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Really DE? we are talking about how we hate nullifiers and you just... BUFF THEM? REALLY?


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Just now, mixok said:

ninja use weapons. No? 

I don't know what you are aiming at, but warframe was never a shooter in the first place. It has always been more about abilities than anything else but there is a special breed of crybabies who prefer turning warframe into CoD, because they lack the skills to be good in CoD so they come to take over warframe

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1 minute ago, (PS4)erzengel1985 said:

There's no point in arguing with crybabies as you will always cry about every single change. I just don't see why you can't be happy about a free game that isn't a crap game like seriously all I see from PC users are complaints an never a good job de like seriously if you think you can do better go do it. 

LOL, whiteknight peasant detected. I hope you realize that the game was possible thanks to PC players. You barely support DE because Sony gets most of the money out of it. YOU should be thankful that they even bothered with a console release when it's obviously not profitable to them.

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I think these new changes or, 'buffs' are a good thing. The game is way too easy as is. It's too simple to just spam abilities to win. Nullifiers are a good counter to it IMO.

And you can always flippin' use your gun or melee to kill them. Novel Concept but, it's indeed possible. The whole game's mastery system revolves around you being a master of tons of different weapons. Use a weapon.

Edited by SJunior
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3 minutes ago, BlackVortex said:

I don't know what you are aiming at, but warframe was never a shooter in the first place. It has always been more about abilities than anything else but there is a special breed of crybabies who prefer turning warframe into CoD, because they lack the skills to be good in CoD so they come to take over warframe

What is CoD?

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On 2016/6/30 at 5:48 AM, [DE]Edwin said:
22 minutes ago, mixok said:

Use your weapons, a warframe is not only about powers. You have to know that.

so ,honestly, Delete all frame power,frame and weapon's level,and no mods system.everybody happy every body get "CHALLENGE" right?

so,what's space ninja?jsut a stupid cosplayer carrying guns fight behind wall&Pillar 


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4 minutes ago, Momo93 said:

LOL, whiteknight peasant detected. I hope you realize that the game was possible thanks to PC players. You barely support DE because Sony gets most of the money out of it. YOU should be thankful that they even bothered with a console release when it's obviously not profitable to them.

Wow look who is full of him self lol w/e u keep thinking your the bomb as clearly u will always cry about something and think closed minded. Done talkin to cry baby pc users I'll talk to warframe players who are grateful to play a awesome game and don't think they are owed something 

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My problem with Nullifiers is and always has been the way they restrict playstyle. Active buffer melee? Nope, you have to facecharge bombards naked into the bubble to be anything close to resembling effective, and that's a good way to get killed. Sniper? Ha! You have to dump an entire mag into one to just take down the bubble, and the bubble will likely come back up after you reload anyway. If Nullifiers are going to be anti-powers, that's fine. But don't make them anti-gun too. You're shoehorned into running a high ROF weap or a frame with absurdly high tank to kill nullies. And with how many of the things spawn, they're beyond annoying and overall frustrating.

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Just now, SJunior said:

I think these new changes or, 'buffs' are a good thing. The game is way too easy as is. It's too simple to just spam abilities to win. Nullifiers are a good counter to it IMO.

And you can always flippin' use your gun or melee to kill them. Novel Concept but, it's indeed possible. The whole game's mastery system revolves around you being a master of tons of different weapons. Use a weapon.

in the past Abilities didn't have nearly as much damage as weapons did, so you would cc the mobs with abilities and suck them to 1 point to finish them off with weapons (much like you would be killing infested nowadays in ODD because of the ability damage resistance)

if they would have added gradual cc immunity or cc resistance to mobs, it could have fixed the issue in an OK way.

instead they chose to use nullifier bubbles which have a capped shrink rate (so they dont want you to use abilities and on top of that they nerf your normal weapons on it too... i.e. have you ever tried killing a nullifier globe with a 500K dmg per shot sniper? its a joke really)

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32 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

well we shouldnt LIKE them...

I agree with you on that. Some folks may like the Corpus and hate the Grineer. Others may like Grineer and hate Corpus. I am part of the group that if given a choice of either preventing the genocide of the Corpus or preventing the genocide of suicidal Creepers from Minecraft, I would save the Creepers!

21 minutes ago, mixok said:

Use your weapons, a warframe is not only about powers. You have to know that.

He listed at least two types of weapons that don't work well against the Corpus bubble. When you are forced to carry around a high ROF weapon just to deal with one enemy, that is forcing the player to forget the whole "Enjoy playing the game the way you like it" all because one enemy can stop both powers and stronger weapon fire. If DE ever decides to give the stronger weapons some actual punch through to deal with the bubbles, then it won't be much of an issue. Oh and I'd like to see folks pull off "git gud" dashing with melee weapons when dealing with four Nullies backed by multiple Heavy hitting units of both Bombard and Heavy Gunner variety. You can try to dash in, but you are only gonna get a face full of rockets and bullets.

2 minutes ago, SJunior said:

I think these new changes or, 'buffs' are a good thing. The game is way too easy as is. It's too simple to just spam abilities to win. Nullifiers are a good counter to it IMO.

And you can always flippin' use your gun or melee to kill them. Novel Concept but, it's indeed possible. The whole game's mastery system revolves around you being a master of tons of different weapons. Use a weapon.

See the post above and remember that weapons need bullets and when you have nothing but bullet sponge enemies surrounded by a bullet sponge shield, you run out of ammo quick. Also, Melee works if you are not getting drown in a sea of lead, rockets, and other projectiles.

