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Baro Ki'Teer: Congratulations, you've murdered your lore (again)


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15 minutes ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

Said before and I'll say it again, cosmetics for ducats is Incredibly generous.

as for lore, they are just Orokin artefacts he found in the void, he knows we coolect that stuff.

Pretty much this.

He knows tenno will buy all sorts of weird stuff. He doesn't know why. He might have some suspicions, but he doesn't know anything.

So, he sells this stuff to a metric ton of tenno. Then, in two weeks, he shows up again and here are all these tenno again--with no earring(s). Hell, they don't even have ears. So...what would he conclude? He'd probably be thinking that there is someone inside the suit that is inclined to wear such a thing. The truth is a good deal more bizarre, of course, but it is essentially what's going on.

What he does know is the tenno like this stuff, snap it up as quick as he can find it, and he's making bank on it. From an RPG perspective, he's behaving exactly as someone with his background would behave. So far.

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1 minute ago, Venom-Snake said:

Now it came to me: when did DE murder their own Lore the first time if you are saying this is not the first?

Like a Noggle of himself.

So, he's an egoist. Big deal.

Tenno will buy about anything. It's way weird, but it is what it is. I doubt he's one to judge considering he's rolling in ducats. Heck, he can even ask for favors and the tenno will generally oblige. There's no downside in this situation for him, other than it's more than a bit puzzling from where he's standing. Still, with a stable full of ducat ponies, I doubt he's staying awake at night worrying about it.

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15 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

So, he's an egoist. Big deal.

Tenno will buy about anything. It's way weird, but it is what it is. I doubt he's one to judge considering he's rolling in ducats. Heck, he can even ask for favors and the tenno will generally oblige. There's no downside in this situation for him, other than it's more than a bit puzzling from where he's standing. Still, with a stable full of ducat ponies, I doubt he's staying awake at night worrying about it.

To be fair we'd probably do favor for literally anybody as a whole if the rewards were there.  Hell a good number of us would arrest the lotus and sign on as high ranking grineer if it meant that literally everything in the marketplace became free.  Don't believe me? Then make it an event DE and let's see where the chips fall.

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4 hours ago, Bibliothekar said:

So, this week, Baro has (amongst other things) earrings for our operator. Am I the only one who thinks this is odd when nobody except the Lotus know we even exist? So yeah, DE has murdered their own lore again for the sake of selling us stuff ...

Yes assuming of course those large televised rathuums, in which our warframe participated and potententaily used our focus abbilities and well exposed our Tenno (I know I did several times) didn't spot them, or corpus security cameras or those allied syndicate troops or all those rescue targets and sortie defense targets not to mention alad v during the acolyte defense or darvo in the recent corpus bust event.

What secret?

Edited by TermiteFrame
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4 hours ago, Bibliothekar said:

So, this week, Baro has (amongst other things) earrings for our operator. Am I the only one who thinks this is odd when nobody except the Lotus know we even exist? So yeah, DE has murdered their own lore again for the sake of selling us stuff ...

No, because what makes you think he only retrieves and offers stuff he knows the Tenno can use in combat? You think he wouldn't try to sell ear rings to the people he suspects are inside the "suits"?


Yeah, I thought so.

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4 hours ago, Bibliothekar said:

So, this week, Baro has (amongst other things) earrings for our operator. Am I the only one who thinks this is odd when nobody except the Lotus know we even exist? So yeah, DE has murdered their own lore again for the sake of selling us stuff ...

Most of the people who don't know that Tenno are 13 year olds remote controlling things think Warframes are power armors with people inside, (Maroo, for example, Alad V and Tyl Regor thought so as well until they started cutting Warframes open). It's not strange for Baro to think he's marketing earings to adult power armor pilots as opposed to children sitting in chairs.

