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Nothing Says "toxicity" Quite Like Archwing Events/content


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I'm sitting in Region chat, as Guides of the Lotus are wont to do, and it's just filled to the brim with people who want nothing more than to see another relay be destroyed. Not even for a remotely good reason, mind you, like, "will they actually destroy a relay this time?"


Instead, players are wanting the failure for any number of reasons, ranging from "Archwing sucks", to "newbs don't deserve a relay". This game mode (and by extension, anything related to it) seems to bring out the absolute worst in people, and I just have to ask... why? Does Archwing seriously make people this irritable any time it's brought up in any capacity?

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I don't know, I think people are just elitist bastards. The exact same thing happened the first time we had Fomorians destroying Relays.


What I'm more curious about, though, is... what is this Fomorian all about? There was no warning, no announcement, as far as I can see there's no reward either. No nothing. Is this a bug or something?

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It's because as gamers they feel inadequate for not having proper archwing gear when it isn't leveled up, and at the same time feel resentful that they are expected to level it up -- because they are convinced the game mode "sucks". 


But it gets even more malicious for some arch haters. I've noticed a lot of people who dislike archwing seem to have this philosophy that if they screech loudly enough and refuse to play it, that DE will remove archwing from the game. This often extends into vitriol for anyone who says they enjoy archwing, because it messes with these players delusional plan to try to get DE to give up on archwing. 


And make no mistake it is delusional. DE has spent far too much, time, money, effort and tied it too much to the story to do anything but move forward with archwing at this point. It's here to stay and people are going to have to accept it eventually. 


The fact is a lot of players literally want to see archwing burn, and anything that doesn't help that goal goes against their wishes. 



Note: If this doesn't apply to you personally no need to defend yourself. Plenty of people who dislike archwing can do so perfectly maturely without illogically trying to destroy it completely or ruin and or flame other people for having fun with it. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I don't know, I think people are just elitist bastards. The exact same thing happened the first time we had Fomorians destroying Relays.


What I'm more curious about, though, is... what is this Fomorian all about? There was no warning, no announcement, as far as I can see there's no reward either. No nothing. Is this a bug or something?

There was redtext to go with it, so it's definitely a thing.


Probably a little weekend mini-event to bring back Imperator Vandal.

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I don't know, I think people are just elitist bastards. The exact same thing happened the first time we had Fomorians destroying Relays.


What I'm more curious about, though, is... what is this Fomorian all about? There was no warning, no announcement, as far as I can see there's no reward either. No nothing. Is this a bug or something?


It does give U 50k credits for 1000000 points, and as a constant reward 5x R5 cores, and a chance to drop Imperator vandal parts.

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I'm sitting in Region chat, as Guides of the Lotus are wont to do, and it's just filled to the brim with people who want nothing more than to see another relay be destroyed. Not even for a remotely good reason, mind you, like, "will they actually destroy a relay this time?"


Instead, players are wanting the failure for any number of reasons, ranging from "Archwing sucks", to "newbs don't deserve a relay". This game mode (and by extension, anything related to it) seems to bring out the absolute worst in people, and I just have to ask... why? Does Archwing seriously make people this irritable any time it's brought up in any capacity?


I, for one, thoroughly enjoy Archwing.


I think the frustration of the content stems from people who either A) Have not played it recently and are basing their opinion on the launch version of the content, or B) they don't like the fact that Archwing requires completely new mods and leveling separate from our standard Warframe and weapons. That's A LOT of extra grinding to make the content viable. 

Though there will always be a vocal minority who can never be satisfied. This group tends to be insensitive to those who have a differing opinion and don't want to compromise.

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I'm sitting in Region chat, as Guides of the Lotus are wont to do, and it's just filled to the brim with people who want nothing more than to see another relay be destroyed. Not even for a remotely good reason, mind you, like, "will they actually destroy a relay this time?"


Instead, players are wanting the failure for any number of reasons, ranging from "Archwing sucks", to "newbs don't deserve a relay". This game mode (and by extension, anything related to it) seems to bring out the absolute worst in people, and I just have to ask... why? Does Archwing seriously make people this irritable any time it's brought up in any capacity?

