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Coming Soon: Devstream #75!


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1 minute ago, Catacomb said:

snipers have super high punch through plz?

Yes yes yes yes YES! It doesn't matter how much damage a weapon can do if it can only hit one enemy at a time! I always put it on my vectis.

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Any chance that we will get an option to do charge attacks without having to attack once 1st? Not only does this break doing tap to hold combos, (you can just hold to do the tap to hold combo) but it makes some charge attacks less useful by not coming out fast enough. For instance, the hands+feet charge attack can open an enemy to a finisher, but not while they are in the middle of something else ie aoe knockdown slam anim. If you were able to charge attack with attacking, you would be able to stop this from happening and dispatch them quicker.


Also not being able to swing melee for a couple seconds after landing is still happening sometimes.

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In the forum post regarding the Arcane Helmets [DE]Drew stated that:


Dev has commented that putting stats on helmets was not a decision they felt is right in the long term.

Nowadays we have the arcane enhancement wich give advantages and are directly linked to cosmetic items like Helmets or Syandanas.

I'd like to know if their any plans to seperate these advantages from the cosmetic looks?

Allowing us to use any cosmetic we like without having the pass on the effect which would be usefull but is unfortunetly on a different cosmetic. Maybe by giving us 2 arcane slots in qur equipment.

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1. Why was cloth physics added on syndana that aren't even cloth like? ie. Uru, Yamako, Misa Prime.  It looks very weird and would be better off with having multiple joints like a chain instead much like how the current skirt on normal Trinity warframe.  Additionally can be used on Trinity Primes lobster tail like jello.

2. Will we see Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal on sortie rewards or other events in the future? Or are they gone for good like Excalibur prime? :/

3. Can we get some decor on liset like a pedestal or some platform to place them noogles instead of just scattering them all over the floor.  

4. Will the Orbiter have a hangar bay that shows the current landing craft?



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Dear Tenno council,


Many Tenno focus on health and armour as having 1k + of Health is more rewarding than having 1k+ of shields. Will there be a shields 2.0 were having high shields is just as, if not more rewarding than health and armour?

Volt/ Volt prime rework? Golden lightning please!!!

Volt prime umbra? I do understand that the discussion of what umbra is, and is not to ready to be announced, however can you confirm this?

Are Warframes alive?

Are Kubrows and kavats within the same family? 

Beds,toys,sleeping and or kiss kubrow? a park for kubrows and kavats? Do kavats and kubrows get along? Companion roaming? 

Any news on the infested behind the door? 

Solo version of trials to obtain arcanes? 

Augment slot? 

There aren't many staff type weapons, how about a Sancti Tipdeo? 

Feedback : When Rebecca speaks, others make jokes and start laughing which makes it difficult to hear her, So When Rebecca speaks, no one else speaks :smile: 

That is all and thank you for your patronage  

Edited by Wolfnrun
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In her current state, Trinity is usually built with a negative duration to facilitate the usage of Energy Vampire, at the expensive of rendering Link useless and taking away half of Blessing's Utility. Non-EV trins are rarely seen outside of solo play and Raids with two trins. Are there any plans to rework EV, either by making duration have an opposite effect or otherwise doing something like to Saryn's Miasma rework?

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A Tennogen question since this has been bury topic for a while, when will we be able and if we are able to customize/make our own skins such as the Sayrn Orphid skin and the Palatine Rhino Skin?

Any ETA for U 19?

Possible spoiler to second dream:


Will we have more outfits for our operators for further customization?

Since a while immortal skins match a lot of prime frames and are very awesome with it but a common problem with it is that when you want to add a silver or gold touch to it it also shows in the pattern of the suit, some work with it such as Volt Prime and Nyx Prime but some are harder to customize such as Mag Prime and Ember Prime, can we expect to see a separate color section to the prime frames for immortal skins?

Also on Immortal Skin topic when can we expect more of them?

