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So,since the shock exi was fixed, can we also have..


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1 hour ago, RobWasHere said:

Manic Bombard is no threat if you dont stand still.

What about defense missions? We have to stay near cryopod most of time. I think they would be HUGE problem. At least we need frost snowglobe buff to block AoE damage (like arctic eximus' bubble do).
P.S. I used to hate shock eximus before it's nerf, and now this awful things returned...

Edited by JustOR1G1N
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1 minute ago, Bouldershoulder said:

Why do you continue to ask bad things of DE?

Because he, like many, want a challenge.

Magnetic eximus, bursas and other enemies added a difficulty spike that many enjoyed, the good players succceded, the bad ones complained and perish. In a mission where you alone can make a difference, these enemies were essential and to a certain degree they still are.

I understand that for many, the less effort they have the better, but for some players challenge is the only thing keeping us playing, we find the challenge a fun factor in warframe.

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void is broken enough


shock eximi weren`t fixed, they were broken


Send manic bombards on missions pls, I enjoy fighting them, that`s the thing DE missed with bursas, one extremely hard fight, is way better, balanced and fun than multiple fights that are less harder, especially if multiple=infinite

Edited by Bizzaro21
forgot about manic bombards
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14 minutes ago, JustOR1G1N said:

Maybe, he wants Dark Souls here, instead of Warframe...

I wouldnt mind a "Bloodborne" here, specially if we could do viceral attacks, use trick weapons and have the blood of our enemies covering our Warframes.

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14 minutes ago, Bouldershoulder said:

Why do you continue to ask bad things of DE?

Its not "bad" I would prefer strategic fights with harder enemies than experience substantial nerfs on damage and frames.


14 minutes ago, JustOR1G1N said:

Maybe, he wants Dark Souls here, instead of Warframe...

IMHO, every game should provide a darksouls-level kind of challenge.

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1 minute ago, Kao-Snake said:

I wouldnt mind a "Bloodborne" here, specially if we could do viceral attacks, use trick weapons and have the blood of our enemies covering our Warframes.

But OP is talking only about difficulty, not about new gameplay improvements or visual effects...

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14 minutes ago, KIREEKPSO said:

Because he, like many, want a challenge.

Magnetic eximus, bursas and other enemies added a difficulty spike that many enjoyed, the good players succceded, the bad ones complained and perish. In a mission where you alone can make a difference, these enemies were essential and to a certain degree they still are.

I understand that for many, the less effort they have the better, but for some players challenge is the only thing keeping us playing, we find the challenge a fun factor in warframe.

I don't call it a challenge when I have to spend several full stocks of ammo on both primary and secondary fully modded guns to kill a single durned bursa. It's just dumb. As if I were shooting a wall.

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15 minutes ago, KIREEKPSO said:

Because he, like many, want a challenge.

Magnetic eximus, bursas and other enemies added a difficulty spike that many enjoyed, the good players succceded, the bad ones complained and perish. In a mission where you alone can make a difference, these enemies were essential and to a certain degree they still are.

I understand that for many, the less effort they have the better, but for some players challenge is the only thing keeping us playing, we find the challenge a fun factor in warframe.

I'll agree with on Bursas since they're a (mostly) reasonable challenge, but Shock Eximii are just cheap (not to mention redundant since we already have Nullifiers and Combas/Scrambuses).

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1 minute ago, Bouldershoulder said:

I don't call it a challenge when I have to spend several full stocks of ammo on both primary and secondary fully modded guns to kill a single durned bursa. It's just dumb. As if I were shooting a wall.

Then do the objective instead, if it requires you to kill the bursa, then ask your teammates to focus fire on it, that and there are plenty of buffing and debuffing abilities around.

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59 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

Prosecutors in some time period had total immunity to any damage that is no their element, and it was really bad.

Prosecutors would be a really good idea,(at least i think it is) we could have more diversity in weapon loadouts throughout the squad. I personally dislike it when i go banshee on a T4,3s defense and everybody just decide to go  6-forma tonkor with all corrosives on it. Kinda getting sick of it.

Edited by moronicacid
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2 minutes ago, KIREEKPSO said:

Then do the objective instead, if it requires you to kill the bursa, then ask your teammates to focus fire on it, that and there are plenty of buffing and debuffing abilities around.

And there are solo games, exterminations, and leveling up gear.

Also, I play void 99,99% solo

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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1 minute ago, KIREEKPSO said:

Then do the objective instead, if it requires you to kill the bursa, then ask your teammates to focus fire on it, that and there are plenty of buffing and debuffing abilities around.

Why are you defending a broken mechanic? We basically have to play in a group to take these things out if we don't abuse our warframe abilities and even then a fully modded tonkor to the &#! is not enough. Have you ever really fought a level 90+ bursa?

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4 minutes ago, Megakruemel said:

Why are you defending a broken mechanic? We basically have to play in a group to take these things out if we don't abuse our warframe abilities and even then a fully modded tonkor to the &#! is not enough. Have you ever really fought a level 90+ bursa?

Have you ever had a corrosive buff (volt + saryn)? have you ever used banshee?, have you ever used nova and rhino?

Like i said, good players always find a way and in many objectives bursas don't need to be killed, interception for example, you can always kill the weaker units to start a timer so that the remaining enemies are removed.

I'm not here to teach players how to play, that is up to you to find out.

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24 minutes ago, KIREEKPSO said:

Have you ever had a corrosive buff (volt + saryn)? have you ever used banshee?, have you ever used nova and rhino?

