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What is the most underrated/underappreciated weapon?


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For me its the Drakgoon - The only time I saw someone else using this are for Mastery purposes only. To me its very versatile and can compete with the Hek(Vaykor), Sobek, and Tigris(Sancti). What I like most of it is its 5m punchthrough.. Viscious Spread is very good for it since the spread doesn't really affect the charged shot and the Rathuum mod(I haven't tried it) makes it, IMO, the best shotgun. (Designwise tho, It's not a shotgun, but whatever..)


And BTW, How is Telos Boltor bad?

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Strun Wraith imo
Sure, it doesn't pack the same punch as the hek or the syndicate version of the tigris, but it's got a nice, big magazine and I like its reload mechanic. People only seem to care about the size of the numbers, but sometimes I like being able to fire more than two shots before having to reload.

Edited by Berserkerkitten
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8 minutes ago, cnlu said:

And BTW, How is Telos Boltor bad?

its not

dmg might be slightly lower than the prime but u get the sweet explosions + gas proc on all enemys around u additional to the improved movement

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3 minutes ago, Weidro said:

Braton Vandal is pretty underrated even if u can get a decent dmg out of it

Don't even dare to say "X weapon is underrated" when nobody can obtain it -_-

The percentage of people having this weapon is so low I don't even understand how can it be "underrated"


My "underrated" weapon is the mitter (nice wombo combo with mag)

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Not necessarily the top of the list or anything but I'm surprised at how often I see Sonicor vs how seldom I see Staticor.

I mean, Staticor is basically a good Ogris - beyond the lack of self-damage,
you've got a variable firing mechanic (speed vs power and AoE), a large magazine & ammo reserve,
high status (woo innate Radiation damage) and finally not at all terrible damage ... it's a really good weapon.

Edited by NinjaZeku
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12 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

Lesion. It's by far the best melee weapon that doesn't need red crits or berserker to be great!

100% correct. Its probably the best non crit weapon in the game and interacts with powers such as bladestorm very nicely.

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Skana: Seriously, I can finish off a lvl 100 corrupted bombard with a single finisher from Crimson Devrish.

Destreza: Insane bleed procs and attack speed with berserker, primed fury and blood rush.

Rakta Ballistica: 20k crit damage no problem.


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I actually enjoyed Stradavar. The mechanic of switching between semi- and full-auto is nice, the weapon is relatively accurate, and sounds really nice.

Of course, I haven't yet formad it, and likely won't in a long time because there are other weapons I need to get ready...

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1 minute ago, Madho said:

Skana: Seriously, I can finish off a lvl 100 corrupted bombard with a single finisher from Crimson Devrish.

Destreza: Insane bleed procs and attack speed with berserker, primed fury and blood rush.

Rakta Ballistica: 20k crit damage no problem.


I dont think anyone has ever under rated the Destreza. No one ive heard of anyhow.

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Personally it's the Talons, I have barely seen anyone even mention them and when they do it is to complain, but they are awesome

  • Silent Explosions and attacks
  • ragdolls enemies
  • guaranteed inexplicable puncture proc
  • uses small amounts of pistol ammo.  
  • bonus damage for missing enemies.
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The Ack & Brunt is an underrated, beautiful, melee weapon. However it requires you've got Final Harbringer and the new mods. At at first glance the stats really aren't that impressive but those multi-strike combos which are all easy enough to pull off, can rack that melee combo counter up to the hundreds in very little time, especially if you've a maxed Primed Reach.

Being predominantly Slash based, it procs alot even with 10% base status, and again that is thanks to the stance...If you're lucky enough to own these then I really seriously suggest you give this weapon a chance.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)drollive96 said:

the amprex-  it can apply status effects to entire crowds of enemies yet i rarely see anyone use it

might be because most people think status is usless. 

but amprex on derelict missions is the best with radiation. No healer is ever gona bother you^^

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1 hour ago, Berserkerkitten said:

Strun Wraith imo
Sure, it doesn't pack the same punch as the hek or the syndicate version of the tigris, but it's got a nice, big magazine and I like its reload mechanic. People only seem to care about the size of the numbers, but sometimes I like being able to fire more than two shots before having to reload.

It might be due to how some people seem to be hung over the fact that the reload it has is a huge nerf compared to the 1.5s it had previously along with how the weapon doesn't match up to the Tigris and Hek series. However the Strun Wraith itself is actually still quite decent and I love the reload mechanic as well. Not that I like longer reloads myself, but more towards how it feels. With 100% status with Corrosive and Fire or Blast, this weapon holds itself pretty well in Grineer and Infested Sorties. Heck, I even used the weapon in the Level100+ Gift of the Lotus last weekend.

Edited by Knightmare047
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