Archwing is often regarded as the most frustrating thing in the game to play. especially since:


1. Archwings are not equipped to get powerful enough to handle high level enemies in a 360 degree enviroment

(this comes down to health of the warframes, the powers they have, how much damage they deal etc)


2. The Grind for archwing parts is worse than the void.

(most of the parts for the goodish weapons are locked in high level missions, to get to those missions and pass through them you must have high leveled gear. to get that gear leveld you have to do high level mission and it goes into a circular loop)


3. the majority of weapons in archwing simply are not up to the task of killing high level enemies.

(both grineer and corpus have armor this time around. one was already bad enough but now that corpus have both armor and shields they are the worst)


4. Archwing is filled to the brim with bugs.

(its more buggy than most EA games in alpha and thats the truth)

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Maybe because archwing had hype build up for a long time- took a lot of resources to make, was released in a horrible bare bones state. Was followed up with a horrible event, still hasn't become great (though heavily improved) and DE RETURNS this horrible event in it's same bare bones, lame, boring state- and to top it off easily gives out the reward that many people had issues getting during the event due to the way it was set up. DE continues to make horrible decisions regarding AW- and people are salty. I think it's fair. Yes- AW has broken mechanics, but they have gotten much better. The issue is no longer the mechanics of AW but the gamemodes. They are all boring. WE CAN FLY- yet they don't take advantage of that fact. Rather they just make huge distances that don't really require any maneuvering or make flying special. DE NEEDS to stop disappointing with AW. That is why players are salty. I'm a DE whiteknight- but even I can't defend them when it comes to Archwing. I love them. I really do. They can do better than this, and that is why I'm being so hard on them right now.


P.s. #LetTheRelaysBurn Ya know... for science.

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My issues with archwing, in this context, are as follows:


-I do not find the game-mode fun; I have loved space sim games before, but Archwing just is simply un-fun to play. The enemies are so small to target, hard to see, hard to track, it's just quite simply not making use of the 360-Degrees of Freedom that is necessitated in its environment, etc. I have a lot of issues with it, but that's besides the purpose of this post.


-The Fomorian Attack mission type for Archwing I would describe as anti-fun to play. I don't get much of anything out of Archwing, but I loathe the Fomorian Attacks.


-By opting out of playing this mode, because I find it not fun and I find it incomplete, I risk losing the relay. Though, I personally do not use the relays for much of anything, it's the fact that DE is saying "You must play this game mode, or you lose a relay,". There are enough people that will pretty much handle this, that if I don't join it's no big deal, but it's the threat of taking away content because I don't want to use other content, other content that is tacked on mind you, that makes me aggravated.


-Archwing is often shoehorned into other things (ie, Warframe Quests, Uranus), and it's not really being attached the game. Using it as a gate to content is not what 'connecting it to the game' means. Right now, it's being used as a threat that if I don't play Archwing, I could lose the relay.


-DE outright mocked players who find Archwing lacking; I think that's grounds enough for being angry about it.


Archwing is incomplete, and while I don't like it right now, I don't just want it removed, but I do want it improved. But improving it does not mean shoehorning it into places where it doesn't belong, and it is definitely not a complete enough game-mode to be used to threaten our content with. In fact, threatening to take content at all away in a game like Warframe is misplaced.

Edited by Krion112
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You say that like anyone wanting to see a relay be destroyed is being toxic. Most of the people I've seen won't play it because they've already got everything or actually want to see what DE's consequences are for destroying all the relays.


I've only seen two people with an elitist view of destroying the relay because it's on Mercury. Then again it was said more sarcastically, more of a troll then toxic. As in; this is the actual reason why everyone wants to see the relays destroyed, <-that sort of sarcastic troll.


The rest of the people I've seen that don't play archwing either; don't have one at all, or just want to see more archwing improvements before playing.

Then there is the people that do play either for the cores or the vandel. Since many people are not playing the event, those that do play should have plenty of time to grind away for those items.

