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Coming Soon: Devstream #70!


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I think there needs to be a system where we can for say 5 plat reset your frame or weapon to "Foundry Default" where all forma and potatoes are taken off and and the frame is set to Unranked. The potatoes and and forma are not lost and returned to the player. This is for players like myself that after using forma for something then having that changed would like to "fix" it without putting in MORE forma. ex. i had forma'd my Frost Prime to function with only snowglobe when abilities still had mod cards(this was 5 forma) but now that this has changed and frost's abilities have changed(not by much) i would like to have the option to change his polarities without adding More forma. Now i'm not saying reset then be allowed to put all those forma back on right away, no i'm saying RESET the frame so i have to rank it to 30 for every forma again and i believe this would balance it out. Thank you for your time and consideration and if you could address this in the next live stream i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again this is SoulHunter2008 and have a nice day.

Edited by SoulHunter2008
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Might as well throw my question into the mix:

It was mentioned way back during Devstream 25 that Clans would have the ability to create missions and/or tilesets for their members to do with Clan-specific rewards. The question is: when will clans be improved? And is there anything currently in the works for them that's not still in the freezer-on the backburner?

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Helle DE, thank you for making an amazing and beautiful game. I just have a couple questions for you all:


1. Are there any plans to update trading, mainly in Maroo's Bazaar? Currently, the trade system seems a little frustrating. You put an offer up in the chat, and then wait for replies, or scan the quickly moving text to see if anyone wants something you have. Maroo's Bazzar is either empty or not being used for its intended purpose. 


2. Besides the star chart getting an update, will there also be changes to loot tables? If so, will loot feel like it "fits" where it is?


3. Are there plans for other mission types to be updated?  I know Sabotage is getting one, just want to know if other types are on a list.


4. Can Chroma's Spectral Scream get a slight buff or change? It's really underwhelming considering it's the first ability you use when playing Chroma. The augment doesn't really add much to it, albeit a long range missile that does max 500 damage. The slow stance you're locked into also hinders the ability greatly. Maybe an increase in range and status chance would make this worth actually using, or maybe a spool-up time for damage and range (Longer you channel, the stronger it gets, and the further it goes) with exponential energy cost. Just a couple ideas. 


Again, thank you for this amazing game. I look forward to the stream and the new frame.

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Geoff: Are rhere any news on the dual ranged melee weapons?


As the first poster mentions loot-frames has been a large concern in WF. Perhaps having a function with headshots, combo finishers and stealth kills having a higher chance of giving better loot?

Also, changing some of the channeling cost and multipliers wouldnt hurt some weapons either.

Edited by Lactamid
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23 hours ago, DERebecca said:



Join us this Friday, March 4th for Devstream #70!

Who: The usual crew is back on the couch!

What: With 18.5: Sands of Inaros coming out on PC soon, we want to dedicate a Devstream to live Q&A and a tour of the Update. There are huge changes, content, and more in Sands of Inaros, and during our Devstream hour on March 4th we will be your tour guides! Use this Devstream time to get your questions and feedback in while we're live! We'll try and keep the stream Spoiler Free, but Tenno should know there is some significant Lore in the 18.5 Quest that keen Tenno may ask about in chat!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream!

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us this Friday, March 4th at 2 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

This thread closes at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 4th

hola esta lindo yo kiero yaa k hora biede


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Is there a potential to buff Nekros besides his (imho) broken desecrate?

Soul punch would be interesting if it could rip a duplicate of the target into existence, for that necromancery kind of feel. For balance, that copy could just be an exact copy stat-wise so you'd be selecting targets to copy or throwing a punch in the middle of a horde.


Is the re-work for daggers coming soon? They're still incredibly sub-par compared to pretty much every other weapon type in the game. Speed and stealth bonuses would be perfect!

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hows going on fixing the focus ? and what are the new higher focus limitations ? 100,000  focus with the todays focus three requirements are just plain boring takes like 2 days to get enough focus for 1 step and it takes ages to gain focus unless you take advantage of interceptions or very long run high tier voids like defense / camping survivals    fix please

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1) A while back an idea was thrown at Steve about Mastery Rank providing slots and other benefits. He seemed to like the idea, but nothing seems to have happened with it since. Is this idea still on the table, and how has it changed?

2) What frame is closest to having it's rework completed, this tends to be a moving target given the number of frames and issues people bring up?

3) With the addition of more moon missions is the moon being spun off as it's own location on the star chart or is it going to continue to effect earth? Currently it's the only tile set that doesn't have it's own node on the star-chart.

4) Has their been any more discussion about the proposed Rotation D for endless missions after 20/40 minutes that was brought up some time ago?

5) In regards to the Star-chart rework, is the concept of changing some tile sets and the planets their attached to still being considered? Namely swapping Phobos for Mars.

6) Any hints for the next tile set?

7) Moar Lore when?

8) What is the teams opinion on Aura's and their associated abilities? A large number seem to be just there with little use once you get Energy Siphon, Steel Charge, or Corrosive Projection.

9) Bursa's, any thought on their spawn rates right now? Most players, myself included feel their too high and they seem to spawn on missions a bit to low level for newer players as well.

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Is it possible to sell the Hunthow's Gift items separately in the Market? I'd like to just buy the Pakal armor and War without those Kubrow/Scimitar skins bundled together with a cheaper price please. Hopefully there's options for that in the near future.

Edited by NeroGrave
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I was just wondering if we will ever get a chance at some of the prime syandanas and armors that were released previously. I'd really like to get them, but was not around when they were initially introduced. If so, will they be reintroduced via Baro Ki'teer or will we be able to win them through sorties. Thanks DE and keep up the good work.

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That 3 weapons looks like cernos, sub looks like akbortor or akjagara and melee look like tipedo...that weapons going to infasted?


Inaros. That Warframe skills looks like vampire mummys. And looks more like nekros, trinity's upper version. 


I feel scared for Kella De Saym.

She doesn't looks like female(...;;)

But she looks more dangerous to warframe, I think.

More interest, existing boss!

Thank you for reading.

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