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Bladestorm rework feedback


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On 17/10/2016 at 11:46 AM, S.C. said:

To be honest, I'm relatively clueless as to what you're actually talking about. Could you give some specifics? What kind of suggestions for improvement are being thrown around? What exactly about the mechanics is bad? Etc.

Hmm, I think he confused your comment of 'it'd make it as obsolete as' the two abilities to mean that you thought the two abilities were obsolete, not the inverse where you were using two useful abilities to say that Parkour would still be useful even with a free-aim Teleport.

Conversationally though, I don't think that a free-aim Teleport would be a good thing, it would make instantaneous movement over long range, which has not been in the game so far. Teleporting to a target, yes, moving fast over distance, yes, but all of them are limited in some way. Switch Teleport is targeted, Speed only increases base movement, Tailwind only provides single boosts of speed, Wormhole does not instantly teleport the caster and casting while moving too fast will actually cause her to miss the entrance, Ripline is a slow cast and is more useful as point-CC than movement... they're all limited. I see a free-aim Teleport as being an un-limited movement, and as such not something that DE would action.

But that's me, I'm just browsing the conversation by this point.

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1 hour ago, iamDDips said:

I hate it, I really dont want ash to get nerfed like this, he doesn't even need to change, go nerf embers ult instead, playing in a match with hers is harder than playing with an ash.

This won't be that bad as long as the tagging of enemies is a toggle mouse over and not holding down the 4 key as holding down the key will make the Ash unplayable unless you have 6 fingers.

The proposed method seems rushed - its more of a nurf then a rework. They should really just rework it like they did the other Warframes.

Edited by 5nak3Doctor
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1 hour ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Here's a rather novel idea: How about we wait and see what actually happens to Ash's bladestorm before we complain.

Just sayin'.

We're not complaining sir, we are rather giving our opinion/feedback towards the rework. (Also, waiting for DE to implement something before giving our feedback about it seem like a bad idea, because once they add something to the game, they don't seem to care about how people feel about it anymore.)

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1 hour ago, Templar_365 said:

i like the reworked version a bit better it'll stop the spamming by a little bit and make those ashes work to get kills.

I assume you will then be ok if DE makes Mirage copies only deal 1/10 of damage, so they will have to work for kills too.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Here's a rather novel idea: How about we wait and see what actually happens to Ash's bladestorm before we complain.

Just sayin'.

Once they put more efforts to implement it and release it, it's impossible to make the dev to rework it again.
And what important is, the concept is bad and it doesn't solves the issues:

The enemy is still invulnerable for others and the camera issue remains.
Ash's abilities still not synergy with each other.

And see, there are 75 pages of nekros rework feedback, and mostly are against the shadow's health decay.
They still not change it.

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10 hours ago, aerosoul1337 said:

Once they put more efforts to implement it and release it, it's impossible to make the dev to rework it again.
And what important is, the concept is bad and it doesn't solves the issues:

The enemy is still invulnerable for others and the camera issue remains.
Ash's abilities still not synergy with each other.

And see, there are 75 pages of nekros rework feedback, and mostly are against the shadow's health decay.
They still not change it.

I think you bring up some valid points.


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On 10/17/2016 at 6:30 PM, TaylorsContraction said:

I think the idea behind the rework, is to make it so that you CAN kill the enemies you mentioned, but not bother with the weak enemies that everyone can kill quickly. One of the biggest complains I've seen is "But by the time I mark an enemy my allies will have killed it...". Why mark such a low priority enemy at all? I think it's better Ash focus on marking enemies that require a lot more hits to kill, LIKE the ancients and Heykas. It takes me 2-4 sniper rifle shots to kill some of these enemies at higher levels, if someone can clean them up faster it would be welcome.

And yeah unfortunately until you get to very high lvl, most enemies can just get wiped by AoE weapons without much thought. In lower level missions, Ash's effectiveness will probably drop comparing to that of ember.

Why target low enemies... because like i said for the game modes you'll use him for hes defending or exterminating hes mostly a defensive killing frame. Why should i bladestorm get caught on one of the enemies i meantion for what seems like forever for him to not even to kill it??

I know what you mean i can use tigirs and take them out when ever but i'd rather not have too , n definitely rather not sit there with a weak health wise frame trying to mark ONE enemy. I also actually use all his abilitys all but invisibility so those enemies i just do teleport stealth kill WHEN I CAN...

I dont believe they will even fix that since i am almost definitely sure they probably dont even know or dont care about that. Most people dont even use him for anything higher than lvl 60.

