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Kavats Feedback [Megathread]


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16 minutes ago, SaucyTuckermax said:

I never said im the only one using Oberon XD. just trying to give you and anyone else that thinks it's hard advice.

Well we're on page 12, you're late to the party, and we've already had plenty of advice, and time to make use of it all.

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On 7/8/2016 at 8:27 PM, Omega-X said:

Anyone Figure out what the buffs on the smeeta do yet? i know there is an affinity and a resource gather boost but i do not know how to tell the difference between them all


Smeeta Kavat's Charm is a bit like rolling a set of dice where every result is a winner. It can roll anything from the comparatively minor instant-reload (which lasts until you reload your currently-equipped gun), to free rare resources (resource dependent on current mission region [Earth, Pluto, Void, etc]), to the particularly popular Red Crit Jackpot (where every shot fired or melee attacked landed is fairly-well guaranteed to be a red crit, provided your weapon is actually crit-capable in the first place.)


The other one... Mischief, is a bit like a mix of Loki's Decoy and Invisibility, in that the Smeeta turns invisible and deploys a visible (and highly-mobile) decoy that attracts the enemy's attention.

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I think the real problem here is simple. So simple that some people are overlooking it.

Getting Kavats is not FUN. Its not an enjoyable thing to do.

First, give up lots of relics for Derelict keys. Sacrificing Prime Parts and Forma for a mission where you are fairly likely to come home empty handed. That's frustration number one.

Have to navigate screen fuzz status effect knockdown hell that is high level Infested, trying to scan down a target that is very fast, and will fight, and die to, the Infested. Frustration number 2.

RNG chance of the drop you need, even when, skill wise, YOU are successful. This just SCREAMS arbitrary grind wall. If you get through all this and get a scan, you should get a DNA sample. Period. NO reason for RNG here. None. Frustration number 3.

The implicit fact that the grind wall only exists in order to frustrate you into purchasing something. Which is becoming more and more common in Warframe. To be honest the game is reaching a point where obtaining most things in the game isn't fun any longer. Think about that: A game whose (poor excuse) for late game is mostly grind based acquisition of loot, is busily making most stuff UNFUN to grind for. 

How long do you really think we can go on like this before revenue begins to decline sharply?

Warframe's business model is holding it back from major, breakout success. People want to earn things through game play. They want loot to be fun to acquire. They want  to enjoy the process of finding it; not have it handed to them when a timer ticks down. They want to explore and hunt the loot down; not have every mission be an implicit wait wall. They want to buy things they like and want, not  things they are punished for NOT buying. 

There's a right and a wrong way to entice cash purchases. This...is the wrong way. Make Kavats easy to get. Then sell numerous skins and cosmetic items so we can all make out pets unique. If the Cats are easy to get, people will want to make them look and feel like their own unique pet. Incentives. Not punishments.

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1 minute ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

Smeeta Kavat's Charm is a bit like rolling a set of dice where every result is a winner. It can roll anything from the comparatively minor instant-reload (which lasts until you reload your currently-equipped gun), to free rare resources (resource dependent on current mission region [Earth, Pluto, Void, etc]), to the particularly popular Red Crit Jackpot (where every shot fired or melee attacked landed is fairly-well guaranteed to be a red crit, provided your weapon is actually crit-capable in the first place.)


The other one... Mischief, is a bit like a mix of Loki's Decoy and Invisibility, in that the Smeeta turns invisible and deploys a visible (and highly-mobile) decoy that attracts the enemy's attention.

Do Kavats come with these mods? Or do you have to find the mods separately? Very curious about Kavats. Also, how do they fare at later levels? Kubrows become pushovers, and I feel they need to be brought in line quality wise with Kavats, as right now one is strictly better than the other, with the new once again making the old obsolete.

Thanks for any info you can offer.

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DE got rid of Draco, and Prime parts being rewarded from void missions, apparently because doing the same thing over and over was 'not fun'.  So who was it that failed to get that memo, and then came up with this system, where - even after a buff to drop rates - getting a kavat requires - on average - 40 runs of the same mission for the first one, and then another 20 for each additional one?

The exact same thing happened when Ivara was released, where you'd do the same kind of mission, or even the same node, for quite easily 60 runs, just to get one of the four parts.

Is this something we should just come to accept?  That any new and eagerly anticipated content is going to be placed behind some huge grindwall, in order to force sales out of players?

