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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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Few things. Some way to block checks coming directly at you. Counter check, something. Really frustrating to just get see someone slide into you as soon as you get the ball. Also, clearing the zone. Lotta matches, the attackers will just sit in zone and spam melee. Returning the ball to play is irritating when you can literally be punched out of the second it drops. Also, slam attack detection? You have to be looking almost straight down not to dash forward. Also, could we get holding the Lunaro to pop up on the UI as a buff? This would help indicate detonation time, but also let us know when we have the ball. I've had the ball checked out of my hand without realizing I have it WAY too many times, and it's first day lol.

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I am, I believe it's because Lunaros keybinds are taken directly from the normal game, so if you rebind in PvE to anything but the Default you're going to have trouble. They really should have added seperate keybinds for Lunaro, it's very hard for me to play it.

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Same as other people have stated above, the game mode is, from the games i played so far, more of a kicking and staggering cluster than a ball game. Most of the time, I dont know where the ball it, who my teammates are or what they are doing.

And I`m not sure, but there was a teammate running near me (couldnt tell but when he had the ball the marker above him was blue, my team) and he staggered me somehow..


Also, there is no such thing as passing. As much as you`d like to make it about that, you just cant. The place is crowded, most of the times, since everyone is in the same location at the same time anyway. 

The 1st time i joined i had to ask in chat in what team I was, simply because my warframe is blue with blue energy and i had no idea that the small ribbon under my shoulder was the only indication of the team I was in. This needs to be fixed. 

Not to mention hosting. I think I joined mid match.. Why is this allowed? All players should be there from start to finish with penalties if they leave. THIS is if you want to make it TEAM based.. 

Last, 10 minutes.. too much. by round 2 I was looking at the clock almost every 10 seconds to see when it would end. 


Also, dont know if its just me, but movement seems sluggish. There is no actual reason to use bulletjump. 

Personally, i liked the idea, it seemed fun, but this is an example of bad execution. At least on the points mentioned above. 

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-Bring us air-slide and some decent aim.glide: What kind of parkour-based game like said in announcements is this if we basically can only walk? and we cant apply our parkour skills? keep us off the ground, being on the ground the entire time is boring and a "meat ball fest". give us the "high-action, Tenno sport" it was promised,

-Let us Bullet-jump with the ball: it sounds good on paper but is not, mostly for the reason above, its impossible to make 2 steps before someone removes your ball. and you will always forget you can't do it while holding the ball, is instinctive.

-Give us a strong UI thingy so we know we have the ball. 2/3 of the times we dont even notice we had it.

-Give us a UI thingy so we know where the ball is when not being carried, i find easier to know where it is when someone has it than when no-one does.

-Intead of 3 seconds with it on our hands, make it ~2, so we cant go across the map holdint it on our hands.

-3v3 instead of 4v4: 8 players is way too much.(maybe not nessesary if all the above are applied)


(i may apply more changes to the list if i remember any)

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So far super enjoying it! I'll still need a few days to really start getting my feet really wet as well as dealing with everyone (including myself) not knowing what were doing since it's only been live for only less than a few hours, but other than that so far it's been super promising and love the simplicity (but deep mechanics) of it!


One thing I would absolutely love to see (completely for aesthetics) is having the ability to put our elemental/IPS jump mods on just for the visual appeal ;P
Of course only functioning as a visual mod, and having everything else about those mods disabled.


But anyways, can't wait to really dive into it more throughout the rest of the week!

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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+1 on the uneven team thing. This was a problem when I clumbsily cruised around conclave last and I am very very surprised that they didn't fix it prior to Lunaro. I checked the game mode out but I'm unlikely to learn anything non-tutorialized about playing the game mode and thus stick with it, because every match I've played in tonight has had a player gap at least one large. On my very first round I entered a team with a two player disadvantage, so being swarmed by a team twice your size was definitely a pretty sour welcoming experience, just like it was in the original conclave modes. Even when I stuck around in a lobby after the game, the game started with one team at least one member down.


The game mode, for what it is, definitely has potential, but I'm unlikely to play it when it's never even. one team member is 1/4th of your team. That's pretty important.


It all really boils down to one thing: you can't build an efficient and balanced team based sports mode if you don't even have a check to ensure that teams have the same amount of players on them. It's like playing a soccer match where one team consists only of a goalie and the mascot.

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Way too much stagger. Way too little strategy. Most matches dissolve into players spaming that airdash melee strike on one another and whoever picks up the ball almost never has time to actually even pass it or launch it anywhere. Only the host ever manages to accomplish anything with the ball due to lag allowing him the much needed extra second that it takes to actually launch the ball anywhere before you get staggered away from the ball.

That airdash melee should be slowed down and have it's hitbox reduced and ball carrier should have a hit threshold  where he can withstand 1 hit without losing the ball for the first second after picking up the ball.

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this should go in the megathread. because i agree with all of this. again, players are spamming some kinda jump dash while holding the ball as well. idk if that's intended or not. but they are already finding ways to cheese the bloody thing.


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It's really fun, great job DE. 

As for feedback: 

  • Cooldown on melee attacks or some other change to them. People are just spamming the hell out of it right now and it's.. not great. 
  • Bullet jumping making you drop the ball is a great feature. However, if you're in the middle of a bullet jump when you grab the ball.. you drop it instantly. I'd prefer if bullet jumping to grab the ball didn't make you drop it, only bullet jumping after you have it. 

That's all for now, thanks for the awesome mode. 

Edited by Luneth
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1 minute ago, Luneth said:
  • Cooldown on melee attacks or some other change to them. People are just spamming the hell out of it right now and it's.. not great. 
  • Bullet jumping making you drop the ball is a great feature. However, if you're in the middle of a bullet jump when you grab the ball.. you drop it instantly. I'd prefer if bullet jumping to grab the ball didn't make you drop it, only bullet jumping after you have it. 


