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Should warframes have just 3 powers?


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So instead of figuring out how to improve less-used powers, we now throw them away? That's... not a good idea. It's just reducing the gameplay. Besides, there are warframes that have all their skills useful. It's much more worthwhile to rework abilities rather than remove them.

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2 hours ago, Zoretor said:

My "request", dear sir, is to hear what the community has to say on the subject. I simply threw the idea out there. I don't have an "agenda" of my own about it. I agree that another path to take would be to tweak powers till they're all (somewhat) equally useful.

What I did not creat this thread for though, is to argue semantics.

Then why create your thread under false pretenses? If the post is titled "Should Warframes have just 3 powers" and I argue that no, they should have the skills they have fixed, that is my input on the subject. It has nothing at all to do with semantics.

I cant help it if you do not understand what kind of responses you would receive when you titled your thread in a misleading way. If you wanted to find what skills that the people thought to be less useful then you could have titled it as such instead of using a clickbait title.

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49 minutes ago, Zoretor said:

This is just a random thought that popped into my head. Most warframes have 1 ability that is absolutely ignore-worthy. Yes, some warframes suffer from more trash powers, but let's just focus on that 1 "worst of the worst" power.

Would Warframe's "balance" benefit in any way from a reduced, but more focused, power list? Might it help to give frames more distinction from each other? 

Or would it totally break everything, create a quantum rift inside another quantom rift and completely desintegrate itself in this and every other parallel reality?

EVERY hero/warrior has that one skill that sucks.

As someone once told me in trade chat when I tried to buy Blood Rush for 50p; 'learn the lore, noob'.

No offense meant, of course. But seriously, everyone/everything has that one suckish beginner power. Sure there isn't really a point to keep most of them, but there's no point in removing them, either.


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16 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Your request is for the removal of a skill from every Warframe, instead of just fixing the skill. My "feel" is that it is a dumb idea to remove a skill when they can be corrected.

He doesn't request that. He's entertaining a thought, without a personal agenda or an opinion set in stone. Apparently that's so rare these days that when it happens, nobody believes it.


On topic: I'd say fewer skills means less distinction. How would having 3 instead of 4 skills help with making frames more unique?

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Removed? No. Reworked? Yes. Many warframes have all 4 abilities useful, just because someone is not (which is a personal opinion, BTW: I read someone said Ash's Teleport is "ignore-worthy" while for me is Ash's main ability) doesn't mean they should be removed and with them also many useful/fun abilities. It's most efficient just to rework or tweak the less useful

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32 minutes ago, Zoretor said:

My "request", dear sir, is to hear what the community has to say on the subject. I simply threw the idea out there. I don't have an "agenda" of my own about it. I agree that another path to take would be to tweak powers till they're all (somewhat) equally useful.

What I did not creat this thread for though, is to argue semantics.

His point is lock the thread cause A. it's never happening B. there is a Much better and much more needed solution C. the communities opinions have been one sided thus far as to say that removing abilities is a bad idea (like if you put p a poll it would be an easy 90% vote towards not removing abilities including troll votes)

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general reply to some of the people's "ignore-worthy" skills: I'll agree with you on some, but others, while not top-tier utility/damage, are fun to use.

I like running max efficiency on Tesla because it isn't effected by power duration for snooze Defense/MD at low levels. For corpus even high-level enemies can succumb to being zapped simultaneously by 15 arcs of electricity. And I can definitely get 15 Teslas easy when they each cost 6 energy and still last 39 seconds. 

Rip-Line isn't super useful yeah, but a fun mobility tool. admittedly overshadowed by bullet jump in most cases.

Slash Dash, sometimes use it to close gaps in melee combat or as a mobility tool.

Hydroid's abilities are all pretty good cc, but they are quite underwhelming :/ I guess I'll give you that one.


Will also agree that the following abilities could use tweaks but have the potential to be fun/useful

Ballistic Battery (100% status proc augment should be innate + should always stagger, also shouldn't need to consume ammo) Augment could be if it had guaranteed knockdown and in a cone-shaped area of affect + procs all elemental effects on the weapon used to all enemies affected.

Slight Of Hand is too random to be useful as mines, though it can be useful to have friendly laser doors. Would be nice if the console explosion + Vaporization Lockers were guaranteed kills.

A lot of other "1" abilities were mentioned, and they generally aren't very good, but sometimes can help while you're reloading. TBH they don't have to be great, but I think they should all have some sort of cc and not just be purely damage.

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1 hour ago, Zoretor said:

This is just a random thought that popped into my head. Most warframes have 1 ability that is absolutely ignore-worthy. Yes, some warframes suffer from more trash powers, but let's just focus on that 1 "worst of the worst" power.

Would Warframe's "balance" benefit in any way from a reduced, but more focused, power list? Might it help to give frames more distinction from each other? 

Or would it totally break everything, create a quantum rift inside another quantom rift and completely desintegrate itself in this and every other parallel reality?

