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Lunaro Bugs [Megathread]


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It seems there's either an auto passing feature or the AoE that registers passes is bugged, because I've hurled the ball forward too many times only to be caught by my teammate behind me.

There's also teammate checking and no cooldown on checking, which renders you unable to hold onto the ball for more than 2 seconds.

EDIT: Forgot to add that holding RMB does not charge up the shot at all. It just does a normal throw instead.

Edited by Darkwave1098
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Simply touching the Lunaro while it isn't white won't actually give it to you and instead neutralizes it and makes it bounce off of you.

Lunaro seems to have some inacuracy when fired, after playing a couple of games there were times when the Lunaro would launch from the extreme right/left of my screen rather than where the Arcata was.

EDIT 1: More bugs: Players can pass the Lunaro to themselves, don't know how to replicate it aside from sprint foreward and shoot (Maby while holding RMB?) but it seriously gets in the way of shots.

Players will be able to grab the Lunaro through me while aimgliding while I'm at least 1m ahead of them, that may be a latency thing.

Edited by -Amaterasu-
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7 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:
  • Gear wheel not saving from arsenal to mission.
  • RMB bound to fire and melee trigger preventing throwing in Lunaro.
  • Draco spawning issues. 

Quick note on that - My melee attack is bound to my LMB, aim (block) to my right.

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literally unplayable with p2p servers

I've had the ball shoot through me when I should have caught it so many times
I've had it show me catch it just for it to "jk someone else caught it" and undo my catch
I've thrown the thing and had people behind me catch the ball as a pass

the networking sucks

also being able to stunlock people is bull

I don't know how you think you can make a competitive pvp mode without dedicated servers

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On the gear wheel thing: it seems that your gear wheel is actually untouched. Instead, you just don't have access to it from the arsenal. Going to a mission gives access to the wheel again, you can see your normal gear wheel loadout by holding q (or whatever its bound to). You just can't change it from the arsenal, because the arsenal seems to be using a different, brand-new wheel with nothing in it that isn't used in missions.





My key setup is a bit different from other people's, I use RMB for sprint, LMB for shooting and melee (in melee-only mode), and MOUSE5 for aim/block. I use E for channel in melee-only and for quick-melee otherwise. Please insure that non-standard setups like mine are supported by Lunaro, I want to play!


Also, I really dislike the parkour change. It was totally unnecessary and lessens the main part of the game that I enjoy: feeling like a ninja!

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Here are some of the bugs I've encountered:

  1. Sometimes all the players disappear had this happen to me twice when half-time came everything reloaded and was fine.
  2. getting stun locked by players.
  3. other team stealing the ball after it was scored with out clearing the area
  4. players slide dashing in midair/teleporting across the map. (or it might have to do with the movement stats of the warframe or mods. playing as certain characters you move slower than other and slide less than other)
  5. At the end of the match I get 5000 points awarded but it give me 400-800 points as experience. Where does the rest go, taxed?
Edited by TrueHawkEye
forgot a opening statement to post.....
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1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

screenshot?  What I'm confused on is I am my normal colors I chose myself when I play.  I do not change colors based on team.  Exactly what colors are changing for you?  Are you glowing that color, can you be more detailed?

your energy colors change based on what team you're on

moon, you're blue

sun, you're orange

your frame will also have a small floppy deal attached to its right shoulder that is also your teams color


in my case they were backwards

if It happens again I'll screen shot

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So I've run into a few things too, mostly what people have said above. Here's my list of bugs and critiques:

