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The War Within: Hotfix 19.0.2


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Still no fix for:

1.Player teleports to weird location and falls off the map when pressing 5, especially play as client. After that, memory leaks and FPS drops heavily. (FPS drops from 120 to 20, almost frozen sometimes.)

2.Operator displays wrong appearance as client, and my operator's gender is reversed (body figure changed from female to male).

3.Ancient Disruptors' auras stack again (despite an official patch note said it has been fixed):

4.Carrier's ammo mutation problem:

5.Heavy blade frontal finisher deals extremely low damage: (even Galatine P deals a lot less melee finisher damage than other weapons)

6.Mutalist Osprey Carrier can attack when stunned, blinded and sleeping:

7.Fatal teleport bug:
 -If the targeted enemy is moving fast enough (such as a running Charger), the finisher will fail.
 -Some melee classes may fail to trigger finishers on certain types of enemies.
   *Nikana series will fail to trigger finishers against Infested targets.
   *Several melee classes will fail to trigger finishers against Corpus MOA type units.
   *Infested MOA type units can not be finished by any melee weapon.

8.Blade Storm losing melee combo on all robotic and machinery type enemies:

9.Dead enemies remain staying / weird animations when killed by melee weapons mod for GAS status: (this is different to the ancient's T-pose bug)

10.When using overlay map, the player indicator is no longer at the top layer, it's on the bottom. It can be covered by enemies, allies, loots and interception towers... simply everything.

11.Enemy proc through our status immunity abilities: (this is not really fixed)

12.Grineer Scorch hit box and damage problems (it even ignores frost's globe):

13.Polearms and heavy blades and are misplaced when holstered. Different frames have different offset so it's not possible to fix it manually.

14.Sobek's Acid Shells effect bug:

15.Grineer rampart and blunt are missing their health bar, and there is no damage number when you hit blunt with your weapon.

16.Hysterical Assault falls off the map:

17.Nyx's Pacifying Bolts doesn't work sometimes:

18.Sonicor, Gamacor, Atomos and some are now holstered horizontally (180o off).



Why is overlay map zoomed in so much now? I use it when I want to see more areas.
Can you revert it please?


Edited by aerosoul1337
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Riven mods, are the worst thing to happen to this game, they are unpredictable and a random addition to the game where guaranteed progression is a staple of the game. i want everyone to raise their voices and get them to change it to be less random and more predictable.

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Yeahh! The War Within has started.... (inside your computer)

Nothing work, when you try to do [Hit "our special key" for transference], you are freeze or stuck (coz your comp  personal data has be "transferred" to a hacker who work for CIA, DGSE FSB  or MI-6 perhaps a Porn site if you are a bad guy?

Naaa Dakota, you wrong It's a "Stalker attak"....:angry:

Hooo! Really? You sure? Help me, help me I'm not a "bad guy".....:facepalm:

"Transference done" All data has been recovered! End of transmission!

and Lotus say "you make a good work, no detection" go to extraction....:crylaugh:

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Even after the hotfixes, stealth now becomes even more bugged up than usual:

1. Enemy corpses that has been disintegrated via channeling, corrosive, blast, fire, and even the new weapon's desecrate function will still alert enemies that happens to walk near their supposedly non-existent corpses (Sometimes I still get prompts for desecrating them when killed with the stated methods, even when the bodies aren't visible anymore).

2. Stealth affinity multiplier seems to be broken right now (and not because of the alerted enemies, I made sure that each kill was using a stealth finisher). Tested using a painfully slow stealth run in Sedna's Adaro (Exterminate), along with a +15% standing syndicate sigil. The results were still the same as if I were to go in guns blazing with blaring alarms, around 1,2k standings (before TWW, this method was able to yield up to 10k standings in one go). Same goes with the focus gain, where my Loki only got around 780 focus points duting that same run.


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3 minutes ago, ShadowNumb said:
  Reveal hidden contents

So what will happen  if I chosed only the WHITE (good) path ?


