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The Vacuum Within: Hotfix #2


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1 hour ago, Raniu said:

That was a one swift reaction to the players' feedback. I wonder how many other companies listen to their players in the same fashion. Can't tell if it's good or bad. DE, you lack patience and persistence. Why revert a change you made almost instantly due to majority of the playerbase being so loud about it? It is your game not theirs. I don't say the previous solution was perfect but I say that we should've let it be for a little longer and seen the results.



Still no fix for:

• Orokin moon tileset puzzles showing correct order for the host only sine... ever

• arcane rewards being different for reconnecting players since SotR


Also. Polar Glaxion skin PBR when? :S

the players are vocal because it's been years since it has been requests by a large portion of the community and the statistics speaks for itself. being "loud" isnt equivalent to a vocal minority. Give them a break already, they've done what we wanted already, end of story. They don't need to hear the back and forth retaliation from what shouldve been an obvious decision from the beginning.

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1 minute ago, Brakhai said:

Awesome! You really listened to the community :) And so qucikly! Thank you so much for this :)

Hasn't the community been asking for a passive vacuum attached to frames, with a mod to boost the range attached to sentinels?  

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5 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

If no-one ever complains about the bad things (like bugs, or bad system setups) they would never get fixed.


The community's reaction was unbelievably toxic, and I am ashamed.



DE, this is probably a really solid mechanical shift, and that's great! I'm sorry you guys took so much crap from errant members of the community throwing a tantrum, that was really not ok.

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See, the problem I have with making Vacuum a mod is that it's becomes yet another required mod like Calculated Redirection and Enhanced Vitality. Even though Sentinels get 2 extra mod slots, (though those are pretty much taken 99% of the time by the combat precept and whatever the sentinel's special precept is), there's not enough mod space for another required mod.

I personally think a good middle ground is making it passive again (maybe to Warframes this time) and make the range 9m or so. People are complaining about a 'nerf' to vacuum like it means they have to physically get up and pick up every item in-game instead of reality where they're sitting on their butt and might have to hold down a button or tilt a joystick a little bit longer so they come in range.

Finally, people need to realize that this is a GAME and there is absolutely NO reason to send death threats to one of the Developers because they change something in it. That's stupid and insane, and if you feel that way you need to seek out help or get a life.

Edited by Jade-Lotus
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Just turn Vacuum into an universal warframe passive, how many years we need to ask you the same thing over and over again before you actually understand?


No one asked for it to be a sentinel only passive, no one asked for it to be a sentinel only mod. Stop making everything so complicated for literally no reason and actually listen to your community for once.

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1 hour ago, Raniu said:

That was a one swift reaction to the players' feedback. I wonder how many other companies listen to their players in the same fashion. Can't tell if it's good or bad. DE, you lack patience and persistence. Why revert a change you made almost instantly due to majority of the playerbase being so loud about it? It is your game not theirs. I don't say the previous solution was perfect but I say that we should've let it be for a little longer and seen the results.



Still no fix for:

• Orokin moon tileset puzzles showing correct order for the host only sine... ever

• arcane rewards being different for reconnecting players since SotR


Also. Polar Glaxion skin PBR when? :S

With the 6m range offhost, it would lag out and I would have to manually pick up items anyway. By keeping it as a mod, it does limit modspace for sentinels, but its sort of a best of both worlds for players who want it, and the ones who don't. Im super happy with 12m as a just a precept, but I would love it as just a menu toggle. Ahwell, its still better this way.

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I can't believe the management caved in to the complaints from the adamant lazy bums.

It's one thing to try and make the game as fun as possible for many people. It's another to be hijacked by 'fans'. The lack of backbone is rather telling now.

Since I never use Carrier / Vacuum a lot, I'm not affected by the change to begin with. But I can see that in the future, toxic players will use this as a textbook case to level changes to the game. BAD changes.

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12 minutes ago, Zyreist said:

Hey, why not just give us two companion slots, one for sentinals, one for kubrows/kavats? Want a vacuum AND a fun pet too? bring your favourite out of each category!(no idea if the retriever and vacuum would conflict though)

This is something I think the game would benefit from, the sentinels and dogs/cats behave so differently, it would be a fun improvement to be able to bring one of each with you on missions (though not a dog and a cat, they would obviously fight each other). Plus it would allow me to see both at the same time in my ship mucking about :D

Edited by SnuggleBuckets
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Heck, I just wanted an 8m innate vacuum on all sentinels (5 was too tiny), but this works. Technically it might still need a rebalance, or at least a fix for Wyrm P (or just more prime sentinels), to make carrier P not the most used sentinel, but this sure is a good start.

I'm still laughing at the "constructive criticism' statement, I didn't see much constructive in the last day. Sure showed how mature people are, amirite?

Oh, and anyone whining that it takes a mod slot sure has a bad memory, considering vacuum kinda, I dunno, already took a slot.

Edited by Fluffysbeans
I forgot things and no double post bwar
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This is my very first post and I just wanted to say a few things. First DE, I was happy with the universal vacuum in it's original configuration. I thought 6m was a little small and with latency, I felt like I still had to run a bit for loot. That said, I've been wanting to use other sentinels since I first started playing. I've been using Shade and Helios much more since the Vacuum Within dropped, so all the whinging about the nerf to Carrier was overblown, in my humble opinion. I guess because I'm still relatively new, all the changes are just normal to me. You adapt and overcome, or you ragequit. I'm not a ragequitter.