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well for lore wise, like everyone else said those could just be earrings he sells along with his other collector's edition. Maybe there are very wealthy people who buy earrings for their children. We have not been introduce to any other people except for the ones with factions already establish. There could be other people that could rival the corpus and in their distinct culture that was developed, it is essential that a child wears earrings to denote their status/wealth through whatever means. For all the outside people that look at the tenno, they are mysterious beings that had a culture and would probably assume that the tenno have kids and train them in their ways, because after all no one can survive over how many x years and still be in their prime of their life. Then for game play wise it is kinda obvious it was meant for us to understand easier what category the earrings belong too. Ok back to lore wise I think he would either not have them display on a child, teenager, or being and likely show the tenno this is what they look like want to buy some, or he has a hologram that is programed to show what it looks like on a person/ where you put the earrings.

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14 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

Most of the people who don't know that Tenno are 13 year olds remote controlling things think Warframes are power armors with people inside, (Maroo, for example, Alad V and Tyl Regor thought so as well until they started cutting Warframes open). It's not strange for Baro to think he's marketing earings to adult power armor pilots as opposed to children sitting in chairs.

Came to say the same thing. When and if he starts selling clothes for teenagers, that's when you can start crying foul unless he is present in a quest where he explicitly sees an Operator, especially during/after War Within where walking around outside the chair is going to be a factor.

Edited by BlaineKodos
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)BroaderSaucer said:

meh, i picked up my eos prime set, ill probably grab the earings when they get around to us also

ah yes, the lore-breaking earrings, a couple of threads about those. I enjoy cosmetics as much as the next Fashionframer, but I'll pass on those. 500 Ducats each for a bit of material you'll hardly see on those rare occasions I'll see my operator? no thanks.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
spelling, as usual.
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I don't see this as murdering the lore at all.  I doubt a well-established trade as Baro is only selling to "just" the tenno.  This post is obvious a lack of insight and *@##$ing just to *@##$.  There is more than just tenno that are living in the warframe universe.  Look at all of those individual that run the relays, to bazaar, and the civilians that still exist.

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7 hours ago, Krivasran said:

What if he's just selling earrings? Does his having them explicitly mean he *knows* there are operators? Does he know if there is a person in the warframe or not? If a crazy ninja shows up wanting to buy Jewelry you conveniently have to sell to other people are you going to ask questions?

Why would he be selling earrings to the Tenno unless he knew what they actually were?

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2 minutes ago, AntoineFlemming said:

Why would he be selling earrings to the Tenno unless he knew what they actually were?

Easy. He picked the earrings up. He has them. He tries to sell them to us because he's a sleazy dirty merchant. Who knows what the Tenno would do with them. Maybe they'd pu them on their kubrows or something.

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3 hours ago, Gelkor said:

Most of the people who don't know that Tenno are 13 year olds remote controlling things think Warframes are power armors with people inside, (Maroo, for example, Alad V and Tyl Regor thought so as well until they started cutting Warframes open). It's not strange for Baro to think he's marketing earings to adult power armor pilots as opposed to children sitting in chairs.

My exact same thoughts.


Before the second dream the general consensus among the community was that something wore the warframe armour. It wouldnt be surprising if within the warframe universe it is exactly the same thing.

The only real gripe i have are that the earrings shows a face. I would have preferred DE to have outlined a face and not shown the operator model.

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3 hours ago, Gelkor said:

Most of the people who don't know that Tenno are 13 year olds remote controlling things think Warframes are power armors with people inside, (Maroo, for example, Alad V and Tyl Regor thought so as well until they started cutting Warframes open). It's not strange for Baro to think he's marketing earings to adult power armor pilots as opposed to children sitting in chairs.

Except for the conspiracy theory that everybody knew except us, keep in mind they say cutting open warframes, not tenno, and nearly every single time in game the npcs use that particular split they only say things like they will subjugate the tenno but it's rare that any of the npcs refer to the warframe tenno in the opposite respect where they think the physical harm wouldn't be anything more than passing mental trauma for a tenno.

Conspiracy theory? Yes.  Potential accidental slip up by the writers when it came to character points of view?  Maybe, but so far the only things he's offered aesthetically have been syandanas and aesthetic armor plates.  So there is a bit of a logic gap between offering things that would clearly fit on a warframe and things the operator/frames may never ever need cuz very VERY few warframes have any appendage or shape that resembles an ear.  You can say it's a good guess but rarely are "good guesses" that on point.

Edited by Irorone
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