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The War Within: 19.1.0 Ash Revisited


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There has got to have been a better way to rework Bladestorm, or Ash in general.  The changes to Smokescreen and Teleport were nice.. but Bladestorm doesn't feel any better to use, essentially a straight nerf.  The premise of it was good, but the execution was so-so.

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21 minutes ago, A_Midget_Walrus said:

What im saying is that it doesnt belong on the Sortie table. Maybe boost the Sabotage drop rate. Maybe make some other means of getting it(Crafting/Uranus? The flavortext mentions underwater vents, maybe have it drop from something like that on the underwater tiles). But the sorties are designed to be endgame, meaning a lot of the people playing them are those "vets who can play so long as to be hemmorhaging every possible type of resource", so why put in an entirely dead drop for those players.


(Also in case you need help getting Nitain, go get that app that tells you the alerts. I had it when i was grinding Ivara and it made getting Nitain waay faster)

I do have it. Except the reason I'm locked down in timing is because I'm not home. I know every time a nitain alert hits. But chances are I'm on campus, at work, or in bed. When I'm doing homework I have a bit more freedom, but I try to avoid distractions.

I'm okay with DE adjusting the sortie tables. Mainly because, well, it helps appeal to a slightly more broad playerbase. I'm a vet by most definitions, I just don't have more free time than I know what to do with. Maybe this isn't the perfect solution, but it is one that I, personally can settle for.

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3 minutes ago, 8era said:

Really ash's ultimate is what made him worth playing, now he's just useless, i'm starting to think that the warframe team doesn't want warframes to have good abilities.

Indeed, if one wants invisibility, there's Ivara and Loki. Ash was never a "spy" frame. 

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1 minute ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

I do have it. Except the reason I'm locked down in timing is because I'm not home. I know every time a nitain alert hits. But chances are I'm on campus, at work, or in bed. When I'm doing homework I have a bit more freedom, but I try to avoid distractions.

I'm okay with DE adjusting the sortie tables. Mainly because, well, it helps appeal to a slightly more broad playerbase. I'm a vet by most definitions, I just don't have more free time than I know what to do with. Maybe this isn't the perfect solution, but it is one that I, personally can settle for.

I see and agree with the fact that the current Nitain system is broken/bad for more casual/busy players. I just think its a really garbage reward for Sorties, and would be much better for Invasion missions, since this just adds another non-on-demand way to get it, when we really need a way to farm it quickly/efficiently.(that and it would bring more interest into Invasion missions)

Or. Maybe put it into PvP? At the very least itd get a few more people queuing for Conclave ;P


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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Regarding Nitain specifically, the majority of our recently active players have less than 9 Nitain in their accounts and there is considerable interest in some new ways to acquire, so we are trying out Sorties as an option.

Wouldnt like to get nitain as a reward from sorties. Id rather get my nitain from alerts when I need it as usual, and have sorties reward me sortie-goodies, be it 2k endo or a lens.

Nice update. Thanks for fixes.  can't wait to check out old ash :)


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Im writing this in hopes that the devs are actually listening like they say they are but ... the rework of bladestorm is very clunky, i tried to keep an open mind about it and have been trying it over and over to see if its really as bad as i first thought or if im still comparing it to the previous version somewhere in my head.  i can understand why there is a tiny delay between marking targets but when you are marking mutliple targets those little delays add up to me taking an uncomfortable amount of damage.  and if you intended for me to use smoke screen to mark while invisible (atm i changed my dur so he has 9 seconds) thats great unless theyre in a group and im trying to mark individuals instead of holding the right click and sweeping left and right with the reticle hoping ill get lucky and mark them all.  i realize this rework was a long time coming and probably alot of effort and brainstorming went into this but .... very unhappy with ash, would sum up everything i want to say

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I just played with Ash...and...holy. 
This is not a nerf. For...one little reason. 


That means INFINITE TARGETS. INFINITE. You just have to run, target...and done.

Well...the rest it's nice. I guess. Love the changes for the 2°, it's more smooth to use. 

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Yeeeeessss, cry you 4 to win users who are throwing away your ashes. CRY! your tears will norish me for days to come! om nom nom! 

in all seriousness, i have been loning for this rework for a while now... and if you cant guess by my icon i main ash. he is my number 1 played frame. why? his versital build. oh whats that? you duno what that is? its when you remove the narrow minded mod from yourself (not your warframe, your actual, physical phsyche) and say, oh hey, he also has other usefull abilitys on his toolbelt rather then a rush exterminate build. 

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3 hours ago, --Q--NinjaMann said:

hehehehe, I've waited for soo long for ash to be nerfed to oblivion.

To QQ NinjaMann - I guess you're glad that you might now be able to get the most kills at the reward screen, as if that's why people grind out the same missions day-in and day-out? You're welcome to Conclave if you wish to compete. 


As for the changes: I can't believe you've nerfed Ash into the dirt. Now, each Blade Storm - if one is even able to use it - would take 270 energy to do the same exact thing it did before, and if one is stealthed, would still take 180 to do the same. Are you kidding me right now? 

