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Next Warframe you think should Reworked


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(I know there are a ton of similar topics, but idk, I think we should bring more awareness to the frames that need to be reworked next.)

There are a ton of frames that need to be Reworked atm, so here are mine who I think should be reworked.

1. Zephyr-

My top pick to get reworked, compared to other warframes, she is extremely outdated and is dire of A rework. She only has 1 good Ablitiy which is somewhat clunky. Otherwise, her kit is Literally a Glorified bulletjump, a glorified groundslam, and a Unconsistent CC which make your team more mad then you actually CCing.  She is Near unplayable even though I still play her because she was my first and most used frame, otherwise, there's no reason to pick her up then for fun.

My solution- in Zeph's profile vid, it says Light and Decievely lethal, but ZEPHYR ISN'T LETHAL AT ALL. (DE logic...) 

To make her more lethal, I want Zeph to get a Big buff to Divebomb and Tailwinds's Damage. Along with that, make them affected by melee mods. 

Lastly with tailwind and Divebomb, make them 1 Ablitiy, Making a Glorified groundslam a Ablitiy is not creative. Tailwind was interesting before parkour 2, but now it's just Bullet jump prime. Making them into 1 Ablitiy will leave one slot.

Turbulence will be moved to second slot and will deflect every Ranged Weapon no matter what.

Tornadoes can now be aimed and has a 100% status effect. 

For her new 3rd, it's call slitting winds, which basically gives your ranged weapon a higher fire rate, a enhanced slash proc which does 88% of your damage regardless of crit (hits 100% of the time), and a faster reload. Visually, it would look like the weapon she is using will be fully outlined in the energy color you are using for your Zephyr, and is surrounded by wind. This is a buff for your teammates as well.

This would make Zephyr light and Decievely lethal, just like the trailer said so and also make her more team friendly.

2. Atlas-

Atlas' kit is good early game, but just doesn't scale at all, landslide is fine, but just not good enough for late game, he just dies most of the time, armor or not (armor is overrated, you will still get 1 shot no matter how much armor you have)

Landslide- Allow people to use Acolyte mods to ensure red crits, in early game, it's fine, but late game, just falls apart, allowing red crits will let it compete with all the other exalted weapons. Also, maybe increase the damage just a bit and allow it to do stealth damage, it would be cool to see Atlas naramon combo, doing Around 800k because of a combo of red crits, no armor, and the 4 times stealth multiplier.

Petrify- Make the freeze time all the same, it's takes too long to freeze enemies, and most of the time, you get killed pretty easily during the gaze, also, maybe they could make a mechanic to take armor from the enemy. Maybe even make Atlas faster during this as well.

Rumblers- There fine ATM, maybe just increase there health a bit.

Who are the frames you think that need to be reworked next and give a explanation and solution? No hate please! :)


Edited by (PS4)abb12355
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Well Oberon needs more love before he gets left out for his wife when she arrives xD Zephyr too since almost NO ONE uses her at all...!

but as a Ash favoring player, I say him to remove his BladeStorm in order to make all these whiners stfu about him an assassin killing more enemies and implying that he's the only boring frame just after spamming his 4th to death... Jesus breakdancing MJ kissing Christ!

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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Oberon XD 

Limbo is actually a good frame, but extremely hard to use. I saw a MR21 player doing amazing things with him. 

Nyx is already good with Chaos. Hydroid is good now, you can turn into a puddle and be unkillable, plus decent CC.

Edited by xXx_mtv_xXx
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I honestly feel Atlas' problem is his inability to heal himself or make himself tougher, aside from Mods. Even with Mods, I still find myself dying way too much unless I'm just spamming the crud out of his 1.

His 1 actually scales insanely well, albeit in a way differing from damage. Being completely immune to damage while being able to knock down an entire group of enemies for easy Ground Finisher damage is amazing in it's own right, especially when said enemies are now spread apart and easier to deal with. The damage may fall off, yet it's utility never does. 

His 2 is ... something, alright. I'd honestly prefer an actual buff ability than a shoddy Frost Snowglobe ability to improve his overall tankiness, yet that's just me.

His 3 is fine where it is, but it definitely needs some defense shred, like Frost's Ult, to make his 1 scale a little better damage wise. Maybe even just making it so Petrified enemies take a ton more damage from his attacks could work. Problem is, Atlas' build is really weird. You either build for his 1 and 2, or you build for his 3 and 4, which means this ability still wouldn't do much for him in the long run.

