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Ash Revisited Feedback Megathread


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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

^140+ bumps

DE Danielle 11 bumps. Most are not fine with it. Actually go through the thread see who likes it and who doesn't. No, most are definitely not fine with it. Although they can still play with him well because he's their favorite.  

That's understandable. That a kneejerk reaction to any nerf. It's undeniable that old Ash was clearing rooms easily. I once got the most kills in an event spamming his 4 while using a laptop at 8 fps. I was away and had to use an integrated gpu laptop. I could barely make out what was going on, it was slide show, yet I still outperformed others by just spamming 4. You take power away from a spammy player base and they will be undeniably upset and find it hard to adjust. 

Yes, he was nerfed.... But he's not terrible and still highly effective. The page count in this thread means nothing in relation to his "problems". Worse frames with glaring problems have less pages. This thread is just basically an Ash hangout spot. Notice how you don't really see new threads on Ash? Compare that to frames with real issues and you'll see multiple new threads asking for changes. Mags crush for example.

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I still think his ultimate needs to be changed while his other abilities need to receive some form of utility buff, I have no issues in the ultimate being taken away and replaced with something else, even an utility based skill could be interesting for Ash, a stealth frame does not to be all about having damage based abilities, although Shuriken could use some kind of Slash Bleed Proc to make use out his passive.

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6 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

That's understandable. That a kneejerk reaction to any nerf. It's undeniable that old Ash was clearing rooms easily. I once got the most kills in an event spamming his 4 while using a laptop at 8 fps. I was away and had to use an integrated gpu laptop. I could barely make out what was going on, it was slide show, yet I still outperformed others by just spamming 4. You take power away from a spammy player base and they will be undeniably upset and find it hard to adjust. 

Yes, he was nerfed.... But he's not terrible and still highly effective. The page count in this thread means nothing in relation to his "problems". Worse frames with glaring problems have less pages. This thread is just basically an Ash hangout spot. Notice how you don't really see new threads on Ash? Compare that to frames with real issues and you'll see multiple new threads asking for changes. Mags crush for example.

It would be helpful if you were to add something to the conversation. Do you think Blade Storm is better or worse? Do you think it is less cinematic now? (which was the stated goal of the rework) Do you think Blade Storm is worthwhile versus teleporting and using a strong melee weapon? I don't think anyone is dissing the change to Smokescreen, the change to casting makes a big difference even though it was a small change.

If you were to say you think we should be more patient, that's fine, but Ash is still their ninja in a space ninja game, and he's pretty dang cool. I think making him more satisfying to play would make the game better, more than simply concluding he's fine because he *can* do things well (mainly because of how broken invisibility is). Of course, I like my suggestion the best since it prevents Ash from spamming Blade Storm, but also makes the ability very good and fast when it comes out - but there are plenty of very great suggestions in this thread, and I believe many would be better than what we currently have.

Not denying other frames could use good changes as well, but I don't think anyone here is saying those frames shouldn't get attention. Plus starting a new thread isn't really proper when there's a megathread for the feedback on a particular thing.

Edited by Neightrix
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13 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

But most aren't unhappy. Most are fine with Ash and perform great with him in all content. They just don't come to this thread.

Quite incorrect. Only those who played at max effi are happy, because they didn't get touched by the nerf at all and were playing Slideshow simulator to begin with, so more cutscene doesn't bother them. Players who actually played with varied builds still had a power ultimate, but now it's either Max Efficiency, Energize or Zenurik, forced because f^ck build diversity.

13 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

This thread is just the same few people hanging out trying to get his 4 changed into a lame uncreative fan-fic stance ability.

At least we try to fix the problems DE didn't bother to (because the point was nerf ash and nothing else). Other style of abilities have been suggested, but a Stance just fits him, has the potential to solve nearly all problems and it's fully interactive. It's just the path of less resistance.

13 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Most of the criticism is just gross exaggerations.

Only if by "gross exaggerations" you mean "actual in-game stats defined by DE and true in practice to their tooltip"

13 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

This is probably why it gets ignored. There are far bigger problems with other frames too.