Edited by Postal_pat
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I treat players spamming about wanting archwings demise as a vocal minority.

I also know that some of them are the same people who were against changes to 'autoplay' abilities.

Maybe the two are linked.

Last I checked elytron 3 still works and itzal 2 is still a toggle. Archwing, if nothing else, is even easier to auto. So no, your link is not sufficient to establish a conclusion.

The in game chat is the true majority of Warframe. Only a small portion of people actually come to the forums, much less ever even sign up. If you want the true general concensus then you go to region chat. If you want the opinions of people who are afraid to get warnings for being truthful then you come to the forums.

Archwing as is needs to be so much more than it is. Right now it's just a gimmick wall to some things that should have nothing to do with archwing.

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I played the event back in January, I got my Imperator Vandal. The holidays in my country are all around January just when the event was, so there I was playing the event just to get the Arch gun.

I didn't enjoyed the event at all, we already seen this content, the incentive to play it again is barely there and on a top of all it's Archwing content which always splits the community in two.

That event was probably one of the worst ones that I have played ( played since Tethra's doom ) and they decide to do it again. I will skip this one, the rewards are lackluster and I still have void to grind.

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This is a free game.


Region chat can be accessed by anyone.


There is nothing "toxic" about trolls being trolls. All you have to do is ignore them, and they have absolutely no affect on your experience.

Given the fact that I'm a senior Guide, I can't exactly ignore people. I need to be able to see what they're saying in order to 1) Answer any potential questions, and 2) Mention them to other Guides/DE staff if they're acting up.

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Archwing is often regarded as the most frustrating thing in the game to play. especially since:


1. Archwings are not equipped to get powerful enough to handle high level enemies in a 360 degree enviroment

(this comes down to health of the warframes, the powers they have, how much damage they deal etc)


2. The Grind for archwing parts is worse than the void.

(most of the parts for the goodish weapons are locked in high level missions, to get to those missions and pass through them you must have high leveled gear. to get that gear leveld you have to do high level mission and it goes into a circular loop)


3. the majority of weapons in archwing simply are not up to the task of killing high level enemies.

(both grineer and corpus have armor this time around. one was already bad enough but now that corpus have both armor and shields they are the worst)


4. Archwing is filled to the brim with bugs.

(its more buggy than most EA games in alpha and thats the truth)

1. not true once you level up your gear and ... u know ... don't be a sitting duck


2. i agree that the grind to get certain archwing gear is too much (looking at you missions with A CHANCE to drop a part .. meaning u do it and get nada many times)


3. again comes down to leveling up your gear and mods


4. filled to the brim is an over exaggeration over 9000! tbh i noticed very few archwing bugs if any (very few relating to pathing)

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If you want the true general concensus then you go to region chat. If you want the opinions of people who are afraid to get warnings for being truthful then you come to the forums.

If people are afriad to post truth on the forums then they should learn to seperate truth from opinion and ad hominem.


Youve seen that Mesa thread in WF&A feedback? Have you actually read some of the S#&amp;&#036; that Danielle eradicated from it?

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Archwing has it's problems.


Most everyone agrees that. The grind is bad, no question. Then once you get decent gear, things get a LOT simpler.


Some people just don't like flying games. Some people expected it to be different in some way, either a fighter game or a mecha game or something else that they can recognize easily. Some people expected it to be a complete package on launch, which was just silly.


The actual bona-fide haters are few in number. So they make up for it in vitriol. Anyone who disagrees with them is instantly targeted for abuse.


It is very sad and very human.


It is also not going to change MY opinion of Archwing. Which is that it is improving by leaps and bounds. (Still waiting for free flight. -hint, hint!-) But, I play it and I have fun playing it. That is enough for me.

Edited by Kalenath
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1. not true once you level up your gear and ... u know ... don't be a sitting duck


4. filled to the brim is an over exaggeration over 9000! tbh i noticed very few archwing bugs if any (very few relating to pathi

1 yes it is and i have the stats to prove it





I you see all those weapons and gear? I grinded my butt off for every single one of them. I have encountered so many bugs doing so I gave up sending bug reports.

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