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Valkyr Prime design lore discussion


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Before you read this just know it has a LOT OF THE WAR WITHIN SPOILERS!





You have been warned.














In the war within we a line from the queens that is something close to: after all we made these puppets.

WHOA HOLD UP! I forgot that grineer and corpus were orokin slaves! So long theory short, what if corpus DID have a hand in making valkyre when the orokin empire was still producing warframes and the crewman were their engineers...after all, if the dumb grineer could..why not the corpus?


P.S. If this isn't what DE intended in their lore and just messed up, I make NO excuses for them.



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7 minutes ago, MokutoBunshi said:

Before you read this just know it has a LOT OF THE WAR WITHIN SPOILERS!

You have been warned.

In the war within we a line from the queens that is something close to: after all we made these puppets.

WHOA HOLD UP! I forgot that grineer and corpus were orokin slaves! So long theory short, what if corpus DID have a hand in making valkyre when the orokin empire was still producing warframes and the crewman were their engineers...after all, if the dumb grineer could..why not the corpus?


P.S. If this isn't what DE intended in their lore and just messed up, I make NO excuses for them.


U actually know that the grineer queens are Orokin right.... it's not like they were refering to the grineer but to the orokin building the metal puppets!

Just to be sure.

P.S. I really can't wait to see what will be DE's explanation for this design for her.

Edited by Bazools
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1 minute ago, Keltik0ne said:

Giving her 3 v polarities is bad enough ...... At least you can put the gersemi skin on her.

I think I answered this in another thread, but... "being able to put the Gersemi skin on her" doesn't count. That's basically giving up on the Prime body, instead of actually having a Prime body inspired on Gersemi. So... it's an escape, not a solution.

I managed to get a better look at her model in the shop window and in the trailer (which has NO LORE DIALOGUE WHATSOEVER) and there are more similarities with the Mangled Valkyr, including gilded equivalents of the "sutures" and "links" on her legs, and the detached armor shape on her shoulders.

Weirder still, the part where the tail would be attached (which is clearly there in the Mangled Valkyr, as an open socket) is covered by a golden piece in the Valkyr Prime, instead of actually having a tail. Which means they HAD the chance to make a continuity nod to Gersemi there, but somehow they didn't.

Meanwhile, the armor around her spine is open and spiky, reminiscent of the (forcibly) open armor in the Mangled Valkyr.

Basically her whole motif points to the Mangled Valkyr, which basically breaks the Valkyr timeline by ignoring Gersemi altogether.

...The only awesome thing I saw was the helmet. Whole, unique, still feline enough and with gilded bits that resemble at the same time a halo and helmet winglets, which point to her Valkyrie motif.

So... her helmet was spot on. Her body was not.

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I kinda agree was a bit let down not seeing a trailer for one of the controversial frames next to equinox with her male/female forms which is now female/female and nova prime with the council thing and the bigger question is why is she sporting things from her corpus tortured form instead of full gersemeni its quite baffling.

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Seems the OP hasnt read all of the lore appearantly it was bad to be twins among the orokin for whatever god forsaken reason so they were banished amongst the grineer and there they were made the queen of the grineer in leading them for the rebellion. As to where this is i forgot either its simaris in the relay or the kurias found around the star map either way gl finding it.

Edit: Said all this but forgot to say what my point was; twin queens are banished orokin for being twins so they arent full grineer or whatever that means to you.

Edited by Omnipower
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3 minutes ago, Omnipower said:

I kinda agree was a bit let down not seeing a trailer for one of the controversial frames next to equinox with her male/female forms which is now female/female and nova prime with the council thing and the bigger question is why is she sporting things from her corpus tortured form instead of full gersemeni its quite baffling.

the whole design seems a little rushed honestly. 

did they explain how she fits into the valkyrs lore? or are they just ignoring that? 

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Corpus worship the Orokin and spend a lot of time trying to understand their technology. I am not really sure why it is hard for people to figure that Valkyr is a stripped prime variant or a shoddy attempt to imitate the Prime design with their limited understanding of Orokin tech. Valkyr is essentially the Warframe version of the Braton.

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4 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

considering how cool the Vauban and Necros ones where why was this one so phoned in and rushed? 

Theres 2 frames, 1 (or 2) delux skins coming in less than 40 days and they have to fit everything they said they'd do this year. Dosn't look like the art team at de has time to spend working on a full cenematic clip, so it's not like it was unexpected. 

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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3 minutes ago, Omnipower said:

Seems the OP hasnt read all of the lore appearantly it was bad to be twins among the orokin for whatever god forsaken reason so they were banished amongst the grineer and there they were made the queen of the grineer in leading them for the rebellion. As to where this is i forgot either its simaris in the relay or the kurias found around the star map either way gl finding it.

Edit: Said all this but forgot to say what my point was; twin queens are banished orokin for being twins so they arent full grineer or whatever that means to you.

The more you know.



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1 minute ago, morningstar999 said:

the whole design seems a little rushed honestly. 

did they explain how she fits into the valkyrs lore? or are they just ignoring that? 

no they didnt add anything to the lore in her description but gersemeni description said before the experiments was gersemeni(not sure if i been spelling this right this whole time so forgive me on this XD) so thats why im confused as to why is her prime of post torture and not pre torture??

2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

The trailer's not this one, it's still being worked on I believe...

@[DE]Danielle, @[DE]Megan, @[DE]Drew or @[DE]Rebecca may be able to confirm though :)

i hope so cause many tenno wish to know what the original of the original looks like or even explain how she got caught maybe idk.

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