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Ivara - The Grind To Get Her.


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Okay to start off with, we know she'll be dropped in spy vaults. Similarly to banshee, before she was put in clan dojo (for all you that don't know Banshee, was a reward for doing certain missions + with RNG, on of which was Eris Xini defence which I remember grinding for parts)  So from what I experienced in the past grinding certain mission types just to get a part, can be seriously frustrating, but as if yet we don't even know the drop rate so I cant complain too much yet.


On top of which with the new introduction of the new resource, I can very easily see it being used in the new frame. Which tbh the nitan extractor needs a tweak one of my favourites that I heard was making it be a rare resource on alerts,so you could do all alerts to get this resource. 


Lastly I want to go back to spy vaults and stealth in general, stealth really needs a rework, the only reason we go stealth is because of the risk of "Failure" in missions like spy. while yes you get stealth bonuses it doesn't make the player think at any time...hmm better go stealth here so I do extra damage, its just fro frames like loki or ash to take advantage of. on top of which the A.I for stealth is horrendous, you shoot a bullet, and everyone knows where you are, at the exact position. I'd prefer if the enemies were attracted to were the bullet last hits, aka a wall. on top of which there needs to be different states of alertness, as they only have 2 states atm, one is alert, one is not alert.


So while overall excited for the frame, there are a few kinks in the way the frame is released.  


tl;dr - RNG on spy vaults (may make farming parts extremely grindy)

- New resource

- stealth needs a rework/A.I


I know its a little early to start flaming on grind, but its juts from previous recollection on farming frames locked in a certain mission type (which I thought was the reason Void 2.0 was happening) but ill be more than happy to hear your opinions too and have a discussion o/

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I honestly hope they don't put this nitain crap in her build requirements.

Cheapest way to make the grind worse, adding an entirely new resource out of nowhere for no reason with no skill required to get it.

Yes I do agree, tbh I know they introduced a new resource to make us do more alert, but tbh they're just making us do more certain alerts, and we still got the crappy credit ones, that's why I think they would be better suited to dropping as a resource in all alerts. that way you would have a reason to play a earth exterminate for 2.3k credits.

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I don't mind her parts being found it Spy. Maybe if she required Nitain extract it'd be a longer chore, but it seems doable in a mostly passive manner.


tbh doing anything passively can still make the grind>reward, as seen in the current void drop table, but yeah, I can also see it not being too bad as its not a prime... but with the current tend to make frames harder to grind/time wasters like mesa, chroma, equinox, limbo, wukong, maybe well just have a nicer frame to farm this time.... xD

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Reminds of the times when we had to farm for Volt parts. OMG the RNG....

While I understand people's fears of the drop rate on her parts, I'm glad I prepared for this and sold off stuff in Trade and earned a good number of plat so that I can buy her once U18 drops.

Edited by AxialBlue
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I honestly hope they don't put this nitain crap in her build requirements.

Cheapest way to make the grind worse, adding an entirely new resource out of nowhere for no reason with no skill required to get it.

How long have we been here? This is practically what DE does with every new resource.

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I honestly hope they don't put this nitain crap in her build requirements.

Cheapest way to make the grind worse, adding an entirely new resource out of nowhere for no reason with no skill required to get it.

I'm just taking a wild guess she will need that hehe. Why can't DE allow us to recycle resources to make into other resources. I don't care if it takes a million resources to make one nitain...anything would be better then four alerts a day.
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 the A.I for stealth is horrendous, you shoot a bullet, and everyone knows where you are, at the exact position. I'd prefer if the enemies were attracted to were the bullet last hits, aka a wall. on top of which there needs to be different states of alertness, as they only have 2 states atm, one is alert, one is not alert.




You heard of Sensors? Comms systems built into suits?


Why should not the entire level go on alert when something unusual happens? If someone yelled "shots fired" or "I've been shot" into comms would not the entire level go on Alert? If you fire a bullet in a building full of security personnel, they won't just go to the last place where they heard a noise because unlike the AI in this game, they won't be incredibly stupid, and would instead put the whole place on lockdown.


If I got a job for the factions, and I were to implement "sensible" and "logical" security measures, you would never get the damn Data. Be thankful DE washed down the difficulty so much that even non perma-invisibility Frames even have a chance.

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Grinding for anything is nothing new to Warframe.  The grind is there to get One to seriously consider spending $$$ for platinum (or getting someone else to) for the stuff One wants.  Let's not act like it's some criminal act at this point - the RNG is the only thing keeping a lot of people playing.  "Maybe one more run?"


Certainly, a vast majority of the player base isn't running Capture/exterminate missions just because they can, so drawing out the pursuit for reward items is the winning game plan for DE.  Players dug their own grave.  DE's merely filling it.

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People NEED to see some of these new spy vaults as theyre great but vets had no reason to bother, now they do. Doubt she will need Nitain though, think thats aimed at China frame content so maybe 10 Nitain instead of cells for Nikana Prime as well as even bigger lure of a Prime Access (expecting it and Kunai Prime to shift alongside Saryn Prime)

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