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Anndddd it's already October.


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That being said, it is good that at least you were upfront about how it's delayed again instead of letting us think it would actually come this month.

All I can say beyond what I've done already is... You're gonna be judged on this update, DE, and if it isn't amazing it's going to drive a lot of people away.

I expect most everyone who left will come back just to see it, but this has got to be amazing if you guys want these people to stay.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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1 minute ago, Zachles said:

The update isn't just about a new quest?They are also releasing new systems into the game? There's more to game development than I'm sure you even realize.

I'm aware of how it works. If anything, the scale of the quest they're making is much more work than the systems they're implementing.

The people that do the animations for the quest cutscenes and the people who voice the characters and the people that create the lore are mostly different sets of people from those that program and create the systems. Besides, DE has pumped out okay systems in under a month before. I'm sure any systems they made to come out in conjunction with the quest have been finished (besides the parts that depend on the quest) for months. Especially if they actually have the final idea of what they're going to release.

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7 minutes ago, Hayabusa97 said:

True, the last thing we need is a repeat of SoTR for the biggest update in Warframe since the Second Dream.


To everyone else complaining about the delays, I'm gonna be as blunt and to the point as possible


Seriously, you people are unpleasable and unbearable, just shut up and deal with the delays, do you want the update to be marred with bugs, plot holes, and generally be a total mess because y'all are too @(*()$ impatient to give them time. Rushing things is how you get the update equivalent of No Man's Sky. If the update is taking this long, it is likely that we are gonna be getting a huge update somewhere in the ballpark of 5-10 Gigs of stuff.

It'll be marred with bugs anyway. Maybe you haven't been here LONG enough to get that yet, but EVERY update has bugs. Every. Single. One. DE repeatedly delaying this update isn't going to result in a bugless, polished, perfect update. DE isn't delaying this update because they're polishing it. They're delaying it because they aren't finished it. This update is too ambitious for them, and it shows. Players have EVERY right to be upset with DE because it's DE who have been hyping up this update since JULY.

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Just now, Dante102 said:

Buy another game and have a lil rest from warframe. You don't have to play it all day everyday. Noone forces you to.

main reason i still at warframe,hope it will be better,Warframe not really listen us(player)anymore,if i found a game i can't beat in 2 week(mostly 3 day complete 1 game...),i happy,and i tell my friend play together,i will help them to enjoy the game,but well,feeling regret telling my friend play warframe now...he still enjoying,so i keep silence help him,after i help him get all stuff,sure be like me~

1)leave the game
3)like me,for trophy only

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2 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:


My last big Dev Workshop was in June and that means time for a follow up. What did I tell you last time? Our summer plans. What we were hoping to achieve with splitting out Updates. Where are we now? What's next? What's going on? Where's the last part of the update, 'The War Within'? How much Bourbon has been consumed?
You're asking me the same questions I'm asking myself. My team has been stupidly patient as we look back at Second Dream and scream 'we need to repeat that'. The pressure has been on all summer. We've had a summer of content and fixes go out, but the hype for big older brother (which we've hyped a lot) War Within just makes everything we've done feel… just less. Really I'm here to lay out October for you so you can get just excited about what's coming soon on PC.
This week on PC we bring you 'The Vacuum Within'. To be fair you've been waiting longer for this than the War Within, so maybe this is the real best of the year deploy. No, we're not having 3 Mods make up Vacuum. We changed it. Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required. It will have a range of 5 meters which in practice looks something like this WIP (pro-Lotus skills hitting an enemy behind the locked door):


Later in October, The Corpus version of Rathuum is hitting PC. This game mode will be called 'The Index'. With it you'll get glimpse of Nef Anyo again! 'The Index' will feel a bit more classic DE in that it'll have an introduction to a new game mode with an Operation (clans rejoice), some Endless emphasis, and an event weapon!

On PC, you can look forward to 'The Vacuum Within' this week.
On PC, you can look forward to  'The Index' in October.
On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.  
And for Console Tenno,
The Long Shadow Tactical Alert is hopefully coming in October.
An interim build before The War Within that will include the Corpus style Rathuum.
Once The War Within is out our crazy 'break apart Updates' to bring you content faster will be heavily analyzed to see what it achieved. Many of our content creators appreciated us breaking things up for coverage purposes, but even that isn't enough to keep them around if the content itself didn't hit the mark.

So there's a glimpse, an overview, a few paragraphs that explain what's going on here these days. It doesn't do the team's passion justice, but giving you all information is the best way for us to work together. We'll talk more on the Devstream Friday, everyone.




We'd be more than willing for forgive you guys and put this behind us and wait a little longer with more patience if you guys released Primed Intensify or Primed Streamline, this Friday~ ;>

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Meh.At this point i dont care.They let me down to many time and Wf is out of my HDD.When TWW hits next year i might come back to see it for the sake of 3 years i spent on this game and i dont even know how much money.On a plus side Civ 6 is coming out this month with i may say NO DELAYS but still anyone got any recomendations for a game that is like WF?

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Wow, this is unreal. Pushed back by MORE THAN A MONTH. I'm speechless - we can pretty much confirm when they first announced it would release in July they were straight up lying.

.... "Time to do some major pleasing! Perfect time for that vaccuum change people have been wanting!" But, am I missing something here or does it say it's a build in feature for sentinels? What about kubrows and kavats??? I... Just wow.

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The only thing I don't understand is if they're going to make it a passive, why not just put the passive on all warframes?

The only negative in my thinking for that would be the chesa kubrow, since the carrier vacuum would still be a higher range and mag's passive would also be a larger radius.

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1 minute ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

Meh.At this point i dont care.They let me down to many time and Wf is out of my HDD.When TWW hits next year i might come back to see it for the sake of 3 years i spent on this game and i dont even know how much money.On a plus side Civ 6 is coming out this month with i may say NO DELAYS but still anyone got any recomendations for a game that is like WF?

IT ain't like Warframe, but go play some Witcher 3.

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4 minutes ago, Cpl_Facehugger said:

I expect most everyone who left will come back just to see it, but this has got to be amazing if you guys want these people to stay.

I do not think that the left people will stay when the quest will be pass for about 1-2hr, and then what ? We need a gameplay :)

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6 minutes ago, Zachles said:

The point is to maintain player retention as high as possible for as long as possible when the update finally deploys. If they need more time, they need more time. You can't rush perfection. I don't doubt that they are giving it 110% of their best effort, so why don't you give 110% of your best effort into being patient?

Am I the only one Zen about this? God.

I waited the entire year for it and I'll keep waiting, you can't really tell me I'm not patient.

Being patient doesn't mean being cool with them hyping up for the update just to delay right after every single month, that's called fooling. They completely lost my trust.

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