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Rebalance The Stalker. He's Too Op For New Players.


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For at least the fifth time now he's popped up in a mission, killed me, and fled like a coward afterward. I don't have beyond-endgame maxed mods and heavily Forma'd Frames and weapons that can tank nukes like Tekkaman Blade and deal hundreds of thousands of points of damage per hit on top of hitting multiple times per second.


This guy shows up at a minimum of level 30 and only gets stronger on later attacks if you actually manage to beat him? With no upper limit, to boot? How am I supposed to have the slightest chance of winning under those conditions? He also seemed to have a very high fire rate on his bow, which when coupled with his apparent perfect accuracy with it, allowed him to kill me in a matter of seconds while I was trying to take cover and return fire with my Tigris, which is my best weapon at the moment, currently set up to do 211 Puncture damage, 183.5 Impact, 825.8 Cold, 1,541.4 Slash, and 1,651.5 Gas per shot, assuming all pellets hit. I nailed him 4 times with that, and it looked like that only succeeded in taking out his shield and MAYBE bringing his health down to 2/3 at best. I couldn't tell too well with the camera spazzing out as my corpse flew across the room while the revive or abort screen came up.


Was the Stalker always supposed to be a nigh-invincible guaranteed death for a solo player, only being a cheap way for the game to force either the use of a revive or a mission failure, or was it supposed to be possible to win? Because with all of his abilities to reduce it to what is essentially a DPS race against an almost-always-superior enemy that requires a squad of endgame gear-equipped players or the exploitation of his AI, since no Warframe abilities work against him and he has that Dispel ability that according to the wiki has infinite range and no cooldown, evidence points VERY strongly to it being the former. An unbeatable enemy isn't fun. At least, not to me. With the Stalker as he currently is, I apparently don't have the gear to beat him, and that ruins my enjoyment of the game when he appears, because rather than a fair fight, or even a reasonable chance at winning, all I get is, "Well, there goes another arbitrary revive use just to complete the mission."




EDIT: Topic title edited to better reflect intended point.

Edited by DemonbaneSol
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Stalkz is fine as he is. If anything, more difficulty! New players will get trumped by him, yeah, but that all changes when they kill him for the first time and feel the accomplishment... Until he becomes your average ordinary everyday mop you wipe the floor with.

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He will apparently be heavily involved in the Second Dream Quest/update, so it is possible (even likely) that he will be getting a rework to go along with that. 


He needs a significant balance pass though. As he currently stands he is either way too easy for people (like me) to kill, or way too hard to kill. He needs to better scale with the squad he is spawning into. 

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The Stalker's level is based on a combination of the level of the mission and the average level of all of your current gear. Purely from a numerical perspective, he will always be stronger than you, unless we're talking multi-forma'd and potato'd etc. etc.


I would argue that the fact that he's more powerful than you is rather the point. He's an ominous, overwhelming figure that no one ever seems to acknowledge. He's meant to be terrifying and, frankly, while I'm not sure that's great from a game developer perspective, he's a lethal assassin and it works. We daily run down hundreds of enemy soldiers without a thought; there needs to be something out there that legitimately gives us pause. Indeed, I regret the fact that we can become powerful enough to trivialize him; he's not supposed to be trivial.


The Stalker's weakness is his inability to lead targets. Your best bet when fighting him is to stay mobile. Powers can't CC him, but they can damage him. Keep moving, time your shots well, be careful. He is not impossible.

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He's not that hard once you figure out how to deal with him. Tip #1, keep moving. If you sit still, he'll Dread you in the face. Tip #2, stay out of melee range. The parry, it does nothing. 


Keep moving, wait for him to take a shot, then shoot him in the face and move some more.

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He's supposed to be practically impossible for new players. It's integral to formulate his 'boogey man' persona that he's so popular for.


Once U18 drops (in 2 days!), the Revive system will give 4 free Revives per mission. With this resource, Stalker won't even qualify as an inconvenience even if he does steamroll you.

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I remember the days when I was afraid of him, asking my teammates for backup and afraid of doing solo missions

Then the day came when I managed to beat him, in a man-to-man combat

And now, I'm always looking for him to borrow his Hate and Despair


So for new players, just get better gear and better mods. Slowly but surely, you'll be able to deal with him

Yes to scaling, a big no to nerfing

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Here is the way Stalker works at this point: Eether he one shots you as soon as the battle begins or you one shot him. 


This is due to a complete lack of scaling on his part: his stats are not based on the gear and mod loadout you currently have. He shouldn't be one hit sniping new players, nor should he be killed by a vetran by simply being poked. He doesn't need to be nerfed, nor does he need to be buffed. He needs to @(*()$ scale.

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Ah yes the New players find stalker hard nerf him t Sh*t thread one day young tenno you to will develop from your little self and become a big tenno like others that roam the outer rim where challenge is looked for, sought after, seeked even.



So yeah make him scale more so of the player/group conclave making it easier or harder to kill him. 


One day you will play this game the screen will blink his ugly face will show up on your screen and you will one bang him. Until that day has arrived Git Gud Keep farming and growing stronger in the game. 


Now for more clearance. No i don't agree one shot from both parties is great or fun but its what we have at the moment and he will be touched and changed to a better form.

Edited by TheSIlent1
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