Like i said, good players always find a way and in many objectives bursas don't need to be killed, interception for example, you can always kill the weaker units to start a timer so that the remaining enemies are removed.

I'm not here to teach players how to play, that is up to you to find out.

Small thing: not all enemies are always removed.

Was actually doing an interception against corpus and we left a bursa alone.  Timer ended and the bursa was still there for the next wave.  So no that isn't always an option.

Further, how do you honestly defend a unit that can take an exterminate with no alarms triggered (and this isn't even a fire modifier which is a permanent alert which means you can't hack the terminals off) from kill 80 enemies to having to kill 250, and as you run back to the exit you're hoping and praying that it doesn't spawn another bursa that you need to kill and run to the exit while hoping that another one doesn't spawn before the first one finishes blowing up essentially rending the fact of the mission being completable purely up to RNG being kind and taking longer to spawn the next bursa.

And while I personally wouldn't mind a bursa you have to think of the new players.

I was running a low leveled squad through a few maps on Venus, and I was leveling gear so I didn't have anything equipped above level 10.  Not even a companion.  And guess what spawned?  A level 20 drover bursa, which by the time we killed that one we had more bursas and then more bursas in a never ending wave that made the mission near uncompletable.

Sure, with the absolute best setup a bursa isn't a problem but for the average load out they will kick your teeth in with nothing you can do as they grow exponentially.  Especially in maps where you can't disable the alarms.  Such as getting a fire modifier which ensures permanent map alert meaning that bursas are spawning constantly.

Fact is that they need to be fixed first and having their scaling and spawn rates heavily changed before they are put into the void.  Especially since you cant hack any alarms in the void.

Thing is that there is a challenge and difficulty.  Then there is just punching the player with absolutely no counter play outside of a very small subset of gear that new players (which are subjected to this) have no feasible way of overcoming.

And then there is the simple fact that some of their abilities just breaks some rules blatantly.  I mean, one of the bursas can do a shockwave that knocks you down even if you have 100% knockdown resistance (such as Atlas or through mods) and will knock you down for more than 5 seconds, even with handspring on a Valkyr.  And they can spam this at 5 slams per second or so meaning if they start this and you are anywhere near them you're going to be knocked down with literally nothing you can do about it.
Bursas are honestly broken in more than one way, especially for the non-hardcore players that don't always carry around a god-tier weapon.  DE really needs to do a balance pass and fix their main glaring issues first.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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40 minutes ago, KIREEKPSO said:

Because he, like many, want a challenge.

Magnetic eximus, bursas and other enemies added a difficulty spike that many enjoyed, the good players succceded, the bad ones complained and perish. In a mission where you alone can make a difference, these enemies were essential and to a certain degree they still are.

I understand that for many, the less effort they have the better, but for some players challenge is the only thing keeping us playing, we find the challenge a fun factor in warframe.

Theres a difference between artificial difficulty and real difficulty. Making enemies suprise you when they hide in caverns from sheer randomness or even making enemies bullet sponges is not difficult.


Whats difficult is changing up the game, if you havent watched the "Warframe Core problems" stream on FaitKO's channel I wholeheartedly suggest you do. They suggest many good ideas that will help the game.

But in short, if you want to increase difficulty fairly, scaling should be linear and in addition instead of tall of these random drain enemies there should be modifiers for every 15 mins of survival lets say. So reduced energy, or faster enemies, etc.. Many warframes depend on energy to survive so removing energy by completely random just promotes cheap deaths. Was it honestly my fault that I did not notice the underground shock exmus? No it wasn't. A real challenge is a visible obstacle that the player must overcome, not random events.


And dont say "energy pads" because in that stream alone someone got mag proced for 45+ seconds just by entering one room and then at least another 10 times after that. There no way in hell that using 15+ energy pads for one endurance run should be used in less than an hour. Maybe an hour and a half or two hours+ not in less than an hour.

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4 minutes ago, KIREEKPSO said:

Have you ever had a corrosive buff (volt + saryn)? have you ever used banshee?, have you ever used nova and rhino?

Like i said, good players always find a way and in many objectives bursas don't need to be killed, interception for example, you can always kill the weaker units to start a timer so that the remaining enemies are removed.

I'm not here to teach players how to play, that is up to you to find out.

I am not here to discuss if i can play this game or not, because i definitely can. Bursas might seem fair at the first approach but they are just so bullet spongey to an extend that they are more annoying than rewarding. Couple these with eximii, nullifiers and top it off with high enough of a level and it is not fun, it is just a timewaster. I literally tried everything at my disposal and it either is just stunlocking them or cheesing them to death with overpowered mechanics.

They were supposed to be challenging because you had to get around them but in solo this is nearly impossible especially if nullifiers are involved. I don't call them broken because they are hard, i call them broken because they appear hard when in fact they are broken. DE needs to do something about enemies like this, that are just unrealistically immune to normal ways of fighting them and can only be easily defeated by cheesing them. Sure make it hard for me to get behind them and make it easier for me to get them down with the right damage type but keep it at that. If i play solo i don't want to jump around for 5 minutes while my energy is constantly drained, i am being knocked down mid-air for 10 seconds even though i have handspring on or slowed down to an extend where running one meter takes 10 seconds. To round it off it takes way to long to take them down so the game punishes you for prioritizing them, even though they are arguably the most dangerous unit right now.

You want a real challenge? Play high level solo. You will easily see what i am talking about. Oh and no stun locking your way out of this stuff. Because that's no challenge.

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