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Not every single new weapon needs to have self damage, it's really dumb in all actuality, especially with the newest edition to that, the Javlok, being as we have 0 indication of how wide that area of AoE damage is.  With the cannon's it works because we have an explosion effect that directly tells us "Here is where it hurts" but to just have an arbitrary 'zone' of insta-kill is really lame, and the fact that you're putting this on a weapon where it's coolest function is essentially a 1-time use thing just makes it all the worse.  I love the idea of more of these melee-gun kinda weapons, but please stop putting stupid things like this on them.  Just let them be fun.

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"Every" New gun? We literally have 7 guns that inflict self damage to the degree it can kill you. Ogris, Penta and S penta, Zarr, Angstrum, Kulstar, and now the Javlok. After these, MAYBE the other spear guns MIGHT have self damage, but it's gunna be a long time before more come out, probably. 

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There's nothing wrong with self damage it keeps people from mindless gameplay and is a balancing mechanism for the spear so you can't immediately pick it back up after throwing it at your feet, explosives are about making effective use of the weapon so if you can't resist the urge to throw your explosive weapon at enemies that are in melee range then maby you should consider another primary.

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I see absolutely nothing wrong with self-damage. After killing myself with a Secura Penta countless times (seriously, I have failed missions because of my lack of ability to aim this thing), I can honestly say that all explosives should have this mechanic. Yes, including Tonkor.

You may not like it, but it's a fair mechanic in a game where we're basically gods anyways. Self-damage on explosions only makes sense with how disgustingly powerful they are. 

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You're all missing the point.  My problem is not with self-damage itself.  It's with slapping self damage on things where it doesn't belong.  IE: A thrown spear.  The only reason the spear has AoE damage at all is to make it more viable to throw it since otherwise you could just as easily take them down with the primary fire.  I don't care if an explosive weapon does self-damage, and even stated in the post (If any of you had bothered to actually read more than one sentence) that it makes perfect sense on weapons that actually have some kind of explosion or AoE graphic.  But to just give me an arbitrary, invisble kill-zone on a weapon that has no business doing self-damage or even AoE damage in the first place, is dumb.

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nah, i think every weapon that deals aoe-damage should do self damage - maybe not the full deal of damage it doe to enemies, but that would be meaningless anyway concidering the way we put our weapons to peer with small nukes ^.^  but, what should be changed is this silly behaviour of aoe-weapons that do full damage upto a range of xx-meter and only one mm more it is save to stand... let them have a damage falloff like a aoe-weapon should have. people who complain about selfdamage only need to learn using the damn thing a bit more smarter than just pulling the trigger when ever something dare to walk by them (seriously, i shudder by the though of those people ever being in the military and given an aoe-weapon...). and yes, before anyone whine about stupid team mates running around in your line fire - let those weapons be damage to our team members too (ok, that might only invite pk-trolls - we saw what happen with the "friendly fire" condition in nightmare mode...). anyway, since you can use penta and kulstar too and only once in a while blow yourself up, i see no need to have them reduced to enemy-only-damage.

maybe a compromise would be in order? like the self damage only affect our shields (yeah, i know: inaros you cheater, go home and take your decaying key with ya!). oder maybe only a fixed procentual damage from the rest of shield and health? this way we would not blow ourself up ever, but might die anyway if enemies are nearby throwing harsh language at us ;)

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On 12/17/2016 at 10:09 PM, Moysa said:

is it bad that i use said weapons to self proc chromas vex armor? 2 throws of that javelin straight down, and im good to go wreck everything in my path

I do this every so often too, It's nice not having to rely on those storm troopers trying to shoot you to max it out.

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3 hours ago, Vyra said:

why does it have self damage when tonkor has no self damage?

I think the better question is, why don't space ninjas have a secret way to avoid self damage for everything, aside from the Tonkor?

I think self-damage for explosive weapons should be just straight up capped across the board, no more special exceptions just give us a knockdown proc and a big chunk of damage.


I took the Javlok out for a 'field test' in an alert and... it's a PITA with its current self-damage. First as said above you can't see how big the range is for the explosion, and second you can be careful as you like but you'll still have stupid stuff happen.

First self-damage that nearly killed me happened when a squad mate ran in front of me at just the right time to catch my throw point-blank. That hurt.

Second self-damage that mission was... weird... I threw the Javlok at a wall 20 meters away from atop a rock, but instead it goes straight down into the ground at the base of the rock not even a meter away from me.

Two good examples of why not-capped lethal self-damage is BS.

Edited by Sennera
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Get rid of Self-Damage and replace it with a stun animation. Player makes a mistake and he's forced to take a knee for whatever the damge inflicted requires depending on how bad it was. But they are up and back running and in the fight instead of dying. This way if they get trolled they don't have to be spat on by their so called teammates having fun at their expense while denying them the satisfaction of killing another player on purpose.

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On 17.12.2016. at 10:23 PM, Syln said:

There's only a handfull of self damaging weapons but i agree with you in regard of the irrelevance of self damage, it should be capped like the tonkor's. (i don't even understand why it(s not already the case).

Pretty much this.

The self damage is either so irrelevant, Tonkor users don't even know it's there or it's just "1 shot city". I am more of a proponent of being responsible with your aiming especially with AoE weapons. I'd suggest the self damage being equal to an unmodded frame's max health, so min/maxed builds get to be careful, but if you have Vitality, you get some room for mistakes.

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Throwing Javlock while moving is also useless because of its slow animation speed and slow flight speed.

I hate self dmg weapons and I think they have no place in fast pace game.Also no one uses them.When was the last time you seen someone with ogris,penta,angstrum...?

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8 minutes ago, RistN said:

Throwing Javlock while moving is also useless because of its slow animation speed and slow flight speed.

I hate self dmg weapons and I think they have no place in fast pace game.Also no one uses them.When was the last time you seen someone with ogris,penta,angstrum...?

Not since right after they first released; the "Master fodder" phase of the weapon lifetime.

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