Holding it down will just make ash a supeeeeeeeer try hard frame more than he already is. I can see it already just like mag i dont ever see anyone using mag for what her rework was for shes dead on console... so will ash just not enough invisibility time so you can hold down to mark youre enemies instead of his 18 kill count be like 5-10 . His first ability kills faster now....


Edited by (PS4)Raider_Duece
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I don't understand why they are trying to ruin ash with the blade storm change if people find it boring they can play another warframe those of us that love ash for the room cleaner that he is are getting the shaft and after all the play that I purchased to build ash for blade storm I should have a choice of how my blade storm works like maybe ad a mod that changes the way it works instead of forcing people to completely change the way they play a frame they love

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On 10/20/2016 at 11:08 PM, Greuey said:

I don't understand why they are trying to ruin ash with the blade storm change if people find it boring they can play another warframe those of us that love ash for the room cleaner that he is are getting the shaft and after all the play that I purchased to build ash for blade storm I should have a choice of how my blade storm works like maybe ad a mod that changes the way it works instead of forcing people to completely change the way they play a frame they love

I agree, there are plenty of warframes made and more to come, 95% of the warframes I hate and don't play them at all so I stick to the ones I like a lot. And by the looks of what they are doing to Ash, it's obvious the Devs aren't listening to people, they say they are listening to the community, but they aren't listening to the fans of that specific warframe. It's sad honestly, they could do better if they worked with people who actually enjoy that warframe a lot rather than "Here, we made it different, now everybody can play it" and then the community goes "...meh, still not my type.". This is what happened to mesa and saryn, maybe even mag. people ask for a rework, rather than listening, they made it a different way and now the same people don't play them and newcomers aren't interested in them cept for rank farming.

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Yes, THAT rework. The long and short of it, for me, is that it's cool but impractical. Marking enemies is much more strategic and tactical, but is exceedingly difficult at high levels. The nice thing about Bladestorm, or at least in the way that I use it since I main Ash P, is that I can give myself, and my squad mates, breathing room when/if we're overwhelmed. For me, Ash is the quintessential ninja frame, a unique hybrid of Excalibur and Loki... at least that's how I play him. With how fast paced the game is/can be, I find it almost disappointing that I'll have to mark targets, at and expense, I might add, to kill less... this isn't a rework, it's a nerf overhaul. IF there's no going back on this "rework" I suggest changing the Bladestorm augment so that it could change Bladestorm back to how it is now. This way players can augment Ash for higher level content where Bladestorm was already in balance. 

This "rework" is basically nerfing Bladestorm to a limited simultaneous lethal teleport which is wholly not unique since Ash already can do that without Bladestorm, it's only slightly different. I mean, with the proposed changes, why would anyone use Bladestorm at all when you can lethal teleport? Granted it's single target, but at least you'll kill that target which isn't even a guarantee with the reworked Bladestorm. The current Bladestorm should stay and be rebalanced if anything.

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4 minutes ago, Gameverseman said:

Ever think that maybe people don't want it to be finalized? Hence the point of the post...

To my knowledge, DE hasn't finalized what Blade Storm will be yet, they only released one of their potential options for it. Until they officially release their set course of action for Blade Storm's rework, there's no use in complaining, "don't nerf Blade Storm because I can't live without a Press-4-To-Instantly-Win ability," because it's not constructive and is only senseless ranting.

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I had big hopes that the reworked BS would get some synergy with Ash's other abilities :-/ Something similar to the Saryn rewok.
Read some amazing concepts over the last few Months. To me this change feels a bit half assed tbh.

Well, it's something at least. Let's see how it turns out.

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On 9/18/2016 at 7:17 PM, Darkwave1098 said:

None if his abilities directly synergize with each other. That and Bladestorm is boring as hell.

Really?  I like Bladestorm, press 4 and he stabs entire rooms to death. 


I only recently got Ash to drop and made him, and been using his #4 to get Cosmic specters and then escape using 4.  Makes it easy.  Its amusing to kill entire groups of mobs in seconds....

This new rework doesnt actually sound like its lends itself well to a fast paced Warframe battle..needing to ttake the time to sit and mark all your targets, in a frame as soft as Ash.

Edited by KnightCole
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9 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

Really?  I like Bladestorm, press 4 and he stabs entire rooms to death. 


I only recently got Ash to drop and made him, and been using his #4 to get Cosmic specters and then escape using 4.  Makes it easy.  Its amusing to kill entire groups of mobs in seconds....

This new rework doesnt actually sound like its lends itself well to a fast paced Warframe battle..needing to ttake the time to sit and mark all your targets, in a frame as soft as Ash.

Ash is significantly tankier than most other warframes.

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