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Coming Soon: Devstream #72!


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1) When will snipers get a place in the game? Sniper rework gave them some love, but losing pin point accuracy on hipfire, not having an ironsight aim, and the huge zoom while scoping makes them annoying to use while trying to kill hordes of enemies on the usually small rooms created for most of tilesests.

2) Where's Umbra? It's already been 8 months since its chinese release (7 after their exclusivity ended) and still no info about it but "we have no info on umbra, nothing has changed".

3) Dark sectors. Could they have an option for pvp? There's a lot of players who would like pvp having even a small importance on these conflicts, but there's no will to take away the action for PVE players, instead, most of us who want pvp dark sectors back also want to share the role with them.

4) where are the last PBR upgrades for primed items? Nyx, Ember, Excalibur, Sicarus, Dakra, and some others still missing it.

5) will weighted drop tables and their dilution ever gonna be fixed?

6) will snipetron vandal ever come back? It's the oldest event weapon and still vaulted, same for primed Chamber, an event price obtained mostly due to exploitation, locked away from players with real life and currently with an absurdly high price tag on market (about 30K :platinum:)

7) Why do sentient fighters spawn only on the 3 first moon nodes? 

8) will banshee deluxe skin do some workout before her release? Who's deluxe skin will be after Banshee, Oberon and Zephyr? Any progress to be shown on Zephyr's deluxe skin?

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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My questions:

- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority?

- Why do we give samples of Orokin technology ( Forma, Potatoes, Prime parts ) to Syndicates/Baro Ki'Teer? How does this maintain the Balance?
Please give me a lore-related reason to do this, even if only a little ingame queue of the Lotus giving me the OK to help out these Syndicates and/or Baro Ki'Teer.

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Why is everyone so dead focused on Umbra questions?  He'll get here when he gets here, as it is, I'd be perfectly fine if it actually did just come out as a skin.

Anywho, on to my actual questions:

  1. Will we ever have another contest for weapons/warframes like we did for Melee a while ago?  I know tennogen makes accessories simple (For PC at least) but I'd love if we had the chance to show our stuff even a little bit. 
  2. Any previews we could get for the new sentinel?  Perhaps even a small hint of any other news for Kavats?  We know of two potential breed ideas y'all were tossing around, I was just wondering if that's all you have in mind right now, how they've progressed, and what else has come to the drawing board?  Compounded to this; Hunhow and Kubrow masks for sentinels gave us a massively hidden preview, could the Para carrier stuff hint at a new companion as well?
  3. You mentioned wanting to add more conditional functions to weapons, particularly older weapons, do you have any in mind you'd like to share?
  4. Should we expect more gear in the future?  I'm personally hoping we someday get to turn completed codex scan entries into specters, not bosses of course (immediately imagine a four man team throwing down some Sentients) but I'd love to see Codexs enhanced upon, to give people something to strive for in them aside from just completing entries.
  5. Is there any chance of Shadow Stalker's mod pool being upgraded a bit?  I've got more than enough Heavy Impacts, far more molten impacts than I could ever use, and so many blind justices that I could never in my life build enough Nikanas to use them all.  I was thinking perhaps even just the lower tier Shadow Debt mods?  Can't say too much myself, since at the moment we're still waiting for it on Console, but I'm basically working off rumor that War Bp even drops.

I think that's all my questions for now.  As always, thank you all for your hard work and attempts to satiate an ever-greedy community (myself included), I hope everyone at DE has an amazing week!

Edited by (PS4)Zashukitsune
Added number 5
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Zashukitsune said:

Why is everyone so dead focused on Umbra questions?  He'll get here when he gets here, as it is, I'd be perfectly fine if it actually did just come out as a skin.

It's just because we don't have much information about him, and it's been quite a while since the 30 day period expired....so. You can't blame us for being inquisitive, though I don't agree with the harassment in any way

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Any priority on fixing the syndana's collision detection?

since the last update ALL syndana's clip through warframes or warframe parts, its terrible and it needs to be adressed/fixed.

is the team aware of this and if so what time table is there for it to be fixed?

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In a past Devstream , the devs were asked about potentially changing the sentinels in such a way that would balance out the number of players that use different sentinels (due to the overwhelming majority of players that use Carrier and Carrier Prime over any other sentinel). During that Devstream, the discussion didn’t really go anywhere because the only 2 options seemed to be either to buff the other, less-used sentinels to make them as useful as Carrier or to give all of the sentinels the Vacuum precept. Neither of these ideas went over very well and the reason the devs did not like giving every sentinel the Vacuum precept is because that is what makes Carrier “Carrier”.

Multiple threads have popped up discussing this as it is still a huge problem. There has been one idea thrown around that many players seem to really like and I would like to know if the devs would give it any consideration:

  1. Give every sentinel the passive ability to Vacuum loot just as Carrier does now.

  2. Alongside Carrier’s now passive Vacuum ability, Carrier would "store" excess items you pick up and then efficiently give them to you when you need them. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause Carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you take enough damage, Carrier will drop the equivalent health orbs on you. If you reload, Carrier will give you that much ammo back.

The devs didn’t like taking away Carrier’s uniqueness and giving it to all other sentinels. This new idea actually fits Carrier better because it would now “carry” excess items for you.