Bigger problems, I can sort of believe that, and it's the only true thing you have to say really, because all your other arguments have been debunked already, repeatedly.

13 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Most of the Ash complaints in this particular thread are just nitpicks.

El muerto se asusta del degollado.


12 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

That's understandable. That a kneejerk reaction to any nerf. It's undeniable that old Ash was clearing rooms easily. I once got the most kills in an event spamming his 4 while using a laptop at 8 fps. I was away and had to use an integrated gpu laptop. I could barely make out what was going on, it was slide show, yet I still outperformed others by just spamming 4. You take power away from a spammy player base and they will be undeniably upset and find it hard to adjust. 

We who keep this thread going actually pointed out MANY times that old Blade Storm was a spammy overpowered sh*t. Hence why some didn't run with Max Effi and just used it when it was deemed logical (ie: a huge horde of tough enemies). Spammers like you were the root of the problem.

12 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Yes, he was nerfed.... But he's not terrible and still highly effective.

As long as you don't use Blade Storm, as it far outclassed by SS and Teleport.

12 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Worse frames with glaring problems have less pages

And none of them had their chance to get fixed used to massively nerf them and increasing the number of problems. Nor do they have a group that defends sh*tty changes denying all the factual evidence that they s*ck.

12 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

. Notice how you don't really see new threads on Ash? Compare that to frames with real issues and you'll see multiple new threads asking for changes. Mags crush for example.

Actually, new threads pop every week or so, they just get instantly merged here.

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49 minutes ago, (PS4)kingbrown2012 said:

Ashes stance should have the manic movements that's all I want on it 

Mechanically it is feasible.

First replace the Dodge animations on Ash during said hypothetical stance with similar (or same) animations as Limbo's Rift Walk.

Second make Ash's model briefly invisible during said animation. Recomended is the use of Naramon's Shadowstep graphic invisibility, which is more subtle.

Third add smoke and particle effects akin to the ones produced by initiating current BS marking mode.

Presto, short Manic dashes added without actually developing anything new.


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11 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

Mechanically it is feasible.

First replace the Dodge animations on Ash during said hypothetical stance with similar (or same) animations as Limbo's Rift Walk.

Second make Ash's model briefly invisible during said animation. Recomended is the use of Naramon's Shadowstep graphic invisibility, which is more subtle.

Third add smoke and particle effects akin to the ones produced by initiating current BS marking mode.

Presto, short Manic dashes added without actually developing anything new.


That would be BA!

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On 6/27/2017 at 9:32 AM, Nazrethim said:

That is correct. This second passive "Death Mark" and the Shuriken rework are actually part of a bigger Rework concept. In it, the passive also affects Teleport. Tap to teleport to the aimed location, staggering and opening to Finisher attacks to enemies in a small radius. Hold to unleash what is current Blade Storm on targets marked by the passive.

Blade Storm would then be changed into a Duration-based Stance Ultimate that focuses on proper combo use and Finisher attacks. Basic combo would do nothing special, pause combo would feature Finisher openings and RMB would feature dash attack for improved mobility in battle. Combos would be 3 to 4 inputs long (opposed to EB, Hysteria and Primal Fury's 6 to 8 inputs long combos). Finisher attacks in this mode would cause clones to show up to finish nearby enemies, dealing the same damage as Ash, effectively giving him multi-kill Finisher attacks. This feature would work on Teleport!Hold Finishers too, effectively giving a more controlled Blade Storm as powerful as old, interactive but retaining the "cutscene" (now made entirely optional).

In said rework concept Smoke Screen is also changed: Tap to cast at Ash's feet, Hold to cast at aimed location. Creating a Smoke Cloud that chokes and opens enemies in it to Finishers, and making Ash invisible while inside the cloud and for 8s after leaving it (mechanically, the invisibility would be a top-screen buff applied every second inside the cloud, the ability icon would display the cloud's remaining duration). Cloud duration would be 12s. Smoke Shadow Augment would enable Allies to gain the benefits of Smoke Screen.

