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Forum Migration Feedback & Bugs


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We have lost the button that allowed us to go to first "unread" post in threads we have previously visited. This was incredibly handy to have.

We have also lost the options to have a in forum daily or weekly tracking in the forums, we are now forced to receive email notifications if we want to use those options. I don't want to use email, I get enough spam from the rest of the world, if I added all the threads I was interested in to it I'd be drowning in emails.

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7 hours ago, Drasiel said:

We have lost the button that allowed us to go to first "unread" post in threads we have previously visited. This was incredibly handy to have.

4 hours ago, akira_him said:

Where's the last unread post button?

It's still there, you can click on the circle (or star if you've posted in the thread previously). Or am I missing something?


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A thread that I started, am following, and have posted replies in simply refuses to show up in the 'content I started/posted in' streams. It does show up in 'content I follow' though.


The offending thread:

EDIT: It shows up now. I'm assuming it fixed itself after another post was made.

Edited by DeltaPhantom
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5 hours ago, Kontrollo said:

It's still there, you can click on the circle (or star if you've posted in the thread previously). Or am I missing something?


ah That would explain why I missed it. The button I'm talking about used to be inside the thread. 

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Feedback after constant use since change

Login on mobile; go to warframe.com, poke pogin, input login information, be rerouted to another login screen, delete autofill password, input oassword, confirm that I am not a robot, reroute to warframe.com, poke community then access forums.

- waaaaay too many steps. I've done some experimentation and even using the "remember me" option, I will have to input my info multiple times once the forums has logged me out, for some random reason.

Navigation; decent but when trying to change sub-forums, I have to hit the back button multiple times instead of hitting the Warframe banner like with the old set up.

- Please have a home button or something. I'd rather look at the main page than back out 3 pages to find another sub forum.

I have a couple others but can't think of them atm

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5 hours ago, Noamuth said:

Navigation; decent but when trying to change sub-forums, I have to hit the back button multiple times instead of hitting the Warframe banner like with the old set up.

- Please have a home button or something. I'd rather look at the main page than back out 3 pages to find another sub forum.

I have a couple others but can't think of them atm

Indeed the navigation on the new forums is bad.

For example:

I'm in a thread posted in the "extra's/fan zone" sub-forum. If i want to navigate to pc updates and build notes from here i have to click these buttons in order:

Fan zone > extra's > comunity > home > pc update and build notes. 5 clicks

With the old system you could navigaye to any subforum from any other subforum with 2 clicks. 1 home, 2 your desired subforum. This all simply worked cause you could see the full navigation tree. You had to use the "full site version" for this on mobile, but the extra brandwith didn't bother me.

Now i don't have the option for the full site, sobi cant zoom in and out for larger walls of text. (i have a big mobile screen so i could read the zoomed out text just fine)

I understand the zooming might not be for everyone, but the extra steps for mobile users to navigate is off-putting.

Also, my phone has perfectly capable build-in spelling correction. I don't have need for a forum to mess with that system causing my corrected sentences into a typo infested mess thank you. ( I'd try to explain what the mobile forums grammar/spelling correction is doing wrong, but i simple don't even understand what the :poop: its doing most of the time.)

Edit: apparently using the S-wors for the emoticon is not allowed. Remind me again with we have this auto sensorship not be an option on a 18+ game?!

Atleast let me read my own vulgar language damnit!

Edited by undernown
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Cannot copy any text entered into a reply window too clipboard, only once it has been submitted.  I was doing a bug report and was going to use the same description on the support site but was unable to do it easily due to this

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Recent topics include only things from General Discussions and Players Helping Players.

I feel many people realized this, and so most feedback topics are now posted in General Discussions, making it clutter but also played in the wrong category. Actual feedback topics posted in the feedback section, or bugs in the bugs section, get buried and not many seem to notice them.

Edited by Casardis
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I've encountered a few problems thus far, however they are all restricted to Google Chrome, thus I am using Mozilla Firefox to type this. I am using the latest version, all of my drivers are up to date, I have cleared my cache multiple times. Problems are as follows:

  • Nearly all text entry fields are non-functional. This includes replying to posts, editing my info and about me. The only one I can recall actually working as intended is the login text entry fields.
  • Unable to open the popup user menu in the top right of pages. My address updates with the

    suffix, but nothing happens.

