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Disappointing Frames.


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2 minutes ago, chaotea said:

Nezha was disappointing for me, it just felt like a less good rhino. Still, DE didnt actually do that one as far as i know, so its ok.

But they said that they are the ones that do the Chinaframe content, including the frames.

I actually enjoy Nezha myself, not really as inferior Rhino, but something like Rhino but plays in a different way.

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Just now, God_is_a_Cat_Girl said:

But they said that they are the ones that do the Chinaframe content, including the frames.

I actually enjoy Nezha myself, not really as inferior Rhino, but something like Rhino but plays in a different way.

It plays no different for rhino for me, as i always play a speed-rhino.

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2 minutes ago, chaotea said:

It plays no different for rhino for me, as i always play a speed-rhino.


They honestly only have 2 skills that are alike, though I do have to say, Nezha's throw thing being host based makes it worse than it should be and really needs some improvements to it (plus the fix to CC that happened and didn't really happen). I do use them in different ways, but then, I'm not one that uses either of them for the Skin/Halo only, my Rhino for example is more of a duration build than anything for the skin (what's there for the skin is there because of the roar buff).

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Personally I'm disappointed by Nova/Nova Prime and Rhino/Rhino Prime - not in the frames themselves, but in how they've had certain of their abilities nerfed almost to the point of making them irrelevant.

Nova's Ult used to be able to chain, but that's so heavily nerfed that her Ult is now used mostly for it's ability to slow down enemies.  It also makes killing individual enemies a little easier, but in it's original form (which was admittedly a little too far towards OP) you could clear a room with almost a single shot using it.  Her innate squishiness makes bringing her on a mission an open question these days - is the team willing to keep rezzing her, just to slow the enemies down a bit?

Rhino's Iron Skin used to make the 'frame unaffected by knockdown effects.  But that's now disappearing, as more and more enemies are being introduced (looking at you, Bursas) which can stunlock Rhinos as easily as everyone else, Iron Skin be damned.  I try to avoid using IS unless I'm soloing a high-level mission just because, but the loss of this invulnerability is annoying.

What's frustrating is how DE changes the rules of the game, by nerfing abilities which, in their day, were the reason you went after a particular WF.  There's a bit of spillover of this approach regarding weapons as well, but there isn't the investment in weapons as there is in Warframes.

All IMHO, of course.

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Hydroid mostly for me IMO.

His appearance is lackluster for one, probably the ugliest of the frames unfortunately. It doesn't help that he is not PBR'ed yet. but id rather them change his appearance before they do.

His abilities are another disappointment, i expected a little more from him and most of 'em are clunky, buggy, and underwhelming.

to elaborate:

- Tempest Barrage still gets stuck in doorways still (which has been there since he launched) and wont target past them even if the door is open and often bugs the radius of the attack as well, the ability itself i have no problem with.

- Tidal Surge seems fine to me however i think it could have a custom de-buff as well as a temp buff for hydroid, wave gets wider the farther it goes out.

- IMO Undertow is awful, truly awful. It prevents your teammates from doing any damage to whatever is caught in it, as well as you cant shoot, be damaged, or move. i would have preferred a fog AOE type ability, which obstructs hostile vision and targeting as well as detection, reduces aggro of whomever is inside it, and heals allies with the augment (name could be Healing Mists). Hydroid can "pick it up" and move it like volts new shield.

- Tentacle Swarm is awful looking and can be disruptive to teammates trying to shoot them, with them flinging around and all (it takes forever...). I'd replace it with brief little whirlpools that form under the enemies and pulls them under like undertow and does this ( https://youtu.be/1flVlL4Mf8k?t=18s ) to them. enemies that survive have reduced armor,  and are disoriented, and ejected.

There are other frames too but most of 'em are just tweaks, two others i think are just lackluster -

- Wukongs' abilities are underwhelming, unsure how to improve.

