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Riven mods are NOT a mistake!


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I keep seeing a lot of messages / upvotes about how "riven mods are wrong", "rivengate" and so on... While everyone may express their opinion about how good or bad this new system is, I believe it is wrong to give it such a despiccable look. DE has made an enormous effort IMHO to bring us closer to a real endgame by introducing this hunt for rare, random and possibly extremely powerful assets, that we may take days or weeks to acquire, and that in the end are absolutely personnal, since we get to reroll them how we want (at some price of course, but way worth it).

So please, stop trying to induce DE into thinking they shouldnt have done what they did. It is a great step forward, a way to give Warframe another reason to be played with more excitement, and a way to finally use fun but otherwise bad weapons that were taking dust in our arsenals, waiting for an improbable buff.

Wouldn't you agree?

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I don't agree either but everyone's thoughts are relative so I see and respect your position...
Riven mods are going to be another one of those things that divide the community's opinion a lot ;

we'll see how good / bad this is going to be only with time.

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People are going to look at the best weapons and rolls of the optimal stats for the best weapons and blame the whole system on being a mistake for that reason alone.  Too few want to look back at the older weapons because "they suck" and only want to focus on the best weapons, even if the overwhelming majority of the game is in the 1-45 level range.

This game is practically done with thinking like that.

While I like the concept, I don't like the methods to acquiring Riven mods, as they basically demand the same line of thought as my first paragraph to get them in the first place.

Edited by Littleman88
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as much as I like the way these mods work they could have done something more to contemplate the power these mods bring

the average content that could be considered end game because everyone can access it is sorties yet we only get 1 a day and they don't go any higher than lvl 100

they could have added a 3 tier sortie system so we have 3 sets a day > instead they scale up to lvl 500 enemies to sort of really make these mods have a meaningful place

with higher power you need something to try that against..

I do really like what they did with the mods just had bad luck with sorties so far. 

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6 minutes ago, S0ulCal1ber said:

with higher power you need something to try that against...

Well, the new endless fissure scaling bonuses top at rotation 19 (19 msgs interception / 95 waves-minutes in def-surv / 3800 cryotic) which is not exactly your average midgame level you know? If you want to get all the goodies, you better be ready to face the 400s, because with that many waves you will see them.

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27 minutes ago, Markael said:

I keep seeing a lot of messages / upvotes about how "riven mods are wrong", "rivengate" and so on...

That happens because it's true.

27 minutes ago, Markael said:

While everyone may express their opinion about how good or bad this new system is, I believe it is wrong to give it such a despiccable look.

If the mechanic is bad it will obviously look bad.

27 minutes ago, Markael said:

DE has made an enormous effort IMHO to bring us closer to a real endgame by introducing this hunt for rare, random and possibly extremely powerful assets, that we may take days or weeks to acquire

Don't even use that as an argument. They just introduced a broken feature that we can once again only obtain through completing the same sorties all over again. Do you enjoy that "endgame"? Because I know of a lot of users that don't.

27 minutes ago, Markael said:

So please, stop trying to induce DE into thinking they shouldnt have done what they did.

It is a fact that they should have not done what they did, and even if they "had to", there are one million ways to proper introduce a feature like that.

27 minutes ago, Markael said:

It is a great step forward, a way to give Warframe another reason to be played with more excitement

Yes! I'm definitely looking forward a Riven Mod for my Tonkor with an unrealistic ammount of raw and elemental damage so I can cheese my missions even more easily!


Don't get me wrong, I like that you're trying to be optimistic here, but just face reality. Haven't you noticed how awful Riven Mods are? Hell, I'm a PS4 player and even I'm afraid of what's about to come.

"Riven Mods are a mistake" - 2k16

Edited by (PS4)x_RaiLight_x
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21 minutes ago, Markael said:

 DE has made an enormous effort IMHO to bring us closer to a real endgame by introducing this hunt for rare, random and possibly extremely powerful assets, that we may take days or weeks to acquire

Sortie usually takes less then a 30 minutes to complete. I would not call it any meaning full end game.