All "Hold" features would be on a fixed 1s long hold with auto-release, tailored for fast paced gameplay as opposed to, say, Ivara's Quiver which is for a more relaxed style of play.


The "marked enemies can be seen trough walls" would be an interesting feature, and it could be added by default or from an Exilus Augment mod, which would make it the first Passive Augment mod too.

This...this is great, Nazarethim are you Canadian? DE should consider hiring you.

You mention a "Bigger rework concept" is it further back in the mega thread? I'd love to read the rest of the ideas floating about

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14 minutes ago, helghastgunner said:

This...this is great, Nazarethim are you Canadian? DE should consider hiring you.

You mention a "Bigger rework concept" is it further back in the mega thread? I'd love to read the rest of the ideas floating about

I'm from Argentina. I am not actually looking to work in DE, my area of expertise is mostly theoretical. I have very limited programming or modelling skills/knowledge. I'm just savvy about general basic game design and mechanics (triggers, interactions, etc). I do have some experience in game balancing since I worked as "advisor" for a few friends who wanted to release indie games (none of them went into market but they were very playable).

A condensed version of it:


This is a rework focused on finesse rather than brute force. Skill and attention over turning your brain off. I can answer any technical questions about how it would mechanically work behind the smoke and flash.

Ash rework:

Passive: Hemorrhage

Increases Bleed damage by 20% and Duration by 50%

Passive: Mark of the Assassin.

While aiming, gliding or latching, Ash marks enemies. Marked enemies take 20% extra Finisher and Bleed damage. Mark lasts 10s and uses no energy. Enemies marked are highlighted on the radar. 50m range.



Tap: Ash throws a Shuriken in a straight line, dealing heavy Puncture damage, impaling enemies on walls. Has 3.0 punch trough. Also applies a Bleed proc.

Hold: After holding for 1s, Ash throws a barrage of smaller, seeking shurikens to all marked enemies, dealing Slash damage. Also applies a Bleed proc.

Seeking Shuriken:

 -Tap: removes 100% enemy Armor and ricochets on a surface it can't pass trough up to 3 times.

 -Hold: removes 50% enemy Armor.

Smoke Screen:

Ash creates a cloud of smoke that lasts for 12s (base duration at max ability lvl). Ash is invisible while inside the cloud and for 8s after leaving the cloud. Enemies inside the cloud are blinded and open for Finisher attacks. Cloud radius is 3m.

Tap: cast at Ash's feet.

Hold (1s): cast at the surface Ash is aiming (20m range max with default Power Range)

Smoke Shadow: Allies who enter/pass trough the cloud also gain invisibility while inside it and for 8s after leaving the cloud.


Tap: Ash teleports to the target location, stunning and opening nearby enemies to Finisher attacks. Cost 25 energy.

Hold: Ash goes into a rampage, teleporting and attacking all marked enemies with his currently equiped weapon (essentially current blade storm) for 15 energy (10 if invisible) per enemy.

Fatal Teleport:

 -Refunds 50% of the cost on next kill.

 -Tap: Ash will Finish the nearest enemy instantly, triggering a second radial stagger with opening.

 -Hold: Increase Finisher damage 200%


Blade Storm:

Ash enters into Blade Storm mode (he pulls his blades out and vents more smoke). Roll, Sidestep and Backspring are replaced by manic-like teleports. On Finisher attacks Ash will rapidly teleport between enemies assassinating small groups (alternatively 3 holographic clones will show up to do a Finisher on nearby enermies, essentially Ash Finish up to 4 enemies per finisher attack in this mode)

Combos are a mix of kicks and vicious blade attacks.

Basic combo (EEE): Does nothing special.

Combo 1 (EEpauseEE): hit>hit>radial attack with Bleed procs>Open an enemy in front of Ash to Finisher attack.

Combo 2 (Ermb+EE) Ash lunges forward in a puff of smoke, stabbing and inflicting Bleed on enemies in line.