At the very beginning of Warframe they had 3 abilities each. This was changed.

32 minutes ago, apo86 said:

I'd say fewer skills means less distinction. How would having 3 instead of 4 skills help with making frames more unique?

Simple: fewer skills - less overlap - more uniqueness.

Edited by VisionAndVoice
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no, I completely disagree, as there are still occasionally situations where some powers are still sueful, or at the very least, fun. Dive Bomb may not be the most useful skill, but it's fun Slash dash? fun. Petrify? fun.

people need to get out of this silly mind-set where absolutely everything has to have a purpose and anything that doesn't perform it's purpose well should be removed. let's use a prime example of this: Vauban's Bounce pads...

Vauban has literally 6 other grenades he can use, and Bounce Pad is the least effective, both in terms of damage and CC. it was a pure utility power, rendered useless by Parkour 2.0. yet when DE reworked Vauban, and we were all expecting Bounce to be replaced, they instead kept it and ADDED to him, rather than taking away.

things don't have to be powerful to be enjoyable, when are people going to realise this?


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My Idea? If this were to happen? (Which it won't, btw)

1. Take one Warframe's ability.

2. Make it a special melee override.

3. Put that override on a cooldown.

Ex. For Mag:

Let's say the ability is pull.

On pressing E, you will pull all enemies in, and has a cool-down of x seconds.

Ex. For Excalibur

Same for Slash-Dash

On pressing E near an enemy, you dash forward and strike them with Exalted Blade, cool-down of x seconds.

Again, not gonna happen, but that's how I would put it.

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1 hour ago, Zoretor said:

This is just a random thought that popped into my head. Most warframes have 1 ability that is absolutely ignore-worthy. Yes, some warframes suffer from more trash powers, but let's just focus on that 1 "worst of the worst" power.

Would Warframe's "balance" benefit in any way from a reduced, but more focused, power list? Might it help to give frames more distinction from each other? 

Or would it totally break everything, create a quantum rift inside another quantom rift and completely desintegrate itself in this and every other parallel reality?

A lot of us limbo players say his 1 and 2 can be put into one as a hold to change and tap to use power so it works for him at least.



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I think the number of powers needs to be left alone. What needs to be done is either make the ignored abilities useful or replace them with something that isn't a complete waste of time. And not via Augments. They need to be able to stand on their own merit and be useful without Augments before thinking about Augments.

Edited by Ceryk
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2 hours ago, VKhaun said:

Tell me five "ignore-worthy" skills not worth focusing on, and put on your flame repellent for when people read the list and start replying.

This list is mainly for normal play, not level 9999 enemies and 2 hour endless.

Chroma-spectral scream, there is just no point in using this ability outside of the fun factor, I know some people will try to argue about apply status yada yada, bad.

Inaros- devour, this skill is just bad, takes too long to kill, create a useless sand shadow, not really needed with his other abilities.

Mesa- ballistic battery, I just don't like this skill, has always seemed like a waste of time.

mirage- sleight of hand

nova- null star

and thats just going down the list, could have kept going but thats 5.

honorable mentions: hydroid- everything.... jk sorta.


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1 hour ago, PickleMonster21 said:

Atlas: Petrify

Petrify is actually used quite a bit, and I see it being used.

Its augment makes it a great farming ability, and you can combine it with Pilferoid, and Nekros for insane loot.


@Azure_King03 Devour is not useless. You use devour on enemies, then sandstorm them to regain health instantly. Its a very easy way to keep your health up while CCing with sandstorm.


On a side note, how do you tag someone from console? I can never do it

Edited by PoisonHD
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2 hours ago, IamRageypoo said:

I would be extremely sad if they limited abilities, that's part of what makes this game fun. 

Good news: All you have to do to enjoy the game, then, is avoid Corpus missions. And Capture missions. And Boss Fights. And Simaris Hunts. And Fissure missions. You know, basically any situation in which you would actually NEED a power, as opposed to just enjoy using one. 

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In some ways we kinda have 3 kinds of abilities for each warframe. Because what we really have isn't actually 4 abilities, but 3 abilities and 1 ult. Most of the times warframe's 4th are actually a variant of their previous abilities (usually first). These 2 abilities more or less are the same type of abilities. 4th are usually strong but difficult to use, while the previous abilities are weaker but cheaper and easier to use.  Of course there are exceptions like Nekros whose all 4 abilities are unique and cover different purposes

In short 4 abilities give room to make ult version of previous ability and it also allow more abilities variety in case 3 abilities aren't enough to cover the warframe's role or theme.

If there are abilities that are deemed useless, then it needs to be handled per case basis instead of just trying to shave all abilities to just 3

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There are no trash powers, although as someone said above, some might need rework or re-think.  There are just some stand-out powers.

There used to be trash powers in the context of endless missions beyond lvl 100, but nobody does those any more, so it doesn't matter now.

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