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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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You kown, whats funny?, I only have one "Main" Kubrow and thats my Raska "Prime". But I have't used him in a while, the Sents just overpower all kurbrows and kavats, we need the loot pickup perk for all warframes.

Edited by LegionCynex
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DE's on holiday today, you'll have to wait a bit.

Last week they mentioned that SotR would be coming in "a couple of weeks," which means you'll probably have to wait until next Wednesday at the very earliest.


(also I am totally getting those robes for my kitty <3 )

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16 hours ago, friendofvampires said:

fixed that for you

Soooo they add a gun mount to them then? Because if they don't, there wil be huge hype backlash and a lot of disappointment.

I mean, how long is exactly this 'short duration' for mirror kavats crit boost, and, more important, how large is this boost?

What exactly is this 'boon of good fortune' of chesire kavats? Enemies killed explode in a shower of rare resources or, more likely, bottlecaps credits?

And if they will have same issues as Kubrows (linked mods, no kind of ranged attack (if not back-mounted turret, then at least have them pounce those annoying ospreys) and clueless AI), then.. well, pear prime and sweeper prime.

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Just now, TARINunit9 said:

Delays are normal in any video game, calm your %&#036;#

Sorry. I did sound a bit "12-year-oldish" in that initial comment. I didnt mean it that way. I'm mainly just curious when it will be released. My buddy and I cleared our schedules to have a warframe marathon and play the update. Then it never happened. It just bugged me and I want to know when its coming out


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One should always never plan anything around WF time tables. I don't think they have ever released anything on time. If one has not noticed already, with each passing year releases of updates etc are getting longer and longer with this one being over 6 months since U18. It should come next week before tenno con but if not then I would just wait till the very end of the month as the 3rd installment will be delayed as well. 

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