Duration based ultimate. Tap while active to refresh, Hold to cancel. Base duration at max rank is 15s

Rising Storm:

 -Increase COmbo counter while in Blade Storm by 10s and the combo counter increase by +0.25x


Conclave version:

Passive: Hemorrhage

Melee strikes inflict a Bleed proc dealing 10% of the weapons Slash damage per second for 3s

Passive: Mark of the Assassin

Only marks on radar. Has 10m marking range and falls off when enemy is 20m away. Lasts only 5s.


-Tap deals 70 Puncture damage

-Hold deals 25 Slash damage+10 Bleed over 10s

Smoke Screen:

Cloud duration is 6s, lingering invisibility is 4s. Attacking, casting abilities or picking items cancels lingering invisbility but not cloud invisibility. It also increases Mobility by 0.4

Tear Gas:

-Enemies that enter the cloud are Blinded while inside it and for 1.5s after leaving it.

Teleport: (Tap only, Hold function disabled)

Ash teleports to the location he is aiming. (Doesn't trigger a Stagger)

Blade Storm:

Doesn't trigger Finishers, instead it deals heavy damage (not oneshot though) and inflicts a Bleed proc on hit. Lasts only 10s.

Sinister Shadow (Augment):

Ash leaves an afterimage of himself whenever he performs a dash. Lasts 2s.

It creates a static decoy that doesn't move nor has collision of any type, it's purpose is deception/distraction.


Note: Conclave abilities work mostly the same as the PvE counterparts, the mechanics listed are only the changes for balance.

For my design approach, this (now closed) thread:

Of note: The Conclave version of Teleport is already in-game since Chains of Harrow update. The range is 20m and doesn't require terrain, just teleports Ash 20m in whatever direction he is aiming. DE listens.

Edited by Nazrethim
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52 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

I'm from Argentina. I am not actually looking to work in DE, my area of expertise is mostly theoretical. I have very limited programming or modelling skills/knowledge. I'm just savvy about general basic game design and mechanics (triggers, interactions, etc). I do have some experience in game balancing since I worked as "advisor" for a few friends who wanted to release indie games (none of them went into market but they were very playable).

A condensed version of it:

  Reveal hidden contents

This is a rework focused on finesse rather than brute force. Skill and attention over turning your brain off. I can answer any technical questions about how it would mechanically work behind the smoke and flash.

Ash rework:

Passive: Hemorrhage

Increases Bleed damage by 20% and Duration by 50%

Passive: Mark of the Assassin.

While aiming, gliding or latching, Ash marks enemies. Marked enemies take 20% extra Finisher and Bleed damage. Mark lasts 10s and uses no energy. Enemies marked are highlighted on the radar. 50m range.



Tap: Ash throws a Shuriken in a straight line, dealing heavy Puncture damage, impaling enemies on walls. Has 3.0 punch trough. Also applies a Bleed proc.

Hold: After holding for 1s, Ash throws a barrage of smaller, seeking shurikens to all marked enemies, dealing Slash damage. Also applies a Bleed proc.

Seeking Shuriken:

 -Tap: removes 100% enemy Armor and ricochets on a surface it can't pass trough up to 3 times.

 -Hold: removes 50% enemy Armor.

Smoke Screen:

Ash creates a cloud of smoke that lasts for 12s (base duration at max ability lvl). Ash is invisible while inside the cloud and for 8s after leaving the cloud. Enemies inside the cloud are blinded and open for Finisher attacks. Cloud radius is 3m.

Tap: cast at Ash's feet.

Hold (1s): cast at the surface Ash is aiming (20m range max with default Power Range)

Smoke Shadow: Allies who enter/pass trough the cloud also gain invisibility while inside it and for 8s after leaving the cloud.


Tap: Ash teleports to the target location, stunning and opening nearby enemies to Finisher attacks. Cost 25 energy.

Hold: Ash goes into a rampage, teleporting and attacking all marked enemies with his currently equiped weapon (essentially current blade storm) for 15 energy (10 if invisible) per enemy.

Fatal Teleport:

 -Refunds 50% of the cost on next kill.

 -Tap: Ash will Finish the nearest enemy instantly, triggering a second radial stagger with opening.