  1. Passing is bugged. Depending on the connection you have to the host you can end up grabbing a pass from behind you, have a pass just hit the floor instead of you or a teammate catching it, having a pass phase entirely through a team mate, etc. Perhaps the worst is that if you try to make a goal, there's at BEST a 50/50 shot that you will end up "passing" to a team mate nearby instead (even if they aren't directly in the line of the shot, and even if they're not highlighted by a chevron), or have it instantly intercepted by an opponent.
    • The Passing "Chevron" also seems bugged. In the tutorial it states that throwing the ball to a teammate with the Chevron over them will pass to them, unless intercepted. This works occasionally, but mostly not at all in my experience. It seems more to be based on who happens to be nearby where the ball lands, regardless of if you "pass" or not.
  2.  There is seemingly no difference in types of throws. At all. I had the "charged shot" thing work for me twice in the tutorial, but ever since then whenever I hold my fire button it just instantly auto-launches the ball with no difference. Similarly, I don't see any "flatter and more accurate" passing trajectory (possible due to passing just being buggy), or the kind of banked shot we saw in the trailer. Perhaps it HAS happened and I haven't seen it in the fast pace of the game, but it's not reliable.
  3.  "Player checking" is also weird... Sometimes I'll be miles away from someone and power slide into them for a successful check. Other times I can blow past them again and again, a hair's breadth away, and accomplish absolutely jack squat. If there's a difference in how each TYPE of check works, or a sort of movement set combo tree like with normal melee weapons, it needs to be explained better.
    • Suggestion: In this regard, it might be nice to have an NPC, even if it's just a dummy, to try this against in practice. An explanation of that combo tree, if it exists, would be nice as well. Perhaps we can even have some crude AI Tenno Specters in Practice to play against? Just a thought.
  4. About the thing where some people seem to be cheesing some movement to move faster with the ball... I think I've seen this. I don't know what the movement is, if it's just a visual bug a bit like in the Relays where it's just now showing the correct animation on my screen, or if it's an actual thing. It looked a bit to me like someone stuck in the double jump animation while aim gliding... it was weird.
  5.  Also,it's incredibly annoying to be unexpectedly passed a ball, and not even realize you have it. It would be nice to have some more obvious visual or auditory cue for when you are being/have been passed the ball, so you can position yourself accordingly. When the entire enemy team can see the ball coming from behind you and is swarming you, and you can't see the pass because it's coming from behind, it's easy to miss opportunities or have it taken before you can even register that you've had it passed to you.
  6. There's some confusion on if you just have to be near the ball to pick it up, or if you need to be holding down the channeling key (right click) in order to grab it. I'm currently having to hold right click all the time to grab it, which makes me Aim Glide ALL THE TIME. Simply being near the ball makes it bounce right off of me. This makes movement feel weird, and also makes it extremely difficult to grab a ball when it's at a high angle, because your flight flattens out in order to grab it and the ball takes a normal trajectory. I don't know if this is intended or not, but it's irritating.
  7. Joining a match in progress and being heavily on the winning/losing side is not fun. Matchmaking needs to make evenly numbered teams and not let people join past a certain point. Dedicated servers would also be incredibly nice, to help with lag.
Edited by Jeahanne
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Hotfix: Lunaro 1 fixes :)



- Fixed the Riv Armor not applying properly on Valkyr.
- Fixed Enemies not spawning in Interception missions.
- Fixed losing your gear wheel customization when entering a mission. You may need to respec your gear in the Arsenal - at this time you may see -i ncorrect numbers for your gear, but rest assured it's there.



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I was wondering if anyone else had had this bug before. When I went to play a Lunaro game, it had shown me as playing on the sun team, but I was actually on the moon team. I started on the sun side, could hit both sets of players, and could score goals for both teams. It wasn't until halftime that I even knew I was suppose to be on the moon side, and after halftime, I couldn't hit the moon team anymore. I think this has something to do with having been on sun team during the countdown, but then being switched at the last second or something due to a moon player leaving and it balancing out the teams. I tried to take pictures, but steam wasn't having it and wouldn't save any screenshots. Just curious if anyone else has had a similar issue, thanks.

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So, I've encountered this bug. Whenever I select any of the Conclave modes (Annihilation, Team Annihilation, Cephalon Capture or Lunaro) it just sends me straight to the Lunaro practice mode. I tried login in and out but nothing works :(

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Every now and then in Lunaro the ball will turn invisible. I don't know if it was lag, or a bug that showed up just for me, because everyone else was carrying on like normal but there was no ball on my screen. I think it might have something to do with bullet jumping into the ball that causes it. Either that, or it was just a weird lag thing.

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7 hours ago, williamsos10 said:

So my first problem with Lunaro is the melee spam. If your someone going for the ball then people can just spam the crap out of melee and you cant even grab the ball. Slash dash followed by a bunch of kicks. Also the melee range seems to far. Testing it with a friend I was able to hit the ball out of his hands and completely CC him from 5 meters away. I think slash dash needs to be removed and the melee range needs to be reduced. In place you could slightly slow down whoever has the ball in there hands. I mean they cant even bullet jump with the ball in hand so you could catch up quick. I was trying to have fun and be casual but people ruin it by melee spam.

At least you should provide suggestion of ways to replace how do we steal the ball? I meant for now,it is strategically good to lock down one good player with melee.afterall, it is a competitive PvP. I am pretty sure without all the offensive counter, it will probably be fun for casual but it will feel boring to play very soon and boring to watch... 

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13 minutes ago, WarrXIII said:

Every now and then in Lunaro the ball will turn invisible. I don't know if it was lag, or a bug that showed up just for me, because everyone else was carrying on like normal but there was no ball on my screen. I think it might have something to do with bullet jumping into the ball that causes it. Either that, or it was just a weird lag thing.

You should test it out a few times, post pictures not just a vague idea if you want them to address that issue

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3 hours ago, lumpiestpear said:

Yeah, I totally can't throw the lunaro which sucks because I was really looking forward to playing.

I pick it up and then nothing after spamming all the buttons I can it just detonates.

Have you played with the practice and learn about the correct button to use?

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Keep getting put into matches with 2v4 which shouldn't even be possible.

Also didn't DE promise dedicated conclaive servers? Host migrations cause a lot of issues in Lunaro especially game crashes.

Edited by Ax0r
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