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Void Trace alerts are insulting


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If we did a normal fissure mission we get 6-30 Traces.  Most often when farming traces you try to do quick and easy missions with enemy spawns, like , Capture, or rescue.


But only 10 traces for a void sabotage?  a T4 Mobile defense?   Not even worth bothering with.  For those with limited playing time you could get 2-3 Fissure missions done in the amount of time it would have taken to do that alert mission

Make traces part of the regular reward rotations for missions and there would be a lot more people playing void missions.

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4 minutes ago, -CM-Kinnison said:

Make traces part of the regular reward rotations for missions and there would be a lot more people playing void missions.

^^^ So much this. Trace should be a part of the endless rotations, with a Constant drop number on a rotation. And then there should be a constant number in the fissure missions. That right there would fix a lot of my issues with the game.

Most alerts are not worth doing as well.... I've thought for a long time they need to up the amount of reward to make it more worth doing. I've only done bp alerts for a long time now. 

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Even if on console we don't have void traces alerts yet, i confirm to farm them is though. So my suggestions would be follow.

To get the full amount depending on your Masterrank (MR) is pretty hard to though, especially if new prime items are released.

One idea could be to implement the mastery rank here again. Per mission, regardless of level, between 06 to 30 fissures are dropping (unchanged since introduction). Those will be multiplied by the given Masterrank.

Exemple: MR 1 receive 6 void traces(VT): 6 VT x 1 = 6 VT. MR 22 receive 30 VT: 30VT x 22 = 660 VT. Considering the Reserve capacity of a MR 22 (1200 or 1250). It will be fasten up a lot to reach the treshold, if one is lucky, after only 2 fissure missions one will have enough VT for 12 relics to be upgraded to radiant.

In a 4-team constallation after mission end they receive gloably 15 VT,

MR 3 receive: 15 VT x 3 = 45 VT

MR 10 receive: 15 VT x 10 = 150 VT

MR 18 receive: 15 VT x 18 = 270 VT

MR 20 receive: 15 VT x 20 = 300 VT

Which will help us on farming faster some specific items as to focus on gathering, new relics.

Including the VT of alerts.

In game-Explanation: With the experience (MR) the Tenno becomes more adept to channel more potent Void Traces out of the fissure then less experienced Tenno.


Best regards


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1 hour ago, Ryme said:

I am just enjoying not having to use a relic to collect traces anymore. Giving us the option to get traces from alerts as well, just feel like gravy.

But you can do this without the alert. Just go in without a relic. I do it solo so I don't mess up the publics fissure/ducat runs. Pick up 10 reactant and you still get same trace as if you had a relic equipt

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Yes, found this alert particularly insulting. Not only could this have been done at the lowest grade of fissure run for an average of more traces, but the high level of it was like getting gut punched after they spit in our eyes. It was nothing more than a call sign to disregard the alert all together and just run any fissure run with out a relic. >.>

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On 24/09/2016 at 5:15 PM, AXCrusnik said:

You were always able to do this though... which is what makes 10 trace alerts so disappointing. They should give like minimum 50.

Why? If DE is "balancing" around a specific point, they wont.

They are giving you ten because they think 10 is balanced for what they are trying to archive. They could have not put in Traces at all in Alerts, but they decided to do so and made it 10, and 10 is better then zero.

Complaining that "10 free cakes are insulting" when the other option is "then have ZERO free cakes", is asinine.

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13 minutes ago, DSpite said:

Why? If DE is "balancing" around a specific point, they wont.

They are giving you ten because they think 10 is balanced for what they are trying to archive. They could have not put in Traces at all in Alerts, but they decided to do so and made it 10, and 10 is better then zero.

Complaining that "10 free cakes are insulting" when the other option is "then have ZERO free cakes", is asinine.

But I can get more than 10 cakes faster >.> 


10 or 0 doesn't make a difference, the problem is that the normal fissure can give the same if not more, yes you can get less, but the chances of getting more are a lot better than less 

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18 hours ago, DSpite said:

Why? If DE is "balancing" around a specific point, they wont.

They are giving you ten because they think 10 is balanced for what they are trying to archive. They could have not put in Traces at all in Alerts, but they decided to do so and made it 10, and 10 is better then zero.

Complaining that "10 free cakes are insulting" when the other option is "then have ZERO free cakes", is asinine.

Please, are you really going to argue that DE is actually thinking things through? Really? DE? Given recent efforts it's much more likely in my opinion that they do balancing by throwing a pair of dice^^ At least that would explain why they released so many borderline useless weapons with rather high MR requirements recently they usually had to buff shortly after for them to become at least somewhat usable.

10 traces for a level ~45 MD missions is not fine. Because the average amount of traces you can get per fissure mission without a booster is around ~16 per run. And in the time it takes to do 1 MD mission most people can do at least 2 capture runs (3 with Volt). Adding up to ~32 on average (48 with Volt). With a resource booster it's double that.

So in the time it takes to do that 10 traces alert I can get nearly 100 traces by running capture fissures with Volt and a booster (96). Time investment in both cases is nearly the same. There is what is called "balancing, and then there is what DE does, and it's not the same thing at all.

Edited by ----Fenrir----
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On 9/26/2016 at 6:14 AM, DSpite said:

Why? If DE is "balancing" around a specific point, they wont.

They are giving you ten because they think 10 is balanced for what they are trying to archive. They could have not put in Traces at all in Alerts, but they decided to do so and made it 10, and 10 is better then zero.

Complaining that "10 free cakes are insulting" when the other option is "then have ZERO free cakes", is asinine.

You misunderstand.

If there is one or two trace alerts a day, i can easily just ignore them and find a lith capture at some point during my playtime and play it twice with no relic. I will average 18 traces per mission instead of 10. If I bring a smeeta i get a chance at doubling my traces, if i have a resource booster the same.

The trace alert is FAR less lucrative than the missions already guaranteed to exist on low level planets (lith fissures)

Edited by Shockwave-
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/22/2016 at 3:36 PM, Mutt2679 said:

But you can do this without the alert. Just go in without a relic. I do it solo so I don't mess up the publics fissure/ducat runs. Pick up 10 reactant and you still get same trace as if you had a relic equipt

In my experience, either this is a misconception or the reward is bugged. Whenever I, or a few friends try to run a fissure without a relic, we don't get any traces at the end.

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30 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

In my experience, either this is a misconception or the reward is bugged. Whenever I, or a few friends try to run a fissure without a relic, we don't get any traces at the end.

You still have to get the 10 reactant, that's the only thing I can think of that might not give it to you. I do it all the time, it's not a misconception. Unless they changed it in the last hotfix, which there was no patch notes for it. 

EDIT: I just ran a test one. Screen shot attached. No relic was used and got 27 trace as the reward. I did it solo and made sure I got the reactant



Edited by Mutt2679
Ran a test mission and posted results
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