Second and lastly, while I'm glad you all responded very quickly to all of the hullabaloo around the change, I'm not certain if that's the way I'd go. Will there always be a vocal minority who has something to say negatively or positively (mostly negatively from what I've seen)? Yes. Meanwhile, you have players like me, who are probably the majority, who quietly play the game, adapt to hotfixes, nerfs, changes, etc., buy our plat, and have a blast with a kick &#! IP like Warframe. The devs shouldn't give into a bunch of loud, rude basement dwellers who've placed what little life they have into this game. Just my two cents and if you aren't one of the people described above, then this doesn't apply to you. Thank you DE for at least paying attention and keep up the great work on this game I've grown to like a lot!


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2 minutes ago, Fluffysbeans said:

Heck, I just wanted an 8m innate vacuum on all sentinels (5 was too tiny), but this works. Technically it might still need a rebalance, or at least a fix for Wyrm P (or just more prime sentinels), to make carrier P not the most used sentinel, but this sure is a good start.

I'm still laughing at the "constructive criticism' statement, I didn't see much constructive in the last day. Sure showed how mature people are, amirite?

I mainly saw people unhappy with the update being constructive, while most of the people complaining about complainers being unhelpful and dismissive.

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14 minutes ago, Zyreist said:

Hey, why not just give us two companion slots, one for sentinals, one for kubrows/kavats? Want a vacuum AND a fun pet too? bring your favourite out of each category!(no idea if the retriever and vacuum would conflict though)

Lot of people have been asking for this

It would be nice, and give far more reason to take Dogs/Cats.

1 Slot for Sentinels.

1 Slot for Kubrows / Kavaats.

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36 minutes ago, BlueTunicLink said:

Regarding that kubrow/kavats were metioned to us that they'll have the same ability. I would likely think the chesa mod would be change for companions and given and ammo mod similar to the carrier's ammo mod. Anyone got the same theory as i do?

I was kind of thinking they could make chesa into a 'healer' kubrow, they have a shield regen kubrow (raksa with protect precept) but nothing for healing, not even a mod like sentinels.

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Just now, patty60205 said:

I still dont understand why DE wouldnt make this a universal passive without mods or sentinals...On top of that, carrier is still best due to its survivalbility.

Absolutely this. When the change first came I thought I would start using the Helios more so I could finish my codex scans. Carrier makes it through missions and usually survives if I have to be revived in a sortie. One revive in a normal mission and my Helios was gone. :( Max health, shields, recharge, and armor did nothing. Like it was made of paper.

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For once DE get some oil and don't listen to the squeaky wheel it was fine as was.  Steve you need to renegade that rage moment you had on a live stream for this, 6m was enough, for once let the crying baby cry its self out, that is Good parenting.

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I've got a few things to say. First and foremost, thank you DE for listening to the players and reeling in an obvious troll change on carrier. I have been playing this game over 3 years now, and while some of the recent changes you have done have disgusted me, which caused me to take a break for a while, when i came back I was having a little bit of fun once you fleshed out the bugged relic rewards table. There was a feeling of a light at the end of the tunnel, as it were. Then you nerfed Carrier into pretty much oblivion with the change yesterday. I was very upset and ready to uninstall, but I didn't. I ended up going to bed because I had to work today. I was considering uninstalling when I got home, but my wife told me there were a couple hotfixes, so I waited to see what was up. I learned that for once, you actually listened to your community, and for that I thank you. We aren't really wanting you to give us everything, but we do want fair and balanced changes.


Nerf something too hard, and it irks us, don't nerf something enough and the tryhards get upset. I know balancing and tweaking MMO's is rough work and I have doled out my fair share of grumpiness towards you in the past. But in light of recent changes you have redeemed yourself. Thank you for finally listening to your customers, your players, and lessening the grip on the banhammer. I love Warframe, and I want to see it succeed until the end of time. In order for that to happen, there needs to be a harmonious synergy between the player and the developer. And to the guy above me who said it's DE's game, you couldn't be more wrong. This is not DE's game, its OUR game. I am pretty sure that's how DE would want it. If it was just DE's game, then we as players and paying customers wouldn't exist, and so DE wouldn't exist, and then Warframe wouldn't exist, and we would be relegated to playing something that is the steaming pile of what Firefall is now.


I don't want DE to think the sun sets on us players, but I am happy that they finally listened to us for a change. I want us all to be able to give constructive criticism and feedback with whatever change is made, whether detrimental or a positive one. The only way the developers will know how we feel, is if we tell them. But respond to them with hate and they will respond in kind. Developers are people too, and although sometimes we feel like they are robots, we have to try to be careful and formulative when giving feedback when they implement a change that we hate. If we are unable to do that, then we need to just not say anything at all. I am glad some of us were vocal enough for DE to hear us, be it constructive. To the people complaining that now its a mod and they have no room to put it on something, I say to you this, "come on man, the dev's actually listened to us for a change... You're gonna gripe about just anything just for the sake of griping. So stop griping for a change. Especially on a glorious occasion as this..."


TLDR: I was really upset over the vacuum nerf/change and wanted to uninstall, with DE hearing us and reverting it and making it a mod, they have redeemed themselves in my eyes and I will keep playing. I hope in the future we can have a dialogue with the devs and move to improve Warframe for the better from now on.

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