His 4 is awful. It's an A.I controlled ability, like, who thought that as a good idea? They're damage doesn't scale with Atlas' melee damage, they take too much energy for what they offer, they fight everywhere but where Atlas actually is and they run straight into Nullie bubbles like morons. I would honestly prefer Atlas to turn into a Rumbler (getting tougher, stronger and gaining more range, with the inability to parkour to act as a limitation) himself, and THEN have them as back-up. Having them on their own just as an Ultimate does absolutely nothing for Atlas.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)abb12355 said:


2. Atlas-

Atlas' kit is good early game, but just doesn't scale at all, landslide is fine, but just not good enough for late game, he just dies most of the time, armor or not (armor is overrated, you will still get 1 shot no matter how much armor you have)

Landslide- Allow people to use Acolyte mods to ensure red crits, in early game, it's fine, but late game, just falls apart, allowing red crits will let it compete with all the other exalted weapons. Also, maybe increase the damage just a bit and allow it to do stealth damage, it would be cool to see Atlas naramon combo, doing Around 800k because of a combo of red crits, no armor, and the 4 times stealth multiplier.

Petrify- Make the freeze time all the same, it's takes too long to freeze enemies, and most of the time, you get killed pretty easily during the gaze, also, maybe they could make a mechanic to take armor from the enemy. Maybe even make Atlas faster during this as well.

Rumblers- There fine ATM, maybe just increase there health a bit.

Who are the frames you think that need to be reworked next and give a explanation and solution? No hate please! :)


I strongly disagree with this. I use atlas a lot, there is absolutely nothing wrong with him. His scaling is well balanced and carries over perfectly fine into the late game. I don't know what your build on him is but if you think he is basically trash early game then something must be wrong with your build. His first ability covers a ton of damage and it has some CC built into it if you use it into a crowd of people. (knocking them back/down) His second ability can be used as a great shield, and its also a shield that can knock down enemies. I agree his third ability is kind of bad, but lets be honest why really even use that ability when you could just punch them. His rumblers have a lot of health and can distract a lot of enemies from getting to the defence/cargo/etc.

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Equinox mend needs a rework. Having the ability active for over a few seconds seems like enough to even heal a fully modded inaros. It's just overkill. Instead I think it should be like a pulse of 20%,40%,60% health and/or shield  regen over every 5 secs or something with no over shields so it doesn't sit in Trinitys seat.




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To be honest, I think Trinity needs a huge rework. Yes, she is an amazing frame...

However, I think that by virtue of existing, she makes the game trivial, forcing DE to have to resort to cheesy tactics to make the game challenging, like adding enemies that can oneshot most warframes, enemies that can withstand a litany of ultimates thrown at them, simply because of unlimited energy. She removes energy management from the game, period. Where all classes are designed with energy economy in mind, with weaker/spammy skills costing little energy, and powerful ones costing more, with Trinity every skill might as well cost 1 energy. 

I think health pinata needs to go and be replaced with energy pinata so players have to interact with something to gain their energy. Energy pinata augment will allow players to overcharge their energy, allowing them to stock double their normal capacity at max rank. Overall energy restore gets drastically reduced. 

Link and blessing remain unchanged. With energy changes, she won't be able to spam blessing anyway, so there's no need to change it.

She gets an armor buff that she can cast, giving 200 armor (amplified with power strength, ofc) to everyone around her for like 30 seconds.

After this is done, DE will be able to design challenging content at peace. This won't be a popular opinion and I really like Trinity the way she is, but I can't help but notice she is the source of many issues in the game and a huge spanner in the works for DE.

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while I agree with most of OP's points, I still consider the likes of Zephyr low priority for a rework. Limbo, Oberon and Hydroid need it far more. once the frames that really NEED a rework are dealt with, then we can touch upon some other less used frames. but let's get the more difficult reworks out of the way first.

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I think Oberon needs to be reworked

but my opinion on atlas is. if you want to take him into late game, you need to not worry about yourself being tanky, worry about your rumblers (or titanic) health and armor, worry about how much time they can get, i have 236% power duration and they last 90(ish) seconds. they're beyond great

think of his rumblers as tanks more than damage dealers... i use titanic rumbler because it's health buff is great and i like having to deal with one instead of 2

Edited by cookieknife
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