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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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The video clip of the one shown during the previous devstream. It's probably going to take me a while to get used to this. I've never really got the hang of moving the cursor near the edge to move the camera. Also, I hope they allow us to bind the reorient yourself button to whatever we want instead of having it tied to the melee button. I would probably choose to use the crouch button or whatever button that is not used during Archwing.

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I don't really like the idea of re-orienting being bound to melee because there's a huge delay in Archwing between quick melee and then drawing your gun and being ready to fire again. Doesn't seem like it will flow very naturally in combat, plus swinging your weapon at nothing seems dumb aesthetically, just like coptoring.

Why not bind it to the reload button? That's something that - as far as I know - has no use in Archwing, and could easily be accomodated for console Tenno.

Other than that, I love Archwing getting some attention. I'm one of the few people that played it a lot though, so adjustments will probably be even more difficult for me...

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Depends how it moves honeslty. If it's anything like Strike Suit I know ill be happy. Its a weird movement to learn, but once you get it. Its fun as all heck. Yes it can trigger motion sickness, but you'll ruin that game type if you worry about that. Any flight game can cause motion sickness.

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My concerns are that we won't have leveling without melee and that we won't have roll control. I didn't notice any evidence of roll control, just pitch and yaw. And that's very concerning to me for 6DoF.

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From the video it might be useful for keyboard and mouse players but for a player like myself that primarily uses controllers, it looks like it will be making movement far more clunky and slow, too things that since the last change to archwing with making melee not track very well and slowing normal boost while giving us an over-boost for almost as much speed; I felt has been hurting archwing already. Hopefully, when it releases, it will not be as annoying as it looks like it will be.

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I agree, binding it to melee isn't the best option, considering all the useless buttons we have (reloading, tenno power, crouch toggle). But overall, it's a nice addition.

Though I'm not an AW hater myself, I doubt that small change would attract those players. I think AW needs a lot more work than the few tweaks it receives now and then. Maybe a whole team devoted to it like conclave.

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As someone who loved Descent 2 and 3 (1 being before my time), I got excited when they mentioned a 6DoF flight model, but I noticed a lack of control over Roll. I'll be disappointed if there won't be any, but I'll still probably enjoy this new flight model regardless, as it'll be very much like Freelancer, which I also love.

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Would probably take some time to develop some motion sickness immunity but I'm fine with it.

I'd say it's probably one step towards the right direction althoughI hope that they fix the Manic Dargyns along with it.

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40 minutes ago, Urlan said:

From the video it might be useful for keyboard and mouse players but for a player like myself that primarily uses controllers, it looks like it will be making movement far more clunky and slow, too things that since the last change to archwing with making melee not track very well and slowing normal boost while giving us an over-boost for almost as much speed; I felt has been hurting archwing already. Hopefully, when it releases, it will not be as annoying as it looks like it will be.

I also use a controller.  From the looks, it seems that it might be better for controllers.  I say that because it looks as though control will be more like a cross between flight games and something like Armored Core, ZoE 2.  Those games and controls are wonderful on a controller.  I won't know for sure until I actually try it myself.   Either way it looks very promising.  :D

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Looking forward to the 6DoF though I share the concern about roll controls, I kinda want DE to replace zoom on most AW weapons with a range limited camera lock, (Fluctus and Velocitus don't really need lock on and in the case of the velocitus it'd be kinda bad for its long range precision.) we have the target designation for it and if they're freeing up the crosshair to move on screen I don't think a camera lock would make it too easy to hit things.

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it's what Archwing should have been in the first place. well, for the most part. a lot closer to what it should have been, let's go with that.

i mirror that Melee being related to resetting orientation makes no sense - and Reload would very much so be the action to tie it to.

Edited by taiiat
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Motion sickness wasn't my main concern. Just moving the cross-hair to the edge to move the camera isn't something I enjoy. I'm happy to see most people agree that tying the reorient button to melee isn't a good idea. There are so many spare buttons, so why would they do that?

Also, the new mission type just looks like capture mode in space. It didn't really look all that amazing. I was hoping for something more immense like hijacking a large dreadnaught and you'd be flying next to the surface of the ship. Also, just shooting the ship until its hp is gone? That's not very creative. This is about as disappointing as finding out that capture only required you to hit the enemy to death and then pressing x.

Edited by SicSlaver
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1 hour ago, AM-Bunny said:

I don't really like the idea of re-orienting being bound to melee because there's a huge delay in Archwing between quick melee and then drawing your gun and being ready to fire again. Doesn't seem like it will flow very naturally in combat, plus swinging your weapon at nothing seems dumb aesthetically, just like coptoring.

Why not bind it to the reload button? That's something that - as far as I know - has no use in Archwing, and could easily be accomodated for console Tenno.

Other than that, I love Archwing getting some attention. I'm one of the few people that played it a lot though, so adjustments will probably be even more difficult for me...

You can thank console users for that. They have those controllers with like 9 buttons maybe while a PC user has 52 if not more, plus combinations of keys.

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Just now, SilvaDreams said:

You can thank console users for that. They have those controllers with like 9 buttons maybe while a PC user has 52 if not more, plus combinations of keys.

Hmm? I offered a solution, it's right in the middle of my post.

Alternately, OP suggested the 'Slide' button. I think this button actually does serve some purpose in Archwing - it's that useless banking maneuver, but it could easily be re-purposed if needed.

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18 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

You can thank console users for that. They have those controllers with like 9 buttons maybe while a PC user has 52 if not more, plus combinations of keys.

You don't really need a lot of buttons for control of AW.  Also, how many or us aren't going to reconfigure the buttons anyway.  :D

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