 -Hold: Increase Finisher damage 200%


Blade Storm:

Ash enters into Blade Storm mode (he pulls his blades out and vents more smoke). Roll, Sidestep and Backspring are replaced by manic-like teleports. On Finisher attacks Ash will rapidly teleport between enemies assassinating small groups (alternatively 3 holographic clones will show up to do a Finisher on nearby enermies, essentially Ash Finish up to 4 enemies per finisher attack in this mode)

Combos are a mix of kicks and vicious blade attacks.

Basic combo (EEE): Does nothing special.

Combo 1 (EEpauseEE): hit>hit>radial attack with Bleed procs>Open an enemy in front of Ash to Finisher attack.

Combo 2 (Ermb+EE) Ash lunges forward in a puff of smoke, stabbing and inflicting Bleed on enemies in line.

Duration based ultimate. Tap while active to refresh, Hold to cancel. Base duration at max rank is 15s

Rising Storm:

 -Increase COmbo counter while in Blade Storm by 10s and the combo counter increase by +0.25x


Conclave version:

Passive: Hemorrhage

Melee strikes inflict a Bleed proc dealing 10% of the weapons Slash damage per second for 3s

Passive: Mark of the Assassin

Only marks on radar. Has 10m marking range and falls off when enemy is 20m away. Lasts only 5s.


-Tap deals 70 Puncture damage

-Hold deals 25 Slash damage+10 Bleed over 10s

Smoke Screen:

Cloud duration is 6s, lingering invisibility is 4s. Attacking, casting abilities or picking items cancels lingering invisbility but not cloud invisibility. It also increases Mobility by 0.4

Tear Gas:

-Enemies that enter the cloud are Blinded while inside it and for 1.5s after leaving it.

Teleport: (Tap only, Hold function disabled)

Ash teleports to the location he is aiming. (Doesn't trigger a Stagger)

Blade Storm:

Doesn't trigger Finishers, instead it deals heavy damage (not oneshot though) and inflicts a Bleed proc on hit. Lasts only 10s.

Sinister Shadow (Augment):

Ash leaves an afterimage of himself whenever he performs a dash. Lasts 2s.

It creates a static decoy that doesn't move nor has collision of any type, it's purpose is deception/distraction.


Note: Conclave abilities work mostly the same as the PvE counterparts, the mechanics listed are only the changes for balance.

For my design approach, this (now closed) thread:

Of note: The Conclave version of Teleport is already in-game since Chains of Harrow update. The range is 20m and doesn't require terrain, just teleports Ash 20m in whatever direction he is aiming. DE listens.

A small victory for you ash mains eh, now if DE could do something for snipers...

Anyways thank you

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35 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Talked to Scott....He's more interested in looking at Mag than Ash

Coarse he is, Mag is his favorite. But Mag is still a mess, IMO. Her crush will be pointless to use on the open world tilset, one cast and the probability is high for her to be dropped like a bad habit. 

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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28 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Talked to Scott....He's more interested in looking at Mag than Ash

We're still gonna keep pushing them to solve the mess they created in the first place. No matter who gets reworked/fixed first, the only thing that matters is that the fixes are done.

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9 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

We're still gonna keep pushing them to solve the mess they created in the first place. No matter who gets reworked/fixed first, the only thing that matters is that the fixes are done.

Exactly, it's totally fine if Mag (who does need to be looked at) is being looked at first. As long as they actually express some remote intention to rework Ash, that is what truly matters. And quite honestly, many of the older Warframes should be retouched and updated. Some of them just feel so outdated (even if their powers are generally practical and useful) in the face of the upcoming open world. Warframe is approaching a new frontier, so it just feels out of place to have Warframes with outdated mechanics. Ash is such a Warframe. So if there's a few other Warframes in line for a rework before him, that's fine. As long as Ash is on the radar, is what's important.

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On 11/6/2017 at 3:39 PM, Nazrethim said:

And if they read all the comments they will find:

-Players hate (or at least stop enjoying) the cutscenes after seeing them 10 times.