1 minute ago, mixok said:

What is CoD?

Call of Duty

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DE are committing a cardinal sin of design with these stupid Nullifier changes; they've gotten married to a clunky/bad idea.

Nullifiers are a deeply flawed, brute-force solution to a problem created by their own design. Players didn't create the problem Nullifiers were intended to solve; DE's design set us on the path.

Nullifiers have always been awkward and unpopular. DE are wasting too much time and energy trying to "get them just right" when they should be thrown out entirely. If it's taking this much effort to make them feel like an appropriately challenging part of the game, they aren't the right tool for the job.

They should be put on a bus and never heard from again.

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Take nullifiers into account when planning your loadout. Don't complain about them. Think about them. Okay, shotguns and snipers are bad against them. Take a fast pistol *for them* specifically. Okay, you want a slow primary and secondary weapon. Then take a melee that can oneshot them. They are very, very squishy. Get in that bubble, press E once and they're dead. Okay, you don't want that. Well - get in that bubble and shoot them *once* with one of your two low fire rate weapons. Again - dead in a second.

The game gives you options. It is your *choice* not to use them.

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10 minutes ago, Kaisty said:

See the post above and remember that weapons need bullets and when you have nothing but bullet sponge enemies surrounded by a bullet sponge shield, you run out of ammo quick. Also, Melee works if you are not getting drown in a sea of lead, rockets, and other projectiles.

You have to realize, the Devs don't balance the game for 35, 40+ minutes runs. They balance for the typical 20 to 25 minute ranges, if we're talking Survival or Defense (IIRC that's what they said on a stream once, anyway.)

Besides. Even up to the 30 minute mark you can still run into a bubble and 1 shot a nullifier if you have a decently modded weapon. Anything beyond that might take a bit more, but they don't spawn that often, so I have never had the issue of being overwhelmed by Nullifiers. If there's hordes of enemies to drown you then obviously your team isn't killing them fast enough, at least from my experience.

I'm not getting where they are hard to kill.

Edited by SJunior
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4 minutes ago, Judqment8 said:

Well, it's not like I wanted to play Corpus missions anyway. It's alright DE, we get it. People can still somewhat enjoy the game by killing Grineers and Infested instead.

Yeah, corpus are annoying, very annoying.

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MAG is useless now, Since you can't shoot through magnetise, meaning if there are lots of nullifiers you can't defend yourself. 

This is a Huge Nerf to Mag. 

Edited by [DE]Taylor
removed profanity
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Why do people defend nullifiers when there are much better examples of enemies countering our abilities and making us plan ahead?

If you want to limit warframe abilities, do it like combas where they limit a certain type and don't disable active buffs. They could use some improvements to the visibility of their effects, but they counter powers without also countering weapons and they also don't dispell active buffs which so many frames rely on.

As for diversifying weapons, Sentients do it much better. They require a diverse loadout, but one that changes mods rather than weapon types. This means we can keep using the weapons we like while still forcing us to plan for the enemies we will be facing.

One last thing. To everybody saying to plan ahead for nullifiers, how many other standard units do you actively plan for when you start a mission? Do you think before a mission starts to specifically pack a weapon to dealer with brood mothers or something? If nullifiers are supposed to counter ability spam, they shouldn't also drastically counter certain weapons. Everything-proof shields aren't good game design.

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8 minutes ago, SJunior said:

They balance for the typical 20 to 25 minute ranges

Than why are longer runs in the game and possible?

Do you think they close their eyes and say "whatever lol" for a major part of how people are playing the game?



Edited by VoidNomade
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2 hours ago, cghawk said:

I am but after shooting with my bow 20 times I still haven't managed to pierce through the 4 stacked nullifier bubbles

I've learned with my Volt that the best thing to do is close and kill these m'fers up close and personal.

Relish getting into their bubble and then painting the floor with their blood as fast as you can.

This strategy is much better than 4 players sitting still as stationary targets dumping ammo into their bubbles as mob density reaches critical mass while unloading on you.

Someone in your group needs to be the attack dog AND GO FETCH WITH MELEE.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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3 hours ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

EDIT2: Nullifier enter in Snow Globe zone but you did not saw him because lag... and Mission Failed. DE you dont think or test every change before you jus launch to us right?  What have you done?

EDIT3: "Antifun-unit" or "mission failed unit". Just think, playing defense mission when lag and Nullifier happen together... "where they are?" you will say, and seconds later "Mission failed". Because they were behind you, hidden by the lag, destroying the Snow Globe and killing the cryopod. "Mission failed-unit"... i like this name.

EDIT4: Nullifier is evolving! Gratz, your Nullifier is now a shiny "Mirror Nullifier".


If you are lagging THAT MUCH and are unable to see a giant glowing blue ball slowing walking towards you, you have a far more serious problem and should really stop playing Warframe on a potato, or never party with that host ever again. Seriously, it is not that hard. Any decent melee attack can one-shot a null, and if you are so incapable of dashing in and eliminating a key target then I question how you even contribute to your team at all. As a long time player of Warframe and frequenter of the void and corpus missions, Nulls have never, not even once, inconvenienced me with any of the Warframes I use. Slide in, dead null. That is exactly how simple it is.

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The answer is simple, melee. The only thing which is effectice against those guys a good strong fast melee. The problem is in this update they forgot to buff alot of melee weapons (means the older content weapons) which could have been viable but now you can just pick those newest stronger stuffs.

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