  • The same problem as immediately above with the theme popup menu at the bottom of each page.

Any recommendations for fixes would be much appreciated.

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On 5.3.2016 at 9:22 PM, Ibro156 said:

DE, will there be able to an option to delete your own threads?

That option has been gone for a long time now after some people abused it. So I doubt it'll come back.

19 minutes ago, Mariezero said:

my trading exhausted without trading for weeks

What does that have to do with the new forum, though?

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Looks like it's possible to somehow trick the forums into believing that a post happened at some other time. Have a look at the server issues thread:

The first post is now by a guy named @HugePain and it was made on March 7th, when the OP - which follows it - went up on March 10th.

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Hi! So, I actually have a(or at least how I see it) a major problem with the new forums! And before I explain what it is, I'd like to point out that this IS NOT my main account. This is my brother's account, though he's letting me use it because:

My account no longer works on the forums.

No, I'm not exaggerating either. On my main account I cannot even post in this section let alone start my own topics in any others. I can stil comment in certain sections(not this one) such fan concepts, though I am unable to edit any of my posts. And though I don't really mind it all that much, I can't even edit my own profile(it says I do not have permission). I have never had these problems in the past and I have been able to post my own topics, edit them, comment, and so forth prior to the update.

I do appreciate that you're all trying and I understand these are mere growing pains, but it almost feels as though the forums doesn't want me back for reasons I cannot understand(I've never done anything wrong here as far as my knowledge goes).


I have contacted Adam and Megan on this issue. Fortunately, Adam responded and proceeded to reset my account(which worked! Sorta.). Unfortunately, this only proved to be a temporary fix as my account suffered what was almost an immediate relapse whenever I attempted to log off and on again(as I was instructed to do so). I have not heard back from either of them since. Not accusing them of ignoring me, mind you, though I do suspect there may be an issue with my private messaging as well(either that or they're just busy, which I totally understand).


Well, my brother is never on the forums anyway so worst case scenario is that I simply re-post all the threads under his account and edit them that way, though I'd kinda like to have my own stuff back xD.


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Tigeroftime18724 said:

Hi! So, I actually have a(or at least how I see it) a major problem with the new forums! And before I explain what it is, I'd like to point out that this IS NOT my main account. This is my brother's account, though he's letting me use it because:

My account no longer works on the forums.

No, I'm not exaggerating either. On my main account I cannot even post in this section let alone start my own topics in any others. I can stil comment in certain sections(not this one) such fan concepts, though I am unable to edit any of my posts. And though I don't really mind it all that much, I can't even edit my own profile(it says I do not have permission). I have never had these problems in the past and I have been able to post my own topics, edit them, comment, and so forth prior to the update.

I do appreciate that you're all trying and I understand these are mere growing pains, but it almost feels as though the forums doesn't want me back for reasons I cannot understand(I've never done anything wrong here as far as my knowledge goes).


I have contacted Adam and Megan on this issue. Fortunately, Adam responded and proceeded to reset my account(which worked! Sorta.). Unfortunately, this only proved to be a temporary fix as my account suffered what was almost an immediate relapse whenever I attempted to log off and on again(as I was instructed to do so). I have not heard back from either of them since. Not accusing them of ignoring me, mind you, though I do suspect there may be an issue with my private messaging as well(either that or they're just busy, which I totally understand).


Well, my brother is never on the forums anyway so worst case scenario is that I simply re-post all the threads under his account and edit them that way, though I'd kinda like to have my own stuff back xD.


Your account should be fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

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On 3/12/2016 at 11:39 PM, -Mr.Meeseeks- said:

Still lacking that player avatar...

Can you try changing your avatar in game, then sign out of the forums and back in again? Avatars should update automatically and almost instantly on relog to the forums. 

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26 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

Can you try changing your avatar in game, then sign out of the forums and back in again? Avatars should update automatically and almost instantly on relog to the forums. 

Seems to have worked when I tried out my Saryn Chlora Avatar, but it doesn't seem to like my Saryn Orphid Avatar for some reason. Oh well, sort of a half-fix I suppose. Thanks for the help.

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