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39 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Do Kavats come with these mods? Or do you have to find the mods separately? Very curious about Kavats. Also, how do they fare at later levels? Kubrows become pushovers, and I feel they need to be brought in line quality wise with Kavats, as right now one is strictly better than the other, with the new once again making the old obsolete.

Thanks for any info you can offer.

The Mods for the specific breed, you get when you incubate a Kavat of that breed.  So, get a Smeeta kavat, get Charm and Mischief.

However, many people don't know this, so I keep selling my spares I get while scanning Kavats.

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Late to the party, I know, but I've gotten two Kavats already (one grinded for, and one bought).

I really think that Kavats, as kittens, should be given some identifying features of their genetics - similar to how a Kubrow will show it's patterns as a puppy, Kavats should at least have a general indicator of head/tail types as kittens.

The first Kavat I bred, I thought did not have a tail, as I was expecting genes to show straightaway - when it matured, it showed the tail I wanted (thankfully!)
The second Kavat started off looking the same as the first, but when it reached Maturity, suddenly gained an ENTIRELY different face type (went from typical cat to one of the Scottish Fold faces).

It doesn't make sense for the kittens to all look the same and then have the adults suddenly undergo a change like I saw with the Scottish Fold face.

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Given what you need to do to even be ABLE to scan a Kavat, it should be a 100% drop chance.

If they're afraid of people just stocking up on them, cap it that you can only have 10 codes total, just like you can have only one Kubrow egg at a time.

14% chance of a scan working is abysmal.  At 5 Kavats per ODE, you're doing 20+ runs.

Whereas you can get a Kubrow egg in three runs of Everest.  WTF.

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1 minute ago, CorrinAvatan said:

Given what you need to do to even be ABLE to scan a Kavat, it should be a 100% drop chance.

If they're afraid of people just stocking up on them, cap it that you can only have 10 codes total, just like you can have only one Kubrow egg at a time.

14% chance of a scan working is abysmal.  At 5 Kavats per ODE, you're doing 20+ runs.

Whereas you can get a Kubrow egg in three runs of Everest.  WTF.

i actually got two kubrow eggs in a fissure mission after the hotfix.

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Just went with a full group and the drop chances are much better, got 4-0-3 when solo it was 0-1-0-0-0-1-0-1, and there were far more kavats in each mission.  Max range repelling bastille vaubans, a trinity, blanket the map with bastille so nothing can move.

DE really need to make the drop rate or number of kavats in the mission a lot higher when playing solo, because I think that is why it's taking so many runs for some people.  Kavat farming in groups is only possible now because it's a new thing that lots want to do.

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Don't have a lot to say that hasn't been said, but I did notice that hyekkas yield neither kavat mods nor genetic codes. Would be nice if they at least dropped kavat mods (like drahks do for kubrow mods), if not genetic codes as well, given how much of a pain it is to find (let alone scan) wild kavats.

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12 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

Don't have a lot to say that hasn't been said, but I did notice that hyekkas yield neither kavat mods nor genetic codes. Would be nice if they at least dropped kavat mods (like drahks do for kubrow mods), if not genetic codes as well, given how much of a pain it is to find (let alone scan) wild kavats.

They do drop mods, I remember getting some from them.

The drop chance of the codes is horrible. Last hotfix (SoTR 4) double the chance to get a code, but I feel no difference and getting 2 codes to nothing from 10 scanned kavats per run. I think it should be at least 80% drop chance.

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6 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

They do drop mods, I remember getting some from them.

The drop chance of the codes is horrible. Last hotfix (SoTR 4) double the chance to get a code, but I feel no difference and getting 2 codes to nothing from 10 scanned kavats per run. I think it should be at least 80% drop chance.

Maybe it was a codex bug then. I remember checking the other day and seeing blank mod tables on the hyekka codex entry.

All the same, genetic codes feel really slow and really repetitive to get, even after the buff. Whatever form the fix takes (increasing kavat spawns, increasing drop rates, allowing genetic codes from hyekkas, etc.), I'm game.

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3 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Do Kavats come with these mods? Or do you have to find the mods separately? Very curious about Kavats. Also, how do they fare at later levels? Kubrows become pushovers, and I feel they need to be brought in line quality wise with Kavats, as right now one is strictly better than the other, with the new once again making the old obsolete.

Thanks for any info you can offer.

Kubrows become pushovers? I guess you haven't invested enough in one man, my 8 forma Huras Kubrow is a freakin tank that can take more punishment than most frames. All I really need is a heel option where he comes obediently back to me and stays at my side.