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For op weapons the riven mods are practically useless. The tonkor can 1-2 shot a level 100 eximus with ease, with the riven mod just say that instead of 2 quick shots it takes 1 only now. This upgrade to it is practically useless unless your going for a 3 hour long survival or something. However, for weapons like the tetra and karak this is life changing. The riven mods allow me and other to use these weaker mods into sorties and actually put a dent in enemy health and armour. 

I will agree the system need some fine tuning. 1 is that kuva seplon should spawn more. 2 some loss are worse  than others (loss of impact on a weapon with no impact vs -130% multishot ... fair am I right) 3. The kuva reroll limit should be 2000 or something.




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1 minute ago, Autongnosis said:

Well, the new endless fissure scaling bonuses top at rotation 19 (19 msgs interception / 95 waves-minutes in def-surv / 3800 cryotic) which is not exactly your average midgame level you know? If you want to get all the goodies, you better be ready to face the 400s, because with that many waves you will see them.

I was referring to something that can accessed by completing a few quests and lvling a warframe. have a bit more to the sortie system would mean being able to jump straight into that kind of content also DE can collect abit more info in scaling to rework them on top of that.

I know staying for 30+ waves in defense starts becoming challenging eventually it gets almost impossible lol but its more of have unique rewards for going that long which aint a prime part or forma would seem a bit more rewarding.  

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To title, Riven mod are partially a mistake. Bad implementation. Seems to be chased by PW.

38 minutes ago, Markael said:


... ... possibly extremely powerful assets, that we may take days or weeks to acquire, and that in the end are absolutely personnal, since we get to reroll them how we want (at some price of course, but way worth it).

So please, stop trying to induce DE into thinking they shouldnt have done what they did. It is a great step forward, a way to give Warframe another reason to be played with more excitement, and a way to finally use fun but otherwise bad weapons that were taking dust in our arsenals, waiting for an improbable buff.

Wouldn't you agree?

That's assuming that Riven mod can't be traded. If it's surpose to takes days/weeks/months, why there are screenshots of meta Riven mods now? ie, SOMA/ TONKOR/ *Ball shooter rifle*

And Riven mod was released, like... 4 days??

Sometime, when a Developer goes the wrong way, community or anyone should sound out. They are the players, they buy plats which create sales of plats to DE. No online game can survive without in-put of cash from players. Not that i'm tell/ encouraging DE to make the whole game P2W, Pay2Lead, Pay2Own, etc.

The system (old.pre-TWW) of WF makes it a casual game, where any player can join (except for exclusive mod) to play with other older players. ie, TIME SPEND IN WF =/= OP-INESS. You could play on par without spending a $ (no slots tho)

But now... Riven mod = OP. Unless you have the RNG' luck or RNG favors you, you will NEVER get it.

Off-topic: I will settle for Riven mod like a normal update 'IF' DE increase mod cost according to mod cost as per each effects. ie, a Riven mod with +x%damage, +x% multishot should have the SUM mod cost of an equivalent mod cost as per Serration (Rifle, w relevant buff), Split chamber (Rifle, w relevant buff)

Edited by low1991
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Wouldn't you agree? 


I disagree entirely. We're free to describe things however we want and to try convince DE of whatever we want.

Different people find different things fun. What we have is some number of players letting DE know how they think a game mechanic will impact their fun. DE are not mind readers, how else are they supposed to know? I'm not even saying players know best or have a better understanding than the devs. Often the players' perspectives are narrower and the dev's broader, especially when it comes to proposing solutions. That doesn't mean devs always get it right, either. All arguments should be taken on their merits. DE are not obliged to agree, or cater to any one group, but I hope they at least keep their ears open.

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So I'm guessing those new War Within enemies require all this extra firepower right?.....right? And you're like holy **** it's those really super difficult guys and your buddeh is like don't worry I farmed those riven mods we'll make it of this yet ol chum.

Okay, maybe not. But for a new modding system it sounds promising. Maybe if it was more of a mixed bag than just straight damage boost. Aren't there a bunch of utility mods no one uses because they take up damage slots?

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Those who dont agree basically doesnt get a good riven mod. Thats why they make Reasons like:

1. Powercreep on meta weapons. Are they blind? if you dont like the powercreep on meta weapons, just buff the underpowered weapon and nerf the overpowered ones, without blaming the mod. And Powercreep on Meta Weapon already exist since ancient time, where were you till now?

