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[Focus V1.1] It Is Not A Bug Anymore, It Is A Nerf.


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So, DE literally nerfed the Focus System, and making it heavily relying upon those, so called "Focus Boosters", which are actually, not even close before the nerf WITHOUT a booster, boosting the gained focus to a high amount.

Is this kind of "this makes fun" change, DE?

500% Stealth Parameter, killing a Scorcher: 6544 affinity, gained focus: 54 points?!

Those are freaking 1.9%! WHERE IS MY GREATER LENS' 6% VALUE?!

Seriously. I am done with this Focus stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I have had fun with it, but this makes me literally say -f- it.

We are forced to wait for a ridiculously false placed/spawned Focus Booster



Notice how pathetically far away it is placed upon 2 different locations, and none is having the booster placed there.

, and if we finally get that booster in a timed range of 3-5 minutes, we are even getting less Focus Points than before the "fix", while the cap has been increased to 100k?

Le trolling hard.

I am not going to waste 6h+ for this farming system anymore.

It gets more and more to a typical Eastern China farming quality.

Stop this madness. We are not used to those high grind stuff things and more likely non-profitting at the same time.

I want my plat for those greater 2 zenurik and 2 naramon lenses back!

Edit: Made the title more clear.

Edit2: Seems like DE is not going to "fix" this, it seems to be intentional and on purpose.

RIP Focus system, you was a good ... no you wasn't anything yet but annoying, now even more.

Dunno how long this thread will last, since DE keeps deleting comments and threads about focus (focused against the focus nerf).

DE cannot stand any criticism, that's pretty clear, has been clear since the beginning, but deleting comments and threads which are not insulting anyone? Why not insta banning us for sharing our opinion.

This gets more and more to a "DE is coding stuff like they are just learning how to create their own game". I don't feel anymore that DE is that professional. Guess the time will show how this turns out.

Other than that, The Division, Far Cry, Watch Dogs 2, Blade And Soul, Black Desert, you name it. Those games are promising more, and few delivered even more. There are plenty of new games out there, even online based, which ain't getting insta nerfed without any reason. And DE seems to be not aware of those games, which have a better player economic rep.



Last edit: So, DE was not giving back any plat. Funny.

Response included the meaning, shortened: You are testing a system which evolves. 


That is it. No "you paid for what you get" or "true, you haven't paid for what you supposed to get", nah, simply an escapade answering for nothing. GREEDY MILK AUG MOD INBOUND.


Have fun guys. I am done with this game. See ya on BnS or BDO. 

Edited by 0Skyrim0
quitting this nonsense game.
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I've heard that equipment without lenses actually eats part of the focus gain while not giving anything back, you should try and see whether going with only lensed equipment makes it any better.

Yea, that was what I thought, and that was why I run that mission, as always, just with my Loki Prime and Sonicor.

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I've heard that equipment without lenses actually eats part of the focus gain while not giving anything back, you should try and see whether going with only lensed equipment makes it any better.


Tested this myself, 2 separate missions. No apparent difference between using lensed weapons and unlensed ones.


The base numbers seem lower. Not entirely sure. Need to check further.

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The sounds of it sounded more like stealth multiplier no longer grants increased focus. Whether this is a bug or not is still to be determined. Its not in the update notes so it very possibly a bug. If you are cynical you aren't going to believe DE's response so all you can do is wait and see... its only been less than a day.

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The sounds of it sounded more like stealth multiplier no longer grants increased focus. Whether this is a bug or not is still to be determined. Its not in the update notes so it very possibly a bug. If you are cynical you aren't going to believe DE's response so all you can do is wait and see... its only been less than a day.

This has been calculated upon the raw values, not the multiplied "Stealth 500%" itself.


The earlier 6% was the convert on each mode, stealthy or brutal, 6% was the term multiplicator. The 1.9% now replaces that 6%. In both modes.

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Wiki's been updated, apparently a standard lens only converts 1.25%, whilst a greater converts 1.75%...


Guess DE made a stealth change.


My opinion, since apparently DE leaks SOME information on the wiki (Azima, for example).

Edited by p3z1
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Wiki's been updated, apparently a standard lens only converts 1.25%, whilst a greater converts 1.75%...


Well, bugger that...

I was done with Zenurik, but only halfway done with Madurai.

Guess it will have to wait for Focus System 1.2 now - I don't have any desire to grind focus under current conditions.

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 I don't have any desire to grind focus under current conditions.


definitely not planning to grind for Marudai now...


GG DE, in the process of making the system easier for everyone, you've made everyone quit on focus.


I agree, I'll Lens equipment, but I'm not going to grind it out. It'll be a nice surprise when I view my focus in a months time and see I have 10,000 to spend.