His ultimate is insanely useless now. Completely and utterly useless, which makes him useless given his stealth is crap, and his health/shield is merely "ok." What you guys have done here is listen to a bunch of QQ people who get mad when they aren't on the top at the end of the map. 

What you have done here - while claiming to be pro-participation - is cater to people who run off on their own in a survival map, refuse to bother reviving other players while standing right next to them, and just do 'whatever' they can to steal kills or just try and solo and multiplayer mission. 

So you claim you want participation yet you have CLEARLY disregarded those that play as a team. Those who play as a team need Ash for his crowd-control and highly utilitarian ulti, which is perfect in all but the most intense Corpus areas. 

And if you look back through this thread you'll see that posts complaining of the nerf have far more "likes" than those praising the nerf. So I'm not sure which community you're listening to but it isn't the vast majority that I run into on a daily basis. 

And adding "forma" to sorties. . . . . umm. . . what?? Something that can only be done once a day, is very difficult (well, compared to other things), and is completed only to receive Riven mods and you think it's fine to add Forma? Something we can run 1 survival mission and walk away with 3/4. . . . 

The Nitain Extract needs to be something constructable that uses up all these resources I have stockpiled that I'm never going to use. How about doing that? Make it extremely resource intensive and a drop in the way Forma is dropping today. . . . 

But come on guys. This is just absurd. 

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1 minute ago, Colin248 said:

Yeeeeessss, cry you 4 to win users who are throwing away your ashes. CRY! your tears will norish me for days to come! om nom nom! 

in all seriousness, i have been loning for this rework for a while now... and if you cant guess by my icon i main ash. he is my number 1 played frame. why? his versital build. oh whats that? you duno what that is? its when you remove the narrow minded mod from yourself (not your warframe, your actual, physical phsyche) and say, oh hey, he also has other usefull abilitys on his toolbelt rather then a rush exterminate build. 

Good for you.

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Ok here's my gripe and two cents with sorties:

  • Endo - The difference between 2k Endo and 4k Endo isn't really all that much - I don't know if you guys are trying to starve us of Endo to force us to farm for it by playing the game more but I really don't feel that is the way to do it. If you want to reward us with Endo, give us a good amount at least and 2k is just laughable. 4k is "ok" but I would like to see 5k at least. Imo you should just remove 2k Endo altogether and don't replace it with another Endo reward, just buff the 4k Endo reward and leave it at that.
  • Forma and Nitain - Just remove that altogether - I get that according to your statistics players may need these but find another way to give them to the player - perhaps put them in sabotage caches in the void (chance increase based on enemy level) add 2 more really high level sabotage nodes at the end of the void node paths. This will give people a reason to actually play the void nodes... You would see Void sabotage mission play time sky rocket and a reason for new players to unlock the void nodes.
  • Lenses - I think it's time to retire these things and replace them with greater lenses entirely. Since a lot of the farming nerfs it's actually been quite difficult for new players to farm focus to reap the benefits. You'll be doing everyone a favor by just removing normal lenses altogether from the sorties and just leaving the greater lenses in it's place. Then put the normal lenses elsewhere in the game - maybe you can also add them to the Void Sabotage as I had mentioned previously.
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I will be sooooo upset when I get 3 Nitain or a Forma as Sortie reward .... 
I know you wanted to fix sortie rewards but seriously, with adding Nitain/Forma I would prefer the old reward table to stay :( 

I feel really sorry for an unlucky guy who gets Nitain reward few times in a row ... RNG man :(


Also, it would be nice too look at animations & jumps - seems there are some movement locked out (ie. roll or jump is not working until current animation is finished)
it makes the game feel VERY unresponsible and I have to keep pressing jump/roll few times (even if in split of a second) until it actually works



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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Blade Storm now has a new 'Mark Enemy' mode that is activated when you hit 4. Ash enters target mode, which you can freely target enemies with your reticule up to 3 times each for attack. Once you're satisfied, press 4 again, Blade Storm begins and all targeted enemies are attacked!

So, we've gone from each mark costing 5.5 energy at bast to 15 energy at base. Now with the added requirements of LoS. This is not a rework. This is a straight up nerf!

3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Enemies killed by Blade Storm will dissolve, leaving no corpse behind to detect!

Great, that won't annoy every single Nekros player.

3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Please note that we will be closely monitoring your practical feedback - please feel free to share videos and discussions after playing this rework.

All it took was 30 seconds of play testing to realize you failed to solve the core problems with Ash. Namely, the fact that he is still stuck in the same cutscene. This was one of, if not the, issue everyone had with Ash. But you didn't do a thing about you. You just increased the energy cost for his 4 and added LoS and you're calling it a "rework". Well, Ash is dead.

3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Endo (4K) 
  • Endo (2K) (radically lowered drop chance and spread across new additions) 
  • 3 Day Booster 
  • Lens/Greater Lens
  • 3 Nitain
  • Forma
  • Orokin Reactor/Catalyst Blueprint
  • Exilus Adaptor Blueprint
  • Legendary Core

Yay! Dilution!

3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

A next step here is being considered to add a completely new Ayatan in the place of 2K Endo to give collectors and Endo hunters something to look forward to.

No! A next step is to give is a way to earn Riven mods that aren't totally RNG!

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