-Marking mode is really bad and didn't actually change anything in the ability

-Players were expecting something much better or at least different

-Stance Ultimate being a rather disliked option, even though it's probably the best option, or at least the path of less resistance to actually fix the frame's problems. Interestingly, the opposition is roughly written as "I don't want another cheesy exalted blade"

-People who don't know any better and think the changes are good despite all evidence pointing the other way.

-Players who don't notice it's a nerf because they use Max Efficiency or some other broken way to get infinite energy and thus were not really harmed by the revisit. They play music while Rome burns around them and they don't care (or notice)

-People who dislike or never played the frame an are happy about the nerf (and even they are aware it's a straight nerf)

-Rework suggestions that go from possible and practical to ludicrous and a nightmare to code to really really sh*tty with poor forethought.

-Players pointing out the rework didn't actually change anything in playstyle, and if it did, it was rather inconsecuential or titanically bad.

-Players asking DE for an answer or another rework, an actual rework

-DE not giving a single word on any of the subjects and seemingly ignoring the fact they just butchered a frame and ruined it's chance for greatness


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At this point, I feel removing the cutscenes and damage lockout, and instead have Ash spawn clones to assassinate his targets, would be a significant improvement to the ability, as the cinematic value is quickly lost as the effect becomes repetitive and limiting. If the intent is for Ash to kill a whole bunch of targets at once, while still paying more attention to the victims he kills, it might be better to have the first mark set a time window where Ash can mark other targets as normal, then have all the clones spawn at the end of the window. It might also be better to limit the number of marks per enemy to one, while increasing the mark damage in compensation, as the current mode of application makes Ash players spam-click and rotate their screen just to emulate the effects of the ability's previous interaction. At its simplest, having Ash mark a target for a clone to strike them after a delay could already be a thematically valid and cool ability, even if it's slightly different from Bladestorm's current kill-everything mode of usage (though that could be replicated by just using the ability many times in quick succession).

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Cyotis said:

Please do not mess with Smoke Screen. It is perfect where it is at as a one handed ability. Maybe increase duration but I'm being greedy. I think he is awesome where he is. I love my duration Ash build as my main.

Actualy, if ye paid attention to the thread, you may notice we don't want to mess with the "one handed" part, rather make the actual effect of the ability better.

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I just got to play Ash again, and I have some thoughts:

1. His 4 aka Bladestorm when done without energy, maybe let him stay at the last enemy affected instead of teleporting back to his initial spot, and maybe even staggering the last enemy affected like his Teleport ability that opens the enemy up for finishers. Or just a stagger.

2. His Bladestorm again, when casted during invisibility, remove the animation and let Ash do whatever he wants while his *clones* does the killing.


I seriously think these suggestions will make Ash more interactive and will be very good with the game.

Your call now.

Edited by Lorienzo
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Things wrong with Ash`s bladestorm

·         He can`t use bs in a team because other players kill the marked target e.g ember, mirage with simulor etc.

·         He can`t kill in an AOE anymore.

·         The animation is shown for every enemy marked which means bs is way longer than before.

·         Activating bs is slow because of the two stages.

·         When using bs without a melee weapon is even slower to use before the change.

·         It`s harder to activate bs on a controller than on PC.

The corrected way to rework bs is to keep the old bs but with small changes;

·         Enemies that are marked can be killed by players

·         Make bs be able to kill as many enemies that are within his radius

·         If players don’t want to watch animation press 4 again to come out of it and the clones will continue killing while Ash kills other thing but you can`t use bs again until all marked enemies are dead. So the animation is still there but you have a choice whether you want to watch the animation or not. Also if a teammate is downed ash can come out of bs and revive the downed teammate.

·         Make bs set with an appropriate speed then make melee mods with fury speed up bs.

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 I felt Ash was perfect the way he originally  was yet I understand why they changed him,His current Bladestorm were you move your reticle over the targets is to slow all while allies are killing your mark target with Ember world on fire Equinox Main   Etc Etc making you feel useless to the team and why bother. Before Ash could Blade storm groups of enemies was it accurate and perfect No.In fact he would sometimes missed enemies that were the closest to him but I actually preferred it the way it was versus now I hand-pick my mark targets while I'm moving around the environments walls objects are all in my way there in every mission.

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