- Zephyrs' appearance is messy and her 1 and 2 need some added extra flare since its effectively competing against parkour/melee 2.0 and all that. (maybe the 1 pulls enemies with her or something).

That about it for me.

Edited by xXZEROCSXx
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For me disappointment is a mix of the frame not being what you expected, having one too many shortcomings and having something that takes away from using the frame; compared to the effort needed to acquire them in the first place.

Between the types of difficulties to attain them, and then using them for a while my top three are:

Limbo - Between the Quest BP and Key requirements, Archwing Interception Proof Fragments to the Excavations, my expectations prolly got a bit too high as I leveled Limbo up and tried out his abilities. I still need to more time with Limbo and I need to feed him the gold and red potatoes, along with some Forma, but I just haven't felt the desire to do so over other frames I've accumulated over time.

Hydroid - Having to deal with Mr. Vey what da Hek is wrong with the good Councilor, and being an MR requirement; I thought this was going to be a solid performer. On using him, his weaknesses shown through, stationary casting, turning into an Immobile puddle, having his 4th be tentacles that do a caveman smash of enemies all over the place and abilities that actually benefits from reduced range! So like Limbo, I have not felt the desire to give him another chance yet.

Atlas - stuck behind Jordas' Archie Bunker, it took me a long while to get my hands on this frame. First having to level up my Archwing, mods and Cannon to collecting Archwing mods in the first place; to gearing up for the Juggy before the big space fight, I was thinking boy with these obstacles Atlas is going to be fun to use. With the name of Atlas, I figured a tough earthy connection, so his kit is okay it sounds earthy, right? But again, the effort needed to get him left me feeling a bit let down after using the frame a while, and experimenting with different directions in modding. The one I've favored is playing to Landslide, but doing so has a large negative impact on Gaze and Rumblers. Not to mention that his Agile and Noble animation sets are quite bouncy and didn't fit with my initial expectations of the Titan, Atlas, so I've been using him sparingly.

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Kakao, the chocolate frame! he's hasn't been made yet and it's so dissapointing! ;D

Otherwise I'm no fan of the "prime" concept after Excal P, it should have been the only one. I like frames to be unique, not just stronger skins, but not "dissapointed".


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If I had to pick a warframe that was disappointing it would be Hydroid out of all the frames.  I suppose I blame it on its theme... Pirate. It came out to be too much pirate not enough water (the community didn't help by wanting to put a farming augment for his 4). I have a deep respect for Water themes and their versatility across genres as it tends to be a special element. It can have soft curative properties to being one of the most destructive and devastating elements. Hydroid just reaches none of those effectively.  The powers at base are lackluster (they just don't feel like they have any weight behind them) and then to get curative properties you need to equip augments.

That said he could be refitted with a rework as not all his powers are that bad. Tidal Surge is probably the best he currently has and Tentacle Swarm (imo) should be moved down to his 1 (as Tempest Barrage should be removed) and target the same way as Tempest Barrage does currently. Tempest Barrage is just... pathetic to say the least and provides nothing that Tentacle Swarm doesn't do better.

Undertow is a neat concept but the lack of agency and the reality of the power is that you become a protector of the enemy. With all the Ash Bladestorm making enemies invulnerable threads its almost surprising how Undertow is let off so easy but perhaps its because he is unpopular. But there is some hope for the power so I don't know what to do with it.

That leaves a free spot for his ultimate. I personally have a number of ideas but that could be a thread all its own, but I think it should be more destructive and grand.

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I have some disappointments but none of them are because they're "useless" persay.

I quite like Oberon. I love running offensive supports, probably from the time I played League of Legends (which I regret.) Oberon isn't necessarily a bad frame- he's really good for solo, and I like Radiation as a damage type, along with the proc (Smite Infusion is literally insane with a Power Strength build). My problem with him is that they completely oversaturated his abilities with effects that weren't necessary in an attempt to buff him. Now I can barely keep track of what his abilities do because they have a dozen different effects. He's literally overcomplicated. I just want him to be simpler again. And a tad more viable, because he's always been fun to play.

