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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

You really dislike the Riven mods don't you?, tho I'm quite interested in why you do excaly, your free to PM me about it, so we don't either retail the topic or go off topic. 

Righto, give me half an hour or so, I'll put on some coffee and some concentration music, gonna write me a goddamned dissertation on why Riven mods are unbelievably bad for the game and are a terrible sign of things to come.


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Alright so, first things first: Why do I not have the choice for this yet, do I have to wait until tomorrow or so?, or do I have to wait until my "Cysts" grows a little hair-piece before I can use it?.

Now onto the topic at hand: Why, by all the gods of everything is everyone bashing DE about this Infested Charger?, alot of fokes did want to have a either Infested Pet/MOA Pet down the road and here we go, we got it.

While I will agree, yes a re-used model is quite disappointing and such, but what about the people who want to have the Charger model?, I;'ll like that answered please. Lastly all the bugs with it so far. (Kurbrow armor, Krubrow mod desgin, etc). Will be fixed in a patch I am sure.


As for changing its model, yeah no thanks, the only way I can see it getting changed is that they remove the Grinner model/textures and just meld a bit of kurbrow in there. Kurbrow feet & Infested Charger feet. Mixed with Feral Kurbrow, parts. While still keeping the Infested chargers head and scales.



Other then that, its all good.

Edited by LegionCynex
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So...basically we get a recycled model from all this...and recycled mods to go with it?


I'm not even surprised anymore. The Devs have a knack for coming up with half-baked ideas, and then taking those half-baked ideas and rushing out content in a half-baked / placeholder / buggy state with a note to patch / update later when time permits. And then they get all bewildered and disappointed when some of the community gets salty over said content. I've gotten to the point where every time they release something new, I ask myself "So...what's broken with this and how long will it take the dev's to get around to fixing what's broken about it?" 

Don't get me wrong. This infection > new pet idea is an interesting idea and I'm all for interesting ideas that promote and add to gameplay. I like that the dev's are throwing in stuff that we need to "discover" for ourselves by experimenting and poking around...and then sharing the results with others. This is a good way to build and grow a community and a different way to add content as well. I'll definitely give DE credit for that. It's just the planning and execution for this strikes me as being extremely rushed.

That said, call me when this new pet is updated to look more like an actual Infested Kubrow instead of a Charger model with a Kubrow skeletal rig.

So why a new model that looks like a mutated Kubrow? The cyst contains fluid with a Technocyte viral payload. The egg used is packed with Kubrow DNA. The virus mutates existing material / forms to suit a purpose or function. Therefore, combining the two should logically result in a Kubrow that's been twisted and mutated by the Ruinous Powers Technocyte Virus.

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Yeah, for anyone who reckons that this is just a placeholder model, well....why exactly would they rush their balls off to release a buggy update and let it fester over the vacation the way they've done if they didn't even have a model for it? Also, seen the Syndicate Spectres recently? People used to think they were placeholders too.


So, no. This is the model for the Helminth Charger. It is almost certainly not a placeholder, tiny Grineer helmet and all.

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16 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

Alright so, first things first: Why do I not have the choice for this yet, do I have to wait until tomorrow or so?, or do I have to wait until my "Cysts" grows a little hair-piece before I can use it?.

Now onto the topic at hand: Why, by all the gods of everything is everyone bashing DE about this Infested Charger?, alot of fokes did want to have a either Infested Pet/MOA Pet down the road and here we go, we got it. I just don't understand the salt.

While I will agree, yes a re-used model is quite disappointing and such, but what about the people who want to have the Charger model?, I;'ll like that answered please. Lastly all the bugs with it so far. (Kurbrow armor, Krubrow mod desgin, etc). Will be fixed in a patch I am sure.


As for changing its model, yeah no thanks, the only way I can see it getting changed is that they remove the Grinner model/textures and just meld a bit of kurbrow in there. Kurbrow feet & Infested Charger feet. Mixed with Feral Kurbrow, parts. While still keeping the Infested chargers head and scales.



Other then that, its all good.

Gotta wait for the hair to grow out of your pimple which should be on the 7th day to the exact hour you sat in the chair, but Idunno I'm crazy.


Either way I'm excited to get my own infested charger I've been wanting this for years!

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So it is just a charger then?

Which magically developed a grineer head, despite having no access whatsoever to Grineer DNA, and no reason to incorporate the highly defective Grineer DNA whatsoever?

I liked the idea of the cyst being used for a companion, but I would much, much, MUCH rather have had a pet maggot than a charger.

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2 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

So it is just a charger then?

Which magically developed a grineer head, despite having no access whatsoever to Grineer DNA, and no reason to incorporate the highly defective Grineer DNA whatsoever?

I liked the idea of the cyst being used for a companion, but I would much, much, MUCH rather have had a pet maggot than a charger.

Same here, especially with Nidus' updated maggot model.

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14 minutes ago, wolfking2k said:

Gotta wait for the hair to grow out of your pimple which should be on the 7th day to the exact hour you sat in the chair, but Idunno I'm crazy.


Either way I'm excited to get my own infested charger I've been wanting this for years!

Same here, and alright then thanks, and do me a favor and snip my quote please, As I edited it before you posted



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Yeah if running around and infecting people didn't shift your alignment to moon, turning an innocent kubrow into an infested charger really should do it. That's 6k mastery I'm NEVER getting.


Damnit DE hurry up and get back from vacation and give us the cure....I want this damn plague off of my Trinity Prime. Hell my friend has literally quit playing the game until a cure and/or vaccine is released.

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2 hours ago, Wurdyburd said:

Fashion police aside, who in the community ACTUALLY knows what it does? Do you? "Spreading it tilts your alignment wheel," sure, but nobody knows what the alignment wheel does either.
Someone who doesn't understand what the potential problem is, what a Tenno.

Yup, what a Tenno, you know that datamining exist? With that we know what the cyst does, and we also know what an "Helminth Charger" is.

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11 minutes ago, Rogue_Striker said:

I'm fine with it being a mini phorid, in fact I think it's great. I just hope it doesn't use kubrow sounds, a more grotesque version of kubrow howls would be okay.

the fact your mutating a kubrow yet it has ginreer mask/Armour and aspects bothers me.

it should have had a unique mutant kubrow model. 

this seems lazy.

someone said it had the same sounds/ animations as kubrows? (which is also lazy)


Edited by morningstar999
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48 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Righto, give me half an hour or so, I'll put on some coffee and some concentration music, gonna write me a goddamned dissertation on why Riven mods are unbelievably bad for the game and are a terrible sign of things to come.


Then post it in the forums, I'd gladly read it. 

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53 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Righto, give me half an hour or so, I'll put on some coffee and some concentration music, gonna write me a goddamned dissertation on why Riven mods are unbelievably bad for the game and are a terrible sign of things to come.


Well if you're going to do that much work then please make it a forum post and maybe some good can come from it! ;-)

Back on topic, the cyst on my Nidus doesn't look like anything has grown out of it yet so time is a factor and I'm a bit behind the cure there. But I guess that's ok because I also needed to build another Incubator power core which is going to take 8 hours... /sigh/ haha

Glad Argon Crystals drop like candy these days in the void,

I used to have to go look everywhere and sometimes still get none, now I always seem to have at least a few so that's something I suppose.

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18 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

I chuold settle down to a scaled up Maggot Model 

The thing I was actually thinking of is an actual maggot, as big as the cyst ends up being at its max size, just about. One that sits on your warframe's shoulder and hops off to bite enemies nearby, possibly doing toxin damage, possibly even hijacking their neural system and controlling them for a bit. That would be simultaneously cute, interesting gameplay and actually useful.

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