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This has been calculated upon the raw values, not the multiplied "Stealth 500%" itself.


The earlier 6% was the convert on each mode, stealthy or brutal, 6% was the term multiplicator. The 1.9% now replaces that 6%. In both modes.


If u don't have cap, please test it few more times.

I have 3062 affinity and 21+21 focus with 2 great lens. This is 1.4%. So, obliviosly 1% with small.



One think i can told u for sure -- it was 5% convertation. And 7% for great lens.

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Focus gains where reduced in 75% to be exact. On that thread Rebecca answered a few times one of the players pointed it out.


Now the grind is insane and not at all worthwile.

But didn't DE say that Focus is now gained even when other people kill enemies? If so then the focus gain is almost the same as before the changes if you group up.

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Focus gains where reduced in 75% to be exact. On that thread Rebecca answered a few times one of the players pointed it out.


Now the grind is insane and not at all worthwile.


No wonder I was getting 4k naramon focus on a 109 enemy count exterminate in sedna using loki and melee + naramon affinity booster + convergence

Edited by p3z1
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But didn't DE say that Focus is now gained even when other people kill enemies? If so then the focus gain is almost the same as before the changes if you group up.


The intention of Convergence was to make it easier to earn focus whilst actively playing. 


That is clearly not how it's worked out.

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It's starting to feel like DE and I are in an abusive relationship. I'm getting less and less from the time I'm putting in and having things taken away or damaged when I'm not looking. I want to have fun when I play a game, I want to feel a sense of accomplishment. What I don't want is to feel like I'm being punished for sticking with a company and spending money on their products. I may have to take a break and re-evaluate why I play and if there's any real reason to continue. 1500 hours and more money than I care to admit to. Stop slapping me around, telling me lies, and calling me names, DE. Maybe couples counseling can fix it, maybe it's too far gone. I want to love you, but you're breaking my heart.

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But didn't DE say that Focus is now gained even when other people kill enemies? If so then the focus gain is almost the same as before the changes if you group up.

It is not the same, even with ally kills counted in.

Especially if you play solo and see that you're only getting 25% of the focus you got before.

And even in a group you are still getting less focus than you were before the change, even if you have a Greater Lens in every single piece of gear that you are using.  The only people that come out ahead are the people in a full group that killed less than 25% of the enemies.  And now those people need a Greater Lens in every single piece of gear to get gains, if even one piece of gear isn't lensed then they are missing out on a full 25% of the focus from ally kills for each unlensed piece of gear.

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But didn't DE say that Focus is now gained even when other people kill enemies? If so then the focus gain is almost the same as before the changes if you group up.


Sortie Mobile Defense, killed 250 enemies, thats just me, not counting the other 3 players. I earned a total of 3.2k Focus after around 15 mins of gameplay.


Before this patch, if I ran a stealth exterminate with 60 enemies, I would come out with 7k focus.


So no, it aint the same, and the game shouldnt revolve aorund only grouping up, solo players already are hit hard on many angles, why make even focus unfriendly to solo tactics?

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A snippet from DERebecca in private chat:


6:57 AM DERebecca said: If you look at it in isolation:
6:58 AM DERebecca said: Before greater lenses Turned about 7% of affinity earned from that item into Focus
6:58 AM DERebecca said: Now greater lenses turn up to 10.5% with convergence, but it can include Radial/Shared XP
6:58 AM DERebecca said: So what factor you choose to include or ignore will determine your conclusion
Make of it what you will
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So, DE literally nerfed focus, and making it heavily relying upon those, so called "Focus Boosters", which are actually, not even close before the nerf WITHOUT a booster, boosting the gained focus to a high amount.


Is this kind of "this makes fun" change, DE?


500% Stealth Parameter, killing a Scorcher: 6544 affinity, gained focus: 54 points?!

Those are freaking 1.9%! WHERE IS MY GREATER LENS' 6% VALUE?!


Seriously. I am done with this Focus stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I have had fun with it, but this makes me literally say -f- it.


We are forced to wait for a ridiculously false placed/spawned Focus Booster


Notice how pathetically far away it is placed upon 2 different locations, and none is having the booster placed there.

, and if we finally get that booster in a timed range of 3-5 minutes, we are even getting less Focus Points than before the "fix", while the cap has been increased to 100k?

Le trolling hard.


I am not going to waste 6h+ for this farming system anymore.

It gets more and more to a typical Eastern China farming quality.

Stop this madness. We are not used to those high grind stuff things and more likely non-profitting at the same time.

I want my plat for those greater 2 zenurik and 2 naramon lenses back!


I agree i bought 4 or 5 greater lenses, the NEED to undo what they did. Its absurd how they changed this system... it will literally take you days to get to the cap now. I should put in a ticket to get that plat returned to me.

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