Since Warframes weapons are unique and have interesting uses can we expect a weapon that can take two slots of say primary and secondary but can transform into both a primary and secondary weapon and having different stats on them? Such as a assault rifle you are using and say you want to swap weapons to your dual SMGS you would switch your weapon normally but instead of grabbing the SMG's from your sides you can disconnect parts of your machine gun and have two SMGS. Then say you want your assault rifle back you would reconnect your SMGS within a few seconds and have an assault rifle. Its quite a lot to take in :3

A long time ago when warframes got the exilus adapter which gave them a new slot for their warframe a question was asked of if we are going to get another slot for weapons and mysteriously DE said they where thinking on it, so is it yes or no and can we expect it anytime soon? Sorry if I got carried away :3

Can we expect anymore sentient weapons?

Will we get any form of a pure energy melee weapon such as an sword with a hilt and where the blade is a form of energy? 

Also when playing I noticed that nikana executions are a bit glitched and the opponent dies right before it finishes the last strike, is this currently being worked on? 

Will we get a cosmetic with hooded cloaks and if we do is it warframe specific or packaged together?

Will we get a void assassination since we have an assassination on every planet? 

Since deception is really really quick to accomplish and not much is there for it can we get a more stealth approach where as if we trigger the alarms the will shut down all access to security making it a failure but BUT we have more stealth features such as crawling through vents, hiding in corners which shades your warframe making it undetectable, hidding in objects such as lockers and under placed objects?

Since Warframe is a customizable experience and everyone is unique in their own way can we expect to see a rework on the intro to mission making each frame have a certain entrance one way that is what role they play such as rhino busting through a door with his rhino charge and loki coming out of invisibility and assassinating a enemy personal? Also if this feature is being inputted will we get this from the market or from something else?

Can we see more chained weapons that are like whips but have melee weapon on them such as a sword or a mace?

Will we get a primed noggles any time soon? Also when will we get new warframe noggles?

Lastly thank you for the amazing game!




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2 minutes ago, Clem2-TheClemening said:

In her current state, Trinity is usually built with a negative duration to facilitate the usage of Energy Vampire, at the expensive of rendering Link useless and taking away half of Blessing's Utility. Non-EV trins are rarely seen outside of solo play and Raids with two trins. Are there any plans to rework EV, either by making duration have an opposite effect or otherwise doing something like to Saryn's Miasma rework?

I have to agree with this, EV os the only power of it's kind and no other warframe can compare to it's support

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What, if anything, is being done to counter Overwatch? Many of the heroes and abilities it brings to the table might not suit Warframe very well, but it does provide excellent examples of support powers.

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Will we eventually be able to manually/individually place our Emblems/Sigils?
As well as Armor Parts?
And allow a Arms out, legs out, symmetrical stance so we can accurately place these things without having to rely on instinct because the stance the char' is in is a bit.. weird.

I find that if Fashionframe is the true end-game, we need better customization then we have now. Allow us to be even MORE creative, and allow us even more custom placement.
Thats my opinion anyway.

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After this length of time has there developed any stigmas or apprehension to make a change to a fundamental aspect of Warframe that you feel could work better or different but the backlash of making the change now would inhibit you doing so? And if you could be rid of this backlash what would you choose to completely overhaul?


Also on a related note are there or were there ever any plans to make available alternate means of getting Warframe or Weapon slots without the spending of platinum? Where so much content and means are given to players that pursue a completely free to play option in all other aspects of the game; to hold onto and collect what has become a vast arsenal requires spending large amounts of platinum just to keep the content that has been acquired and crafted. (side note: does anyone know what it would cost in platinum for a new player to purchase enough slots to collect every Warframe and weapon in game?) have other methods of acquiring these slots been discussed?


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Dear DE , 

I love your work, Warframe is one of my favourite games of all time to the extent that if I could only have one game for the rest of my life it would more than likely be Warframe. 

But like most things, Warframe is not without its fault. One of my biggest gripes is that some enemies are able to negate and/or resist the Tenno Focus ability. In my eyes it the Focus ability is the ultimate Tenno power, they focus all their Void energy only for Kela de Thaym to ignore it. 

Outside of balance, is there perhaps lore reason why some enemies are immune? 

Hugs and kisses,


PS: Could I have Ash Prime Access?

PPS: If not, sorry for bothering. Have a nice day+

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