Great job DE, you made an incredible game mode that only needs just MINOR tweeks!

However, I would like to add something like a player and lunaro mark on the minimap, that way we know who is close, and where the lunaro is with more precision. ^^

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Lunaro is currently a hot mess. I can explain myself by saying how certain frames out perform others in movement speed, the random joining and leaving is also killing the mode. The movement speed problem is because frames like ash and nova move extremely fast compared to other frames in lunaro.

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The Lunaro pvp mod its to simple still need more stuff to add like:

1 If you melee someone without the ball 5 times you get 10-15 seconds time out or maybe more

2 special power for recovery the ball 5-7 times something like no one can get that ball from you for X amount of seconds <this will incress the players to recover the ball and give you pass because no one can get that ball from you for X amount seconds>

3 field to be bigger

4 you players vision to bee large the area you see when jump in the air or go after the ball

5 better conclave point gain from the mod <Lunaro> aleast 1k because to play 8 or 10 minutes how long the game takes for 300 or 451 points how i got its to low

6 The Lunaro its going to be fun but for the moment for me its a PASS

PS Sorry for my bad english ..hope you guys going to do some changes to the game

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Multiple players in one area devolves into a LMB/E fest that is entirely unfun and results in the ball generally just going flying across the screen. There was literally a player in one of my 5 matches that followed me around meleeing me over and over again. This resulted in me just getting staggered until a teammate happened to run by and stop them from hitting me-- but then it started happening again the second they caught back up to me.

The goal needs to be small, but it's too small. Right now you can literally jump and time your double jump and literally block the entire goal which eliminates the ability for players to land shots worth more than one point due to long range being useless. The ball hold timer means that the "goalie" can prevent you from being able to score at all. This can happen on both ends for the entire match, leading to you having to resort to someone bashing the goalie over and over again which is a completely unfun mechanic for the goalie because now they can't respond to anything due to stunlock. Either nobody can score or the person playing goalie can't function as a goalie due to the dumb melee system. Widen the goal a bit and this solves one of the problem and makes the other problem moot because it's no longer necessary.

Charging the ball and hitting it needs to have some easier way to aim it. Why attach the ability to get an extra point on it if the ball just goes forward at some random angle? I went into a solo Lunaro and tried smacking the ball from various ranges and I cannot figure out a good way to aim it. Yes, I realize that's the point, but you cannot use it to stop goalie tactics because there's no way to reliably aim it (you're often going to just end up knocking yourself over, too). Allow us to knock it in a tighter, but still general, direction of where we want it to go.

Overall game speed is entirely too slow. I know we're playing Space Speedball, but it shouldn't feel like we're actually in space. The ball floats around like it weighs next to nothing. There were far too many times that we had multiple players standing around waiting for the ball to drop because of how slow it was.

Invisible ceiling is inconsistent, which adds to the previous paragraph's problem. Sometimes the ball reflects off of it, sometimes it just floats farther than the ceiling is supposed to be, taking far too long to drop. I can't tell if it's even supposed to be there or not.

Being able to use the shoulder bash while holding the ball trivializes the ball-holding timer as we can easily get from one end to the other and still have time to aim and shoot the ball. It also makes it possible to stagger enemy players while carrying it. We have teammates for this-- don't allow us to tackle while dribbling.

Passing doesn't seem to function correctly. At all. The ball auto-targets to a player when you're not trying to throw it anywhere near them. Yes. I said auto-target. I've had teammates who weren't even looking my direction suddenly have the ball get sucked toward them when I threw it nowhere near them. No, they weren't holding RMB. Is this how it's supposed to be? Because it doesn't feel like it.

Hit detection is entirely suspect. I've had numerous situations where I shoulder bashed the ball carrier only for them to ignore it, and then go on to score. The replay even showed me rushing right through them and them shrugging it off like nothing happened.

Immediately being staggered when catching the ball, at any point, leads to the initial magic of the game wearing off quickly as you cannot hold the ball unless nobody is around you. It just immediately leaves your hands and you're left playing a game of cat and mouse with the other team as you walk up, smack them, grab the ball, get smacked, locate who has the ball now, walk up, smack them-- repeat ad nauseum.

Not having dedicated servers can lead to randomly having host migrations which can allow the players to move before the initial countdown (allowing someone to grab the ball before it even can launch upward at the start). The game can also launch with 1 vs 2 being a possibility, which leads to the singular player getting rolled as one enemy smacks them repeatedly and the other player scores.


Yes, I had fun through the first four of my five matches, but I still feel like this mode is a supreme waste of resources. Every match devolves into 3 or 4 players from each team forming a mob next to a goal and spamming LMB/E which allows nobody to score and ends up with the ball randomly flying around which leads to someone catching the ball, then the game turning back into a space mosh pit. Is this what you had in mind? Because I wanted to play a game mode that involved actual teamwork and pulling off big plays, not chasing other players and hitting them with my body-- if I wanted that I'd play regular pvp where I can also shoot them.

Maybe with some tweaking this can be fun, but this is not a good alternative to regular pvp. If anything it's just as frustrating, if not moreso, due to the ability to stunlock players at will.

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1. Checking needs a serious toning down. Spamming it is too effective and you can apparently check teammates. 

2. Warframes do not seem to share the same movement speeds making Loki ideal and quite boring. 

3. Attempting to score a goal often has you passing the ball to a teammate unintended.

4. Joining a match in progress is chaotic and misleading. 

5. The game needs to prioritize the player with the best hosting capabilities. 

It is a surprisingly fun game mode but these issues (and others I am sure) really need addressing. 

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