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Anndddd it's already October.


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I'm glad you all came to your senses about Vacuum not being split into three mods, to be honest and blunt that was a really stupid idea, as for the new game mode Index, why, it can't wait till after War Within? This "index" at this junction when your already months late on War Within, is a poor use of resources and time. As for myself and I've said this a number of times already in regards to War Within I just don't care anymore, now all I do is log in get my reward and log out, then it's back to World of Warships. I have to admit after playing for almost four years this is the first time I have to say that I am disappointed in your resource and time management, Lenaro could have waited as well as some of the other things, maybe even some trips, I understand we are all human and there is only so much time in the day but there is one thing I have learned as an Artist is knowing when to put the paint brush down and saying the painting is done because if you don't stop sooner or later you end up ruining the painting.

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I'm glad to see that you've backed off from the original proposed godawful vacuum idea. That would've been enough to make me consider leaving despite having whaled hundreds of bucks into this game, it was that bad. Kubrows and Kavats could still use something, and I suspect the vacuum within is going to need to be buffed to vacuum's current 10-12m range, because five meters isn't a whole lot.

And I'm glad to see we're getting a full event this month. I quite enjoyed Rathuum, so a corpus version sounds fun provided nullifiers are kept to a minimum.

But I really feel we're hitting a Duke Nukem Forever type situation here with TWW. TWW will have trouble, no matter how awesome it ends up being, as being worth the wait. Nearly a year between major content drops (yes we got Titania quest, rails, the pvp mode nobody asked for, and void 2.0 that's somewhat mixed - this isn't a huge amount of content) is a major problem when your business model has until recently revolved around pumping out content like a shark to keep players here with steady content updates.

My hope is that with TWW's release, major questions about the tenno will be answered, so we can have a bunch of less resource-intensive quests like the Clem quest or the Inaros quest or even the Titania quest over the next year. Things that don't take you guys as much devtime to make as a grand cinematic quest. Don't get me wrong, I like the cinematic quests... But it's pretty clear they're taking too many resources away from the rest of the game for what is ultimately only a few hours of playtime.

In short, we need more small quests and more community events to keep players here. Even really simple ones like the fusion moa event can do a lot to retain player interest.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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2 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.



I'm struggling to find the words...

Image result for hands in head gif

This quest was too big. Period.

This quest needed to be segmented between it's cinematic states, not just the content you planned to release alongside (which i'd like to add included another quest of it's own).

You people are an extremely talented and dedicated team, but the development plan of this next big thing, now to be 11+ months in the making, was not supportable within the time frame first imagined or its revisions after that and was nigh lunacy in a game that requires constant attention and updates to content underneath the midst of mechanical reworks for existing systems as well as the new ones that this talented team had been producing alongside the development of this next title update.

For this to have fitted within even a mile's wide distance of it's target dates or its revisions, this would have had to have been the only development product undergoing progress. That wasn't going to happen in a game that requires rapid inductions of content in order to remain relevant and entertaining for daily and returning players.

Please take the experience of trying to time-organise the deployment of this monolithic undertaking and understand from here on:

(WF Quest)----(TSD)--------------(TWW)------



We cannot deal with another TWW scale update being this prevalent to the development's ability to move forward and have it be this colossal to undertake.

I made what I thought was a safe bet with myself that TWW would be out before the boosters of my last Prime Access wore out and that I would continue to login daily and support when i could manage under the respect that TWW would be released by the time they'd run out and i'd purchase the next.

By my best guestimate (i'm not punching in long enough to check the boosters anymore) there is 48-45 days of that left. After that, i'm gonna stop and i'll wait till TWW is released before evening concluding relogging daily or purchasing the current PA offer.

Please DE, you have had my best of interests for over 3 years. Please get over this hurdle so we can all move on.

Edited by -CM-Phantom
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Good lord DE. Now I'm getting tired of trying to even remotely defend you guys. This is ridiculous. Should have just put the thing on the back burner after the 3rd delay. This quest is holding back content. A full year to get a freaking Major update for a quest that'll last us MAYBE 6 hours of gameplay. You guys seriously need to figure out your time management and descision making. This quest will have been delayed for 5 months IF it comes out in November. That's almost a fourth of the time it takes a studio to make an average triple A game. It just seems like a waste of time. 


I'm personally putting a halt on any money I'm considering putting into the game until DE proves it's worth it again. Heck, that Vacuum nerf only makes things worse. Why do they always nerf things when they make the mechanics work the most intelligent way? Can't have anything work decently.

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1 minute ago, Brian_Paone said:

Personally, I'd prefer to see a line of pushed back releases than content that is rushed. If they need more time, they need more time.

I'm all for extra time to polish the new release, but c'mon man. How many more month push-backs are we going to get?

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The Index just won't just be a Rathuum reskin will it? Nor will it have that tedious judgement point system? We don't need another obnoxious grind to slow down progression towards a boss. The only good thing to come out of that Tac Alert now boss req were the bits of lore from the executioner scans and the small insight into Grineer society.

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