2. RNGesus. Are you not playing warframe till now? From the part of prime grind, mods grind, even the arcane energize farm, are all around RNG. Why suddenly you blame the mod  has to change? Arcane Energize is a game breaking but acceptable?

If DE going to nerf all riven mod of meta weapons, wait for the next 3 months, those underpowered weapon that become a new meta weapon should get a nerf also?

You guys need to accept that there are God Tier Weapon in game, and it is in every game. You want to stick to braton till endgame? well you can do it with riven mod now. But dont push people who still want to use simulor.

I agree the existing Riven Mods to be remain as it is. If DE would like to change it, nerf or whatever can do for the new batch riven mods.

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Or we can just use the forum the way its meant, constantly giving feedback to parts of the game. Especially with Riven mods, which is a new system and at its current state needs a lot of improvement.

I mean, personally, I couldn't care less about game balance. I've partly lost hope and have grown to enjoy the sheer broken-ness of this game. But let's not start telling people what to do and what to not do. Complaining is still feedback. Although some posts certainly could've been worded better and in a less rude manner.

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And her we are. DE gives us a taste of end game, and even a reason to do sorties, and people complain. Give us a lack of end game, and people complain more. DE can't really win anymore.

I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that the game's player base has become so entitled to their own wants that DE can't do anything right anymore.

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10 minutes ago, Green_Alien said:

And her we are. DE gives us a taste of end game, and even a reason to do sorties, and people complain. Give us a lack of end game, and people complain more. DE can't really win anymore.

I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that the game's player base has become so entitled to their own wants that DE can't do anything right anymore.

Love how entitled is the go to word for people with no idea what they're talking about.

How are Riven mods a taste of end game? Is the end game just going to be a giant lottery? Cause that's the only end game these could imply. You fanboys really needs to dial back your fanaticism. These mods are poorly implemented and go contrary to what DE said would be coming (something that would make older, weaker weapons more viable - not RNG that super-charges the top tier weapons)

Riven mods are not end game, nothing to do with end game. In fact they poison the idea of there ever actually being any end game content now as they either balance around the OP riven mods and the game becomes pay to play in the end game as otherwise you don't have a chance without a ridiculous Riven mod OR they don't balance around Riven mods and the people with stupidly powerful Riven mods just breeze through it.

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2 hours ago, Markael said:

since we get to reroll them how we want

Only we don't, because it's all RNG.

Riven system can be good, but it has significant flaws as of now. DE can fix it, but they need to do it ASAP, instead of doing their favourite "Wait for 2 years before doing a full rework that might still have issues".

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2 minutes ago, WereFowl said:

Love how entitled is the go to word for people with no idea what they're talking about.

How are Riven mods a taste of end game? Is the end game just going to be a giant lottery? Cause that's the only end game these could imply. You fanboys really needs to dial back your fanaticism. These mods are poorly implemented and go contrary to what DE said would be coming (something that would make older, weaker weapons more viable - not RNG that super-charges the top tier weapons)

Riven mods are not end game, nothing to do with end game. In fact they poison the idea of there ever actually being any end game content now as they either balance around the OP riven mods and the game becomes pay to play in the end game as otherwise you don't have a chance without a ridiculous Riven mod OR they don't balance around Riven mods and the people with stupidly powerful Riven mods just breeze through it.

The introduction of Riven to the game meant that you could basically choose the weapon/weapons that you like and build it with Riven mods, not infected clip, not storm bringer. It is a reason for vets to play sorties and farm Kuva (not fond of this though) to reroll your Rivens so that you get desirable affixes. Currently, I have 3 Riven mods. One for Penta, Gorgon, and Supra. I don;t like the Penta, but I love the Supra and I like the Gorgon. With the mods, I heavily forma'd both of them and I am currently in the hunt to find a second Riven for either of them. 

Hell, if you don't see that as endgame, you could use these "OP" Riven mods, as you'd like to call them, and go on endless missions, since the endless fissures are somehow back.

And yes, I still stand on what I said about the player base being entitled. Nerf (balance) frames or weapons, and people get mad. Release new mods to promote build diversity and people call them "OP". Nobody can win with you guys any more. 

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