is a bigger problem with frames from the time of introducing corrupted mods... as each frame have different mandatory mods for some builds.

Edited by Cracken
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Exilus slots force to polarize (again) our Warframes ; and in the end, there are so many polarized slots it threatens the diversity of builds. You can't put all the mods you choose because one polarity won't match. There is a suggestion in the French forum : instead of choosing a polarity, take away the different polarities (Madurai, etc.) and change all in one universal polarity. It would keep the point of polarizing, and allow multiple builds more easily.

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From my impression if we remove mandatory mods , new ones are just going to take it's place and we will be back to square one , reworking weapons and mods seems like too much production time wasted since we must literally balance every weapon in game. I feel as we level the weapon the weapon will gain more damage and at rank 30 a rank 10 serration increase will be added to the weapon basically.


Exilus slot costs a lot of resouces / plat for what it's worth I feel if the mod slot was neutral so we don't need to add a addition forma that would be best. Since we already need 2 formas to put a mod in.

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I know many might be sour/salty about any changes to the 'mandatory' mods due to the time investment, but they signed up knowing full well anything could and would change; we have to move forward for the improvement of the game.


I would like to point out, however, that weapon and damage scale needs a look at the core, and that mods are not the entirety of the problem. Mandatory mods are only mandatory because there is no other form of progression for weapon damage. Any pass at this stuff would be positive.


The exilus mod slot is a band-aid to a problem that's very similar to the mandatory mods. As well, having to unlock it seems completely unnecessary and seems to be designed entirely to drag game-play out, which is particularly negative because the game-play set for getting the exilus slot isn't very fun, engaging, and is very repetitive; why not make the grind fun? This can be applied to much of Warframe, because if the game-play is fun and is not noticeably repetitive, then the grind will not be an issue.


The Brawler 'frame is not to my liking, but I know there are players who probably will enjoy it. It will likely and hopefully fill the small role that exists between Excalibur, sword 'frame, and Valkyr, beast 'frame. For powers, I'm hoping things like Excalibur and Valkyr's ultimates, where they gain a unique melee weapon and attack for a short while, but of course focused upon the Brawler's fists, however I also hope he benefits from similar concepts established with Frost, with powers that are very supportive of engaging in close range.

For passive, perhaps something that increases melee damage and knock-back for fist weapons.

Edited by Krion112
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