I did white and  the animation was a bit different from other paths, also last battle has different endings. But colors in profile is white all the time, no matter the path you choosed, also end is the same, just the words.

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Requesting a small fix.. When I played an archwing alert (Not sure which vs some level 20-30 grineer) to get the Ember Backdraft helm. I suddenly ended up Losing my Archwing (Itzal) for the rest of the level. It was kinda Hilarious walking around in space as an Excalibur armed with Arch weapons. And yes I could radial blind on archwing enemies.

I suspect its a result of the new addition of space to land transitions in the kuva fortress.

Please rectify this 


PS. War within is just    AMAZING

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49 minutes ago, Darkvramp said:

Riven mods, are the worst thing to happen to this game, they are unpredictable and a random addition to the game where guaranteed progression is a staple of the game. i want everyone to raise their voices and get them to change it to be less random and more predictable.

its a good mechanic.! Deal withit




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My friends and me aborted the first mission of the War Within Quest, to be able to Scan Teshin more then one once.
(We aborted after we caught him, so we were already able to extract)

Now we can't get the mission get started again. As long as we are locked out of the Quest we can't do Sorties anymore.

We did an integrity and optimized the cache, so we dont think its a local problem.


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Here's one I haven't seen in ages that suddenly decided to rear its ugly head (in a mission with a Kuva Siphon, no less):

Sedna, Extermination.
1 enemy left, pointing to extraction point.
No enemy to be found - anywhere.

Tried running back to the beginning to tease the enemy into spawning, no dice.
Tried AoEing the enemy, no dice.

Solved, but not really. Found additional bug.

Decided to try doing that thing we just learnt in TWW, and eventually did it up against the wall.
This caused both to clip through it and fall, and it was repeatable, reliably so.
3rd time I did this, I ended up dying, with 0 Affinity, and only my Sentinel and its weapon equipped.
The "dephase" animation and sound played repeatedly.
And a Maniac laughed (no, really - but I think I know why).




1. Doing what we learnt in TTW can easily be used to clip through walls.
2. Fix Vaubans abilities.
2.1 Vortex jumps like there's no tomorrow at times, as if shot out by a cannon, ending up on whatever wall happens to stop it; directionality and incline seems to be largely irrelevant, it will merely dart off at high speed in a random direction and stick there. Happens roughly 1/8 times, 1/20 if you remember to slow down (preferably stop altogether) before tossing the grenade. This is generally an issue with all grenades, but it's mostly apparent with Vortex, as you're more often inclined to try and use it more precisely than the other abilities.
2.2 Bastille causes some enemies to glitch out, and have for a while now. As hinted at above, a Maniac caught in the field may become permanently invisible and refuse to attack (nor be attacked, iirc - or just very hard to relocate due to lack of auditorial cues)

Additional notes:


I believe the Kuva Siphon bug may be caused by desyncing the respawning of Kuva Guardians with the Kuva Cloud?
Say, you kill both Guardians, then consume cloud => fine.
2 new Guardians spawn, you kill them, then consume cloud => fine

However, if you:
Consume cloud, kill both Guardians => fine.
Kill both Guardians, consume cloud => uh-oh
Cloud refuses to spawn, Guardians spawn endlessly.

Will have to test it some more, but just now in the mission that bugged out for a different reason, trying to strictly adhere to the A-B-A-B fomula didn't cause any problems; whether due to chance or not, I don't know.


Edited by Santiak
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Please look at a controller support issue in the War Within quest (spoilered)


When I have my left bumper on my Xbox controller set to "hold to crouch" so I can roll by tapping it, it completely prevents my Operator from crouching, thereby preventing him from dashing. I have to choose between a working Operator with toggle crouch, or a Warframe that can't roll and a button map I'm not used to with hold crouch. Could you please fix it so that hold to crouch works with the Operator?

That one issue aside, thank you so much for all you've been doing DE. I know you're exhausted from making the quest and fixing bugs, and we all love you for the amazing dedication you put into this game.

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