Not because she's bad. Just because in a game about space ninjas blowing up everything in sight, playing pure support isn't fun at all to me. Trinity is definitely useful and does wonders to carry- I just never want to play her again.

Now, I used to run Zephyr a lot. She was super useful because she could do things others couldn't and reach places that others couldn't. Except now Parkour 2.0 has really made her obsolete. She's still faster than literally everyone else, but that's about it.


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3 hours ago, Chr1st16n said:

Now with the release of Vauban Prime, the frame count increased to 41 (42 with Excalibur Prime) But out of all these frames, which do you think was a disappointment in your opinion. Meaning, which frame do you believe could have been better than the way DE made them and why? 

Mesa, atlas, inaros, valkyr, limbo, zephyr, will skip the whys, dont have that much time xD

Edited by -dicht.Amducias-
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2 hours ago, Weidro said:

still havent found a real use of zephyr in any given team combination


14 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

Now, I used to run Zephyr a lot. She was super useful because she could do things others couldn't and reach places that others couldn't. Except now Parkour 2.0 has really made her obsolete. She's still faster than literally everyone else, but that's about it.

Max Range Turbulence. No Corpus will be able to hit her with their ranged weapons. Not even the Corrupted Bombard's rockets will get close.

For fun: Dive Bomb Vortex has a bigger range (12m) than Dive Bomb itself (9m) and it scales with range mods. Just use it near a group of enemies and laugh.

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Just now, Venom-Snake said:


Max Range Turbulence. No Corpus will be able to hit her with their ranged weapons. Not even the Corrupted Bombard's rockets will get close.

For fun: Dive Bomb Vortex has a bigger range (12m) than Dive Bomb itself (9m) and it scales with range mods. Just use it near a group of enemies and laugh.

u missed my point

im searching for a use of zephyr in a team

with turbulence she only protects herself and not the team (or if everybody has to stay super close she locks them in place + they are all limiting each others field of view)

id rather us a frost with a big enough globe since he can protect u from bullets + cc enemys + buff the party


zephyr might be awsome solo but there is just no use for here in a team

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2 minutes ago, -dicht.Amducias- said:

While i generally agree on this i have to say that i also regularly use her for corpus hijack, 0 dmg taken on the rover with max range turbulence

that might be the first use for her

even if its just a single mission with a specialized build its something

ill give it a try on the next hijack sortie

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Just now, Weidro said:

u missed my point

im searching for a use of zephyr in a team

with turbulence she only protects herself and not the team (or if everybody has to stay super close she locks them in place + they are all limiting each others field of view)

id rather us a frost with a big enough globe since he can protect u from bullets + cc enemys + buff the party


zephyr might be awsome solo but there is just no use for here in a team

*raises eyebrown*

Defence, Excavation, Hijack, Survival where everyone stays somewhat near each other instead of going to the other side of the map since it has 15m radius with max range.

What is better: Being able to tank hits or not being hit at all?

You can also say that Frost ALSO confines the team close to each other: the Globe's range only goes so far, players are unable to shot throught it if enemies are inside it and they outside.

But really comparing Frost to Zephyr? I do NOT like the "But X frame does this better than Y frame" Argument. Its weak. It happens when someone doesnt have an actual argument to defend their claims. I saw a player saying that Inaros while he can heal, he would prefer to take a Trinity.

Tell me, can a Trinity open enemies to finishers and blidn them? Can a Trinity provide CC that can spread and do damage? You cant. Each frame is can have similarities top others, if you have a problem with it say its faults but dont go with the "X is better".

7 minutes ago, Weidro said:

that might be the first use for her

even if its just a single mission with a specialized build its something

ill give it a try on the next hijack sortie

Really? Did you forget the Nullifer Bubble around the Sortie Hijack target?

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