Many players have complained that they don’t use Carrier because they don’t like being forced to waste resources that they don’t need when Carrier brings it to them. This would solve that problem as well and give Carrier a new identity as a resource efficient storage sentinel.

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1 minute ago, Demoonic said:

It's just because we don't have much information about him, and it's been quite a while since the 30 day period expired....so. You can't blame us for being inquisitive, though I don't agree with the harassment in any way

That's more than fair, you're right.  I can absolutely understand curiosity and I won't say I'm not at least a little bit inquisitive myself.

I think my issue with it at all is all the anger thrown DE's way for something that wasn't originally intended for us.  I personally think DE has been more than accommodating to not only give it to us (eventually) but to make it special event/occasion rather than just a "Oh yeah, I guess have this thing".  I just know that I'd personally feel attacked if I were them and very hesitant to do anything if this is how I was treated.

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This is something my friends and I asked a lot when we heard this from another tenno:

Is it true that you actually have some kind of hyper imaginary reactor under your hat and if anyone dares to take it off not only your self will cease to exist but your imagination and everything it creates will kill and destroy everyone and everything in a 200 KM radius?

Guys, this is a joke question, is april's fool's day after all x3 

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1.) I know the option to retrieve a lens is not in your plans, but will we ever have the option to completely delete a lens from an item. I would like to be able to play with different things without worrying about them acquiring focus that i do not need any more.

2.) any general updates on focus.

3.) can frost get some cloth physics love.

4.) any update on syndicate melee weapons.

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-Are Venka, Atterax and Redeemer joining the Conclave anytime soon?

-Is SwordAlone combat getting an upgrade in both PvE and Conclave anytime soon?

-About Ash: the rework will only affect Bladestorm or his entire ability set is going to be reworked?

-Any plans on implementing alternate Mission Navigators? It's nice to hear Lotus, but having Teshin, Simaris, Ordis or even Tyl Regor would be nice to spice things up.

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Any new conclave modes planned?

Progress on alternative stance acquisition?

Any new trials coming up, or at least nightmare Jordas Verdict?

Any new syndicate goodies? (My kingdom for a Synoid Orthos!)

Edited by ZinGrin
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Just now, DERebecca said:


Join us this Friday, April 1st for Devstream #72!

Who: The usual crew is back on the couch!

What: Join us for some updates on what Warframe is bringing you this year! From IRL Events, to Warframe Reworks, to your questions and answers, tune in to learn about what type of content you can expect! This will be our last Devstream until after our PAX East Panel on April 22, so don't miss it!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream!

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us this Friday, April 1st at 2 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

This thread closes at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 1st!  Get your questions in!  

P.S An April Fool's Devstream? Let's hope we're all joked out by 2 p.m!

Apparently Xbox and PlayStation are resolving there differences and are learning to play nice,will we ever get a cross platform system?


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You've said recently that inventory slots are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future; are there any plans to at least make them less of a barrier for new players? Expanding the number of starting slots, awarding slots for mastery rank-ups, and/or providing some way to demo weapons/frames before building them (be it hands-on or just short video clips) so players can more easily learn what they want are a few ideas that have come up in recent discussions; any of them would go a long way towards making arsenal management feel less restrictive early on.

Any chance that stances with only two combos will get some more soon? Both polearm stances come to immediate mind (especially with the recent release of the Lesion), but a few others like Coiling Viper and Pointed Wind could use some love too.

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Was interested to see Steve's Twitter GIF of a possible new starchart, but in the quick view provided it didn't look all that different from the starchart which the current one replaced (that is, many of the nodes appeared on top of an image of the planet).  Can the team touch on this, perhaps provide a longer vid of the proposed map, and explain how this version is different from the old version?  Maybe the nodes that appear situated in space rather than "on" planets appear and disappear as Alerts pop up and end?  I'm curious...

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20 minutes ago, GhostFeng said:

In a past Devstream , the devs were asked about potentially changing the sentinels in such a way that would balance out the number of players that use different sentinels (due to the overwhelming majority of players that use Carrier and Carrier Prime over any other sentinel). During that Devstream, the discussion didn’t really go anywhere because the only 2 options seemed to be either to buff the other, less-used sentinels to make them as useful as Carrier or to give all of the sentinels the Vacuum precept. Neither of these ideas went over very well and the reason the devs did not like giving every sentinel the Vacuum precept is because that is what makes Carrier “Carrier”.

Multiple threads have popped up discussing this as it is still a huge problem. There has been one idea thrown around that many players seem to really like and I would like to know if the devs would give it any consideration:

  1. Give every sentinel the passive ability to Vacuum loot just as Carrier does now.

  2. Alongside Carrier’s now passive Vacuum ability, Carrier would "store" excess items you pick up and then efficiently give them to you when you need them. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause Carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you take enough damage, Carrier will drop the equivalent health orbs on you. If you reload, Carrier will give you that much ammo back.

The devs didn’t like taking away Carrier’s uniqueness and giving it to all other sentinels. This new idea actually fits Carrier better because it would now “carry” excess items for you.

Many players have complained that they don’t use Carrier because they don’t like being forced to waste resources that they don’t need when Carrier brings it to them. This would solve that problem as well and give Carrier a new identity as a resource efficient storage sentinel.

This is brilliant 

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