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Post Anything New That You Find Out About The Infested Room [The Infection Spreads Through Player Contact In Missions & Dojos!]


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On 11/13/2016 at 9:14 PM, Ailissa said:

No they didn't, they said the infested frame was something else entirely.


That door has nothing to do with the infested frame.

So the infested frame was released for PC and uh.. I think it actually does have something to do with the door because nidus is the only frame that can open it.

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Its something that is bothering me, but should a part of the Orbiter be locked behind a specific Warframe?

Because as far as we are concerned: The Glast Gambit is an optional Quest, while TWW and TSD are needed to advance throught the starchart (the unlocking of the Operator and Sorties) and being able to use any Warframe in them.

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some one should organize a big meetup where everyone goes to 1 dojo to infect/ get infected.

I have a theory that the more people you infect the bigger the growth will grow, then eventually you will feed the talking plant

20 minutes ago, AtroSpiker said:

I guess we'll have to do just that then.

I'm in, who inv? ;)

Edited by Xenox_Ilz-ot
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I'm guessing that the quest is an "inbetween" quest, where we get introduced to characters that may be very important or at least play a part in the next cinematic quest and the quest in general acts as a "bridge" to quests in the future with the being behind the infested door for example, while it may not have huge ramifications on the lore like Second Dream and War Within did, it still expands on it and introduces a whole new faction of civilians into the game, which people have been asking for.

Maybe why only Nidus can open the infested door will be explained in the future? Maybe since Nidus is the "infestation" frame, it is trusted by the being inside the infested room and allowed in while other frames aren't trusted?

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My tumor hasn't grown again yet, but it does appear on the login screen when my nidus is sitting in the background. I'll update when the game decides its a new day for me and when it's been 24 hours since the original appearance of the tumor. @Imagination thanks for the launcher notes, I was going to look them up to see if there was any connection you just made my life easier.

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Just now, (Xbox One)Huntra5 said:

Sorry guys I'm a Xbox 1 player YE I know nub boo boo wutever. But has anyone taken there kubrow in there with nidus to see his dialogue ? Just suggestions not trying to get somones kubrow freaking murdered Lolz infested kubrow 😂

There is no way to force your kubrow into the room so I highly doubt there is anything there. Also I imagine if there was something it'd be with a kavat instead due to them eating infestation

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5 minutes ago, NovusNova said:

I'm guessing that the quest is an "inbetween" quest, where we get introduced to characters that may be very important or at least play a part in the next cinematic quest and the quest in general acts as a "bridge" to quests in the future with the being behind the infested door for example, while it may not have huge ramifications on the lore like Second Dream and War Within did, it still expands on it and introduces a whole new faction of civilians into the game, which people have been asking for.

Maybe why only Nidus can open the infested door will be explained in the future? Maybe since Nidus is the "infestation" frame, it is trusted by the being inside the infested room and allowed in while other frames aren't trusted?

After you sat down on the Chair and the mark on your neck developed (should take one day) you can actually infect other Warframes (if you walk close to them you will hear a sound, then see a cloud around them and somethign will grow for a sec on them and then be sucked into the frame, only works in Clandojos and Missions though, not in the Relay).

I don't know, but maybe you will (once the quest is set to active, or maybe it takes a few days for it to be activated) be able to enter this room with any frame that is infected?


On a side note, that Mark you get after sitting on the Chair propably will grow. Before one of the Hotfixes if you were looking at the Starchart you could see a massive infestation on the neck, exactly where you were poked by the chair. After one of the Hotfixes it now shows the mark you really have. So maybe the Quest is already in the Game and just takes a bit to activate and we actually got more with this update then we think?

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2 minutes ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

A pic would be nice.

No pic either but I can confirm that this is the case. Also works during Missions. Only place it doesn't seem to happen is the Relay. Might take a Day after the Chair stabbed you till you can do it yourself (since the mark on your neck only developes after 1 Day). No Idea if another Warframe if they are infected can spread it too once they developed the mark.

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19 minutes ago, NovusNova said:

I'm guessing that the quest is an "inbetween" quest, where we get introduced to characters that may be very important or at least play a part in the next cinematic quest and the quest in general acts as a "bridge" to quests in the future with the being behind the infested door for example, while it may not have huge ramifications on the lore like Second Dream and War Within did, it still expands on it and introduces a whole new faction of civilians into the game, which people have been asking for.

Maybe why only Nidus can open the infested door will be explained in the future? Maybe since Nidus is the "infestation" frame, it is trusted by the being inside the infested room and allowed in while other frames aren't trusted?

That is a good question, but... for such thing, Nidus would have to be farmable again (I mean the BP as a constant reward), I think we will get this Quest as a repeatable one sooner than the others because it has a part needed for future progress if the door opens ONLY with him, as of right now, and if someone makes the mistake of selling his BP... only Market then.

I can say the same about the Quest based frames too now that I think about it, but they lock the Warframes out, not something like a "Future mechanic".

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22 hours ago, Evers said:

No pic either but I can confirm that this is the case. Also works during Missions. Only place it doesn't seem to happen is the Relay. Might take a Day after the Chair stabbed you till you can do it yourself (since the mark on your neck only developes after 1 Day). No Idea if another Warframe if they are infected can spread it too once they developed the mark.

Something tells me..its going to be the WoW plague....maybe.

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