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3 hours ago, CorrinAvatan said:

Given what you need to do to even be ABLE to scan a Kavat, it should be a 100% drop chance.

If they're afraid of people just stocking up on them, cap it that you can only have 10 codes total, just like you can have only one Kubrow egg at a time.

14% chance of a scan working is abysmal.  At 5 Kavats per ODE, you're doing 20+ runs.

Whereas you can get a Kubrow egg in three runs of Everest.  WTF.

Not currently you can't, the mission is bugged and only has half the kubrow nests it normally has, the little cul de sac rooms that usually had 2 each have been removed for some stupid reason.

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7 hours ago, SaucyTuckermax said:

Where did the 'copy main colors' in 'attachments' when looking at a kubrow or kavat go? that was the only way to tell what the natural colors of a companion are. surely kavats have to have colors that are more rare then others just like kubrows do. What gives? saw how much platinum us breeders have been making and now are making it way harder for us?

Exactly, where is it??

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Cat buffs are great but..  I feel like Medi-ray has hurt Kavats and Kubrow a great deal.

perhaps they can have a skills Invigorating roar, heals for 4% hp over 10 secs to self and allies?


Atm carrier has the 30 second full shields, Healing on medi ray, and the almighty Vacuum?

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9 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Do Kavats come with these mods? Or do you have to find the mods separately? Very curious about Kavats. Also, how do they fare at later levels? Kubrows become pushovers, and I feel they need to be brought in line quality wise with Kavats, as right now one is strictly better than the other, with the new once again making the old obsolete.

Thanks for any info you can offer.

Much like sentinels and Kubrows, your first bred Kavat of a specific type (Smeeta, or the other one) will give you the two (or more, if applicable) companion-specific ability-mods once they've been bred.


So, your first Smeeta Kavat you breed will also net you an unranked copy of both Charm and Mischief.

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Yeah, "doubling" the chance for Genetic Codes sounds nice but when it was so low to begin with, it changes nothing. Did 5 runs with 4 Kavats on average. Got 1 code. Still too much of a bother for me.

Edited by Kawalorn
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3 hours ago, Tatersail said:

Cat buffs are great but..  I feel like Medi-ray has hurt Kavats and Kubrow a great deal.

perhaps they can have a skills Invigorating roar, heals for 4% hp over 10 secs to self and allies?


Atm carrier has the 30 second full shields, Healing on medi ray, and the almighty Vacuum?

I don't think every companion has to have the ability to heal. In my opinion it's fine, when only Sentinels can do this. They have the downside of only being able to revive once, at most, then they are gone for good.


When animal-companions had a heal ability as well as the ability of GETTING HEALED by 'Pack Leader' and being able to be revived countless times this whould beat the sentinels ability to heal no matter how much less animal companions are healing.

Especially buffing Kavats with such an ability whould make them even more mandatory.

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8 hours ago, Zilchy said:

Kubrows become pushovers? I guess you haven't invested enough in one man, my 8 forma Huras Kubrow is a freakin tank that can take more punishment than most frames. All I really need is a heel option where he comes obediently back to me and stays at my side.

Heh, my Kubrow are no pushovers, and I have all five breeds... An 8/10 health-link, a few combat-oriented mods, the bleedout and armor links... Using my Valkyr, my Kubrow touch or exceed 1200 health... With Inaros (health sponge that he is)... over 7,000. Throw in the lifesteal link (36% of melee damage dealt used to heal your Kubrow/Kavat with a maxed mod) and your darlin' critters just get tankier.


Even my Huras Kubrow, sneaky pup that she is, can tank just about anything when I bring her out to play. And, as many would attest, I have this, for the enemy, disturbing tendency to use my melee weapon 9 times outta 10. Generally leads to flying 'tards, because I usually use my hammer.


In exchange, I find my Kavat (the dice-rolling Smeeta) to be comparably squishier in the field, if somewhat harder for the enemy to actually hit because she likes her Mischief.

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On 2016-07-11 at 4:50 PM, WindSlashr said:

So if the rate for the Genetic Signatures will be increased, would there be any compensation for the people who bought them with platinum?

Yeah, kinda having that same feeling. Was worth the plat when I realized the hassle. Now...not so much.

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Made a thread, then realised this was here. Posting the link to my thread below to link it all up ^.^

It talks about one of the kavat tails and how, well, 'meh' it feels. I'd really appreciate some work done to refine it :D

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